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Fantasy ❝ 𝙲 𝙾 𝙽 𝙲 𝙾 𝚁 𝙳 𝙸 𝙰 ❞ ─ 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔢

The Races
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Native to what is now known as the Republic of Ryseria, they are human-like, except for their notably sharper teeth, more elegant mannerisms and pointed ears. Often dubbed as the “Wild Children,” they are known for their nomadic lifestyle and tribal social structure. They practice many magics deemed “illegal” or “too dangerous” for human Enchanters (and even Celestials) to attempt writing in runes. This is because they are born with a third spiritual eye. This grants them the ability to see into the future (or past) as well as the lingering spirits of the deceased and make contact with them.


Original inhabitants of the lands that now make up the Vupaenth Kingdom. They are thought to be descended from celestial spirits, which explains on their ability to call on the stars for powers. They invented the Runic Alphabet that human Vupaenth Enchanters utilize to craft their magical items. They possess the unique innate ability to craft entirely new runes to substitue different enchantments for, instead of writing out the full enchantment (word for word) in the Runic Alphabet. They are also able to retain starlight in their bodies to fuel enchantments during the day, when the stars are not out. They can then “shift” this starlight into different vessel objects (such as a necklace) for easy transport and human use. An enchantment done by a Celestial far surpasses even the best human Enchanter’s work. Over time, they have interbred with humans and (currently) a little less than 2 000 full-blooded Celestials remain in Concordia. Many have fled down south to the Isles for more freedom to practice unregulated magics. A full-blooded Celestial has snow-white hair, eyes ranging from light gray to black and an uncharacteristically pale complexion, as their blood is silver. They are also noticeably taller than humans.


Currently account for 80% of the continent’s population. The reason why the humans gained so much power so quickly was their use of magical steeds; dragons, sky serpents and phoenixes used in battle during the early ages of Concordia were ruthless, and not even the most powerful creature could hold a candle to their prowess.


Although they and the Merfolk share common ancestors, never mistake the two. Ever. They will get seriously offended. Contrary to popular belief, Sirens and Merfolk are very different. While they’re both half-fish creatures have the gift of Song, the legend of their creation is as such: Sirens were created to serve the seas. Their purpose was to feed the ocean with as many souls as possible, thus they were not given the ability to shift into human forms naturally, since their job did not include mingling with their prey. They used their gift of Song to torment sailors, luring them to their deaths to fulfill the ocean’s needs. It was only recently (via the magical devices made by Vupaenth Enchanters) that they were able to gain human forms. Nevertheless, some proud traditionalist Sirens refuse to mingle with mankind, preferring to live out their lives in isolation, with the ocean for company. All Sirens are female. They’re created by the ocean and return to the ocean in death.


The Merfolk were also created by the ocean. Like Sirens, they were designed solely with the purpose to serve. Nothing more, nothing less. However, unlike the stoic Sirens, they thought beyond the basic purpose they were designed to fulfill. They sought connection with the humans and started utilizing the megical devices created by Celestials long before Sirens did. As a result, many interbred with humans. Their offspring were not recognized as the formal servants of the ocean and were not duty bound to serve. This intermingling of human genes happened so much that a substantial population of half-fish, half-human folk of either gender began existing in Concordia. They were subsequently dubbed the Merfolk and use their gift of Song to bring joy and happiness to listeners.


They belong in the Shifter category. Their populations started when humans fell prey to a strange disease; it was as if a higher paranormal force was tapping into their life force. Sufferers began exhibting strange symptoms.Sufferers transform into wolves upon the sight of the full moon. Their society is organized via a pack structure, as they’ve adapted to a new lifestyle over generations. Slowly, they started viewing their “disease” as a beneficial trait rather than a hinderance, as it brought an intimate sense of family. They reside in the Muthoag Isles.


Perhaps a most fatal disease suffered. The sufferer has a constant craving for blood and need to be in a state of restraint in the presence of the substance. As they evolved in the Isles, organized systems of feeding began taking place. Laws restricted Vampires from feeding on humans and other Concordian beings of equal intellect. Instead, they fed on numerous types of animal blood. Vampires have superior strength in their human forms and can transform into a bat on will.

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The Steeds
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Phoenixes are the steed of choice in Ryseria. These unique birds are each attuned to a natural element -- fire, water and earth. The Orviti ride the Earth Phoenixes, as they are primarily forest people. Earth Phoenixes bring a trail of vegetation in their wake as they move around, their habitats filled with luscious plant life. Their feathers have an odd characteristic to them. To the untrained eye, they look like dull brown with tints of black and green. However, when these feather are released on command, they turn into pieces of earth. From wooden arrows to sharpened pieces of rock to thorny vines, they can transform into anything an Earth Phoenix Rider commands it to, as long as it is an object connected with earth/vegetation. Each Earth Phoenix adopts the appearance characteristics of a plant/flower. For instance, an Orchid Earth Phoenix may leave orchids growing in their wake, orchid-shaped wings, etc. This takes a certain level of cultivation and training, as each Earth Phoenix is born as a blank slate.

Fire Phoenixes burn. Their feathers are alight with flame from the day they're hatched until the day they die. The level of heat they emit corresponds with their mood and temperment. (i.e Anger causes more heat). A Fire Phoenix Rider is immune to their own phoenix's flames, but that does not hold true with another Rider's phoenix. Combat is where these creature truly shine, as they are akin to a ball of utter destruction on the battlefield. Their flames are also useful in the weapon-smith's forges. They're the reason Ryseria has a reputation for producing the finest swords in the entire continent. Variations of flames to the standard red-orange one can be achieved through training. White fire is the hottest and only the a select few high-ranking members in the military have ever been able to achieve such a feat. Blue fire is second only to the white flame and a little more common.

Water Phoenixes are born with the ability to manipulate the waves. A single phoenix's abilities are limited to a few powerful waves, capable of knocking out a few opponents. However, a collective manipulation of the liquid is where their combat prowess shines through. Turbulent, near-tsunamis can be achieved if there are enough of them working together. Many people also underestimate the lethalness of water. Due to its ever-changing shape, a Water Phoenix can manipulate its shape to mimic a sword's edge. This, fired at high speed, is just as sharp as a knife. Water Phoenixes can breathe underwater and contribute greatly to the fishing industry.


Dragons are thought to be a gift of the Maker. Their wings give them the gift of flight, marking them as natural and therefore good. Not abominations or deviations like the steeds of Vupaenth Riders. Who, need to be given runes to attain such ability. Because of this, they view the Vupaenth Serpent as demonic, unnatural creature and everything associated with it (including their Riders) to be impure and essentially evil. One of the many reasons Weisslogia has never had a good relationship with their neighboring Kingdom. The Weisslogian Dragon is a formidable beast in battle, with its sharp talons, rough scales, curved horns/ridges and spiked tail. Unlike popular belief though, it cannot breathe fire. At least, not without being fed a special herb known as Flameweed. The effects of cosumption wear off anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. (Depending on the amount given). Nevertheless, Riders need to be careful with how much Flameweed their steed consumes, as too much may cause colic and eventual death. While Flameweed remains the feed of choice, many other Riders opt to give their Dragons Cartier's Flower (enables one to suck in air in great amounts, then release a windstorm), Yellowgrass (enables one to release electric energy), Death Breath (enables one to spit out a toxic substance) and many more.


The Serpents are wingless, their flight fuelled by the use of magic. In the northern lands, before the arrival of humans, Celestials populated the desolate landscape. They were taller than humans, had a complexion of snow and deft in the art of utilizing the stars. They invented the Runic Alphabet, a system of runes used to call upon the spirits within the stars as a source of power to create a magical effect. Runic Alphabet is akin to coding on a computer -- the enchantment's information must be written out in the Runic Alphabet. The information can then be stored in a variable -- a single new rune created by an individual that may be copied elsewhere to carry out the enchant's functions instead of writing out the information in its entirety once more. This means each Celestial has their own, unique set of crafted runes available only for their personal use. Many of the Celestials have since interbred with the humans of Vupaenth, creating halflings. As their blood becomes diluted with human genome, the ability craft runes fades. Today, there are few than 2 000 full-blooded Celestials left in Vupaenth, as many fled south to the Muthoag Isles for greater freedom. However, the good news is the Runic Alphabet can be used by anybody. Human enchantments are simply clumsier and longer than those of a Celestial's. Nevertheless, each Serpent is marked with enchantments of flight, swiftness, strength and whatever other characteristics their Rider desires. More powerful traits (such as, the ability to spit lightning) are more challenging to code in the Runic Alphabet. Since these runes rely on the power of the stars, a charm is required for for each Serpent to wear to ensure their runes still work. This charm is designed to trap starlight and save it for later use -- pretty much akin to a battery of some sort. A charm can come in the form of a necklace, rings, or any other accessories. It is important to note that one cannot enchant a living organism. The only reasons why Serpents are able to bear runes on their scales is because the enchanter specifically enchants the scales to carry out the function of the runes. Leaving this component out of the enchantment could lead drive the bearer of the runes to madness. Enchanting a human’s skin is also not a good idea, as a Serpent has a much greater surface area (for the lack of a better world) for the runes to charge and take effect. Human skin is a vessel that is far too fragile and provides a canvas that is way too small for anything beyond basic enchants anyway.

Vupaenth: Brief History & Hierarchy
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[COLOR=rgb(209, 213, 216])The Kingdom of Vupaenth has been locked in an seemingly endless war with Weisslogia since its creation. Home to the land of the Sky Serpent Riders, their lands are primarily covered with rocky, mountainous terrain and coniferous forests. There is little water available, except for the occasional pond and the Laurel River, flowing in from Laurel Gulf. Due to their lack of arable land, the Vupaenth rulers ordered their military forces to be expanded out, across the sea to Ryseria, where it eventually colonized Orvitus. After the rebellion (known as the "Great Humiliation"), Vupaenth has been left struggling. Nevertheless, the people of Vupaenth are proud -- they'd rather bend a full 360 degrees before ever breaking. Their pride is what currently fuels their struggle against Weisslogia, which grows more desperate by the day, as their economy (which mainly relies on the export of magical inventions/charms) continues to bear the brunt of the blows. Citizens grow restless as the monarchs do little to nothing to ease their day to day burdens. Talks of a rebellion have started trickling into the locals' gossip.[/COLOR]


The Imperial Court
King -- ruler of the Kingdom, general overseer of all Kingdom-related affairs

Ladies of the Court -- the wives of the King, there can be multiple, which leads to jealousy & competition for the King’s favour

Princes & Princesses -- children of the King & his Ladies, males vie for the coveted position of heir, while females try to gain status through marriage, as they can never rule

Advisor -- second only to the King in power, he heads the Imperial Court & is the right-hand man of the King

Regents -- the Court officials, they head each of the three Districts within the Kingdom

The War Committee
Warlords -- head of the War Committee that oversees the nations military affairs, there are three in total, one for each infantry division (Offensive, Defensive & Intelligence)

Tacticians -- intellectually talented individuals who specialize in formulating battle plans

Commanders -- head of the Leagues that make up an infantry division, there are nine total professional Leagues (with one League of each infantry division stationed in each of the three Districts)

Drill Sergeants -- heads of the rookie League stationed in the capital for training purposes

Captains -- one step down from Commanders, they oversee one branch of responsibility for each League, such as weaponry inventory, leading the medical team or doing logistics management

Division I: The Wealthy & Powerful
They are the ones who are the most powerful in common society, away from the games of politics and war. In short, it means they’ve got more money and family connections than everyone else does. All Division I individuals reside within District I, located in the heart of the Vupaenth Kingdom. They’re your big business owners, fashion moguls, celebrities, top-class Sky Serpent breeders and elite Enchanters, most of which are of Celestial descent and have made a name for themselves creating powerful devices used by the upper class. (Such as, the devices that enable the wearer to control water/fire/earth, breathe underwater, appear more attractive, etc.)
It is every Enchanter’s dream to be trained by one of these Celestial Enchanters, and those who manage to obtain apprenticeship eventually take their place in the upper class circle. In this world, it doesn’t matter what you do. As long as you’ve got money, power and influence will surely follow.

Division II: The Working Class
These make up for the majority of citizens in District II and Vupaenth in general. They’re your merchants/traders, small business owners (like, restaurants, bars, lounges, etc.), soldiers in the military, and many human Enchanters who were self-taught or received mediocre education. Generally considered to be the upper middle class, with skills that make them employable to those within the Imperial Court and War Committee. Artisans/crafters like weapon smiths, architects and top tailors reside within District II, where people of power seek their service. Scholars (individuals that are highly knowledgable in a certain field and conduct research) are also part of Division II, as Vupaenth value places emphasis on intelligence. The nationwide Higher Education Exam (H.E.E) is offered every year as an entry ticket to schools (in Norbury) dedicated to Scholarly training. Families with enough money hire tutors, while others are left to their own devices; often having to resort to self-studying in the Archives. While Scholars lead respectable lives, most are not willing to gamble their futures on studying for an institution they may or may not gain entry to, and instead choose to pursue a more practical career skill. Some middle class professions, such as architecture and medicine, require a unique combination of studying in an institution and with an experienced mentor.

Divsion III: The Poor & Low-lives
Those with less employable skills reside within Division III, alongside many criminals, thieves, people who’ve been exiled or demoted. People who are on the better side (financially) are lower middle class at best, commonly known to the public as farmers, peasants, servents and the like. Those who’ve chosen to pursue an art form (like, music, visual arts or poetry) and have not made it to the elite circle also reside here
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Vupaenth: The Enchanter's Guide
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The reason why Enchanters are held in such high regard. The examinations that lead to a magical license (to allow one to practice their craft) are notoriously difficult. Every year, all the Enchanter hopefuls gather in Amadeia, the nation’s capital city. Here, they will undergo a series of trials that will test the knowledge they’ve acquired for the better half of their lives. (Normally, a prospective Enchanter will spend anywhere from five to ten years preparing for these examinations). The exams span a total of three weeks, wherein examinees are assigned isolated living quarters (to reduce the risk of cheating) and be given a Silencer. (A device that does not allow them to speak verbally, to reduce cheating). All personal study materials are not permitted inside the testing facility. Candidates are only allowed to bring writing utensils and their Star Saver Charm****. Failure to comply to these rules will result in immediate disqualification.

Week number one is divided solely to completing the following tasks:

- A written exam scroll (done in two days, with limited sleep and breaks in between)
- A verbal presentation of their Enchanter portfolio (introducing their enchantments, its uses, benefits & potential applications to society; usually done in a rune-sealed room to prevent any sound escaping)
- Live enchantment session, in which candidates are given an appropriate amount of time to design an enchantment for various objects, following a prompt
- Near the end of the week, candidates are given a one-on-one interview with one of the exam overseers, to give their personal statements (where they will talk about plans for future Enchanter careers, any specializations they have, family background, etc.)

After week one, all thos that scored within the bottom third are sent home.

Week two gets noticeably more rigorous. Its focus shifts from the surface knowledge of enchanting (topics already studied in great detail) to more uncharted territory. Candidates are asked to dissect the base ideas of enchanting, such as:

- Theories on how the Runic Alphabet was formed
- Analyzing common algorithims within enchanting and coming up with alternatives
- Questioning the morals/ethics of enchanting (i.e how far do we trifle with enchanting living organisms?)
- Coming up with original theories about the exact mechanism of how runes draw upon the power of starlight

These topics are discussed through open session debates, inidividual oral assessments and written essays. This is where candidates are given book catalogues to request external sources to fuel research. (As it it tests critical thinking more than ability to retain information). Research materials are to be kept strictly isolated -- candidates are not permitted to bring their books away from their living quarters without explicit permission. All books are runed and will notify staff if there’s failure to comply.

Once all assessments of the week are completed, the bottom two-thirds are sent home.

Week three is where most fail. Their research done in week two will have a direct correlation to their week three task: attempt to come up with an enchantment to an impossible prompt. Common ones given throughout the years include (but are not limited to):

- Writing an enchantment that enables humans to create runes
- Writing an enchantment that creates subtance out of nothing
- Writing an enchantment that will bring an end to infinity

This project spans the last week. Only the top ten percent of candidates will be granted the coveted “pass”; the top one percent being personally invited to a private audience on the Imperial Court, where some have ended up serving the King. For those that failed, they are allowed to re-take it until they give up or pass.

****Note: A Star Saver Charm is designed to trap starlight, so that an Enchanter may provide fuel for their runes to work during the day, since the runes draw upon celestial energy to function


1. Enchanters cannot enchant living organisms of equal or greater intellect than humans
2. Enchanters cannot create enchantments that trifle with the flow of time
3. Enchanters are not permitted to create devices relating to necromancy or contacting the dead in anyway, shape or form
4. Enchanters cannot use an enchantment they did not write for monetary gain
5. All Enchanters must either have an apprenticeship license (that lasts for a maximum of ten years) or a certified magical license gained by passing the examinations
6. Enchanters with an apprenticeship license cannot practice without supervision from their masters, who are magically licensed
7. Failure to comply to any of these laws will result in an appropriate amount of jail time or execution (depending on severity)


ᚨ = A
ᛒ = B
ᚲ = C
ᛞ =D
ᛖ = E
ᚠ = F
ᚷ = G
ᚺ = H
ᛁ = I
ᛃ = J
ᚴ = K
ᛚ = L
ᛗ = M
ᚾ = N
ᛟ = O
ᛈ = P
ᛩ = Q
ᚱ = R
ᛋ = S
ᛏ = T
ᚢ = U
ᚡ = V
ᚹ = W
ᛪ = X
ᚤ = Y
ᛉ = Z

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Vupaenth: Geography
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The rugged mountain terrain that dominates the Vupaenth Kingdom makes the nation an almost impregnable fortress. Coupled with their continent-renowned magical barriers, done only by the best Enchanters in Kingdom, conquering these lands is a hard task. Nevertheless, while the mountains make this fortress’ back bone, it also leaves little room for arable land. Agriculture within the Kingdom is not practiced often, if at all. The sparse communities that populate the Laurel River (the nation’s only large body of water) are responsible for feeding their entire Kingdom’s population. Although this was more manageable back when Orvitus, a smaller Kingdom now a vessel state to the Republic, was under their rule things have started looking bleak within the last decade. The Vupaenth Kingdom has been forced into a more desperate position. With half the land starving, their economy has been brought to a slump.

Within Amadeia (the capital city, located at the heart of District I) there is an area known as the Celestial Anchorage, where rows of government buildings reside. At the heart of the Anchorage is the Amadeia Royal Palace, where both the families of the King and his Advisor live. The Hall of General Assembly (where the Imperial Court meetings are held) is here, along with the Triad, which is where the War Committee holds its regular sessions. Outside of the Celestial Anchorage is where the most influential Division I society members reside, with the ones of lesser power scattered around the suburbs In Myivis, a city that’s really just a glorified branch of Amadeia, lies the nation’s Tier I Military Base, where the Drill Sergeants train rookie Soldiers and where the Warlord’s spend most of their time.

District II is less glamourous and located at the southernmost tip of Vupaenth. Here, tourism and hospitality bloom, as it is a coastal area. Merchants/traders frequent this area and many have permanent residents, all within a five mile radius of the Kingdom’s famous Magic Market. Here, lesser known Enchanters sell their latest enchantments in exchange for gold. The area is bustling with life and often frequented by foreigners, fascinated by the only Market of its kind in the entire continent. (At least, the only legal Magic Market; the Muthoag Isles are another story).
A special place known as the Pantheon Archives are also here, located just outside of Norbury -- the Kingdom's centre for tertiary education. Schools and academies of differing prestige are here and serve to produce Scholars in diverse fields of study.

District III includes both the barren north and the rural farming communities along the Laurel River. The land seems to isolated from the rest of Vupaenth, as people lack the newest enchantments and technologies. It’s mostly made up of scattered townships, communities of only a couple hundred. Poverty, sickness and illiteracy are quite high, with it being fairly common for people to die due to lack of nutrients. Ironically, it is also where the majority of the nation’s produce comes from. However, following the events of the Great Humiliation (in which, Vupaenth lost ownership of their colony in Ryseria, the source of their agricultural produce), the a quota was introduced. Farmers are forced to give the majority of their yields away to combat nation-wide famine, leaving them with little food to tide over the harsh winters. Unrest and outrage at the crown have become the general feelings of the people here, making it the frontier of the new rebellion, headed by the Basilisk.

Outside of these Divisions and Districts lies the aforementioned Arista Mountains, where some isolated villagers live. Interestingly enough, there's an abundance of Celestial lineage to be found within the mountain people. A couple of Celestials (who do not wish to entertain the frivolities of being an Enchanter lapdog) choose to live out their days in quietude here as well. Aside from the residential communities, the majority of the Serpent steeds are bred and given basic runes in organized sanctums (within the Mountains), owned and operated by the crown. There are virtually no more "wild" Serpents, so to speak.


District I:
Amadeia (capital city)
Myivis (Tier I Military Base)
Cappadocia (reputable entertainment capital)
Arkney (where the best Serpents are bred)
Northwich (wealthy business-oriented area)

District II
Orilon (Tier II Military Base)
Stathmore (artisanal/crafter businesses)
Everton (merchant/trader area, very close to the Magic Market)
Blencathra (coastal city, where the famous Magic Market is, where lots mediocre Enchanters end up)
Norbury (peaceful education centre, permanent residence for Scholars)

District III
Whitewater (Tier III Military Base)
Wolford (where the largest prison is)
Veritas (a beautiful but tragic town, where failed artists nurse their dreams)
Oakheart (largest farming community)

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Weisslogia: Brief History & Hierarchy
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Home to the Dragon Riders, the famous rivals of the Vupaenth Kingdom and the endlessly arrogant. The Weislogians are proud, fierce and formidable warriors widely renowned for their brute force. Their military power trumps the Republic, Vupaenth and the mercenaries of the Isles. In short, they are the largest militia the continent has ever seen. With their strength in numbers, their war with Vupaenth should have been long over. However, the Weisslogians greatly underestimated their cunning rivals, who have managed to compensate for their lack of soldiers with an elite unit of spies/assassins and some genius tacticians. Nevertheless, unlike Vupaenth, Weisslogia has always been a major exporter of agricultural goods, thanks to the fertile land in the river delta areas. When they lost their Aesenthian colony, their economy did not suffer as much as their rivals' did. Now, as the tides of war turn in Weisslogian favour, the citizens can smell their victory. Of course, if that minor annoyance (coming in the shape of a stubborn, hard-headed princess) could clear up, things would be made much easier.


The Royal Enclave
King/Queen (The Ruler): The reigning/ruling monarch can be of either gender (Weisslogia had many famous warrior queens now immortalized through song & poetry) and is at the head of the Kingdom.

King/Queen (Spousal): The spouse of the ruling king/queen, there is only allowed to be one and the pair is bound in holy matrimony, they do not have much power and are mainly taken so that an heir/heiress may be produced

Heir/Heiress: Typically the eldest of the royal family’s children, but the ruling king/queen has the final say in who succeeds them, nevertheless this title is announced and not “up in the air” until the death of the monarch (like the way the system is in Vupaenth).

Princes/Princesses: The royal children who will not succeed the throne

House Matriarchs/Patriarchs: Power distribution is not divided by class (like it is in Vupaenth), but via familial ties. High Houses are the families who have the most power and the leader of each House (known as the matriarch or patriach, depending on their gender) sits on the Royal Enclave, where important decisions are disucssed. Each High House rules a different portion of the Kingdom and have several Vessel Houses serving beneath them.

The Circle
High Priest/Priestess: Leader of the religious group, holds the most power in the land, second only to the ruling king/queen.

Brothers/Sisters: The members of the Circle, a branch within the government that interprets the Autem (or, the religious text detailing the will and history of their worshipped Maker, who they believe to have crafted life as they know it into being) and advises the lawmaking and general governances with these interpretations.

All members of the Circle are strictly forbidden from marrying or having sexual relationships.

The High Houses
Each High House governs a different part of the land. Below them, the families that inhabit the land they rule are known as the Vessel Houses. Marriages between them are common. It is considered taboo to marry down into the Vessel Houses, but there have been a few occasions where this has happened. (Mainly due to blackmail or dire plotical causes). While High House members simply govern, Vessel Houses must specialize in a specific area. For instance, each High House will have Vessel Houses that train as soldiers, work as farmers/gardeners, welding/weapon-smithing and other occupations. This means Weisslogia’s entire national resource (like the military for example) are made up of Vessel Houses belonging to families that are (more often than not) scheming against each other in a bid to gain the Royal Enclave’s favour. This is one of the many reasons why the military (and other resources) are stagnated, despite their massive military force. Below are the High Houses, in order from the most influential (meaning they have more Vessel Houses beneath them) to the least influential.

House Skelver

House Cartine

House Seahall

House Maxdel

House Cygnus

House Castellac

House Gilwell

House Blackwood

House Corvius

House Altair

House Rutherwell

The Vessel Houses
There are hundreds of smaller families beneath the High Houses, serving them and abiding by them as superiors. Of course, there is a natural feeling of resentment, as the High Houses are not known for the kind and generous rule. Many take pleasure in the economical and social struggles Vessel House members face and mock them without mercy nor shame. As such, the wounds of humilitation and anger have festered into a rebellion, spearheaded by the Princess of the Weisslogian throne.

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Weisslogia: The Religion
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The peoples’ faith in a great, all-powerful and all-knowing Maker is what perhaps separates them so distinctly from their Vupaenth counterparts. The Weisslogians call their religion “Lumen Salutis” (or simply, the “Lumen”), which roughly translates to “Salvation of Light,” in the common tongue. The religion governs the peoples’ laws, education, justice system and much more. Followers of the “Lumen”, are required to practice daily prayer, where they ask for blessings of peace and prosperity from their Maker. (Both for themselves and for those they know to be suffering). A mass session of prayer is to be held in the “Sanctus Terra” of each community, led by a Brother or Sister of the Circle. Prayers are all done in Aurulentus, the ancient language that was once the primary way of communication in the Kingdom. The main religious text that is preached is the “Autem”, which details the history and will of their Maker. Written in the “Autem,” are also sets of moral laws that each of the followers of “Lumen” must abide by. Punishment for breaking the religious laws is often the heftiest and most severe in all of the judicial branch.


1. One must never associate oneself with the dealings of evil and impurity*
2. One must never have more than one other soul bounded to oneself through ritual bondage
3. One must never betray this ritual bondage by lusting for another soul
4. One must seek absolution once they have breached the Moral Law and thus sinned
5. One must never swear on, tarnish or damage the Maker’s name
6. One must communicate their gratitude for the presence and gifts of the Maker daily
7. One must defer to those of the Circular Order for direct guidance on all matters related to “Lumen Salutis” and its proper practice
8. One must try to spread the wisdom and higher truth found within “Lumen Salutis” to souls that remain ignorant
9. One must never banish another soul to afterlife without rationale

*Note: Members of the Circle have chosen to view Vupaenth Enchanter magic as a source of evil


ⴰ = A
ⴱ = B
ⵛ = C
ⴹ = D
ⴻ =E
ⴼ = F
ⴳ = G
ⵀ = H
ⵉ = I
ⵊ = J
ⴽ = K
ⵍ = L
ⵎ = M
ⵏ = N
ⵓ = O
ⵒ = P
ⵇ = Q
ⵔ = R
ⵙ = S
ⵟ = T
ⵓ = U
ⵖ = V
ⵡ = W
ⵅ = X
ⵢ = Y
ⵥ = Z

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Weisslogia: Kingdom Geography
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Located in the far east, the Weisslogia Kingdom is one of prosperity, speaking purely from a geographical standpoint. With lush forests located in the northern mountain outback and a system of rivers and lakes in the southern front, it makes for a cradle of resources at the citizens' disposal. Fertile farmland for the southern dwellers and plenty of game for the northern hunters. Separating these two main regions are the Odysseus Mountains, named for a legendary hero that permeates Weisslogian folk tales. These mountains are where the majority of the wild Dragons reside, their nests hidden deep in the mountain caverns and crevices. For those that dare venture into the Mountains, the potential rewards are great. Anything from hatchlings, to Dragon eggs to Dragon graveyards (where the precious scales and horns are preserved impeccably). Aside from these brave treasure hunters, the Mountains are otherwise devoid of human life. One of the only places left in Concordia where natural forces over power the forces of technological advancement.

Nestled in between the Odysseus Mountains is the nation’s capital city: Carlisle. It’s virtually an impenetrable fortress, protected by harsh mountain range from the east and west, a naval force in the southern ports and sub-zero temperatures in the northern forests. Because of these geographical advantages, it’s been dubbed the “Dragon Nest.”

House Skelver runes a cluster of major municipalities surrounding Carlisle, including Dedwich, Verweld and Corinthia. Verweld is famous for the “Seraphim,” the largest Sanctus Terra in all of Weisslogia. Corinthia is known for its refined elegance and class, being the residential area reserved for members of the Skelver family and their closest associates. It’s also the entertainment capital, renowned for hosting fierce Dragon jousts/spars in the “Animus Arena.” Dedwich is a little rougher around the edges, as it serves as a commerce/business district for the working class people hoping to strike it rich.

House Cartine rules Aquilo and Nieva, nicknamed the “Twin Cities.” It is here where the largest Dragon Market and training ground is. Aquilo is where Dragons are bred, the hatchlings being of the finest calibre. The breeding is custom, with each trait being carefully selected to suit each Rider’s needs. Nieva is where the Dragons are trained, including ones freshly brought in from the Odysseus Mountains by wranglers.

House Seahall controls the coastal city of Sybalion, a major trading port for foreign goods and services as well as the location for the nation’s largest shipyard, known for producing skimmers, war ships, cargo ships and civilian vessels.

House Maxdel, Cygnus and Castellac are considered to be mid-tier High Houses and control quaint little towns in the countryside, their functions ranging farming/agriculture, natural produce, steel/metal production, etc. Some of them also serve as popular tourist attractions to get away from the buzz of the cities.

House Gilwell, Blackwood, Corvius, Altair and Weathervane govern the most isolated regions; their communities being little more than settlements of a couple thousand at most. These settlements are commonly referred to as “strongholds,” with their names beginning with “Fort.” Most of these communities are in the north, the most isolated parts of the Weisslogia Kingdom.

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Ryseria: History & Hierarchy
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Here, Phoenix Riders make their home. The citizens here are defined by their tough, brass and general no-nonsense attitude towards life. It prides itself on being the first (and only) republic in the entire continent of Concordia. The Republic rose from the remnants of the dissolved Weisslogia and Vupaenth Empires, which were comprised of many smaller kingdoms in addition to their ruling capitol states. The small kingdoms were vessel states, known as Aesenthia, Orvitus and Hyvitch. Due to their proximity, rivalries and skirmishes were frequent and the lands (prior to colonization) were filled with unrest. The Aesenthians occupied the majority of the mountain range; the Orviti the lowland forest; and the Hyvise were river people. During their period of colonization, the Aesenthian mountain range served as a tributary state to the Weisslogians, while the Orviti were under the control of the Vupaenth. The Hyvise (arguably) suffered the most, as both Kingdoms fought ceaselessly for the precious river delta region, which had an abundance of fish, arable land, vegetation and other prized resources. Rebellion against the two Kingdoms turned into a fierce struggle -- the three former rivals now had enemies and fought collaboratively for a single goal. Freedom. It was only when these people banded together did they see the benefits of co-leadership. After driving their oppressors out, the three Kingdoms decided to dissolve themselves into one mighty Republic. Where the leaders were elected by the people to rule over each of the three regions.


Hierarchy in Ryseria is organized as a system of democracy. Every four years, three Premiers are elected by the people -- each rule over one of the three regions within the Republic. These three Premiers head the Parliament alongside the Ministers, who are in charge of the Republic's affairs in general governance. There are currently six Ministers; those being the Minister of Defence, Education, Technology, Healthcare, Trade & Relations and Justice. New ones are appointed on an as-needed basis. For instance, if the Republic is dealing with an environmental crisis, a Minister of Resources may be appointed to oversee the issue. Ministers are chosen via discussions among the Premiers. The title each Minister holds corresponds to a Ministry, made up of many Cabinet members below the Minister. The governing body that voices the opinion of the people is the House of Representatives-- made up of selected pool of prominent citizens in various fields. (i.e business leaders, top researchers, etc.).

Citizens of the Republic are encouraged to pursue their passions. Unlike Weisslogia and Vupaenth, Ryserian primary education is standardized (with schooling being mandatory up until the child completes the equivalent of eighth grade). Afterwards, training is split into different streams: Health & Medicine, Formal, Natural & Magical Sciences, Craftsmenship & Engineering, Arts & Culture and Business & Commerce. After a year of general studies within the stream, students start specializing in different areas within it. Certain professions may require Integrated Studies, where the student learns topics that from two or more streams. Institutions (that serve as both secondary and tertiary education centers) can be found scattered all across the Republic. Direct employment opportunities can be found upon graduation. The access to education is one of the reasons why the Republic has become the centre of innovation.


The Elves were the original settlers of the land. Their populations still retain the nomadic lifestyles of their ancestors, albeit to differing degrees. The hierachy of Elvish society is tribal-based and is a separate entity from the Republic’s main national government. Nevertheless, leaders of both societies are expected to cooperate and are of equal standing.

Today, there are four major Elvish Tribes. They are the:

- Kilchii (known to be gifted with visions pertaining to past, present and future)
-Turae (can contact dead, summon them in spiritual forms, rumored to raise them as well)
- Namida (aura readers, can read intentions/thoughts/emotions)
- Unegen (curses, hexes, dealing with spiritual links and bondage)

Each Tribe is composed of many Clans, led by an Elder, typically chosen by the prior one for their leadership skills. Below the Elder were two Chieftains, elected to serve the members. The Clansmen were traditionally divided into: Healers, Hunters, Warriors and Scout-Navigators. However, as Ryseria lurches forward into a more modernized future, many are sending their children away to study at educational institutions, to better prepare them the changing world. This has been met with staunch opposition from some Elves, who believe their way of life should be preserved -- not changed to suit the fleeting fancy of some “unstable Republic.” However, most Clans have chosen to modify their social structures. For example, Healers have started to study within the Health & Medicine stream. Hunters now learn animal and veterinary science, so they can raise game/livestock in addition to hunting. There is an joint education program between the Republic’s Armed Forces and the Tribe’s Warriors, promising employment to those who enter it. These interdisciplinary approaches have been customized specifically to meet the needs of the Elves.

Elvish culture also does not place a heavy emphasis on authoritarian rule. While the Elders and Chieftains are respected as leaders, there has never been a history of a tyrannical ruler because they value the strength of community. The Elder is only the mouthpiece to voice the collective opinion of the Clan and serves to represent their people in the Chamber of Tribal Affairs (CTA), a congregation of Clan Elders and Chieftains from all Tribes. The CTA is equal to with the country’s Parliament and the two governing bodies regularly meet to dicuss issues jointly.


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