Zone of the Enders: Galactic Academy [Inactive]

Flip Jester Boy

Professional Shitposter
Flip Jester Boy submitted a new role play:

Zone of the Enders: Galactic Academy - Galactic Academy: the attempt at stopping planetary discrimination.


Welcome to Galactic Academy! The most likely reason you are here is to join the Space Force and keep the peace in the solar system from BAHRAM and the Earth Syndicate.

The year is 2244, 70 years after the Aumaan Incident. In order to better relations between Earth and Mars, the Space Force has funded the construction of Galactic Academy, a school which accepts students from both planets...

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Lobo ran outside the academy main building to the airfield where all the dropships were arriving with all the new recruits and students that would be joining him for the year. "All right, some new playmates," he said to himself as he wandered around, looking at all the new faces and some familiar old ones. He would say hi to old friends and wink at groups of girls who would giggle among themselves due to his popularity. "I wonder how interesting this year will be."
Etoile looked out of the airship window as she waited for the rest of her peers to exit before her. She was in no rush to meet anyone. When it seemed like everyone got out of the dropship, Etoile rose out of her seat and casually walked out of the dropship. Etoile heard a few girls giggling shortly after, she merely let out a breath of annoyance before reaching up to touch her one orange clips in her hair reassuring herself that they're still there.

Etoile was given those led orange clips as a safety precaution. Her doctor was adamant that she has them on at all times as they were afraid of a relapse. The clips were designed to monitor her heat signature, heart rate, and the her nerves due to the nano bots inside her.

Etoile walked past the giggling fangirls, not even sparing a glance. She placed her hands into her black jacket pocket, as she walked towards the academy.
Scenery didn't fascinate Sven, and he was of the firm belief that if you had seen one planet, you'd seen them all. Of course, the thought was ludicrous indeed and held no true grounds in fact, but it was his belief and he liked it well enough. The people, oh the people, those were more his interest. On the dropship there had been many people, of all sizes and shapes. His eyes had skimmed over them gleefully.

So many prospective friends and comrades here. But despite efforts, he had made contact with none and as the ships landed he found his chances slipping. Pulling himself up out of his seat, he followed behind a rather round fellow. He tapped them on the shoulder to say hello and received a dark look of agitation in response. For a brief moment, confusion ran over his face before he shrugged, and filed off with the rest.
Jade had been reading one of her fathers old OF books the whole trip, forgetting to socialize like her parents had told her to. It wasn't until the ship landed that she realized the whole trip had gone. "Oh! here already?" She grinned slipping her book into her bag before getting up with the rest of the student and filing off the plane hoping down the few short steps before looking at the base around them. "This is going to be so awesome!" She cheered softly to herself practically bouncing with excitement. "I can't for my first class!" She thought to her self
Renshii stepped off the Drop ship and looked around sighing softly. "Ah yes, another year at this dormant place. Is it over yet?" He muttered before wandering off with the crowd. He wasn't a people person so there wasn't any "friends" around to speak with. To him it was just going to be another year of himself and training with his OF. But it wouldn't matter soon enough. As soon as he could he'd end up ditching the class session and sneak into his OF and attempt to take off in a self training session. Up close and personal was the best way to learn right? Either that or a hands on experience with some stupid case he shouldn't even be on.. Renshii pulled a little mechanical device from his pocket and glanced at it. It showed the time and such. Renshii then tapped the screen with his thumb only to have it flash and show the status of his OF. Everything was green light except for a small spot on the right knee. "Stupid knee. I need to fix you again?" He muttered before shoving it back into his pocket. The device had come from his father when he used the OF system and such. It could show many mechanics to it and such if he could ever figure out how to make the thing work right. From the way the book spoke about it this thing could probably control it if he tried and worked it right.
As Lobo waved to another group of girls, he got a feeling that someone gave him the cold shoulder, but he just shrugs it off and wanders around more. He takes out his R.I.D. from last year and twirls it around on the tip of his finger, which soon is knocked over as someone bumps into him. He turns around to see a girl, one that seems excited. "Sorry," he said as he picked up his old R.I.D. and nods to her as he wanders off again. As he looks for more familiar faces, he sees one shove something back into his pocket. "Hey, Renshii!" Lobo waves as he walks over to his old classmate, patting him on the back. "So, how was your vacation?"
Jade was so caught up in the scenery she didn't pay attention to where she was walking and ended up bumping into someone. "Oh Sorry!" She apologize in unison with the brunet before watching as he walked off. "Argh Gotta pay attention don't want to start off on the wrong foot." She scolded herself softly before looking up as other ships landed in the distance. she wondered how her OF faired on the trip and was eager to go and see Lightning again.
As Ophelia watched the new recruits, a small hint of exhaustion already bubbled at the edges of her heart. She wondered as to whether these unfamiliar faces would indeed be topics of interest rather than still scenery upon her life. The air smelled warm and a uncharacteristically wet- the academy attempting to replicate the dying traces of summer, she being mildly annoyed to the entire day already. There only appeared to be a year left for her until recognizing where the next step of her career would be, most likely being suited to a special guardianship to a high-calibre official due to the young woman's rank. Unfortunately the life of an officer seemed to be a bit of a bore, but it was all that the girl could do to make use of the gift she'd been given, eager to make the family she'd left behind proud.

Gazing at the scene in front of her, Ophelia stepped up to greet the newcomers with a plastic smile, attempting to appear as reasonably friendly as possible. Most would be of no interest to her in the end, but there were quite a few who'd proven exemplary- those becoming part of her own close-knit circle. In all honesty she hadn't liked any characters that had labelled themselves as her comrades, she using them for the potentials they held in a bright and unseen future. Of course, these strange figures were only additions, she realizing that friendship meant nothing to her other than understanding who could prove to be the most useful.

"Good afternoon everyone, I'm Ophelia Keats and one of your senior representatives. If there are any questions that come up now or sometime in the future, please don't hesitate to ask me or any other of our wonderful veterans. Feel free to roam as you'd like without getting into too much trouble!" Such unnecessary warmth would become something of a hook to these adolescents- they still the unfamiliar lost souls who could only cling to a saving light.

(Ah, I apologise for replying late, I hadn't noticed that we'd already started! I couldn't quite think of anything, so I hope that butting in wouldn't be too awful, ahah.)
The clang of the PA system rings throughout the Academy as the voice of the MC comes on with an announcement. "Good morning, new students and returning ones! This is your MC, Barnes Dentara! All students, please report to the main hall for the opening ceremony within 30 minutes. Please remember to register yourself and receive your R.I.D. card so you can enter the hall at the registration building with your acceptance letter and application. So long for now and have a fabulous day!"
Jade looked around as the P.A. system when off making its announcements. "Ah right I still need to register!" She thought aloud. In all her sight seeing she'd briefly forgotten everything that was still left to be done. Jade rushed off following signs and other students to the registration building. While waiting in line she rummaged through her bag to find her acceptance letter.
Renshii's eye twitched as the man nudged him and started speaking to him as if they were best friends. He barely knew the kid but he seemed familiar from last years classes. Sighing softly he shook his head trying to remember what his mother had told him when he went home. She was always worried about him. She had told him to make new friends this year and begged him to. The man grumbled and looked to Lobo only to half break a smile. "Hello Lobo, good to see you this year. My vacation was spent working on the old arts of an actual gun. Stupid people these days don't even know how to use one much less load one. Maybe they might know how to use the OF's systems reload feature if they have a gun on there. But when I wasn't wasting time working on my skills with a gun, then I was trying to figure out this damned thing my father gave me. Said I can do a lot with the OF using it but I can't do nothing more then bring up the things stupid status on it." Renshii pulled the device out staring at it closely. He wished he could do more but he couldn't do it to save his life at the time.

When the intercom came across, he glanced up to it reaching into his pocket pulling out his letter before looking to the direction of the main hall. He hated doing this and didn't like doing it but hoped he could make it through quicker. Renshii sighed and made his way trying to get there and get out as quick as possible.
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Lobo waved to Renshii as he walked off, then smiled and reached for his pocket, pulling out his R.I.D. for the year. "Good thing I got this early, otherwise I'd have to face some serious traffic," he says as he twirls his card on the tip of his finger, snatching it before it fell off, then began to head to the main hall for the entrance ceremony. "I wonder if they'll call up a veteran to give an example of combat this time instead of a regular student."

((@Alad V , @Esme, @Icarus ))
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