Zombies, Guns, and Love (John and Sparks)

Ember Spark

Sparky AKA Flint
The girl moved her way through the crowed of zombies. She was covered in zombie guts hoping that the smell will keep her safe. So far it worked. She made it into a building, flipping the zombie guts coat she had on off, and moved up the stairs with grace. She had no time but to move from building to building untill she got out of Atlanta. She made it to the top of the building and took off toward the ledge. She jumped and made it across by a hair. If it wasnt for her long legs she would have not made it. She held her crossbow close as she took out 2 dead and pulled the bolts out of their heads. Next building... She thought.
"Oh no, oh no." Leon kept repeating as he was running through the stairwell to the top of the building he decided to, wonder around in. Underestimating the hearing power of a zombie he figured it would be harmless to land on 9mm bullet into a zombie's head for old time's sake. Turns out every floor of the building had housed about an even 20 zombies a floor and just his luck they had been there for awhile and we're all far in the process of turning and could run full speed. Just As he had about enough of running up the staircase dodging zombies and crowbar'n doors open he had made it to the top floor. Just as he burst the door open with his shoulder he had ran strait into another survivor, knocking her over. panting and trying to catch his breath he crouched on one knee and managed to get some words of concern out. "Woah, sorry about that. You alright?" He hoisted his crowbar across his back and helped the woman up.
The woman dropped to the ground and turned around with her crossbow pointed at the man's head. " Im fine." She stood up. Where are you- she was cut off by zombies bursting through the door. "Shit! COME ON!" She shouted at the man as she started running down the fore escape. In the middle of the street there was a perfect chevy pickup. Shr ran to the driver side and jumped in. "LETS GO!" She shouted at the man.
Leon still a bit winded from his previous run had lagged behind the woman a bit. Instead of wasting time getting into the car he just hopped in the back and started slashing his crowbar at some zombies that had hung on to the sides of the back. After all the zombies were gone and they had been riding for quite awhile he popped open the small window from the back into the car and figured he introduce himself to the woman he had just knocked down, a rather beautiful woman at that. Not that he had tried his hand at flirting for awhile but now was as good a time as ever. "So, what were you saying back there?"
Bones glanced at the man in the rear view. "Nothing. Get up here i need a navigation." She mumbled to the man. "The name is... She paused. Call me Bones." She huffed as she floored the chevy. She hit the city limmits and begin on the highway out of Atlanta. "Its getting dark do you know of anywhere out here we can stay?"
Leon, squeezed through the window and hopped into the front seat next to Bones. "You can call me Zetho, or your mapquest for now. You can back up and turn up he street on your left, the road ahead is blocked off. If it wasn't I'd be out of the town by now. Ride up Peachtree road there's some town homes that I know haven't been touched by the zombies. I would know because I have the keys to about 4 of them." He laid back, it had been a long day and he was just ready to lay down somewhere. "So, what's a beautiful lady like you doing alone on the rooftops of buildings?"
Bones listened to Zetho talk as she drove around. She glanced at him again and huffed. "I dont run in groups." She then pulled up to a house and grabbed her crossbow. "Lets go." She hopped out of the truck, leaving the door open. She moved to the hood and hopped up on it then she climbed on the roof. She opened a window to a bedroom on the second floor. "Clear."
Zetho decided to take the front door, he calmly walked up to the door and unlocked it with his key. Closed the door behind him and threw the keys on the table to his left, took his shoes off and headed for the bedroom on the second floor and flopped onto the bed. "Umm, make yourself at home, you can sleep pretty much where ever you like."
Bones ignored his loud noises. "I only sleep when its safe and up high." She glanced outside the window. "Like that tree." She then moved to another room and begin to slid the 2 twin mattresses in to the room Zetho was in. She set them ontop of eachother and moved out of the room once more. This time she was dragging in a dresser. She left it in the middle of the room leaving for a purpous later. She looked over at Zetho "We need to eat before sundown." She started down the stairs with her crossbow in hand.
Unlike Bones, Zetho knew this place was as safe as it was going to get in this city. Watching her move all these things was quite entertaining. He zoned in when she started talking about food but wasn't actually hungry. He got up and follow her downstairs. "There's deer meat and can food. I can cook anything, but I won't be eating." He flips the power generator took the deer meat out of the fridge and started cooking. Taking a rather dull approach with everything for now as it seemed like any attempts to come on with feeling to this girl was useless.
(BOLD= Flashback)

Bones watched him move as he cooked. The sent of the deer meat filled the kitchen as she hopped up on a counter and watched him closely. She loved to study people, that was one thing she was good at. She looked down at her right hand and watched the scar on her palm. Her hand moved to the hilt of her knife as she flashed back.

"Momma?" the 6 year old Bones called out. "Momma are y-" She was cut off when she seen her mother laying on the floor with stab wounds in her chest and stomach. There was a 4 foot by 4 foot puddle of blood around her mother. The young girl slowly walked with her teddy into the puddle and got on her knees. Her teddy fell from her arms and into the blood. "Momma?" She shook her mother lightly. "Momma wake up!" She shouted. "She aint wakin' dumb ass." Bones turned around and her step father stood there covered in blood and held on to a knife. "You wont wake either." He came at the girl with the knife. She put her hands up and he sliced along her palm leaving a 4 inch gash across the whole thing. Bones ran and ran. She made it down stairs and out the door in tears, running into the woods...

Bones had her hand so tight on her knife her knuckles where white as snow. She seen red. Her head snapped up to Zetho as she came to. She had a scowl on her face as he cooked. "Where you from?" she asked quickly. She made small talk not wanting to bring up the past, but everything dont turn out the way she likes.
Not really noticing anything he replied without looking up. "Here, this was my house before this all went down. My mother and father left me here, so now going on 9 years I've been here. Living the dream." He laughed as the words dream spit out of his mouth. There was no dream to be lived now. "What about you?""
Bones cringed when he asked about herself. Might as well... she thought. "I have been on my own for years. I was.... left at 6 years old. Living in the woods until a elderly couple found me. The older man was in the military and helped me learn how to survive and protect myself. " She said in a rush. She didnt like opening up to people but it was the end of the world what could it hurt?
Zetho kinda smirked at Bones when she started talking about the old man. "That would explain your entrance into the house. Well, at least you can take care of yourself right." He took the food and split it into two plates, the house had no table. He looked around for a second. "Well considering there isnt a table here I'll just go eat in the bedroom, again make yourself at home." He walked off to the bedroom and played some heavy metal on the radio in the room. The power he managed to pull made living there not to bad.
Bones made it up to the bed room after eating and begin to push the dressers infront of the door. She then looked at the window. She will stay out there and keep watch. The truck is close enough if they need to make an escape. She then climbed out the window and sat there watching the street. Waiting for it to come. It always comes.
Zetho had not gone to sleep by the time she made it upstairs the metal was still playing. He attempted to talk over it. "You know, nothing is going to get inside a gated community. Relax."
Bones glared at Zetho through the window. "Dont you get it. They always come. We cant stay here forever. They will make it through some how." He shouted at him. Big mistake. about 10 to 15 zombies came from around a house and headed their way.
Zetho heard he cries of zombies out the window and looked Bones for a second, just kinda stared at her. Blank faced. "Good job buddy, good job," Zetho jumped out of bed and grabbed his crowbar ran down the stairs and bust open the front door. The 9mm would just attract more zombies. He noticed the size of the group and tried to think of something less, aggressive as he knew he wasn't going to be able to kill them all with a crowbar he pulled his 9mm out his holster and lined up a shot, taking out one of the zombies while all the other ones ran toward the front door, just about as they got there he slammed the door and called to Bones, "Hey! Get on the roof, I'll need your help." He hopped out the side window and got behind the 12 zombies that were bashing up the front door lined up another shot and took some of steps back, about 17 to be exact. Took the shot and got another two zombies through their half working brains, but had no more ammo to take any more shots as they ran toward him. He thought to himself 6 years with a gun and you learn to take a perfect shot but not to stock up on ammo. He looked up to the roof top of the house waiting for Bones to come a pick some of the zombies off.
Bones jummped into the back of her truck swung around and slipped through the drivers side window. She started it up and drove up to him. She pushed open the door and yelled at him. "LETS GO MORE WILL COME!" Save your damn bullets. she thought as she revved the engine.
He ran to the truck and jumped into the seat. Let out a deep sigh and laid back in the seat and thought about how he just lost his only house around here to a bunch of brainless fools.
Bones switched it to 4 wheel drive and took off slamminng into the gate. She jerked forward and her head slammed against the steering wheel. She groaned and slowly sat up. She floored the gas pedal and spun the tires a few times untill the truck took off. She closed one eye as blood ran from a gash on her forehead.
Zetho jerked up as they hit the gate opening his eyes just before he hit his head on the dashboard and falling back into the seat with his eyes closed passed out with blood trickling down his face.
Bones pulled over and rolled up the windows before she passed out herself. Zombies begin to walk by not paying attention to their truck at all.

~~Time skip~~
~~Really far time skip~Winter~

"Hey, wakey wakey." Zetho shook Bones attempting to wake her up. The metal from downstairs flowed into the room. "Come on Bones we've got deer to hunt, wake up." He started rolling her to the edge of the bed attempting to push her off. He pulled open the makeshift curtains and let the light in and showing the wonderful view of forest they had in their new home on the outskirts of Atlanta.

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