• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Zombies O_o ((Post characters here)) [Always Open!]


Proud to be pagan
Post characters here! Put each individual characters in a new post. If any of your characters die, feel free to make a new Character!

If you get a like and/or a reply from me about you character you're in. :)












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Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)



Place of birth:


Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Skills and/or qualifications:

Previous occupation:

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)

Inventory: (again be reasonable)

Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:

Knowing me I may add to it, but its the basics anyway. If you wish to play children, please have them as a side character. You can play as many characters as you can handle. As I said before, no serial killers etc. If you want them to have some criminal background, speak to me first as I don't want it to be all criminals. If you want to play someone in the military, it is a possibility but as I said before, this zombie apocalypse rp is focusing on civilians.
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Name: Kia Novak

Nickname(s): K

Age: 23

Ethnicity: Czech

Place of Birth: Czech Republic

Sexuality: pansexual


Personality: Kia is pretty stubborn and short tempered, but can be kind if she sees fit. Once she has made her mind up about something, there is nothing that can stop her. However, Kia is quite intelligent in the art of fighting, due to her experience with thai kick boxing. Moreover, Kia has always had a fear of snakes as she doesn’t particularly want to be bitten by a venomous snake.

Qualifications: 2nd Dan in thai kick boxing, martial art instructor license, driving license

Skills: loves to cook, can swim

Previous occupation: professional kickboxer and instructor

Current weapons and ammunition: none

Inventory: Motorbike, keys, full waterbottle, bag with boxing equipment (such a gloves, tape and clothes).

Background: Kia had a good upbringing in the czech republic before moving to Canada with her parents when she was 18. She was homeschooled by her Aunt due to her parents having to work as long as they could just to get by in the Czech Republic. Then when her parents had enough money, they got visas for her Aunt, herself and themselves to start a new life in America. It took her a while to learn english, still getting it wrong occasionally. Nonetheless, she has prevailed in making a good career for herself in being a professional thai kickboxer and instructor when she wasn’t in the ring. Kai was always fairly smart, however she had an affinity for martial arts. She was a natural at picking it up and after trying a few, Kai settled on Thai Kickboxing. Now she is a 2nd Dan and continues to learn as well as teach. Then when she had enough money to support herself, Kai moved to Canada for her Kick boxing career.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Kai was in Canada due to moving there recently to prevail in her career. Kai was also on the train to go to a seminar she was going to run.
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Name: Patrick Ross

Nickname: Pat

Age: 32

Ethnicity: Black American

Place of Birth: California

Sexuality: heterosexual

Appearance: Patrick has close shaved dark brown hair with a start of a beard around his mouth and chin. However, he keeps his hair and beard well-shaved (at least at the moment). His eyes are a deep, dark chocolate colour that almost hides the distinguished colour of the pupil. He is mostly skinny, but he does have some muscles as it was better to look like he could defend himself to some extent due to where he lived.


Personality: He is kind and caring towards others, however from the area he is from, sometimes just walking away from a situation is the best way to go. Patrick tries to sometimes act like he is an open book, but the truth is that he is quite secluded him himself and doesn’t let people know the real him until he really trusts them. He loves reading as it is an escape from the real world and allows him to build on his knowledge. Additionally, he condemns any form of violence and believes that there is always another way: earning the right to be called a pacifist.

Qualifications: high school diploma

Skills: Good at manipulating people, has a very good memory and is eager to learn

Previous occupation: Car salesman

Current weapons and ammunition: none

Inventory: his jacket containing his wallet

Background: Pat grew up in a troubled neighbourhood. You may think that this is the same old story, but truth is a lot of America is poor. There were always gangs around, but that didn't stop Pat from getting into an education that his mother thankfully saved money for. He was not a participant in any gangs; all he wanted to do was move out of the troubled area, get an honest job so both his mother and himself could live happily. After getting out of high school and going from one mundane job to another, Pat realised his potential in sales. He had always been good in manipulating people, not for the bad, but for bargaining more than anything. After a few years, he applied for a job in car sales. Patrick found that he was a natural at the job, working his way up the ladder so to speak.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: He has been looking for a way to climb the ladder more in his line of work and subsiquently taken a week in holiday to not only travel Canada, but to show up for an interview in Toronto.
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Name: Rima Eliza Laird

Age: 14

Ethnicity: Arab, but has not been raised in an Arabic household

Place of birth: Syrian. She's not sure where in Syria she was born, but she ended up at a Jordanian refugee camp.

Sexuality: Straight but willing to experiment

Appearance: A bit like this, but she has a shorter chin, a bit less puff in her cheeks, short hair, and has never worn a hijab. She has a slight build, with small breasts and hips that are a bit close together for a girl. Her waist doesn't go in very far, and she has a little belly fat. But she has some muscle in her legs from jogging.

Personality: Rima's very creative. When she's not in the zone, she's very bored and doesn't do much. When she's in her creative zone, she comes alive, talking faster and getting very excited. She's smart, but not a genius. She takes a lot of pride in her work, usually painting but sometimes building things like models. She likes getting her hands dirty.
Rima has a history of PTSD and depression, and while the worst of the symptoms are behind her, she's scared of them coming back. She's also scared of disappointing her dad, who she loves more than anyone in the world.

Skills and/or qualifications: Rima's very creative and great at building things. She has a model she made of several blocks of a city in her bedroom, complete with christmas-light-sized lights inside the houses, which she can turn on. She's a wonderful artist and painter, too. She's a decent runner. She's good at tending to a garden, which she does at home. She's also good at tending to certain species of tarantula, because that's her choice of pet.
She knows Arabic, since it's her first language, but other than occasionally switching to it for fun with her only friend who knows Arabic, she hasn't seriously spoken it since she was adopted.

Current weapons and ammunition: Trowel and a manual screwdriver. Zero fighting experience.

Inventory: A bicycle and a backpack with: a trowel, some seeds for spinach and potatoes, a large water bottle, lunch and a couple extra granola bars, and a multitool she always carries. She also has Toby the Honduran Curly Hair tarantula, in a cage.

Background: She was born in Syria, adopted at six years old from a refugee camp. After the rest of their family died, her very sick twelve-year-old sister Miriam got her to the refugee camp, dying the day after a wealthy man who'd been considering donating to the refugee camp had met the girls. The man, Andrew Laird, adopted Rima.
The transition was long and difficult, both for Rima and her new dad. But Mr. Laird was always kind to her, and eventually she opened up to him. After some visits to a psychiatrist, they learned the six-year-old had PTSD and depression.
Over the years that followed, Rima went to a psychiatrist regularly, and took different medications in different doses, trying to find what worked for her. For the past year or so, she's been on a low dose and had biweekly meetings with her psychiatrist. She's feeling fine, but worries about going back to the mental state she used to be in.
Mr. Laird had a wife when he adopted Rima, and still does. Esosa is a blunt woman who can be very kind, but is out of the country for humanitarian work as often as not. Their birth daughter, Maya, was two years old when they adopted Rima.
Rima has always been very artsy, but Maya is extremely focused on becoming a businessperson like their dad.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Rima's visiting an art museum in Toronto, which has a special exhibit today. She's alone because her mother's on a humanitarian mission outside the country, her sister's in a competition in the US, and her father's on a business trip.
She knows there's a group-planting of various plants in a certain park, and she thought it would be nice to add some edible plants to the mix.
She brought her tarantula because Maya will be home before she will, and she's worried Maya might try to get rid of Toby.
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Name: Nikolai Tomich

Nicknames: "Nick"

Age: 35

Ethnicity: Serbian

Place of birth: Belgrade, Serbia

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: http://www.armyrecognition.com/imag...military_uniforms_Serbia_Serbian_army_002.jpg

Personality: Nick conducts himself in a very confident and stoic manner. He is far from a hard-ass, but he has little tolerance for sloppiness. He is slightly judgmental but he keeps his opinions to himself, mostly. He likes to think he has no fears but the truth is that he has a serious fear of flying and falling. He likes shooting, music and the outdoors.

Skills and/or qualifications: 8 years of service in the Serbian Army (27th mechanized battalion), technical schooling, Highschool diploma.

Previous occupation: Engine technician for EZ-line trucking company.

Current weapons and ammunition: 4" boot knife.

Backpack containing: Water bottle, work notebook and a tool roll. Tool roll consists of various screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches and a flashlight.

Background: Nick came to Canada 1 year after being honorably discharged from the Serbian armed forces. He came to Canada to study engineering and create a better future for himself outside the misery of Eastern Europe. He became a citizen one year after that. He has established his home in the Ottawa area. His schooling is going well and he is top of his class. He graduates in 4 months.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: He has been temporarily called out to EZ-lines facility in Toronto to assist in establishing a modernized maintenance garage.

Sam Adams




18th January

None, his sister sometimes calls him Sammy to annoy him.




He's good with technology.
Has a first-aid degree.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train
He lives in Canada, he's on the train as he is taking his sister to his apartment as she is staying with him whilst their parents are out of town, he's on a break from college.



Sam has short but curly black hair, he isn't very muscular and is quite slim although his arms and legs don't really seem to fit his appearance giving him quite a gangly appearance. He is always covered in bruises due to being quite clumsy and has a scar on his foot from stepping onto a garden fork when he was younger and splitting it open.


11 Stone

Bright Blue



Scar on his foot



Sam tends to come across as a quiet person, he's polite enough towards people he doesn't know but he can come across as quite cold and closed off. Towards those Sam considers friends he is loyal and reliable and tends to put himself in harms way for the sake of others, a major flaw of his is that he is quite stubborn and reckless and would rather get hurt or end up in a bad situation than admit he was wrong. He also tends to hold a grudge due to his cynical and distrusting nature, he doesn't care for people.

He is very protective of those he cares about and quickly resorts to violence when they are in danger, although he hates this part of himself and tends to feel very guilty afterwards. His main defense is to shut down and shut himself off from others and throw himself completely into something; after the fight with his sister and parents over their divorce he threw himself into his school-work and moved across the country for college.

Sam grew up as the eldest in a family of four, his family wasn't wealthy but they always had enough to get by. He was an only child until he was eight years old, then his baby sister Charlie came along. They grew up in a nice enough neighborhood, Sam never really had many friends usually preferring to keep to himself although he always had a soft spot animals and wanted to become a vet when he was older. At school he was pretty smart and tended to do well in subjects like Math and Science usually getting a A/B in those subjects, and he was also good at art and computing but he tended to get D's in English.

He graduated High-school with a pretty average GPA but he managed to get himself into college to study Computer Science and Engineering along with a minor in art and a minor in Agriculture to keep his Father happy. His parents were both very supportive although Sam feels like his Father wishes he was a bit tougher. He's always had quite a close relationship with his family and tried to mentor and protect his sister when he was younger, although just before he left for college they fell out after finding out their parents were going to divorce. Charlie sided with their Father whilst Sam sided with their Mother, so since then their relationship has been quite strained.

He's afraid of fire and dying.

Likes & Dislikes
- Fixing things.
- Coffee.
- Winter.
- Being with his family.
- Helping people.
- Beer.

- Crowds.
- Energy Drinks.
- Arguments.
- Ignorant People.
- The heat.
- Smoking.



1 Bottle of water.

His drivers licence.
$20 and his wallet.
His mobile phone.
House keys.

Currently no weapons.


Name: Megan armada

Nicknames: Meg

Age: 19

Ethnicity: French

Place of birth: France

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Not afraid to speak her mind , can be outgoing and kind once she trusts you.

Skills and/or qualifications:
Pros~ knife skills
Cons~ clumsy sometimes

Previous occupation: studying at a local college

Current weapons and ammunition: Hunting knife

Inventory: old Nike backpack , 2 water bottles and two cans of peaches.

Background: Megan was born but moved to New York a few months after she was born. When she was around 3 her mother was diagnosed with a serious illness and she lived till Megan turned 10. Megan's father was so heart broken that he abandoned Megan at her grandmas house. Years laters she learned about her family in Canada and decided to visit them.(She can speak French and English)

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Visiting family
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Name: Rima Eliza Laird

Age: 14

Ethnicity: Arab, but has not been raised in an Arabic household

Place of birth: Syria. She doesn't know where in Syria she was born, but she ended up in a refugee camp in Jordan, so she was probably born near Jordan.

Sexuality: Straight but willing to experiment

Appearance: A bit like this, but she has a shorter chin, a bit less puff in her cheeks, short hair, and has never worn a hijab. She has a slight build, with small breasts and hips that are a bit close together for a girl. Her waist doesn't go in very far, and she has a little belly fat. But she has some muscle in her legs from jogging.

Personality: Rima's very creative. When she's not in the zone, she's very bored and doesn't do much. When she's in her creative zone, she comes alive, talking faster and getting very excited. She's smart, but not a genius. She takes a lot of pride in her work, usually painting but sometimes building things like models. She likes getting her hands dirty.
Rima has a history of PTSD and depression, and while the worst of the symptoms are behind her, she's scared of them coming back. She's also scared of disappointing her dad, who she loves more than anyone in the world.

Skills and/or qualifications: Rima's very creative and great at building things. She has a model she made of several blocks of a city in her bedroom, complete with christmas-light-sized lights inside the houses, which she can turn on. She's a wonderful artist and painter, too. She's a decent runner. She's good at tending to a garden, which she does at home. She's also good at tending to certain species of tarantula, because that's her choice of pet.
She knows Arabic, since it's her first language, but other than occasionally switching to it for fun with her only friend who knows Arabic, she hasn't seriously spoken it since she was adopted.

Current weapons and ammunition: Trowel and a manual screwdriver. Zero fighting experience.

Inventory: A bicycle and a backpack with: a trowel, some seeds for spinach and potatoes, a large water bottle, lunch and a couple extra granola bars, and a multitool she always carries. She also has Toby the Honduran Curly Hair tarantula, in a cage.

Background: She was born in Syria, adopted at six years old from a refugee camp. After the rest of their family died, her very sick twelve-year-old sister Miriam got her to the refugee camp, dying the day after a wealthy man who'd been considering donating to the refugee camp had met the girls. The man, Andrew Laird, adopted Rima.
The transition was long and difficult, both for Rima and her new dad. But Mr. Laird was always kind to her, and eventually she opened up to him. After some visits to a psychiatrist, they learned the six-year-old had PTSD and depression.
Over the years that followed, Rima went to a psychiatrist regularly, and took different medications in different doses, trying to find what worked for her. For the past year or so, she's been on a low dose and had biweekly meetings with her psychiatrist. She's feeling fine, but worries about going back to the mental state she used to be in.
Mr. Laird had a wife when he adopted Rima, and still does. Esosa is a blunt woman who can be very kind, but is out of the country for humanitarian work as often as not. Their birth daughter, Maya, was two years old when they adopted Rima.
Rima has always been very artsy, but Maya is extremely focused on becoming a businessperson like their dad.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Rima's visiting an art museum in Toronto, which has a special exhibit today. She's alone because her mother's on a humanitarian mission outside the country, her sister's in a competition in the US, and her father's on a business trip.
She knows there's a group-planting of various plants in a certain park, and she thought it would be nice to add some edible plants to the mix.
She brought her tarantula because Maya will be home before she will, and she's worried Maya might try to get rid of Toby.
Name: Nikolai Tomich

Nicknames: "Nick"

Age: 35

Ethnicity: Serbian

Place of birth: Belgrade, Serbia

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: http://www.armyrecognition.com/imag...military_uniforms_Serbia_Serbian_army_002.jpg

Personality: Nick conducts himself in a very confident and stoic manner. He is far from a hard-ass, but he has little tolerance for sloppiness. He is slightly judgmental but he keeps his opinions to himself, mostly. He likes to think he has no fears but the truth is that he has a serious fear of flying and falling. He likes shooting, music and the outdoors.

Skills and/or qualifications: 8 years of service in the Serbian Army (27th mechanized battalion), technical schooling, Highschool diploma.

Previous occupation: Engine technician for EZ-line trucking company.

Current weapons and ammunition: 4" boot knife.

Backpack containing: Water bottle, work notebook and a tool roll. Tool roll consists of various screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches and a flashlight.

Background: Nick came to Canada 1 year after being honorably discharged from the Serbian armed forces. He came to Canada to study engineering and create a better future for himself outside the misery of Eastern Europe. He became a citizen one year after that. He has established his home in the Ottawa area. His schooling is going well and he is top of his class. He graduates in 4 months.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: He has been temporarily called out to EZ-lines facility in Toronto to assist in establishing a modernized maintenance garage.

Sam Adams




18th January

None, his sister sometimes calls him Sammy to annoy him.




He's good with technology.
Has a first-aid degree.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train
He lives in Canada, he's on the train as he is taking his sister to his apartment as she is staying with him whilst their parents are out of town, he's on a break from college.



Sam has short but curly black hair, he isn't very muscular and is quite slim although his arms and legs don't really seem to fit his appearance giving him quite a gangly appearance. He is always covered in bruises due to being quite clumsy and has a scar on his foot from stepping onto a garden fork when he was younger and splitting it open.


11 Stone

Bright Blue



Scar on his foot



Sam tends to come across as a quiet person, he's polite enough towards people he doesn't know but he can come across as quite cold and closed off. Towards those Sam considers friends he is loyal and reliable and tends to put himself in harms way for the sake of others, a major flaw of his is that he is quite stubborn and reckless and would rather get hurt or end up in a bad situation than admit he was wrong. He also tends to hold a grudge due to his cynical and distrusting nature, he doesn't care for people.

He is very protective of those he cares about and quickly resorts to violence when they are in danger, although he hates this part of himself and tends to feel very guilty afterwards. His main defense is to shut down and shut himself off from others and throw himself completely into something; after the fight with his sister and parents over their divorce he threw himself into his school-work and moved across the country for college.

Sam grew up as the eldest in a family of four, his family wasn't wealthy but they always had enough to get by. He was an only child until he was eight years old, then his baby sister Charlie came along. They grew up in a nice enough neighborhood, Sam never really had many friends usually preferring to keep to himself although he always had a soft spot animals and wanted to become a vet when he was older. At school he was pretty smart and tended to do well in subjects like Math and Science usually getting a A/B in those subjects, and he was also good at art and computing but he tended to get D's in English.

He graduated High-school with a pretty average GPA but he managed to get himself into college to study Computer Science and Engineering along with a minor in art and a minor in Agriculture to keep his Father happy. His parents were both very supportive although Sam feels like his Father wishes he was a bit tougher. He's always had quite a close relationship with his family and tried to mentor and protect his sister when he was younger, although just before he left for college they fell out after finding out their parents were going to divorce. Charlie sided with their Father whilst Sam sided with their Mother, so since then their relationship has been quite strained.

He's afraid of fire and dying.

Likes & Dislikes
- Fixing things.
- Coffee.
- Winter.
- Being with his family.
- Helping people.
- Beer.

- Crowds.
- Energy Drinks.
- Arguments.
- Ignorant People.
- The heat.
- Smoking.



1 Bottle of water.

His drivers licence.
$20 and his wallet.
His mobile phone.
House keys.

Currently no weapons.


Name: Megan armada

Nicknames: Meg

Age: 19

Ethnicity: French

Place of birth: France

Sexuality: Straight

View attachment 282776
Personality: Not afraid to speak her mind , comes off cold at first due to her trust issues, can be outgoing and kind once she trusts you.

Skills and/or qualifications:
Pros~ knife skills
Cons~ clumsy sometimes

Previous occupation: studying at a local college

Current weapons and ammunition: Hunting knife

Inventory: old Nike backpack , 2 water bottles and two cans of peaches.

Background: Megan was born but moved to New York a few months after she was born. When she was around 3 her mother was diagnosed with a serious illness and she lived till Megan turned 10. Megan's father was so heart broken that he abandoned Megan at her grandmas house. Years laters she learned about her family in Canada and decided to visit them.(She can speak French and English)

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Visiting family

Name: Jahlil Bridges

Nicknames: Prefers to go by Jah

Age: 24

Ethnicity: African American

Sexuality: Insanely straight


He's 6'6", 223 pounds of mostly muscle. Usually seen wearing the sweatshirt seen above, with some sort of t shirt underneath and jeans.

Personality: Jah's a fun loving, down to earth dude from Tampa, Florida with some major trust issues. It takes a while for him to trust anyone, stemming from the years of abuse as a child, however once he can trust someone he'll do anything to help them. He's fairly street smart, and can think on his feet, but don't try to get him to answer trivia questions because he'll be lost. Also he's afraid of spiders.

Skills and/or qualifications: Street smart, good with a pistol (crap with anything bigger though), is able to take charge and lead if need be, also good at finding where people might hide stuff (stems from years of seeing where druggies hide their paraphernalia), minor herbalist skills from growing/selling weed.

Previous occupation: Worked as a car salesman, drug dealer on the side but got out of that 6 years ago.

Current weapons: Crowbar - Bought it from a Walmart before boarding the train, his friend needed one and asked Jah to pick it up.
A simple pistol - Jah's not a fan of using this, but growing up where he did it was almost mandatory to have a piece, especially if you were involved with drugs to the extent Jah was.


Jah wears a backpack filled with some simple items. He has a water bottle, some beef jerky, a granola bar, ammo for his gun (friend he is visiting is still in the drug business so Jah wants to be safe), and his gun and holster are resting at the bottom wrapped in a blanket.

In Jah's right pocket are his wallet (containing his ID, credit card, proof of being registered for the Selective Service, about $27 in American cash, $64 in Canadian, his passport, and a half used gift card to Taco Bell) and his car keys, and in his left lie his iPhone, a pair of earbuds (the left bud doesn't work very well though), and a couple cough drops.

Inside his car (a red 2014 Mazda 6) he has his insurance papers, some loose change, an iPhone charger, and a small stuffed alligator named Fritz. His car is currently parked in a parking ramp in downtown Toronto.

In Jah's hotel room are his duffel bag with some clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, some more money, the basics that anyone would have when taking a trip

Background: Growing up on the mean streets of Tampa, Florida isn't exactly the best background for a poor child, but Jah made the most of it. Despite being abused by his father and kicked out of the house at 15, Jah made a name for himself dealing drugs out of his friend's garage. He didn't deal in high volume, and managed to get out of that life by 18 and get into college, graduating from the University of South Florida in 2018. Since then, Jah has been working at a car dealership but luckily was safe at home when the world started to collapse and managed to put together a backpack of some supplies.

Why in Canada/on the train: Jah and his friend Kyle were roadtripping up to Toronto to watch a Raptors/Magic game. They were going to ride the train to visit a nearby friend but Kyle missed the train.
Name: Jahlil Bridges

Nicknames: Prefers to go by Jah

Age: 24

Ethnicity: African American

Sexuality: Insanely straight


He's 6'6", 223 pounds of mostly muscle. Usually seen wearing the sweatshirt seen above, with some sort of t shirt underneath and jeans.

Personality: Jah's a fun loving, down to earth dude from Tampa, Florida with some major trust issues. It takes a while for him to trust anyone, stemming from the years of abuse as a child, however once he can trust someone he'll do anything to help them. He's fairly street smart, and can think on his feet, but don't try to get him to answer trivia questions because he'll be lost. Also he's afraid of spiders.

Skills and/or qualifications: Street smart, good with a pistol (crap with anything bigger though), is able to take charge and lead if need be, also good at finding where people might hide stuff (stems from years of seeing where druggies hide their paraphernalia), minor herbalist skills from growing/selling weed.

Previous occupation: Worked as a car salesman, drug dealer on the side but got out of that 6 years ago.

Current weapons: Crowbar - Bought it from a Walmart before boarding the train, his friend needed one and asked Jah to pick it up.
A simple pistol - Jah's not a fan of using this, but growing up where he did it was almost mandatory to have a piece, especially if you were involved with drugs to the extent Jah was.


Jah wears a backpack filled with some simple items. He has a water bottle, some beef jerky, a granola bar, ammo for his gun (friend he is visiting is still in the drug business so Jah wants to be safe), and his gun and holster are resting at the bottom wrapped in a blanket.

In Jah's right pocket are his wallet (containing his ID, credit card, proof of being registered for the Selective Service, about $27 in American cash, $64 in Canadian, his passport, and a half used gift card to Taco Bell) and his car keys, and in his left lie his iPhone, a pair of earbuds (the left bud doesn't work very well though), and a couple cough drops.

Inside his car (a red 2014 Mazda 6) he has his insurance papers, some loose change, an iPhone charger, and a small stuffed alligator named Fritz. His car is currently parked in a parking ramp in downtown Toronto.

In Jah's hotel room are his duffel bag with some clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, some more money, the basics that anyone would have when taking a trip

Background: Growing up on the mean streets of Tampa, Florida isn't exactly the best background for a poor child, but Jah made the most of it. Despite being abused by his father and kicked out of the house at 15, Jah made a name for himself dealing drugs out of his friend's garage. He didn't deal in high volume, and managed to get out of that life by 18 and get into college, graduating from the University of South Florida in 2018. Since then, Jah has been working at a car dealership but luckily was safe at home when the world started to collapse and managed to put together a backpack of some supplies.

Why in Canada/on the train: Jah and his friend Kyle were roadtripping up to Toronto to watch a Raptors/Magic game. They were going to ride the train to visit a nearby friend but Kyle missed the train.

Name: Yvette Hayes

Nicknames: Vet

Age: 29

Ethnicity: Irish, Canadian

Place of birth: Whitehorse, Canada

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Personality: If you had to describe Yvette in one word, Workaholic would be it. Since she was a child Yvette has done nothing but try to improve herself and her future. She's very determined and doesn't usually stop until she's got a satisfactory answer or result. Yvette hasn't allowed herself deep personal connections, so socially she's not exactly what you'd call suave. Making friends was always hard for her, and it only became worse as she grew into adulthood. She's not completely clueless in the matter however. She get's her stubborn personality from her Irish father. He never let anyone tell him how things were going to be, and when he wanted something he would get it. It's not as extreme as her father, but she shows the same tendencies. It's helped her out a lot in the medical field.

She's not completely hopeless however, there is a bright side to every dark day. Yvette has a mothers intuition and touch, a trait that's sky-rocketed her bedside manner and patient care through the glass ceiling. Even though her interpersonal skills are lacking, she's got this innate ability to listen to people. Forever quiet and with soft eyes. She can account for most of the details from her conversations and it puts her patients and coworkers as ease knowing someone is really listening to them.

Skills and/or qualifications: Is a med-school graduate. Has good problem solving skills and looking at the bigger picture.

Previous occupation: Medical intern

Current weapons and ammunition: Nothing, who just has weapons laying around?

Inventory: Black and gold purse: Wallet, coin purse, milky-way candy bar, ID badge for the hospital, pen, paper, handkerchief, gold angel pendant on silver chain, USB drive.

Background: Yvette grew up with her Irish father and Canadian mother as one little happy family in Whitehorse, Canada. Her father often made mistakes by her mother, and one day she decided she couldn't take it anymore and left. After the divorce Yvette stayed with her father in the same not-so-happy house. His drinking spiraled out of control. He lost his job and nearly lost their house. Yvette shut herself away from people and started to focus on her studies so that she could make a better life for herself. She wanted more than anything to be better than her father, in every way. It's the one motivation she's had through the strenuous years of medical school, and the late night cram sessions. All of her hard work did indeed pay off. She eventually graduated second in her class and with high regards from her teachers. After her graduation she took an intern position at Toronto's general hospital.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Is heading to a meeting with her new employers in Toronto, going to scope out the town for a possible apartment to move into.

Name: Yvette Hayes

Nicknames: Vet

Age: 29

Ethnicity: Irish, Canadian

Place of birth: Whitehorse, Canada

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Personality: If you had to describe Yvette in one word, Workaholic would be it. Since she was a child Yvette has done nothing but try to improve herself and her future. She's very determined and doesn't usually stop until she's got a satisfactory answer or result. Yvette hasn't allowed herself deep personal connections, so socially she's not exactly what you'd call suave. Making friends was always hard for her, and it only became worse as she grew into adulthood. She's not completely clueless in the matter however. She get's her stubborn personality from her Irish father. He never let anyone tell him how things were going to be, and when he wanted something he would get it. It's not as extreme as her father, but she shows the same tendencies. It's helped her out a lot in the medical field.

She's not completely hopeless however, there is a bright side to every dark day. Yvette has a mothers intuition and touch, a trait that's sky-rocketed her bedside manner and patient care through the glass ceiling. Even though her interpersonal skills are lacking, she's got this innate ability to listen to people. Forever quiet and with soft eyes. She can account for most of the details from her conversations and it puts her patients and coworkers as ease knowing someone is really listening to them.

Skills and/or qualifications: Is a med-school graduate. Has good problem solving skills and looking at the bigger picture.

Previous occupation: Medical intern

Current weapons and ammunition: Nothing, who just has weapons laying around?

Inventory: Black and gold purse: Wallet, coin purse, milky-way candy bar, ID badge for the hospital, pen, paper, handkerchief, gold angel pendant on silver chain, USB drive.

Background: Yvette grew up with her Irish father and Canadian mother as one little happy family in Whitehorse, Canada. Her father often made mistakes by her mother, and one day she decided she couldn't take it anymore and left. After the divorce Yvette stayed with her father in the same not-so-happy house. His drinking spiraled out of control. He lost his job and nearly lost their house. Yvette shut herself away from people and started to focus on her studies so that she could make a better life for herself. She wanted more than anything to be better than her father, in every way. It's the one motivation she's had through the strenuous years of medical school, and the late night cram sessions. All of her hard work did indeed pay off. She eventually graduated second in her class and with high regards from her teachers. After her graduation she took an intern position at Toronto's general hospital.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Is heading to a meeting with her new employers in Toronto, going to scope out the town for a possible apartment to move into.

Jason David Pierce
Jace, Jay, Pierce
Place of birth:
Wisconsin, USA
View attachment 282884
Jason has very few fears, but they generally fall under the fear of being alone and he has a bit of a fear of guns but not enough to be paralyzing. He's very sociable and loves meeting new people but that's also his weakness since he can see too much good in everyone even if there's hardly any there. He's a very caring individual who finds it hard to leave anyone behind and cares little about himself aside from staying alive to see if his family is alright. Jason likes making jokes at the seemingly wrong times and is almost always a little too friendly unless he's protecting the people he cares about. Among the things he likes, he's a total foodie although he can make do and he really likes animals. If there's anything he somehow dislikes, it's liars and people with little to no conscience. He also greatly dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
Skills and/or qualifications:
-more than adequate at parkour
-pretty good with people/a leader type character

Previous occupation:
Parkour/freerunning instructor
Current weapons and ammunition:
-butcher knife
-3 water bottles
-7 cans of food- 2 tuna, 3 green beans, 2 carrots
-1 lighter
-phone at 47% battery (with flashlight)
-black backpack that carries all of the above
-butcher knife
-healthy kitten

Jason has two siblings, a younger sister and a slightly older brother. He has two parents who weren't the greatest nor the worst and his childhood was pretty mediocre. Near 8th grade, Jason and his brother discovered parkour and quickly taught themselves through youtube. Their little sister never had a taste for it but she'd tag along with them once in a while just to try a thing or two that they would do. Throughout highschool Jason and his brother became better and better and when each graduated, they picked up jobs at gyms throughout their state to become parkour/freerunning instructors. Almost anytime a jam was going on in their general area they would try their best to get there and have a good day of training with other freerunners. They made their way to where they'd wind up getting stuck due to the apocolypse because there was a parkour jam in the area that was being held by a more popular freerunner. Near the end of the jam when everyone was starting to split up and go home, they were faced with an interesting ordeal. The brothers had stuck together for the most part but had recently been separated by a horde and neither knew how their family at home had been faring thusfar.
Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
There was a parkour jam in that area that the brothers were attending when everything went to hell
He found a lonely kitten near the start and pretty much adopted it-
View attachment 282895
Just a glimpse of what he's like and what he does-

ReadingTheRunes ReadingTheRunes

Accepted! But be careful on him having a butcher's knife as I don't think he would have that on a train/in public. However, he could have it if he just bought it in a shop for use at home with cooking. :)

Mason Everett

But sometimes


Mason Everett



Polish, Canadian

Place of birth
Canada, Scarborough


He know's hand to hand combat (A friend taught him.)
Know's how to sail a boat.
Good natural sense of direction.



"On the surface i'm an asshole, deep down I'm a lovely person and even deeper down I'm a bigger asshole."
Mason isn't exactly the person who would top your Christmas card list and he is very much an acquired taste. He comes across as a cocky, sarcastic and somewhat charismatic person although a bit of an asshole. His sarcasm and cockiness is his defense mechanism and is what stops him from getting hurt and showing others that he's hurt and as much as he tries to keep up his 'selfish, arrogant and loner' facade he is really quite a kind and caring person. (Most of the time.) He tries to be a mediator although he is quite hot-headed himself.

Mason grew up in a rough part of Arizona and spent most of his childhood moving from state to state, his Mother walked out on him when he was two years old and left him with a drunken and absent Father. As soon as Mason was old enough to look after himself his Father would do longer hours at work, and Mason was pretty sure it wasn't exactly legal, but he never exactly missed his Father as when he was around he just got drunk and fell asleep.

Mason managed to scrape through high-school not because he was stupid he just never really tried in school, he graduated by the skin of his teeth getting C's and D's in most of his classes. He bounced around America for a while before settling in Canada after his old man died, he helped out with odd jobs here and there before becoming a bartender and opening up a bar in Toronto.



1 dufflebag containing;
A pack of trail mix.

One bottle of water.
A can of beer.
His lighter.
A small pocket knife (Due to the fact he sometimes gets involved with bad people and never quite knows if things will go south.)

Name: Jason Bautista

Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Southeast Asian

Place of birth: Southern California

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)
IMG_0360.jpg IMG_0361.jpg

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
- Down to earth and an overall optimist, Jason is the person who would try his best to keep a positive vibe between a group. But he is also quite outspoken with his thoughts, especially in a debate. Strongly believing in many of his own opinions, he would rather keep a debate up and about to learn about someone's mindset rather than shut them up with continuous "I'm right, you're wrong" gibberish. That being said, it does not mean he will never change his opinions. Jason will, but only if the reasoning is justifiable.
- Being headstrong, he has often had to butt horns with his friends. There have been numerous occasions of fists going flying and blood being spilt, but never anything he would strongly hold a grudge to.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- Being raised in Southern California, he had a strong taste of what guns can do. Jason can easily put a bullet in something he's aiming for, but he is no master. Just because he was raised around them, it does not mean he was an avid enthusiast. He has no interest in learning any of their names, their styles, or any tricks of the trade. So give him a gun, show him how to use it, and he can very well put up a fight.
- He never heavily centralized himself on a specific trait, so he became a jack-of-all-trades, per se. As long as the task only requires common sense, he is in the green to get it done. He knows to solve situations like bleeding out is a no, always cut the red wire, the star shaped screwdriver is the phillips head, and never press the big red button.

Previous occupation:
- Nothing extremely valuable, he has been going job to job since high school graduation. Jason isn't useless or dumb, he just has no intention in working someplace where he has no interest. As of now, he still has no idea what he wants to do. Not like it would matter, considering most civilization is doomed very soon.

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
- None, he had no reason to bring anything.

Inventory: (again be reasonable) Preparing for a road trip gives one plenty of supplies. Will lose most of the gear at the point he abandons his vehicle.
- A white 2015 Acura TLX, not the best road trip car, but it wasn't like it was his or anything
- A 24-case of water
- A single box (12) of MREs, just in case they got lost
- A map of the area around the border between the USA and Canada
- A Galaxy S5, and its charger
- About $120 USD in his wallet

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
- Jason has always taken life as it was thrown at him, never quite preparing for the distant future. It is honestly the reason why he has no profession or goal right about now, since he could have gone to a university if he had only submitted the applications. Being this way drove his relationship with his parents downhill as soon as he began to develop a sense of independance. Jason has no siblings to tend to, so his ties to his family was never extremely close. His only close relationship is with his friends, who constantly mess with his carefree lifestyle but are always curious as to how he manages to pull through. He wouldn't kill or die for any of these individuals in particular; they were good friends, but not exactly lifelong partners.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
- At the moment, he was out with friends to road trip around and see Canada for its wonders. He has one friend with him currently, and the four others they were to meet on the other side of the border. The others had much more important lives, and couldn't spare the time for the drive and instead opted for a plane ride.
Last edited:

Mason Everett

But sometimes


Mason Everett



Polish, Canadian

Place of birth
Canada, Scarborough


He know's hand to hand combat (A friend taught him.)
Know's how to sail a boat.
Good natural sense of direction.



"On the surface i'm an asshole, deep down I'm a lovely person and even deeper down I'm a bigger asshole."
Mason isn't exactly the person who would top your Christmas card list and he is very much an acquired taste. He comes across as a cocky, sarcastic and somewhat charismatic person although a bit of an asshole. His sarcasm and cockiness is his defense mechanism and is what stops him from getting hurt and showing others that he's hurt and as much as he tries to keep up his 'selfish, arrogant and loner' facade he is really quite a kind and caring person. (Most of the time.) He tries to be a mediator although he is quite hot-headed himself.

Mason grew up in a rough part of Arizona and spent most of his childhood moving from state to state, his Mother walked out on him when he was two years old and left him with a drunken and absent Father. As soon as Mason was old enough to look after himself his Father would do longer hours at work, and Mason was pretty sure it wasn't exactly legal, but he never exactly missed his Father as when he was around he just got drunk and fell asleep.

Mason managed to scrape through high-school not because he was stupid he just never really tried in school, he graduated by the skin of his teeth getting C's and D's in most of his classes. He bounced around America for a while before settling in Canada after his old man died, he helped out with odd jobs here and there before becoming a bartender and opening up a bar in Toronto.



1 dufflebag containing;
A pack of trail mix.

One bottle of water.
A can of beer.
His lighter.
A small pocket knife (Due to the fact he sometimes gets involved with bad people and never quite knows if things will go south.)

Love that actor. Accepted!
Name: Jason Bautista

Nicknames: (you don’t have to have any)

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Southeast Asian

Place of birth: Southern California

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: (no anime please, real life pictures or detailed drawings)

Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)
- Down to earth and an overall optimist, Jason is the person who would try his best to keep a positive vibe between a group. But he is also quite outspoken with his thoughts, especially in a debate. Strongly believing in many of his own opinions, he would rather keep a debate up and about to learn about someone's mindset rather than shut them up with continuous "I'm right, you're wrong" gibberish. That being said, it does not mean he will never change his opinions. Jason will, but only if the reasoning is justifiable.
- Being headstrong, he has often had to butt horns with his friends. There have been numerous occasions of fists going flying and blood being spilt, but never anything he would strongly hold a grudge to.

Skills and/or qualifications:
- Being raised in Southern California, he had a strong taste of what guns can do. Jason can easily put a bullet in something he's aiming for, but he is no master. Just because he was raised around them, it does not mean he was an avid enthusiast. He has no interest in learning any of their names, their styles, or any tricks of the trade. So give him a gun, show him how to use it, and he can very well put up a fight.
- He never heavily centralized himself on a specific trait, so he became a jack-of-all-trades, per se. As long as the task only requires common sense, he is in the green to get it done. He knows to solve situations like bleeding out is a no, always cut the red wire, the star shaped screwdriver is the phillips head, and never press the big red button.

Previous occupation:
- Nothing extremely valuable, he has been going job to job since high school graduation. Jason isn't useless or dumb, he just has no intention in working someplace where he has no interest. As of now, he still has no idea what he wants to do. Not like it would matter, considering most civilization is doomed very soon.

Current weapons and ammunition: (please no weapons like grenade launchers etc, be sensible. Probably most won't have any to start with)
- None, he had no reason to bring anything.

Inventory: (again be reasonable) Preparing for a road trip gives one plenty of supplies. Will lose most of the gear at the point he abandons his vehicle.
- A white 2015 Acura TLX, not the best road trip car, but it wasn't like it was his or anything
- A 24-case of water
- A single box (12) of MREs, just in case they got lost
- A map of the area around the border between the USA and Canada
- A Galaxy S5, and its charger
- About $120 USD in his wallet

Background: (at least 5 sentences)
- Jason has always taken life as it was thrown at him, never quite preparing for the distant future. It is honestly the reason why he has no profession or goal right about now, since he could have gone to a university if he had only submitted the applications. Being this way drove his relationship with his parents downhill as soon as he began to develop a sense of independance. Jason has no siblings to tend to, so his ties to his family was never extremely close. His only close relationship is with his friends, who constantly mess with his carefree lifestyle but are always curious as to how he manages to pull through. He wouldn't kill or die for any of these individuals in particular; they were good friends, but not exactly lifelong partners.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
- At the moment, he was out with friends to road trip around and see Canada for its wonders. He has one friend with him currently, and the four others they were to meet on the other side of the border. The others had much more important lives, and couldn't spare the time for the drive and instead opted for a plane ride.

Name: Eduardo Zuniga

Nicknames: Opossum (Or Tlacuache south of the border in Mexico)

Age: 32

Ethnicity: Mexican-American

Place of birth: El Paso, Texas

Sexuality: Asexual



Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Pros - Can intensly focus on a task to get it done, people pleaser, relaxed and easy going.
Cons - Easily manipulated, indecisive, cowardly
Fears - Being left behind, commitment, being in charge when something goes wrong
Likes - Listening to others talk, day dreaming, and movies or a good book on tape.

Skills and/or qualifications: CDL (Commercial Drivers License) for driving eighteen wheelers. He's also tried all sorts of other types of large forms of transportaion on land anyway. He has concealed carry training and some real world experience shooting. Speaks Spanish.

Previous occupation: Truck driver

Current weapons and ammunition: 9mm handgun with a half box left of ammo.

Inventory: (again be reasonable)
12v charger and external power bank
a duffle bag with a couple changes of clothes
towel, toothbrush, deoderant, comfy shoes


Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Born in Texas, Eduardo had done well in school early on. But he soon crumbled easily under pressure as he was enrolled in higher level classes. His personality added to his descent as he avoided most extra curricular activities and eventyally began hanging out with layabouts and delinquints. Cigarettes, weed, and alcohol replaced any kind of awards and good grades and though he managed to just barely graduate he had little in prospects.

He skipped out on college and did meneal labor for a long while, his relationships to other people always strained. If he couldn't drink with them or smoke with them it was hard to keep antyhing more guniene up. His family worried about him. No girlfriend or wife and his reclusiveness always had them talking behind his back. After years he finally mustered up the enrgy to do something different. He pulled his money together and with the help of his mother saved up to take the CDL training. Being a cross country truck driver meant having an excuse to be more or less a loner. Eduardo cleaned up his act and was out on the roads in no time.

Even with the little interactions he did have they weren't all too positive. He lacked certain socail skills and the more talkative truck drivers were quick to pick up on it. You don't pick a name like Opossum to be your call sign on the road. Eddy would have been fine and yet how he'd let things get so far that they were also calling his big rig the Trashcan was a sign of his follower mentality. In his effort to avoid confrontation he didn't contest the joking title that turned very real in his time on the road. It's a small annoyance to contend with, since he finally got to do something he enjoyed. Driving and sight seeing and being alone with his thoughts.


Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:

Eduardo was used to driving routes in the south and across the border into Mexico, but certain events had made thouse routes a little more dangerous and troublesome than he liked. He switched companies and started making trips into Canada. The climate was a lot to get used to and he had to take some time off to train how to drive in wintery conditions, but he was quick to adjust.

He's delivering a shipment of grocery supplies into Toronto, stopping only to refuel and take a nap before making the final push into the big city.
Last edited:
Name: Eduardo Zuniga

Nicknames: Opossum (Or Tlacuache south of the border in Mexico)

Age: 32

Ethnicity: Mexican-American

Place of birth: El Paso, Texas

Sexuality: Asexual



Personality: (include pros and cons, fears and likes)

Pros - Can intensly focus on a task to get it done, people pleaser, relaxed and easy going.
Cons - Easily manipulated, indecisive, cowardly
Fears - Being left behind, commitment, being in charge when something goes wrong
Likes - Listening to others talk, day dreaming, and movies or a good book on tape.

Skills and/or qualifications: CDL (Commercial Drivers License) for driving eighteen wheelers. He's also tried all sorts of other types of large forms of transportaion on land anyway. He has concealed carry training and some real world experience shooting. Speaks Spanish.

Previous occupation: Truck driver

Current weapons and ammunition: 9mm handgun with a half box left of ammo.

Inventory: (again be reasonable)
12v charger and external power bank
a duffle bag with a couple changes of clothes
towel, toothbrush, deoderant, comfy shoes

Background: (at least 5 sentences)

Born in Texas, Eduardo had done well in school early on. But he soon crumbled easily under pressure as he was enrolled in higher level classes. His personality added to his descent as he avoided most extra curricular activities and eventyally began hanging out with layabouts and delinquints. Cigarettes, weed, and alcohol replaced any kind of awards and good grades and though he managed to just barely graduate he had little in prospects.

He skipped out on college and did meneal labor for a long while, his relationships to other people always strained. If he couldn't drink with them or smoke with them it was hard to keep antyhing more guniene up. His family worried about him. No girlfriend or wife and his reclusiveness always had them talking behind his back. After years he finally mustered up the enrgy to do something different. He pulled his money together and with the help of his mother saved up to take the CDL training. Being a cross country truck driver meant having an excuse to be more or less a loner. Eduardo cleaned up his act and was out on the roads in no time.

Even with the little interactions he did have they weren't all too positive. He lacked certain socail skills and the more talkative truck drivers were quick to pick up on it. You don't pick a name like Opossum to be your call sign on the road. Eddy would have been fine and yet how he'd let things get so far that they were also calling his big rig the Trashcan was a sign of his follower mentality. In his effort to avoid confrontation he didn't contest the joking title that turned very real in his time on the road. It's a small annoyance to contend with, since he finally got to do something he enjoyed. Driving and sight seeing and being alone with his thoughts.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:

Eduardo was used to driving routes in the south and across the border into Mexico, but certain events had made thouse routes a little more dangerous and troublesome than he liked. He switched companies and started making trips into Canada. The climate was a lot to get used to and he had to take some time off to train how to drive in wintery conditions, but he was quick to adjust.

He's delivering a shipment of grocery supplies into Toronto, stopping only to refuel and take a nap before making the final push into the big city.

Accepted! But I don't know what happened but the appearance photo didn't load :/
so many awesome characters! i'm really looking forward to this ^^

Lacey "Lace"
•sometimes brave, always bold•

Name: Lacey Black

Nicknames: Lace, Lacewing
Age: 18
Place of birth: California
Sexuality: Bisexual

Lacey is a bold and outspoken girl, though she's usually sociable, if a bit blunt. She's not necessarily combative, but she also isn't against a fight and has been known to haul off and punch anyone who's giving her baby brother a hard time. Tending to be snarky and sarcastic, she can easily make most people laugh and is generally the life of any party or gathering she attends. A daredevil at heart, Lacey will do a lot for attention, and even more if she thinks she can get all eyes on her. Despite this, she knows when to be quiet and isn't as irresponsible as she likes to pretend, though she may whine a bit if asked to act 'like a grown-up'. She's not easily frightened, but dreads the loss of anyone she cares about, especially if she thinks she could've prevented it.
Lacey likes to act as though she's completely carefree, but can actually be a bit overprotective if she's attached to you... not that she'd admit it, as she dislikes appearing weak or emotional.

Likes and Dislikes:

✓candy and sweet stuff
✓energy drinks
✓anything neon

✕authority and pushy individuals
✕anyone that hurts her brother

Skills and/or qualifications:

•Driver's licence
•Can swim
•Good at hand-to-hand combat (not formally trained)
•Knows basic wilderness survival

Previous occupation:
College student, singer and keyboardist

Current weapons and ammunition:

•Hunting knife
•Bear spray


•Backpack filled with junk food for the train ride
•Fire starter
•Bug spray
•Three days worth of clothes and toiletries
•Alternative music magazine
•Kid-sized keyboard (as travelling with her full-sized one wasn't feasible)
•$120 dollars

Lacey was born into a middle class family only a year before her brother, Damien. Though the two fought often in their early childhood, to their family's delight, they've long since worked out their differences and are close friends. Lacey was the oldest and known for being pushy and a go-getter, never having been one to back down from a fight. She took her parents' divorce hard, becoming rebellious and distanced from everyone. Today she's kept her attitude but is a lot more stable, spending her days enjoying music and traveling as much as she can with her little brother in tow.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Attending a music festival and then going on a week and a half long camping trip with her brother Damien.

Damien "Damie" Black
•the boy who could pet bees•

Damien Black
Nicknames: Damie, Darkling
Age: 16 (will be turning 17 in a couple of months)
Place of birth: California
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Asexual (Heteroromantic)
Damien is a sweet and affectionate boy, though he's often shy and has a hard time with any sort of confrontation. He's a complete pacifist and strongly dislikes fighting or violence, but he's also not a pushover and will stand up for what he believes in even if his knees shake. A lover of animals (and most feel the same, he's been jokingly compared to a Disney princess for his ability to win them over), the one thing that will truly anger him is their abuse. He understands the need of hunting for survival, though he's quite squeamish and can't stand to see any form of struggle or suffering. Quiet in nature, he has a naturally soft and whispery voice which leads to him being asked to speak up rather frequently. Damien prefers not to be the center of attention, and will feel very awkward if others are focusing on him. Despite his skittish personality, he will share his musical ability if encouraged and can usually be convinced to play a song or two. His biggest fear is of injuries, illness and blood, any of which will make him feel quite sick and maybe even faint.
Despite this, or possibly because of it, he usually carries a small first aid kit and knows the basics of using it.

Likes and Dislikes:

✓candy and sweet stuff
✓energy drinks
✓sunrise and sunset

✕violence and gore
✕spicy foods
✕animal haters

Skills and/or qualifications:

•Can swim
•Good with animals
•Could probably scale any tree
•Versed in the basics of medicine

Previous occupation:
High school student, singer and guitarist

Current weapons and ammunition:

•Swiss army knife


•Backpack stuffed with candy, chips, gum, cookies and similar from the train ride
•Three days worth of clothes and toiletries
•Alternative music magazine
•First aid kit
•Kid-sized guitar (as travelling with his full-sized one wasn't feasible)
•$40 dollars

Damien was born into a middle class family only a year after his sister, Lacey. Though the two fought often in their early childhood, to their family's delight, they've long since worked out their differences and are close friends. Damien was always a sensitive and fragile child as well as the youngest, and was frequently babied by his mother. When their parents divorced after his father was discovered to be cheating, 7 year old Damien became quieter and a bit less trusting, but never lashed out like his sister. Today he's still skittish, but has found himself in music much like his sister.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Attending a music festival and week and a half long camping trip with his sister Lacey.

so many awesome characters! i'm really looking forward to this ^^

Lacey "Lace"
•sometimes brave, always bold•

Name: Lacey Black

Nicknames: Lace, Lacewing
Age: 18
Place of birth: California
Sexuality: Bisexual

Lacey is a bold and outspoken girl, though she's usually sociable, if a bit blunt. She's not necessarily combative, but she also isn't against a fight and has been known to haul off and punch anyone who's giving her baby brother a hard time. Tending to be snarky and sarcastic, she can easily make most people laugh and is generally the life of any party or gathering she attends. A daredevil at heart, Lacey will do a lot for attention, and even more if she thinks she can get all eyes on her. Despite this, she knows when to be quiet and isn't as irresponsible as she likes to pretend, though she may whine a bit if asked to act 'like a grown-up'. She's not easily frightened, but dreads the loss of anyone she cares about, especially if she thinks she could've prevented it.
Lacey likes to act as though she's completely carefree, but can actually be a bit overprotective if she's attached to you... not that she'd admit it, as she dislikes appearing weak or emotional.

Likes and Dislikes:

✓candy and sweet stuff
✓energy drinks
✓anything neon

✕authority and pushy individuals
✕anyone that hurts her brother

Skills and/or qualifications:

•Driver's licence
•Can swim
•Good at hand-to-hand combat (not formally trained)
•Knows basic wilderness survival

Previous occupation:
College student, singer and keyboardist

Current weapons and ammunition:

•Hunting knife
•Bear spray


•Backpack filled with junk food for the train ride
•Fire starter
•Bug spray
•Three days worth of clothes and toiletries
•Alternative music magazine
•Kid-sized keyboard (as travelling with her full-sized one wasn't feasible)
•$120 dollars

Lacey was born into a middle class family only a year before her brother, Damien. Though the two fought often in their early childhood, to their family's delight, they've long since worked out their differences and are close friends. Lacey was the oldest and known for being pushy and a go-getter, never having been one to back down from a fight. She took her parents' divorce hard, becoming rebellious and distanced from everyone. Today she's kept her attitude but is a lot more stable, spending her days enjoying music and traveling as much as she can with her little brother in tow.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Attending a music festival and then going on a week and a half long camping trip with her brother Damien.

Damien "Damie" Black
•the boy who could pet bees•

Damien Black
Nicknames: Damie, Darkling
Age: 16 (will be turning 17 in a couple of months)
Place of birth: California
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Asexual (Heteroromantic)
Damien is a sweet and affectionate boy, though he's often shy and has a hard time with any sort of confrontation. He's a complete pacifist and strongly dislikes fighting or violence, but he's also not a pushover and will stand up for what he believes in even if his knees shake. A lover of animals (and most feel the same, he's been jokingly compared to a Disney princess for his ability to win them over), the one thing that will truly anger him is their abuse. He understands the need of hunting for survival, though he's quite squeamish and can't stand to see any form of struggle or suffering. Quiet in nature, he has a naturally soft and whispery voice which leads to him being asked to speak up rather frequently. Damien prefers not to be the center of attention, and will feel very awkward if others are focusing on him. Despite his skittish personality, he will share his musical ability if encouraged and can usually be convinced to play a song or two. His biggest fear is of injuries, illness and blood, any of which will make him feel quite sick and maybe even faint.
Despite this, or possibly because of it, he usually carries a small first aid kit and knows the basics of using it.

Likes and Dislikes:

✓candy and sweet stuff
✓energy drinks
✓sunrise and sunset

✕violence and gore
✕spicy foods
✕animal haters

Skills and/or qualifications:

•Can swim
•Good with animals
•Could probably scale any tree
•Versed in the basics of medicine

Previous occupation:
High school student, singer and guitarist

Current weapons and ammunition:

•Swiss army knife


•Backpack stuffed with candy, chips, gum, cookies and similar from the train ride
•Three days worth of clothes and toiletries
•Alternative music magazine
•First aid kit
•Kid-sized guitar (as travelling with his full-sized one wasn't feasible)
•$40 dollars

Damien was born into a middle class family only a year after his sister, Lacey. Though the two fought often in their early childhood, to their family's delight, they've long since worked out their differences and are close friends. Damien was always a sensitive and fragile child as well as the youngest, and was frequently babied by his mother. When their parents divorced after his father was discovered to be cheating, 7 year old Damien became quieter and a bit less trusting, but never lashed out like his sister. Today he's still skittish, but has found himself in music much like his sister.

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train:
Attending a music festival and week and a half long camping trip with his sister Lacey.

Accepted! But just to let you know, all the photos on it haven't loaded properly :/
Name: Gregory Philip

Nicknames: "Greg", "Pa"

Age: 58

Ethnicity: cacuasian, American

Place of birth: Dayton Tennessee

Sexuality: heterosexual

Appearance: (can't find one, will search :/ )

Personality: Growing up in the south, Gregory had all the southern traditions down, drinking beer, hunting, driving old as shit cars, but he was also a hard worker, which is a trait that followed over. Greg is a down to earth guy, and has a calm attitude, usually not one to raise his voice or get destructive when angry, although getting married at 22 and having 3 kids has sobered him up, and he can be stern.
+ hunting
+ kids
+ reading
- deadbeats
- shady people
- over complicated anythings

Skills and/or qualifications: he is a fast and diligent worker, whether it be building or bartending, his years of getting the job done make him one to pull a little more than his weight. Hunting gives him good knoledge with hunting rifles, shotguns, and a wide range of traps. He went to trade school right out of highschool to learn about cars, so can fix up just about any car. He might be old, but with his lifestyle he has stayed in good health, and that includes physically.

Previous occupation: He owned a car repair shop in North Carolina

Current weapons and ammunition: pocket knife

Inventory: Wallet, 70$ hard cash, bottle of water, pepsi, multitool, sunglasses, hat

Background: Gregory grew up in a poor family, forcing him to go to trade school instead of colledge. From 18 to 20 he attended the school, and met a woman soon after he settled into a trailer and a job as a low cut mechanic, and they would see each other at the same restaurant (she was a waiter), and that turned into the park, then into dates, then into marriage two years later. Life was at first hard for the couple, working low pay jobs and living poorly, but Gregory was determined, and so they had both started slowly moving up the chain, moving to North Carolina when Gregory was 26, working for a higher paying mechanic shop as his wife took odd jobs paying for medical school. At 28 Greg and his wife (who was 25) had their first kid, a boy, and at a good point in their lifes, as his wife had fully paid for her colledge and Greg was now assistant manager at the mechanic shop. During their lifes, the couple had two more kids, a girl when Greg was 36, and another boy when he was 40. Now they live their life's happy and accomplished, having bought 5 acers of land to live on (they would retire soon), he was the owner of a well known mechanic shop and she was a doctor (who would actually retire in 5 years).
Wife: Sharla Philip/55/doctor
Donald Philip/30/Animator
Carly Philip/22/college studying architecture
John Philip/18/ college studying musical arts

Why you are in Canada and/or on the train: Gregory eldest son Philip had recently went up to Toronto for a new job, and settled in to his place, had asked his parents to visit. Sharla couldn't go because of work, but asked Greg to go anyways.

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