• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Zombies O_o ((Post characters here)) [Always Open!]

Name: Gregory Philip

Nicknames: "Greg", "Pa"

Age: 58

Ethnicity: cacuasian, American

Place of birth: Dayton Tennessee

Sexuality: heterosexual

Appearance: (can't find one, will search :/ )

Personality: Growing up in the south, Gregory had all the southern traditions down, drinking beer, hunting, driving old as shit cars, but he was also a hard worker, which is a trait that followed over. Greg is a down to earth guy, and has a calm attitude, usually not one to raise his voice or get destructive when angry, although getting married at 22 and having 3 kids has sobered him up, and he can be stern.
+ hunting
+ kids
+ reading
- deadbeats
- shady people
- over complicated anythings

Skills and/or qualifications: he is a fast and diligent worker, whether it be building or bartending, his years of getting the job done make him one to pull a little more than his weight. Hunting gives him good knoledge with hunting rifles, shotguns, and a wide range of traps. He went to trade school right out of highschool to learn about cars, so can fix up just about any car. He might be old, but with his lifestyle he has stayed in good health, and that includes physically.

Previous occupation: He owned a car repair shop in North Carolina

Current weapons and ammunition: pocket knife

Inventory: Wallet, 70$ hard cash, bottle of water, pepsi, multitool, sunglasses, hat

Background: Gregory grew up in a poor family, forcing him to go to trade school instead of colledge. From 18 to 20 he attended the school, and met a woman soon after he settled into a trailer and a job as a low cut mechanic, and they would see each other at the same restaurant (she was a waiter), and that turned into the park, then into dates, then into marriage two years later. Life was at first hard for the couple, working low pay jobs and living poorly, but Gregory was determined, and so they had both started slowly moving up the chain, moving to North Carolina when Gregory was 26, working for a higher paying mechanic shop as his wife took odd jobs paying for medical school. At 28 Greg and his wife (who was 25) had their first kid, a boy, and at a good point in their lifes, as his wife had fully paid for her colledge and Greg was now assistant manager at the mechanic shop. During their lifes, the couple had two more kids, a girl when Greg was 36, and another boy when he was 40. Now they live their life's happy and accomplished, having bought 5 acers of land to live on (they would retire soon), he was the owner of a well known mechanic shop and she was a doctor (who would actually retire in 5 years).
Wife: Sharla Philip/55/doctor
Donald Philip/30/Animator
Carly Philip/22/college studying architecture
John Philip/18/ college studying musical arts

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Gregory eldest son Philip had recently went up to Toronto for a new job, and settled in to his place, had asked his parents to visit. Sharla couldn't go because of work, but asked Greg to go anyways.



Eloisa Rosales




Place of birth:
Toronto, Canada




Loisa has a fairly young face, her skin still pretty untouched by wrinkles, though she worries that she has lots of them. She has very pale skin and hasn't suffered from acne since her early teens. Her eyes and hair are a dark chocolate brown, which only contrast the paleness of her skin further. She has a very thin figure, and she wears clothes that usually bury her. She likes to wear layer upon layer, mostly because she feels the cold very harshly.

Current weapons and ammunition:

- Lip-balm
- Water bottle, half full
- Car Keys
- Compact Mirror
- Reading Glasses
- A copy of the book 'The Diary of Anne Frank'



Loisa is very up and down. She feels her emotions quite strongly, though most of the time she doesn't know what to do with them. She is shy in most situations, and she's terrible at making first impressions. She always tries to come across confident, and instead comes off as obnoxious. She tries to be sexy and ends up looking plain uncomfortable. She tries a lot to be someone she isn't, when in reality, people would love to see the real her.

Inside, Loisa is warm-hearted, fun and loving. She feels deep connections to people, and it upsets her so much when she doesn't follow them through. If she sees someone she likes at work, she will never follow it up and she hates herself for it. But, she replaces those feelings of sadness with a new kitten or a new puppy. At the moment, she has one cat and two dogs, but going to adoption centers just to look at the pets helps, too. She has a supreme kindness for animals and she holds their lives about those of humans. Deep down, Loisa just wants to let her hair down, but she has never been part of a big social group. She's had chances, but she always feels like a burden. She doesn't want to get drunk all the time, but she wouldn't mind going out dancing or hanging out with people at a bar. She just wants a little excitement.

Unfortunately, Loisa can sometimes be gullible, naive and on occasion; selfish. Loisa falls in love very, very easy. Though, she's only had one serious boyfriend. She has however been on small flings with guys who just used her for sex or as a wedding date. Each of these guys she thought was 'the one'. Now, she has become a little cynical of men, but she's still naive when it comes to the world. She thinks the best of everyone and she would never say a bad word about anything. She's very positive, but sometimes in an uninformed way. Lastly, Loisa can be selfish when it comes to her own feelings. Sometimes she doesn't think about others; and it's not that she has to get her own way, but sometimes she pulls people away from seeing the true her, which is selfish in a way. She fears being mocked, and so people miss out on her true, loving self.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- She can eat a pint of ice cream in under 6.2 minutes.

Previous occupations:
- Waitress
- Office Assistant
- Bartender
- Secretary
- Retail Worker



Loisa was born into a good family in Ottowa, her parents both had steady jobs, and she had a good surrounding of cousins, aunts and grandparents. At school, she had always been shy, but she got through with her head down and came through with good grades and a dream of being an artist. While her parents were supportive, they told her that art wasn't a stable dream, and that with grades as exceptional as hers, she should move onto a business career; maybe she could be a lawyer or an accountant. But Loisa didn't want that life for herself, and so instead, she put her foot down. For the first time in her life, she did something that she wanted to do. At 18, she moved to Toronto and went to the Toronto School of Art.

For the next two years, she earned her degree, and expected so much more to live once she had finished university. But, there was nothing. In the art world, it was less about what degrees or grades you had, and more about how original or unique you could be. Loisa was talented; there was no denying that, but she was turned away for not being contemporary enough.

After that, Loisa gave up her dream and has been hopping from job to job. She worked at a fancy restaurant for two years, then as an assistant and so on. Yet, no matter where she went, she never felt like she belonged. That was until she worked as a bartender. She met Matthew there, he was the manager, and he was amazing. Kind, funny and reliable. Or so she thought. Things seemed to be going well, and Loisa finally had a group of friends that she would go out with. It seemed more and more likely that she would move in with Matthew and then a year into their relationship, he cheated on her. With one of their friends. It broke her heart. She had to quit her job. All of her 'friends' stuck with Matthew and she was back on her own, a year of her life wasted.

Things seem even worse, and she's fallen into a bit of a depression. She has only the company of her pets and the sweet relief of Netflix and ice cream.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Loisa lives in Toronto but leaves twice a year to visit her parents, she was going a little early this year to escape the panic.
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Name: Leandra Trent

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 41

Ethnicity: American

Place of birth: Union City, New Jersey

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
She is determined and studious, liking to take in all the details of a situation before fully making a decision. This can be labeled as indecisiveness but last minute, when the pressure is mounting, she can pull a saving grace from most work situations.

On a case she is cutting and straight to the point, in this way she comes off as cold and calculating, keeping conversations with co-workers and especially clients as very professional. Her family tends to be her emotional anchor, and at home with her husband and children is where she is the most vulnerable.

Because of her accident she now has a paranoid streak.

Fears - Conspiracy, snakes and spiders, over medication, and something happening to her family.

Likes - Her children, her job, ice cream, and explaining things to others.

Skills and/or qualifications: Partner in a Law Firm, Knows Spanish and some French.

Previous occupation: Lawyer

Current weapons and ammunition: Pepper Spray and her cane.

Inventory: Luggage with clothes, laptop, pain pills and other toiletries.


Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Leandra grew up lower middle class, her parents immigrants to the United States from Cuba. She took every advantage that was given to her to excel and make her parents proud. She won a full ride to Columbia University and went on to study law at Howard University. She met her husband while out to dinner with friends. She sent her compliments to the chef and was surprised to find the handsome chef come out and receive the compliments first hand.

Out of college she worked for the government under the the D.A. of New Jersey, working to try and give back to her community, but found corruption every where she looked. While she wasn't opposed to turning her head or overlooking certain things, she needed to know for certain it was for the greater good. She butted heads and threatened one too many a politician, a little too often and it all came to a head one gloomy day when a car hit her as she crossed a road.

Though she couldn't prove it, she was sure it had been someone who was wanting to silence her. Luckily she survived, but came out of the situation with a limp and permanent nerve damage. After years of her husband begging her to take a lower profile job this is what finally convinced her. She packed up her child and parents and relocated them to her husband's hometown, Ottawa, Ontario. She started a tiny law firm close to home and settled down to tend to her wounded body and soul.


Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Leandra has lived in Canada for nearly twelve years, but has rarely left Ottawa and the surrounding area. Her accident had not only left her with mobility problems, she had some PTSD that went along with it. After years of therapy, both physical and psychological, she's more comfortable with taking trips on her own. She was attending a convention in Toronto and decided to take the train to see the sights.



Eloisa Rosales




Place of birth:
Toronto, Canada




Loisa has a fairly young face, her skin still pretty untouched by wrinkles, though she worries that she has lots of them. She has very pale skin and hasn't suffered from acne since her early teens. Her eyes and hair are a dark chocolate brown, which only contrast the paleness of her skin further. She has a very thin figure, and she wears clothes that usually bury her. She likes to wear layer upon layer, mostly because she feels the cold very harshly.

Current weapons and ammunition:

- Lip-balm
- Water bottle, half full
- Car Keys
- Compact Mirror
- Reading Glasses
- A copy of the book 'The Diary of Anne Frank'



Loisa is very up and down. She feels her emotions quite strongly, though most of the time she doesn't know what to do with them. She is shy in most situations, and she's terrible at making first impressions. She always tries to come across confident, and instead comes off as obnoxious. She tries to be sexy and ends up looking plain uncomfortable. She tries a lot to be someone she isn't, when in reality, people would love to see the real her.

Inside, Loisa is warm-hearted, fun and loving. She feels deep connections to people, and it upsets her so much when she doesn't follow them through. If she sees someone she likes at work, she will never follow it up and she hates herself for it. But, she replaces those feelings of sadness with a new kitten or a new puppy. At the moment, she has one cat and two dogs, but going to adoption centers just to look at the pets helps, too. She has a supreme kindness for animals and she holds their lives about those of humans. Deep down, Loisa just wants to let her hair down, but she has never been part of a big social group. She's had chances, but she always feels like a burden. She doesn't want to get drunk all the time, but she wouldn't mind going out dancing or hanging out with people at a bar. She just wants a little excitement.

Unfortunately, Loisa can sometimes be gullible, naive and on occasion; selfish. Loisa falls in love very, very easy. Though, she's only had one serious boyfriend. She has however been on small flings with guys who just used her for sex or as a wedding date. Each of these guys she thought was 'the one'. Now, she has become a little cynical of men, but she's still naive when it comes to the world. She thinks the best of everyone and she would never say a bad word about anything. She's very positive, but sometimes in an uninformed way. Lastly, Loisa can be selfish when it comes to her own feelings. Sometimes she doesn't think about others; and it's not that she has to get her own way, but sometimes she pulls people away from seeing the true her, which is selfish in a way. She fears being mocked, and so people miss out on her true, loving self.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- She can eat a pint of ice cream in under 6.2 minutes.

Previous occupations:
- Waitress
- Office Assistant
- Bartender
- Secretary
- Retail Worker



Loisa was born into a good family in Ottowa, her parents both had steady jobs, and she had a good surrounding of cousins, aunts and grandparents. At school, she had always been shy, but she got through with her head down and came through with good grades and a dream of being an artist. While her parents were supportive, they told her that art wasn't a stable dream, and that with grades as exceptional as hers, she should move onto a business career; maybe she could be a lawyer or an accountant. But Loisa didn't want that life for herself, and so instead, she put her foot down. For the first time in her life, she did something that she wanted to do. At 18, she moved to Toronto and went to the Toronto School of Art.

For the next two years, she earned her degree, and expected so much more to live once she had finished university. But, there was nothing. In the art world, it was less about what degrees or grades you had, and more about how original or unique you could be. Loisa was talented; there was no denying that, but she was turned away for not being contemporary enough.

After that, Loisa gave up her dream and has been hopping from job to job. She worked at a fancy restaurant for two years, then as an assistant and so on. Yet, no matter where she went, she never felt like she belonged. That was until she worked as a bartender. She met Matthew there, he was the manager, and he was amazing. Kind, funny and reliable. Or so she thought. Things seemed to be going well, and Loisa finally had a group of friends that she would go out with. It seemed more and more likely that she would move in with Matthew and then a year into their relationship, he cheated on her. With one of their friends. It broke her heart. She had to quit her job. All of her 'friends' stuck with Matthew and she was back on her own, a year of her life wasted.

Things seem even worse, and she's fallen into a bit of a depression. She has only the company of her pets and the sweet relief of Netflix and ice cream.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Loisa lives in Toronto but leaves twice a year to visit her parents, she was going a little early this year to escape the panic.
Name: Leandra Trent

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 41

Ethnicity: American

Place of birth: Union City, New Jersey

Sexuality: Straight



Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
She is determined and studious, liking to take in all the details of a situation before fully making a decision. This can be labeled as indecisiveness but last minute, when the pressure is mounting, she can pull a saving grace from most work situations.

On a case she is cutting and straight to the point, in this way she comes off as cold and calculating, keeping conversations with co-workers and especially clients as very professional. Her family tends to be her emotional anchor, and at home with her husband and children is where she is the most vulnerable.

Because of her accident she now has a paranoid streak.

Fears - Conspiracy, snakes and spiders, over medication, and something happening to her family.

Likes - Her children, her job, ice cream, and explaining things to others.

Skills and/or qualifications: Partner in a Law Firm, Knows Spanish and some French.

Previous occupation: Lawyer

Current weapons and ammunition: Pepper Spray and her cane.

Inventory: Luggage with clothes, laptop, pain pills and other toiletries.


Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Leandra grew up lower middle class, her parents immigrants to the United States from Cuba. She took every advantage that was given to her to excel and make her parents proud. She won a full ride to Columbia University and went on to study law at Howard University. She met her husband while out to dinner with friends. She sent her compliments to the chef and was surprised to find the handsome chef come out and receive the compliments first hand.

Out of college she worked for the government under the the D.A. of New Jersey, working to try and give back to her community, but found corruption every where she looked. While she wasn't opposed to turning her head or overlooking certain things, she needed to know for certain it was for the greater good. She butted heads and threatened one too many a politician, a little too often and it all came to a head one gloomy day when a car hit her as she crossed a road.

Though she couldn't prove it, she was sure it had been someone who was wanting to silence her. Luckily she survived, but came out of the situation with a limp and permanent nerve damage. After years of her husband begging her to take a lower profile job this is what finally convinced her. She packed up her child and parents and relocated them to her husband's hometown, Ottawa, Ontario. She started a tiny law firm close to home and settled down to tend to her wounded body and soul.


Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Leandra has lived in Canada for nearly twelve years, but has rarely left Ottawa and the surrounding area. Her accident had not only left her with mobility problems, she had some PTSD that went along with it. After years of therapy, both physical and psychological, she's more comfortable with taking trips on her own. She was attending a convention in Toronto and decided to take the train to see the sights.
Name-- Caesar Riggins

Nickname-- N/A

Age-- 35

Gender-- Male



Personality-- Despite having a suspicious feel about everyone he comes across, Caesar is a cheery guy once you get to know him more. He does make jokes occasionally, but they are more lenient towards the adult genre. You can hear him talk about a loved one that is always with him, and since he surprisingly is indifferent about women, the only other "girlfriend" he could be talking about would be a brushed chrome Colt Python that he keeps by his side at all times.

Fears-- Isolation, The undead (This fear was from before the zombie virus), Spiders and snakes. (Not because he thinks they are scary, but it's the fear of being bitten by one.)

Likes-- Challenges (He loves taking risks), His sidearm, Practicality, and Dedicated people.

Place of Birth: Clifton Virginia.

Sexuality-- Straight

Previous occupation-- Police Deputy



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Name-- Caesar Riggins

Nickname-- N/A

Age-- 35

Gender-- Male


View attachment 285965

Personality-- Despite having a suspicious feel about everyone he comes across, Caesar is a cheery guy once you get to know him more. He does make jokes occasionally, but they are more lenient towards the adult genre. You can hear him talk about a loved one that is always with him, and since he surprisingly is indifferent about women, the only other "girlfriend" he could be talking about would be a brushed chrome Colt Python that he keeps by his side at all times.

Fears-- Isolation, The undead (This fear was from before the zombie virus), Spiders and snakes. (Not because he thinks they are scary, but it's the fear of being bitten by one.)

Likes-- Challenges (He loves taking risks), His sidearm, Practicality, and Dedicated people.

Place of Birth: Clifton Virginia.

Sexuality-- Straight

Previous occupation-- Police Deputy


Can you add a background please and this is based on civilian survival. Could you make him ex policeman please.
Name: Erik Williams

Nicknames: Rik, Will.

Age: 27

Ethnicity: White

Place of birth: Portland, Maine

Sexuality: Heterosexual

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Erik is currently wearing a black t-shirt with dark blue jeans and the same hat seen in the picture.

Pros - Tactical, leader, fearless, serious

Cons - quick-to-trigger, a little controlling, high expectancy (expects a bit much out of those around him)

Likes - telling war stories, rifles, hard work
Dislikes - slackers, hypocrites, silence

Skills and/or qualifications:
Military training - Erik was trained and deployed as a Marine, so he is no stranger to surviving and shooting. He is also very athletic.
Mechanic - He works in his fathers mechanic shop when off tour. He is pretty good.

Previous occupation: Marine sniper

Current weapons and ammunition: N/A

Inventory: 5 granola bars and one 16.5 ounce water bottle

Background: Erik was born into a military family, so the idea of enlisting was always present. His father was a Marine, his older brother went to the Army, and his older sister went to the Navy. He did well at a school his mother taught at and his father worked with him in his mechanic shop. Before graduation he had already gone to a Marine recruiter and the recruiter said that Erik looked promising. After high school he went immediately into service. The training was vigorous and painful to say the least, but he proved his worth. He decided to go into the field of sharpshooting and snipe for a living. He did pretty well, nearly hitting the top of his group. After a few years of going on tour and then coming home to work in the shop, he decided it was time to settle down. So after the end of his most recent deployment, he retired and called up an old friend who lived in Toronto at the time. He asked him if he could come up to his place and relax for a bit, and his friend said yes. Unfortunately he wasn't able to make it there after the zombies started showing up. Now he had to put his training to use once more to survive.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Visiting a friend
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Name: Erik Williams

Nicknames: Rik, Will.

Age: 27

Ethnicity: White

Place of birth: Portland, Maine

Sexuality: Heterosexual

View attachment 285968

Erik is currently wearing a black t-shirt with dark blue jeans and the same hat seen in the picture.

Pros - Tactical, leader, fearless, serious

Cons - quick-to-trigger, a little controlling, high expectancy (expects a bit much out of those around him)

Likes - telling war stories, rifles, hard work
Dislikes - slackers, hypocrites, silence

Skills and/or qualifications:
Military training - Erik was trained and deployed as a Marine, so he is no stranger to surviving and shooting. He is also very athletic.
Mechanic - He works in his fathers mechanic shop when off tour. He is pretty good.

Previous occupation: Marine sniper

Current weapons and ammunition: N/A

Inventory: 5 granola bars and one 16.5 ounce water bottle

Background: Erik was born into a military family, so the idea of enlisting was always present. His father was a Marine, his older brother went to the Army, and his older sister went to the Navy. He did well at a school his mother taught at and his father worked with him in his mechanic shop. Before graduation he had already gone to a Marine recruiter and the recruiter said that Erik looked promising. After high school he went immediately into service. The training was vigorous and painful to say the least, but he proved his worth. He decided to go into the field of sharpshooting and snipe for a living. He did pretty well, nearly hitting the top of his group. After a few years of going on tour and then coming home to work in the shop, he decided it was time to settle down. So after the end of his most recent deployment, he retired and called up an old friend who lived in Toronto at the time. He asked him if he could come up to his place and relax for a bit, and his friend said yes. Unfortunately he wasn't able to make it there after the zombies started showing up. Now he had to put his training to use once more to survive.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Visiting a friend
Sam Way GiF 2.gif


Malachai Ranger

"Mal" or "Kai" (Prefers Kai)



Place of birth:

Portland, Maine USA


Sam Way GiF 1.gif
6'2, 180lbs, Dark brown hair, matching brown hair

Kai is quick with his mouth, always talking and/or insulting someone. Loud, obnoxious, arrogance are just some of his personality traits all of which are just plain toxic. Under his thick layer of bad boy Kai is actually quite smart and that really shows when he's out on the field.

Kai has an extreme phobia of spiders, when out hunting this can become a problem as he doesn't want to scare off any potential kills with a high-pitched scream.

Skills and/or qualifications:

Kai dropped out of school at a young age so he does not have any qualifications. Luckily for him, his father was a highly esteemed hunter and Kai had a knack for it.

Previous occupation:
Licensed Hunter

Current weapons and ammunition:
.308 Hunting Rifle (Locked up in safe box in secure train compartment. Fully licensed but can only legally be accessed when train has stopped)
50rds .308

7.5 inch sheathed bowie knife (Completely legal and non-concealed although if taken out he risks jail time, even if it's in self defence)

Kai grew up in rural Maine but was born in Portland. He spent his days exploring woods and hunting with his father. His mother wasn't in the picture at all and his father won't talk about her. In school Kai was a troublemaker. He showed complete disregard for the rules and didn't give the teachers any power over him. Dropping out at sixteen, Kai went to work with his father. At eighteen Kai became a fully licensed hunter like his father.
Travelling all over the US and Canada, controlling animal populations and helping farmers/home owners out with their pesky animal problems.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Given a job in a private government area in Canada wanting the local bear population either relocated or killed. His father sent him ahead on a train while he finished up a population control in Kansas.

Sam Way GiF 3.gif
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View attachment 286101


Malachai Ranger

"Mal" or "Kai" (Prefers Kai)



Place of birth:

Portland, Maine USA


View attachment 286100
6'2, 180lbs, Dark brown hair, matching brown hair

Kai is quick with his mouth, always talking and/or insulting someone. Loud, obnoxious, arrogance are just some of his personality traits all of which are just plain toxic. Under his thick layer of bad boy Kai is actually quite smart and that really shows when he's out on the field.

Kai has an extreme phobia of spiders, when out hunting this can become a problem as he doesn't want to scare off any potential kills with a high-pitched scream.

Skills and/or qualifications:

Kai dropped out of school at a young age so he does not have any qualifications. Luckily for him, his father was a highly esteemed hunter and Kai had a knack for it.

Previous occupation:
Licensed Hunter

Current weapons and ammunition:
.308 Hunting Rifle (Locked up in safe box in secure train compartment. Fully licensed but can only legally be accessed when train has stopped)
50rds .308

7.5 inch sheathed bowie knife (Completely legal and non-concealed although if taken out he risks jail time, even if it's in self defence)

Kai grew up in rural Maine but was born in Portland. He spent his days exploring woods and hunting with his father. His mother wasn't in the picture at all and his father won't talk about her. In school Kai was a troublemaker. He showed complete disregard for the rules and didn't give the teachers any power over him. Dropping out at sixteen, Kai went to work with his father. At eighteen Kai became a fully licensed hunter like his father.
Travelling all over the US and Canada, controlling animal populations and helping farmers/home owners out with their pesky animal problems.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Given a job in a private government area in Canada wanting the local bear population either relocated or killed. His father sent him ahead on a train while he finished up a population control in Kansas.

View attachment 286103
Accepted! You can post when you're ready
Doctor Aadesh Krishnamurti

Doc, Addy.



Place of birth:
Essex, England.




Aadesh, standing at the height of 6’2” has a slim but toned figure, not made for sports - however, does take up jogging (the only thing he can manage to fit in considering his work) to keep himself in shape. With thick, black locks cropped mostly away from his features, he sports a beard which manages to accentuate the gentle curve of his jaw. Weighing only 173 lbs. Alas, as any good Doctor, you would happen to notice Aadesh isn’t quite fit to be a jock.

Aadesh is a sweet, if not incredibly sarcastic character to be around. With a heart bigger than his head, at times working to save the unsavable becomes a problem he’s not willing to give up on. Boundless amounts of hope embody his cheerful moods, rarely sincere unless provoked or otherwise sympathetic. Incredibly welcoming, awkward, and socially inept, he practically oozes the best aspects of an introvert - but with a loud mouth and bad pickup lines. Doctor Krishnamurti, can hardly fear gore; with a steeled stomach against blood and flesh (which applies to the dead who don’t attempt to consume his living body. He’s quite attached), but instead morbidly fascinated with the human anatomy. Yet it’s the same man who can eat his bowl of cereal quite happily over the stench of a dead corpse after working a few of his student placements in a morgue. It’s no surprise his humour can also differ to incredibly bad jokes relating to amputation and disease, as well as varying scientific ones barely anyone understands.


Skills and/or qualifications:
  • Earned a PhD in Biochemistry.
  • Basic and adept medical knowledge of the human body and disease.
  • Cool-headed in stressful situations.
  • Incredibly good at working in a team, and thinking on his feet due to years of hospital theatres.
Previous occupation:
Researcher for the National Institute for Health

Current weapons and ammunition:
Medical encyclopaedia (Hardcover)

  • Stethoscope (Expensive and a gift from his father)
  • Light-packed luggage of clothes.
  • Water Bottle 500ml (Full)
  • Phone and tablet
  • “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin
  • Wallet
Brought up in the UK, from an anglo-Indian family and background, the move to the USA was purely for better pay and research facilities compared to the ones supplied in the British National Health Service. He was immediately snapped up by the National Institute of Health as a researcher and attempting to clamber the ranks into the CDC.

His upbringing was purely normal, nothing too special. His father was a banker, his mother a housewife. The only child of a happy couple, in a boring middle-class neighbourhood. His years in University appeared to wisen him in the big wide world, stolen away from the isolated bubble that came with privilege. He dedicated his life to medicine, taking jobs in morgues, hospitals, training to become a Doctor in biochemistry, which proved him to be an intelligent mind. If not completely stupid when it came to being social.

The move to America was a huge decision, but his parents thought the world of him. His father gifting a stethoscope which he kept neatly in a box and wore consistently. His breakthrough for the researching job was a paper written up on the effects of poverty on the consistency, mutation, and strains of disease in third world countries.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Travelling to a CDC centre, when called upon as a matter of emergency - something he continues to be oblivious to. He missed the previous flight and was forced to take the train due to the airport being flushed with riots.


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Doctor Aadesh Krishnamurti

Doc, Addy.



Place of birth:
Essex, England.



Aadesh, standing at the height of 6’2” has a slim but toned figure, not made for sports - however, does take up jogging (the only thing he can manage to fit in considering his work) to keep himself in shape. With thick, black locks cropped mostly away from his features, he sports a beard which manages to accentuate the gentle curve of his jaw. Weighing only 173 lbs. Alas, as any good Doctor, you would happen to notice Aadesh isn’t quite fit to be a jock.

Aadesh is a sweet, if not incredibly sarcastic character to be around. With a heart bigger than his head, at times working to save the unsavable becomes a problem he’s not willing to give up on. Boundless amounts of hope embody his cheerful moods, rarely sincere unless provoked or otherwise sympathetic. Incredibly welcoming, awkward, and socially inept, he practically oozes the best aspects of an introvert - but with a loud mouth and bad pickup lines. Doctor Krishnamurti, can hardly fear gore; with a steeled stomach against blood and flesh (which applies to the dead who don’t attempt to consume his living body. He’s quite attached), but instead morbidly fascinated with the human anatomy. Yet it’s the same man who can eat his bowl of cereal quite happily over the stench of a dead corpse after working a few of his student placements in a morgue. It’s no surprise his humour can also differ to incredibly bad jokes relating to amputation and disease, as well as varying scientific ones barely anyone understands.

Skills and/or qualifications:
  • Earned a PhD in Biochemistry.
  • Basic and adept medical knowledge of the human body and disease.
  • Cool-headed in stressful situations.
  • Incredibly good at working in a team, and thinking on his feet due to years of hospital theatres.
Previous occupation:
Researcher for the National Institute for Health

Current weapons and ammunition:
Medical encyclopaedia (Hardcover)

  • Stethoscope (Expensive and a gift from his father)
  • Light-packed luggage of clothes.
  • Water Bottle 500ml (Full)
  • Phone and tablet
  • “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin
  • Wallet
Brought up in the UK, from an anglo-Indian family and background, the move to the USA was purely for better pay and research facilities compared to the ones supplied in the British National Health Service. He was immediately snapped up by the National Institute of Health as a researcher and attempting to clamber the ranks into the CDC.

His upbringing was purely normal, nothing too special. His father was a banker, his mother a housewife. The only child of a happy couple, in a boring middle-class neighbourhood. His years in University appeared to wisen him in the big wide world, stolen away from the isolated bubble that came with privilege. He dedicated his life to medicine, taking jobs in morgues, hospitals, training to become a Doctor in biochemistry, which proved him to be an intelligent mind. If not completely stupid when it came to being social.

The move to America was a huge decision, but his parents thought the world of him. His father gifting a stethoscope which he kept neatly in a box and wore consistently. His breakthrough for the researching job was a paper written up on the effects of poverty on the consistency, mutation, and strains of disease in third world countries.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Travelling to a CDC centre, when called upon as a matter of emergency - something he continues to be oblivious to. He missed the previous flight and was forced to take the train due to the airport being flushed with riots.


Cooper Chauncey




Place of birth:
Blind River, Ontario, Canada



At 6’4”, he’s menacing with a well-built weight of 194 lbs. A thick beard, unkempt in hair and grooming, with a crooked nose from having it broken so many times. Not an ugly bastard, but certainly not one you’d like to meet in a bar. Usually, wears sunglasses to cover his almost-always bloodshot eyes.

Your favourite redneck alcoholic with more issues than a bucket with no bottom. Aggressive, sadistic, loud-mouthed, stubborn and a million other clashing traits no one wants to deal with, after his wild upbringing it appears he never managed to settle down. Raising hell with every step he takes, whilst his attitude is more than likely to be treated with a punch to the face. His influence is terrible and often includes smoking himself to death after chain smoking a 40 pack of cigarettes. Unfortunately, he doesn’t give a shit whether or not he dies but relishes in the art of taking something down. After being brought up to skin animals, and hunt with his father, Cooper is quite desensitised to death. Morbidly humoured by the adrenaline of killing something with his bare hands. Basically illiterate and disregards rationality.

Skills and/or qualifications:
  • Basic survival knowledge of plants, tracking, and hunting.
  • Has a good eye for shooting and can repair most guns.
  • His size and strength, are often used to his advantage.
Previous occupation:
Common labourer/Jack of all trades

Current weapons and ammunition:
  • An empty bottle of whisky
  • Penknife
  • Wallet
  • Handful of coins
Brought up in the backwards trailer park on the outskirts of Blind River, with an alcoholic father and drug-fuelled mother. The third child of six, he was never quite the oldest but often would keep his younger siblings safe and fed when their parents weren’t around. Alas, it caused him to miss much of school. Already dealing with dyslexia, and managing to feign reading as well as getting thrown out of class by doing something outrageous to avoid being chosen to read out loud. By the time he was 14, the education system had all but turned a blind eye to his plight.

Nevertheless, his role models would soon become him. At 17, he knocked up his girlfriend - however, stepped up to take care of them both by working three jobs. Until she ran off to live with her sister, taking their son. The succession of tragedy only continued as he turned to drink and heroin hazes. Homeless by 21, he then began to build himself up from nothing and turned to the city.

Of course, when Cooper is involved, nothing runs smoothly. Finding himself odd jobs, a crap apartment, and befriending a prostitute named Sally. Only to continue doing lines of cocaine, and transferring his clean start into another vicious cycle. In and out of rehab, jail, the drunk tank, it was looking drastic. Till falling asleep on the train, whilst the world began to fall apart.

Fucking fantastic.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Sleeping off his hangover - as every gentleman does. Going anywhere the world takes him.

Love it, accepted!
(Hope it not to late to jump on.)
Kade West

//Kadence Ray West//








Place of Birth
//Port Hope, Ontario//



Impulsive; Kade has a habit of not thinking before she does something. There is no stop-and-think mechanism in her mind, it's simply "go"-

Callous; Kade has no sense of sympathy for people she doesn't know, or hasn't gotten the time to develop a sense of protectiveness for.-

Pessimistic; Kade can never seem to find a bright side in anything. She's always searching for the bad outcome of a situation to prepare herself for it.-

Quick-tempered; Kade is not hard to make angry. This trait paired with her impulsiveness may end in someone being injured.- Sarcastic; The words that come out of Kades' mouth are almost never serious, this can cause problems when she's sarcastic at a terrible moment.-

Cunning; Kade is a slippery slope, she finds joy in the art of trickery to force people to do what she wants. But, make a wrong move and you might end up tied to a tree.​

Bright; Kade is quite intelligent for her age and standing. This applies to both common sense and book smarts.-

Determined; When she finds something that she feels needs to be done or completed, Kade doesn't stop until it's done.-

Affectionate; When she knows someone well enough, Kade can be extremely affectionate toward them. Despite her tough exterior, Kade isn't really as cruel as she seems.-

Fearless; Kade will do anything, anything, to preserve her people's well being of the well being of the ones she loves.-

Loyal; Kade possesses unwavering loyalty to her people and loved ones. Any who are able to get close to Kade might experience this first hand when she disregards her own wants and needs to stay true to her loved one.-

Resourceful; Kade has the ability to get herself out of a compromising situation with what she is provided, or what she has around her.

- Storms- Nature- Sharp objects- Hazel eyes- Winter

- Loud sounds- Idiots- The dark- Felines- Authority​


Born to a pilot father and a lawyer mother, Kade never really got to see her parents often. As a result, she learned to be self-sufficient and self-disciplined. Kade had a younger brother who, unfortunately, passed in a car wreck. Kade was driving. She blames herself for her brothers death, always thinking about what could have been if she hadn't been as stupid as she was that night. Everyone's told her it wasn't her fault, there was no way she could've foreseen that eighteen-wheeler spinning out and slamming into her brothers side of the car. Kade refused to believe them, there had to have been something she could've done, because otherwise, that meant he was supposed to die that day. The death of her brother has stayed with Kade throughout her years in high-school and now, approaching her senior year, she's finally been able to get over the tragic accident. For a long while, she was teetering on the edge of crushing guilt and moving past the event, that little push in the right direction came from her mother telling her she forgave her. That's all Kade had needed. Someone to tell her they forgave her. Whether it was for killing her brother, or something else entirely, she didn't know. Kade's never really had a person who stayed in her life, with her parents gone all the time, she isn't used to always having someone there and can sometimes rely too heavily on herself for everything. Kade tries her best to remind herself that there are people there to help her out, but it never really seems to get through. She loved her friends to death and would be there to help them in a heartbeat, but when it comes to herself, she just prefers to do things alone. This has caused many past friends to float away from her and out of her life.

In her graduated years she went on to college to be a medical examiner and landed herself a job at a morgue not long after graduating college.

Skills and/or qualifications
Medical expertise//

Previous occupation
//Medical examiner (The people who examine victims bodies for homicide cases.)

Current weapons and ammunition
//Crowbar, and a medical scapel, but that won't do much. //

//Two extra shirts, some band aids strewn about her back pack, a half empty water bottle, her lab coat, and a red bandana. //
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(Hope it not to late to jump on. This'll be done in a few.)
Kade West


//Kadence Ray West//









Impulsive; Kade has a habit of not thinking before she does something. There is no stop-and-think mechanism in her mind, it's simply "go"- Callous; Kade has no sense of sympathy for people she doesn't know, or hasn't gotten the time to develop a sense of protectiveness for.- Pessimistic; Kade can never seem to find a bright side in anything. She's always searching for the bad outcome of a situation to prepare herself for it.-

Quick-tempered; Kade is not hard to make angry. This trait paired with her impulsiveness may end in someone being injured.- Sarcastic; The words that come out of Kades' mouth are almost never serious, this can cause problems when she's sarcastic at a terrible moment.-

Cunning; Kade is a slippery slope, she finds joy in the art of trickery to force people to do what she wants. But, make a wrong move and you might end up tied to a tree.​

Bright; Kade is quite intelligent for her age and standing. This applies to both common sense and book smarts.-

Determined; When she finds something that she feels needs to be done or completed, Kade doesn't stop until it's done.-

Affectionate; When she knows someone well enough, Kade can be extremely affectionate toward them. Despite her tough exterior, Kade isn't really as cruel as she seems.-

Fearless; Kade will do anything, anything, to preserve her people's well being of the well being of the ones she loves.-

Loyal; Kade possesses unwavering loyalty to her people and loved ones. Any who are able to get close to Kade might experience this first hand when she disregards her own wants and needs to stay true to her loved one.-

Resourceful; Kade has the ability to get herself out of a compromising situation with what she is provided, or what she has around her.

- Storms- Nature- Sharp objects- Hazel eyes- Winter

- Loud sounds- Idiots- The dark- Felines- Authority​


Born to a pilot father and a lawyer mother, Kade never really got to see her parents often. As a result, she learned to be self-sufficient and self-disciplined. Kade had a younger brother who, unfortunately, passed in a car wreck. Kade was driving. She blames herself for her brothers death, always thinking about what could have been if she hadn't been as stupid as she was that night. Everyone's told her it wasn't her fault, there was no way she could've foreseen that eighteen-wheeler spinning out and slamming into her brothers side of the car. Kade refused to believe them, there had to have been something she could've done, because otherwise, that meant he was supposed to die that day. The death of her brother has stayed with Kade throughout her years in high-school and now, approaching her senior year, she's finally been able to get over the tragic accident. For a long while, she was teetering on the edge of crushing guilt and moving past the event, that little push in the right direction came from her mother telling her she forgave her. That's all Kade had needed. Someone to tell her they forgave her. Whether it was for killing her brother, or something else entirely, she didn't know. Kade's never really had a person who stayed in her life, with her parents gone all the time, she isn't used to always having someone there and can sometimes rely too heavily on herself for everything. Kade tries her best to remind herself that there are people there to help her out, but it never really seems to get through. She loved her friends to death and would be there to help them in a heartbeat, but when it comes to herself, she just prefers to do things alone. This has caused many past friends to float away from her and out of her life.

Can you add previous occupation, current weapons and inventory please. Otherwise accepted!
Gene C. Jackson
Nicknames: Gene, Geno

Age: 22

Ethnicity: South Korean

Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea

Sexuality: Bi-curious


Outgoing, social, great people skills. Good at getting people to have fun. Physically affectionate. Attention seeking, loves crowds. Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities. Needs to live life in accordance with their inner values. Disorganized. Prone to losing things. Irresponsible. Acts without thinking. Rule breaker. Easily distracted. Comfortable in unfamiliar situations. Attracted to strange things and counterculture. Non-punctual. Likes to stand out. Easily talked into doing silly things. Pleasure seeking, risk taking, thrill seeking, fun seeking. Adventurous. Hyperactive. Irrational. Likes to try new things, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, dangerous.

Skills and/or qualifications:
<>Early Studies<> Gene studied a lot about the wild, wanting to be like his father and travel the vast wilderness. He know forging, and many variety of survival tips.
<>High Endurance to Running<>

Dislikes: sweating, mean people, being put down or controlled, being judged, people who are rude.

Likes: Drawing, Dancing, Exercise, getting attention, learning new things, meeting new people, praise.

Previous occupation:
Traveling Artist

Current weapons and ammunition:
A pocket knife he always kept on him, it was a gift from his father when he was twelve.

Half empty bottle of water.
Pocket knife
Light backpack
Blue skinny jeans
Black beanie
Black shirt
Hikers boots
Blue sweatshirt.
Colored pencils
A book on shading techniques.

Background: Gene was born in Seoul, South Korea, and was raised by his two parents. When he was five, they moved to Canada because of the better job opportunities for his mother. His father taught him on survival and being in the 'wild'. When he was twelve, his father gave him a pocket knife and disappeared. He took to art, drawing nature and traveling often. Gene was heading to his next spot to work, when things just started going all wrong....

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
"I was born in Seoul, and I was raised in Canada by my mother when she got a job here. "​
ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes

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View attachment 286811
Gene C. Jackson
Nicknames: Gene, Geno

Age: 22

Ethnicity: South Korean

Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea

Sexuality: Bi-curious

View attachment 286812

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Skills and/or qualifications:

Previous occupation:
Traveling Artist

Current weapons and ammunition:
A pocket knife he always kept on him, it was a gift from his father when he was twelve.

Half empty bottle of water.
Pocket knife
Light backpack
Blue skinny jeans
Black beanie
Black shirt
Hikers boots
Blue sweatshirt.
Colored pencils
A book on shading techniques.

Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:

View attachment 286813
Could you put a background and why you're in Canada. Otherwise accepted!
Hi there! Maybe can I join?
Character Sheet
Patrick Lebanov

General Information

Name: Patrick Lebanov

Nicknames: Razvedchik (Scout in Russian)


Ethnicity:East Slavic

Place of birth:Moscow, 17th April 1992.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Patrick Lebanov was born in a suburb hospital in Moscow 1 year after the old Soviet Union dissolved, leaving the Russian economy in shambles, his parents where regulars, his mother was a teacher and his father was a Leutnant on the Russian Army, they always saw pride on being russian and raised Patrick around the belief that the Soviet Union was dissolved by the capitalists as a way to enslave all the workers of the world so the big fat american bankers could eat while the poor starved.

Patrick grew in this kind of scenary and his surrounding were no good either, but when he was 9, Vladmir Putin brought the russian economy a brighter prospect, and due to that, Patrick saw that the russians were really a worthy people, and when he was 12, he made the decision of joining the army after he saw a military parade in Moscow.

His love for the russian armed forces brought to his attention the many different careers that the russian citzen could have, and he decided to join the VDV when he was 25, after he had already spent a good amount of time in the army, and so, he joined the VDV after a serie of trials when he was 28.

To comemorate his entrance on one of the most elite troops of the Russian army and his birthday, he took a flight to Canada, were he got caught in the middle of the whole confusion, and being a russian soldier, he had a only, single clue of what to do in such situations, to run back to the Russian embassy, but how?....

Previous occupation: Soldier of the Russian Army
He serves the russian army since 2010
Fought in Crimea against the Ukranian army as a undercover russian agent as a part of a reinforcment operation led by the russian army to help the insurgents on their fight, and northern Siria, against terrorists positions and took part in various urban-warfare-based conflicts around those areas.
Got accepted into the VDV in 10 April 2020

personality and skills

Disciplined soldier.

Memory adept (uses his memory quite a lot and can memorize pieces of information quite easely)

Sharpshooter (Can shoot with precision a target 2 meters large 700 meters away with a rifle)

Gun-Flex (Can handle almost any kind of gun, ranging from pistols to LMGs (Due to his training))

Tactician (He can picture his surroundings and create a battle plan quite easely)

"When meeting someone, be respectful, but always have a plan to kill him"

Paratrooper (Know how to jump from airplanes carrying up to 20 lbs of equipament)

Novice Night Fighter (VDV night training had some effect on his ability to percecive his surroundings on the dark)

Pointman (He was often the point man of his squad due to his high agility)

Runner (He was the pointman of his squadron)

He is a self-centered man, rarely spoke out his ideas due to his reluctance on leading, he always though the leading job was the job of a officer, not a soldier like him.

He isn't the caring type of dude, he is more like a practical person, "if it works, its perfect", and he always though that if it is too complicated to be used by a kid, it is too complicaded for him, since due to his experience, he learned that the best guns in combat are those who can withstand a big deal of damage and still fire, not those who need a incredible amount of effort to be understood or prepared.

He was raised by a army officer, on a patriachal home, and joined the army as soon as he could. He is a very disciplined man and being tagged as a corrupt or disloyal is the biggest insult he could take, and he has taken some parts of the middle ages knight's code as his personal moral code. He would often sacrifice something for a weaker one and he thinks that the peace is something to be held and protected, even if the only way to do it is war.

  1. He is a disciplined soldier, can acquire skills easely and can handle stressful situations with ease.
  2. He is a memory student, that means that he can remember things easier than any regular bloke.
  3. He has military training, although not top-notch, but still, something to be recognized. (medium shooting, high running, basic camouflage, basic leadership, light torture, Medium hand-to-hand combat skills, Know Krav-Magá, medium gun expertise and medium explosives)
  4. He has experience in dealing with other people in stressful situations, he can help someone else to get over a trouble or get back at his feet by talking to him/her.
  5. He has basic medic training, he can treat light wounds, medium wounds, sometimes even 3rd grade burn wounds and as well as delay the death of someone who got shot.
  6. He is mostly cold-blooded, as he understands that in the world that we live in, human lives are disposable, and due to that he also believes that self-sacrifice can help the team to reach a goal, and would do it without hesitation


This is his inventory DURING the blackout/riot
Credit Card.
City map.
Swiss Knife
Digital Camera

This is what he has on his hotel bedroom.

bag full of clothes
reserve credit card
More Documents (passaports and stuff like that)
His trusty Makarov, 2 Clips.
Some books on survival (VDV related stuff)

Also, how should I get into the history? cause, I hear that you guys left the train... I was thinking about the situation where Patrick was on the subway as well, but when the blackout happened, the gates closed, and now he was trapped and had to find a way out and stumbled on you guys....
What about it? ^^
Hi there! Maybe can I join?
Character Sheet
Patrick Lebanov

General Information

Name: Patrick Lebanov

Nicknames: Razvedchik (Scout in Russian)


Ethnicity:East Slavic

Place of birth:Moscow, 17th April 1992.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Patrick Lebanov was born in a suburb hospital in Moscow 1 year after the old Soviet Union dissolved, leaving the Russian economy in shambles, his parents where regulars, his mother was a teacher and his father was a Leutnant on the Russian Army, they always saw pride on being russian and raised Patrick around the belief that the Soviet Union was dissolved by the capitalists as a way to enslave all the workers of the world so the big fat american bankers could eat while the poor starved.

Patrick grew in this kind of scenary and his surrounding were no good either, but when he was 9, Vladmir Putin brought the russian economy a brighter prospect, and due to that, Patrick saw that the russians were really a worthy people, and when he was 12, he made the decision of joining the army after he saw a military parade in Moscow.

His love for the russian armed forces brought to his attention the many different careers that the russian citzen could have, and he decided to join the VDV when he was 25, after he had already spent a good amount of time in the army, and so, he joined the VDV after a serie of trials when he was 28.

To comemorate his entrance on one of the most elite troops of the Russian army and his birthday, he took a flight to Canada, were he got caught in the middle of the whole confusion, and being a russian soldier, he had a only, single clue of what to do in such situations, to run back to the Russian embassy, but how?....

Previous occupation: Soldier of the Russian Army
He serves the russian army since 2010
Fought in Crimea against the Ukranian army as a undercover russian agent as a part of a reinforcment operation led by the russian army to help the insurgents on their fight, and northern Siria, against terrorists positions and took part in various urban-warfare-based conflicts around those areas.
Got accepted into the VDV in 10 April 2020

personality and skills

Disciplined soldier.

Memory adept (uses his memory quite a lot and can memorize pieces of information quite easely)

Sharpshooter (Can shoot with precision a target 2 meters large 700 meters away with a rifle)

Gun-Flex (Can handle almost any kind of gun, ranging from pistols to LMGs (Due to his training))

Tactician (He can picture his surroundings and create a battle plan quite easely)

"When meeting someone, be respectful, but always have a plan to kill him"

Paratrooper (Know how to jump from airplanes carrying up to 20 lbs of equipament)

Novice Night Fighter (VDV night training had some effect on his ability to percecive his surroundings on the dark)

Pointman (He was often the point man of his squad due to his high agility)

Runner (He was the pointman of his squadron)

He is a self-centered man, rarely spoke out his ideas due to his reluctance on leading, he always though the leading job was the job of a officer, not a soldier like him.

He isn't the caring type of dude, he is more like a practical person, "if it works, its perfect", and he always though that if it is too complicated to be used by a kid, it is too complicaded for him, since due to his experience, he learned that the best guns in combat are those who can withstand a big deal of damage and still fire, not those who need a incredible amount of effort to be understood or prepared.

He was raised by a army officer, on a patriachal home, and joined the army as soon as he could. He is a very disciplined man and being tagged as a corrupt or disloyal is the biggest insult he could take, and he has taken some parts of the middle ages knight's code as his personal moral code. He would often sacrifice something for a weaker one and he thinks that the peace is something to be held and protected, even if the only way to do it is war.

  1. He is a disciplined soldier, can acquire skills easely and can handle stressful situations with ease.
  2. He is a memory student, that means that he can remember things easier than any regular bloke.
  3. He has military training, although not top-notch, but still, something to be recognized. (medium shooting, high running, basic camouflage, basic leadership, light torture, Medium hand-to-hand combat skills, Know Krav-Magá, medium gun expertise and medium explosives)
  4. He has experience in dealing with other people in stressful situations, he can help someone else to get over a trouble or get back at his feet by talking to him/her.
  5. He has basic medic training, he can treat light wounds, medium wounds, sometimes even 3rd grade burn wounds and as well as delay the death of someone who got shot.
  6. He is mostly cold-blooded, as he understands that in the world that we live in, human lives are disposable, and due to that he also believes that self-sacrifice can help the team to reach a goal, and would do it without hesitation


This is his inventory DURING the blackout/riot
Credit Card.
City map.
Swiss Knife
Digital Camera

This is what he has on his hotel bedroom.
bag full of clothes

reserve credit card
More Documents (passaports and stuff like that)
His trusty Makarov, 2 Clips.
Some books on survival (VDV related stuff)

Also, how should I get into the history? cause, I hear that you guys left the train... I was thinking about the situation where Patrick was on the subway as well, but when the blackout happened, the gates closed, and now he was trapped and had to find a way out and stumbled on you guys....
What about it? ^^
Accepted! However, it said he was a sokdier but its focusing on civilians. However, can you make it so hes quit the army? And love that idea!

◈Keith T. Chapelle◈◇Age◇

French Canadian

◇Place of birth◇
Montreal, Quebec


✔ Confident
✔ Kind
✔ Honest
✔ Patient
✔ Realistic
✔ Caring
✔ Sweet
✔ Creative
✔ Empathetic
✔ Calm
✔ Helpful
✔ Humble
✔ Decisive

✘ Potentially Overly Cautious
✘ Sometimes Passive
✘ A Bit Shy

✔ Electro Swing
✔ Photography
✔ Books
✔ Hot Summers/Cold Winters
✔ Getting involved with new things
✔ Exploring

✘ Selfishness
✘ When people abruptly ignore him
✘ Needless pain of others

Fear's getting infected by any sort of poison or venom.

Skills and/or qualifications:
◉ Surprisingly a Fast Learner
◉ Highly Observant of his environmental surroundings
◉ Keen Sense of Vision
◉ Considerably Athletic
◉ Intermediate Fighter
◉ General Knowledge of most things. Primarily with Technology and Art.
◉ Fairly Stealthy
◉ Speaks fluent French as a second language

Previous occupation: Professional Photographer

Current weapons and ammunition:
What did you expect?

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV w/ Zoom Lens Camera
Samsung Galaxy S8 w/ Ear Buds
Surface Book
Travel Bag
A single 25 oz. Metal Water Bottle (Full)
A small Box full of Fruit (i.e.,. Strawberries, Grapes, Blueberries, etc)
A single Bag of Chips
Swiss Army Knife
Half-Depleted Lighter
The Hobbit (Hardcover)
Leather Wallet

$125 (Canadian)
Bundle of Keys

Dark Green Tee Shirt/Dark Blue Jeans
Black Jacket
Casual Footwear

Keith had always been quite, the inquisitive youth. Back in his home city of Montreal, Quebec, he had lived a fulfilling life of middle-class luxury. As the single child of a family of three, Keith didn't have the tender opportunity of growing up with either a brother or sister. Instead, he had spent the majority of his childhood under his parent's passionate, loving care. His iconic father worked for a well-respected pharmaceutical company firm called "NYRIS". There, he was represented as the Chief Executive Officer of the company's Canadian branch, which is currently responsible for operating all facilities throughout the country. Compared to that of his mother, who mainly focused her efforts in attending Keith, rather than pursuing a constant, demanding career. Her everlasting love for Keith and her sounding policy to put family first before income had been her fundamental reasonings. He greatly admired her for that. Which spoken of the fact, money had never been a huge issue for the rather, small household. They made more money than anyone could have dreamed and yet pursued a general satisfying lifestyle. Had they became ambitious enough, it would have been simple for them to live in the realm of the elite. Keith had once asked that same question. Why didn't they? His mother quickly responded in her soothing voice to answer back the curious little boy. 'Life isn't all about money', she said. 'It's about having what you hold so dearly and being happy with it.' Around that time, Keith had little to no understanding of his mother's choice of words. What it had entailed was series of more questions than explanations.

Outside of his family's history, Keith had spent countless day's enjoying the company of the neighboring kids. To his advantage, they gotten along fairly well with one another. If you disregarded the bully of course, who in fact lived practicality few blocks away from Keith. At first, the boy gave Keith and group a bit of a hard time. Namecalling, humorous pranks, seeing the other kids burst into tears were his 'how to bully 101' toolkit back in the day. Though regardless of the suffering Keith had endured for what seemed like years, he had never a proper reason to hate the neighboring bully. There was more than deliberately causing havoc out of pure enjoyment. It looked like he wanted attention. To Keith's own fault, the group of kids had completely ignored the bully when they first met up. From that, jealousy had built deep within him. Knowing the cause, Keith decided to break peace with the bully one day. Offering him to reset relations and have him join the inner circle, as equal. He generously accepted it. Thankfully, the two sides managed to work out their differences between each other without the assistance of adults. For Keith however, he valued an important leason in judgeing others and the idea to make peace, than war.

In his years of high school, Keith had shown great potential in the fields of math and science. His teachers had regularly commented on his brilliance, suggesting to his parents what sort of high-end career path he should partake in the near future. But for Keith's sake, he wasn't interested in becoming any of those things. He found that kind of work was not his style, seeing it was boring than anything else, not in the difficulty. His real passion laid in the foundation of the beautiful world of art. Particularly, in photography. When his father first learned of this, he had burst out laughing about how foolish his passions truly were and how he should search for a real profession than seeking a hobby. Bitter at his father's words, he dedicated his whole life to achieve his goal. From then on to University, after graduating his program, he pulled out a small loan to begin creating his photographic business. As a young, talented individual, Keith rose through difficult challenges and managed to make a living out of himself. He works in close collaboration with top experts in the field. At the current moment, he is living in Montreal, constantly traveling around the world.


Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Heading back home to Montreal after meeting some important clients down in New York City.

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◈Keith T. Chapelle◈◇Age◇

French Canadian

◇Place of birth◇
Montreal, Quebec


✔ Confident
✔ Kind
✔ Honest
✔ Patient
✔ Realistic
✔ Caring
✔ Sweet
✔ Creative
✔ Empathetic
✔ Calm
✔ Helpful
✔ Humble
✔ Decisive

✘ Potentially Overly Cautious
✘ Sometimes Passive
✘ A Bit Shy

✔ Electro Swing
✔ Photography
✔ Books
✔ Hot Summers/Cold Winters
✔ Getting involved with new things
✔ Exploring

✘ Selfishness
✘ When people abruptly ignore him
✘ Needless pain of others

Fear's getting infected by any sort of poison or venom.

Skills and/or qualifications:
◉ Surprisingly a Fast Learner
◉ Highly Observant of his environmental surroundings
◉ Keen Sense of Vision
◉ Considerably Athletic
◉ Intermediate Fighter
◉ General Knowledge of most things. Primarily with Technology and Art.
◉ Fairly Stealthy
◉ Speaks fluent French as a second language

Previous occupation: Professional Photographer

Current weapons and ammunition:
What did you expect?

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV w/ Zoom Lens Camera
Samsung Galaxy S8 w/ Ear Buds
Surface Book
Travel Bag
A single 25 oz. Metal Water Bottle (Full)
A small Box full of Fruit (i.e.,. Strawberries, Grapes, Blueberries, etc)
A single Bag of Chips
Swiss Army Knife
Half-Depleted Lighter
The Hobbit (Hardcover)
Leather Wallet

$125 (Canadian)
Bundle of Keys

Dark Green Tee Shirt/Dark Blue Jeans
Black Jacket
Casual Footwear

Background: WIP


Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Heading back home to Montreal after meeting some important clients down in New York City.

Love him, just do the background and you're ready to start! :)

◈Keith T. Chapelle◈◇Age◇

French Canadian

◇Place of birth◇
Montreal, Quebec


✔ Confident
✔ Kind
✔ Honest
✔ Patient
✔ Realistic
✔ Caring
✔ Sweet
✔ Creative
✔ Empathetic
✔ Calm
✔ Helpful
✔ Humble
✔ Decisive

✘ Potentially Overly Cautious
✘ Sometimes Passive
✘ A Bit Shy

✔ Electro Swing
✔ Photography
✔ Books
✔ Hot Summers/Cold Winters
✔ Getting involved with new things
✔ Exploring

✘ Selfishness
✘ When people abruptly ignore him
✘ Needless pain of others

Fear's getting infected by any sort of poison or venom.

Skills and/or qualifications:
◉ Surprisingly a Fast Learner
◉ Highly Observant of his environmental surroundings
◉ Keen Sense of Vision
◉ Considerably Athletic
◉ Intermediate Fighter
◉ General Knowledge of most things. Primarily with Technology and Art.
◉ Fairly Stealthy
◉ Speaks fluent French as a second language

Previous occupation: Professional Photographer

Current weapons and ammunition:
What did you expect?

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV w/ Zoom Lens Camera
Samsung Galaxy S8 w/ Ear Buds
Surface Book
Travel Bag
A single 25 oz. Metal Water Bottle (Full)
A small Box full of Fruit (i.e.,. Strawberries, Grapes, Blueberries, etc)
A single Bag of Chips
Swiss Army Knife
Half-Depleted Lighter
The Hobbit (Hardcover)
Leather Wallet

$125 (Canadian)
Bundle of Keys

Dark Green Tee Shirt/Dark Blue Jeans
Black Jacket
Casual Footwear

Background: WIP


Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Heading back home to Montreal after meeting some important clients down in New York City.

now this is a really nice BBcoder :P

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