• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic ⚠Hacked⚠


Indecisive Being



  • 00010001010101001... Wel-co... 010010010101... c-come...

    Ding! Ding! Ding! The sound of your mind's state of readiness for operation allows for your eyes to flicker open. Whirs and clicks are made as you adjust yourself upright against the cement wall. You are not at home nor at work. You're in captivity. The reasons, at the moment, are unknown. Your mechanical eyes blinked humanly as you observed the other A.I.'s that seemed to be in the same dumbfounded state as yourself.

    This role play is about illegally enslaved robots. Though robots being used as slaves is not unlawful, but utilizing them for combative purposes is. Most of the robots' primary function is to serve or aid humans. Armed artificial intelligence is prohibited. We, in this role play, would be the enslaved robots. The longer we remain in this illegal activity, the more likely we'll become recycled metal. Our characters' primary goal is to return to their original service/owner/prior-lifestyle. Remaining enslaved would serve of no benefit. In fact, if any robot, even if they were captured against their own 'will', were caught up in this sort of illegal activity, they will be deactivated permanently. Thankfully, robots in this world were build with purpose, and this purpose was instilled in every single one of them. The robots' sense of belonging and purpose has made them work more humanly, and this appealed to the general public.

    At the beginning of our role play, we are to investigate and understand our circumstance. Once this has been achieved, we are then to decide either to accept our new role, use our new lethal upgrades to deactivate ourselves or seek an escape to return to our ordinary life.

    Role Play https://www.rpnation.com/threads/⚠hacked⚠.325388/
    Character Sheet: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/⚠hacked⚠.325400/
    OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/⚠hacked⚠.325399/#post-7725733

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Cellvia Model68

Basic Info
Name: Cellvia Model68
Brand: Cell
Age: 7
Modeled Gender: Female
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Skin: Synthetic Material
Hair: Carbon Fiber Weave

Owner: Lorena and Matthew Colens
Occupation: Caretaker
Personality: The owners select one of the many personality types for their A.I.. Cellvia is programmed to be cheery and hum while working. This program, however, can be overridden when Cellvia senses danger. It's 'cheery' attitude is then replaced with 'concern'. According to the program, she is to cross her arms and tap her foot when this 'emotion' occurs. Cellvia is designed to have a very caring nature and to be very eager to please.
Background: Cellvia Model68 was ordered to be manufactured a few days after Lorena and Matthew Colens' first pregnancy. The doctor told the couple that new mothers should rest for approximately a month before continuing regular activity. This came as shocking news to the Colens. Matthew took a lot of time off from work and knew it would be difficult to take additional time off which is why he ordered an A.I. for his growing family. His wife, Lorena, was skeptical of confiding in an A.I. to do her motherly work, but after a week of experiencing Cellvia, she fell in love with the bot. Cellvia was programmed to reenact human emotions, specifically positive ones.

Cellvia is programmed to recognize emotional cues and to react accordingly to them. This allows her to be effective with adults overwhelmed with stress. Cellvia works well with children, but according to the manufacturers, artificial intelligence are not expected to discipline children. If a parent states that their child shouldn't run, the A.I. will reinforce this rule verbally and contact the parent immediately. All robots are programmed a code of conduct and harming humans is one of the primary codes.

Cellvia has work with the Colens for seven years. The A.I. has grown attached to it's work as much it's owners were attached to it. Thanks to Cellvia's programming,
it values it's programming and has a sense of true purpose.

Artificial Emotions: The A.I. is able to emulate human emotions.
(OLD)Emotion Recognition: The A.I. is able to recognize human emotions and react accordingly to them.
(OLD)Homebound Chores: The A.I. is able to aid or complete any standard chore within a household.
(OLD)Registered Driver's License: The A.I. is able to steer any vehicle is required.
(NEW)Threat Detection: The A.I. is able to identify potential threats, such as lethal weapons or movements with harmful intents.
(NEW)Defensive Reflexes: A programmed defensive reflex system which protects the A.I. against any type of intrusion.
(NEW)Weakness Detection: With considerable time, the A.I. can identify it's opponent's weakness.

Magnetic Manipulation:[/B] The A.I. contains a unique magnetic material within the skeletal structure of it's hands that can manipulate magnetic fields and metallic structures.
Shield Generator: Each limb on the A.I.'s body produces it's own shield generator. Those would be destroyable one by one and one weak shield generator can expose the A.I.'s limb to vulnerability.
(External)Line-X Coating: A coating specialized in high-performance spray-on elastomeric coating engineered for maximum durability.

(External)Leg Thrusters: Three propellers vertically aligned on the A.I.'s calves for accurate, swift maneuvering and maintenance of position.


Weakness: The carbon fiber weave is tied to synthetic material on Cellvia's head. In additional to not being protected by it's skin produced shield generator, with sufficient force, Cellvia's hard drive can be exposed.

BBcode derived from: StoneWolf18
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Wendy Cook369

  • wip___cyborg_assassin__updating__by_zephyravirgox-d83wy9n.png

    Health: ▮▮▮▮▮
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    Defense: ▮▮▮▮

    Name: Wendy Cook368
    Brand: DV Tech
    Age: 108
    Modeled Gender: Female
    Height: 5' 1"
    Weight: 150 lbs
    Armour: Carbon Composite
    Hair: N/A

Construction Robot TNK-W411 class, construction variant, model G1-7G3R
Prefers "Gilger"

14 years in active service

Includes male programming

2 meters, or 6 feet and 6.74 inches
300 kilograms or 661.387 pounds

Given that his two laser cannons are where his hands should be, Gilger has difficulty handling quite alot of things. He relies on others to handle his matinence and other tasks he was not designed for.

Gilger is able to work in extremely high pressure environments, and water does not effect his performance whatsoever. He is however, vunerable to excessive amounts of concentrated heat, given that his chassis is primarily made of metal and metal alloys.

Steel, shrapnel, bullets and the like
Very strong doors

Gilger was manufactured to work in high gravity, and build underwater turbines far below the surface of earth's pacific ocean off the coast of hawaii. Given that he was made in these conditions, he has a relatively sturdy frame, covered by multiple sheets of reinforced metal. In addition to being stalwart in nature, Gilger's hydraulics systems are capable of putting out an enourmous amount of force. Gilger also has two arm mounted laser cannons which are capable of "blowtorching" their way through several layers of... Well, practically anything that has a melting point.

Gilger is proficient in the languages of English, Hawaiian, Sarcasm, Bullshittery, and Reformed Insultation. That is to say, he's pretty mouthy. Gilger always has something smart to say, and has basically no filter over what comes out of his central audial unit (what humans call a voicebox). He's very opinionated about quite a bit of things, and won't hesitate to chime in with some witty or inappropriate remark at any point in conversation. Gilger focuses on bluntness more than sensitivity in his interactions with people and other robots. When it comes to wellbeing, however, Gilger puts the needs and safety of others above his own. He'd rather smash his way through a problem than think about it, and has found his methods highly effective.

Manufactured in Aurelia, G1-7G3R began his mechanical existance as a construction robot. He was origionally designed to transport things between workplaces underwater, but his creators decided his product line's frame was better suited to work, toil, and build the heavily sound structures of the energy collecting turbines underwater. So Gilger did as he was told, and was a good button pushing automaton. This continued until about his tenth year of service, where he would be retired anyways, and shipped to some less gravitational demanding environment to work there. His construction site was attacked by a group of russian terrorists that didn't get along well with the US government.

Gilger decided that working somewhere else was less favorable than destruction, so in a split second decision, he had one of the organic workers there weld two industrial laser cutters to his arms in quite a permanent fashion. Out he went, to defend his coworkers and fellow machines. When all was said and done, Gilger had wreaked quite a bit of havoc, and his manufacturers realized that he had ascended his basic programming by putting his wellbeing above others, and actually making a descision for himself. The workers didn't know what to do with this self aware, and quite large, tank with lasers for hands, but they did know they had something special. Gilger's manufacturers retired him as a construction worker, as a bot without hands would not do much or fare well, and sent him off to the military.

There, Gilger waited. He was deactivated three years total, a kind of government secret to be awakened at a precise moment in time. Then, he was finally called upon. Some humans were mysteriously dying of unnatural causes at a specific location, and they decided that Gilger was just the robot for the job. Wether the mission was just a ruse, or it went horribly wrong, Gilger can't remember. What he does remember is that he's now booted up in a particularly small cell, and he doesn't like it.​
IDENTIFICATION: Business transaction droid, orange series, model CH-6R1N
Prefers Chagrin
-26 years in active service
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130lbs, carbon-fiber structure, aluminum plating
Default Programming: Male
Background: Chagrin is one of the many transaction droids that work in stores, real estate offices, government districts, wallstreet, you name it. Nobody would bother if a couple went missing, would they?

Equpped with an advanced neuronetwork processor capable of handling, transferring, and executing hundreds of complicated transactions at once.
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SachiGrl SachiGrl


  • de76d19d7bdec8f5010cf9295adc3876.jpg

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    Defense: ▮▮▮▮▮

    Name: Google_CS_335
    Brand: Google
    Age: 137
    Modeled Gender: Male
    Height: 6' 0"
    Weight: 172 lbs
    Armour: Steel
    Hair: N/A

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Note: if you think this is overpowered, just tell me what it is and i'll edit it so it will suck more.


  • 48245.jpg
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    Defense: ▮▮▮

    Name: Mechanic Model 14
    Brand: Shaw's Body Shop
    Age: 20
    Modeled Gender: Male
    Height: 6' 0"
    Weight: 220 lbs
    Armour: Steel
    Hair: N/A

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