

New Member
It was just another day in the League of Legends for Maokai. The large tree would often be found where he is right now, just outside Summoner Hall, sitting with the trees. Maokai often looked ferocious and mean, so he didn't have many friends, though he was just contorted in pain. Maokai was given strange power when his land was destroyed, turning him into what he hated the most, an abomination of nature.

Nature is calm, and moves with a purpose. Nature is about creation and preservation, helping things grow. Yet Maokai is filled with magic from the lands of death, and so he has come here in search of an answer. The massive brick building in which the champions live in almost seems flimsy compared to the ferocious monstrosities held inside. Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, and Nocturne, to name a few. Luckily the building is a magical one, and holds strong against any attempt at vandalism.

A small tug at his consciousness pulls Maokai away from his deep conversation with the trees. He readies himself for the coming battle as he teleports to the summoning chamber. He is lost in his thoughts, so he doesn't notice his four other companions. He can hear his summoner talking, though he pays him no mind as the teleportation begins, and he is whisked away to Summoner's Rift.
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Zyra was teleported out of a game then right back into another not too unusual for her, She was a very common pick due to her strong control and pure strength. She didn't get time to rest slightly exhausted and feeling a little drained she knew as soon as she was back on the rift, basking in the sun she would feel energized and strong once more.

She notice something different about this summoning, A large hunched being built of bark and tangled branches stood beside her, Maokai. He was a champion everyone knew but knew very little about. He kept to himself and no on questioned it, Zyra may put on a front of being vicious or sinister but it was just in her nature. She was always beautiful from afar but up close was another story. She felt alone, not only because she lost her entire species but because no one really knew what it was like to only be alive because you're actually tethered to a system of family that will support you, She saw this game as an opportunity to talk to him in the hopes of getting close. She lost everyone she loved and she knew he lost everything he loved.
The fight begins, and Maokai sets his thoughts aside to focus on the fight. Though caring little for the fame, the stronger a champion is, the more resources they have available, which would help him towards his goal. He watched the swift Yi head towards the middle lane, while Zac bounced joyously into the jungle, with a ferocious Cho'Gath charging the top. He would be laned with the champion known as Zyra. Maokai made his way slowly towards the bottom lane, passing the large towers on his way, his partner much faster than he was.

His opponents were already there, Gangplank and Taric, as Maokai walked along the minions to do combat. Generally Maokai will fight with little regard to his allies positions, expecting them to help out where needed, but generally staying out of his way. It was easier for him this way, as his own large limbs could potentially get in the way.

As the minions neared the battle, Maokai tossed a couple of his well known saplings far into enemy territory while he himself stood back. Maokai was known for his ambushes, any tree could be the one to attack, leaving smart enemies to stay back, and foolish ones to fall to the mighty and patient treant. Maokai noticed Zyra using plants to do battle. His initial thoughts were of anger, watching nature be manipulated, though he quickly realized the reality. Though her body may seem human, she was actually part of nature, and her creations were of herself, of nature.

It was a wonder to watch, nature could always please Maokai. Despite any champion's strength though, with Taric on the opposing side, it can be hard to move the enemy aside. Gangplank wasn't known so much for his smarts as his ferocity. He was merciless in killing minions, poison slinging off his blade as he swung like a mad man, Taric healing what wounds he would be dealt, and his amazing grog revitalizing him where Taric could not. They made their way closer to the tower as Maokai's patience grew thin. Gangplank was a reckless man, poison splashing onto the ground and in the nearby river. Maokai couldn't wait until he could put down Gangplank. Just a little closer now and it'll be a respawn soon for the barbaric pirate, and Maokai could begin healing the poisoned land.
The botanical bot lane wasn't as pure strength or spontaneous as the enemies but more calculated and planned out. Throughout the harass and trading in laning phase Zyra slowly began to store seed after seed into the lane bush just behind Gangplank and Taric. She could feel the anger and rage building up in maokai as he stepps got heavy and he flung the saplings with such force and frustration. She knew it was time She called out to him as she kneeld down the vines in her arms quickly coursing through the ground grabbing and entangling Taric and gangplank pinning them in place as he plants rose slowly and chipping away at the enemy laners lives. As she watched Maelstorm rise around them, her body weakened pouring all the energy and strength she had into sprouting copious amounts of vines to knock up her helpless prey leaving them for Maokai. Watching as saplings exploded and he pounded the ground, his strength was shocking and constant, he was not only a force of nature, but the deadliest she could imagine.She knew he'd feel slight relief from his pain if he could finish them. As Taric and Gangplank dropped Zyra's vines recoiled surrounding her, nurturing her as she's carried back to base
The opportunity arises as Zyra ensnares their enemy. Following a barrage of saplings, Maokai charges, readying his magic. Taric realizes just a second too late, managing to stun Maokai directly in front of Gangplank. Maokai tosses his heavy left arm towards Gangplank as he tries to retaliate. Poison seeps into Maokai, though it is not sufficient enough to stop his fist from taking out the rooted pirate. Gangplank never learns, and Maokai expects they can do this again and again.

Taric on the other hand proves a much tougher opponent. Zyra's vines retract after supplying Maokai the chance to ensare the man himself. Maokai figures the being of nature would be tired after handling the lane herself while Maokai stayed back, patiently conserving and concealing for this moment. Maokai had shocked his summoner by raising his hand to Zyra, signaling she could rest, as Maokai wasn't known for interactions between champions. Though to Maokai, Zyra wasn't a champion, but part of nature, and therefore worth his time as a nature spirit.

Taric shields himself from the explosive saplings behind him, choosing, wisely at that, to take Maokai's fist rather than the tiny bombs. The ensuing fight was difficult, as Taric's shield was sufficient to block both magic and physical damage. Fist hits shield as hammer hits bark. Taric was faster, as most champions were, than Maokai, but he couldn't match his strength, or his unending stamina. A standing deadlock was no way to face Maokai, as he could root himself and draw power from the earth. Maokai tears away Taric's shield, and the look in his eyes gives away his knowledge of his defeat. Maokai is then willed to another lane by his summoner, but he won't leave until he has cleansed the land of Gangplank's poison. On his way towards the middle lane, he wonders how the next fight with Zyra will go, as she is strong enough to let Maokai set up his traps in peace.
She heard it announced as a double. Healed up and excited she was overwhelmed in a twisted manner with joy and pleasure and slightly more interested in the treant than she originally was. Zyra disobeyed her summoner and decided to just stick with Maokai completely. She knew that with him no one could beat them or even stop them for that matter. The most unstoppable force was nature it's self.

She adored the way he cared for the rift and everything in it. He was a gentle giant and She could tell he was at ease when he was cleansing the lane and river. Following him she handed seeds to each of the small saplings he left behind in a trail, She leaned down and told them to hold them and care for them how their father did.

Zyra's thorns grasped onto Maokai as she pulled herself forward flinging towards him, she climbed on top of his shoulder as he grudged through the river and to where his summoner desired. Her thorns covering him in a thornmail her soft pointed finger tips tracing the lines of his bark, As she asked where they were goin
To any summoner or champion in the know, seeing Maokai communicate with anyone beyond Malphite for any length of time was odd, so the sight of Zyra riding the burly treant was cause to check your eyes and make sure you aren't under some spell. With Zyra being part of nature, Maokai continued on as if nothing strange was going on. Back in his land, when he was still a free roaming spirit, as he moved about the trees and rivers would sway with his movement as if in a romantic tango. Had it been a regular human or some other person who jumped onto Maokai, he would have blown himself up and regrown himself from his roots, chasing spirits was generally a fools errand.

Making their way past the middle lane, Maokai saw the Wuju Master toying with the dangerous Annie, a few saplings to take care of the bear should it appear and he was on his way to the top. Maokai remembers previous battles where Cho'Gath and himself would charge down his lane. He remembers the laughs of his summoner as it might have been funny how angry their opponents must have been, having to send all five members to handle them. Luckily Cho'Gath was on their side, the uncommon pick was notorious for destroying his own teammates due to sub par summoner skill.

As the top lane started coming into view, Maokai had finally replied to the talking plant, "Do you know of the shadow isles?" A short sentence was all you usually got out of the walking forest if you got anything out of him at all. Without breaking stride, Maokai continues conversation as he tosses saplings towards the now four against one battle, and surprisingly, Cho'Gath wasn't doing so well. Gangplank and Taric had joined Ryze and Kassadin to take down the near unstoppable foe, though their attention quickly split when saplings came into play. Maokai had laid a magic filled fist into the ground, filling the area with protective forces for allies, while whittling away the stamina of the enemy, waiting for the opportunity to dive.
"I believe so" She replied to the nature grown tank, the weight of her thornmail weighing him now even more, She quickly hopped off and sprinted towards the tower where Cho was sending his rapture, her large bramble and entanglement of thorned vines quickly grew from the ground hitting all four of the enemies, Kassadin jumped away as soon as he felt the slightest scratch of her thorns Taric quickly pounded his hammer on the ground to empower his remaining allies as they prepared for the dive. Zyra watched as Maokai quickly flew pasted her trapping Ryze Leaving Gangplank and Taric in a row to repeat what had happened in the first place. Once her vines retreated and knocked everyone air born she quickly called them back out to snare and root the wondering botlane in place. Cho'Gath took the impaired movement as an opportunity to feast on the helpless pirate. The monstrous bite eating him entirely dropping him instantly as Ryze and Taric try to heal and withstand the barrage of power fists, saplings, and enraged thorn spitters. Ryze turning on Zyra as soon as he was free from the Root of Maokai Dropping her drastically as the tower finishes her off. She falls to the ground sinking into the soil quickly returning to her true form, Sprouting a large precious pink flower with one last shot, She fired sniping Ryze as her teammates turn after finish off Taric. She quickly wilts and decomposing nurturing the rift.
The well traveled void warrior turns his attention to Cho'Gath, as he knows how to fight him, and Maokai turn to aid his comrade. As Zyra is struck down Maokai becomes upset at the further destruction of nature. He detonates the empowered land causing mayhem and weakening Kassadin enough for Cho to take the upper hand as Maokai charges the gem wielding knight under his own tower. Knowing he won't have enough strength to finish him between the magical attacks of Taric and the magic bolts of the tower, he sets off his saplings inside his body, causing a violent explosion enough to take down Taric and fragment into the nearby tower, leaving it easy prey for the monstrous void creature to topple.

Appearing at the fountain next to the recently downed plant, Maokai looks towards her and asks, "Do you know of the destruction that befell my land?" Maokai often gets to his points slowly, as nature is eternal, there is plenty of time for small talk, and he sometimes forgets that people generally don't have the time for his round about way of talking. Though Maokai has hopes that Zyra would have knowledge of the magic used on his land, in hopes of finding a way to counter it.
Zyra Nodded "I've lost my home as well, But I can't imagine how it feels to know that it is still suffering. Someone once saved my life and I promise I'll help to restore yours" She looked deeply into his pained eyes as they stood still as if nothing was going on around them. Zyra created an abnormally small seed and brought it to life. It wasn't any normal deadly ally It was a small sweet flower It was her best attempt to recreate the beautiful flowers the treeline was known for. She never knew what they actually looked like she only heard stories and descriptions. The sweet, light, rosey, and large petaled flower was placed inside one of the hallow lifeless branches that grew from his shoulder. "I'm Sorry" this was the first time Zyra didn't have a prickly disposition, She didn't feel the power flow through her She just felt at home. She was trying to recreate that network of safety and love once more.
Maokai was used to nature wanting to be around him, since he was a nature spirit, but he felt that Zyra's token was something different. Before he could put too much thought into it he felt the land being scorched, meaning Tibbers must have been summoned. This is where things start to get hard. Seconds later Cho'Gath appears at the fountain, angrier than ever, and Maokai had a plan. Zyra's kindness would have to be a later thought since the land was being hurt.

Maokai made his way down the middle lane with Cho'Gath behind him and Zyra right there as well. Cho wasn't the type you could make plans with, though his predictability made making plans easy. Halfway down the lane and Yi speeds past, Maokai guessing he was defeated as well. Reaching the tower as Tibbers breaks his new found toy and their first defense, Maokai broke into a charge, clamping down onto Tibbers, giving Cho'Gath room to cause havoc. "Take down Kassadin, he's the only one who can stop Cho." Bellowed the treant. As if he were a psychic, Zac comes flying through the air in his usual jolly self. The near indestructible glob of jelly encased Cho to offer some protection from the void based attacks while shucking off Ryze. Cho is pegged down by Gangplank and Annie, and unless Cho can get past Kass, Maokai wasn't going to last much longer. Just in case Zyra wouldn't be enough to take down the veteran Kassadin, Maokai began to ready his saplings, preparing for another explosion, for if Tibbers was set loose, this fight may well be lost.

As the fire began to encase and tear away at Maokai, he remembered the flower, growing his bark to protect it, and letting his saplings fizzle out. He knows the flower is important, so Maokai redoubles his efforts, trying to beat down Tibbers, even if Annie can't be beat to desummon the behemoth. Despite the raging fires, Maokai can't help but to remember the gesture, Zyra tucking the flower away and promising to help. Maokai wasn't used to free kindness, usually he had to tear away answers using fear, or just strangle the informant, yet she freely gives it, it calms Maokai and makes the pain bearable.
Zyra glided across the land her vines coursing through the rift. Once they reach the almost downed tower she scatters her seeds all across the mid lane, enough to create an entire forest. Zyra was enraged she just began to open up and share with someone and she was pulled away from it, pulled away from that feeling of home. She kneels digging into the ground as plant after plant arises making a thick dense jungle as vines and rapid flowers alike begin to tear and chip away into each enemy, With one final battle cry Zyra did all she could do. She summoned her iconic thicket of thorns and vines knocking each enemy champ into the air and enraging her forest. Each plant doubled in size and began to attack fast she dropped Annie and then soon followed Was gangplank.She was free to deal as much damage as they like because of the stereotype and stigma behind Cho'Gath. Freeing Cho from the focusing enemies he had free reign to charge into Kass, As he rampaged she retracted the flowers infront of him not to hurt Maokai further. She couldn't feel when her plants were harmed, But she knew just the site of it would pain her Treant Further. Cho caught the slippery Mage, slowed by One of Zyra's many allied plants her bit into him Wiping him out in what seemed to be one shot. With the three main carries down Yi Was finally able to finish off Taric. Zac didn't have such an easy time with Ryze, He damage was enough to cause him to divide. Maokai rushed in from the despawning bear to drop his maelstorm and quickly save the squishy bloblets, Mao crushed Ryze with her heavy ironclad limbs. Hearing Ace they pushed through the two mid lane towers and retreated playing smart and not willing to risk something they knew that was in their favor.
Finally, the fiery bear was gone, and not a moment too soon. The flower was safe and Maokai had time to asses the battle. All that was left was the powerful Ryze. Lucky for Maokai, Ryze was an easy opponent for the magic filled tree. After the fall of Ryze, and a couple of towers courtesy of Cho'Gath, the team retreated. Maokai took this time to recover from the fiery battle, he always hated fighting Annie and Brand, they were some of the more difficult champions for Maokai to deal with. Maokai looked towards Zyra, deep in thought. Though he didn't say anything, he wanted to continue their conversation, but figured the fire torn battlefield needed his attention at the moment.
Zyra nodded and sowed seeds throughout the scorched earth, She wanted to help as much as possible even it was just on the outside. The earth was abused and Maokai was seared, She felt sad she wished that she could heal him the way he healed everything else. Her seeds slowly sprouted into grass and common flower like weeds found throughout the rift. After she did what she could she headed back to the platform to heal up and restore some energy, The ammuont of power she was using wasn't natural, The sun couldn't power her up like before. The connection she's creating with Mao is sending her into even deeper stronger state of rage. She gets stronger when he was around because she wanted to take some of the load off, deal as much damage as she could so he wouldn't have to work as hard.
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Zyra wasn't known for her compassion, but her destructive power and manipulation of nature. Though Maokai doesn't see people, he sees nature. Being a nature spirit, Maokai always chose to see the good in things, that is, up until his land was not only destroyed, but is still being tortured. Maokai had made up his mind, in exchange for her kindness and friendship, Maokai was going to offer her her home back. Of course, this is after the battle, when they can carry a decent conversation. Being a nature spirit, he looked after his land, helped it grow, and protected it from danger.

Bringing himself back to the battle, it was time to end it. They had the upper hand because they had a strategy laid out. It was fairly simple really, protect Cho'Gath. It was almost laughable at how strong he was, on the other hand, it was scary to think of how strong it's summoner must be to control him like that. Maokai could tell his summoner was of decent skill because he could force Maokai to move, but he never had full control.

With the team at the fountain Maokai decided it was time to head out. The logical thing to do was to head down the middle, so that's what he did. He moved out before most of the team so he could set up an ambush with his usual turn to a tree and lay saplings all over the place trick, it's a classic and what he's best known for. While the rest of the team readied for the fight Maokai's thoughts turned to his home, and to Zyra. Nature is a beautiful thing, as was Zyra. It's heart is pure, though it is capable of intense destruction, it always took care of the people. In cases such as his and Zyra's, and even Malphite, it's only natural to be turned towards rage, though that doesn't mean one has a tainted heart. The enemy team was back up and Maokai was ready to finish this.
Zyra followed maokai, Her loyalty and respect for his calls was already apparent. She watched him set up his trap and she saw great opportunity once more she climbed atop of Maokai hiding her body in his foliage and draping her thorns over him and into the ground, So in a split second at any moment she could cause the forest of thorn spitters and vine lashers to rise. Their team saw the deadly forest and beautiful botanical trap. Zac being the least lethal he decided if he needed too he would die for his team, He pulled back and slung into the enemy team, trying to play it off as a mistake he began to bounce repeatedly twice too make his way into the jungle then he turned, The entire enemy team with the massive trap Zyra calls out as her plants rise surrounding them Yi zips in straight onto Annie, Cho'gath coming in once Zyra has dropped as much control to keep them from closing in and smashing their extremely large glass cannon. Zac able to enclose and surround Taric inside his massive gelatinous blob body. They Left the perfect path for Mao And Cho it was just up to them to provide the damage.

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