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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocolypse

Name: Clinton Reichert

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: 193cm [height], semi-muscular body-build, pale skin, dark brown eyes, messy dirt brown hair that runs a decimeter from his scalp, light beard, thick eyebrows, weathered face, average nose [tight around the bridge], tired eyes.

Personality traits: Quiet, reserved, calm.

Likes: Independence, wilderness, the rain, game-poaching.

Dislikes: Careless people, unjustified murder, large groups of people.

Weapon(s): Hunting-grade compound bow [9 barbed arrows]; Survival knife [slightly dulled]

Bio (optional): Raised in a rural area, Clint was taught the basics of both survival and hunting. Being homeschooled until secondary school, he kept to himself, due to his social ineptitude. Come graduation, he opted to stay away from university and remain close to his family, helping provide for them. Hell and high-water of the apocalypse brought little change to Clinton--and his family's--lifestyle; the odd flesh-eating monster or desperate scavenger didn't change the hunter-gatherer routine that Clinton lived.



Oswald "Oz" Wagner






Cynical ? Rude ? Prideful ? Brave ? Brash ? Gruff ? Aloof ? Violent ? Deadpan Snarker ? Analyst ? Protective ? Honest



Playing Guitar

Strong Scents




Spoiled Brats



Unecessary Violence

Impulsive Actions


He carries a Miroku Shotgun and a Magnum 44.


Oz always led a rather troublesome life, gaining the status of a delinquent in his high school years and of a criminal when he reached adulthood, joining a gang that terrorized the neighbourhood with its presence. Losing his parents at a young age, he always d his life was never a fullfiling and that he never did something good with it. He could not run away nor go against his fate and that left him broken. It was only when one fateful day, Oz came back to the "headquarters" of his gang to find an uproar caused by the contamination of one of his comrades. Needless to say, it spread quickly, forcing him and two more safe comrades to shoot them down and burning them. Forced to kill his own friends, Oz knew that things would never go back to being the same at this point. He managed to survive for a while with the company of the other two members but would eventually be forced to travel alone after their death, one by the hand of the epidemic and the other duo to fear. Now, he was on his own. Until he met Cole.

Now, he wants to protect Cole at all costs, as he believes it to be the first good thing he ever did for once in his life. Cole made him swear to help him find his mom. If she is dead, however, he is uncertain of what to do...




Cole Rizzo






Bubbly ? Upbeat ? Somewhat Insensitive ? Mature ? Curious ? Optimistic ? Easygoing ? Kind-hearted ? Sincere ? Clever ? Quick-minded ? Naive ? Sensitive






High Speed Vehicles



Disrespect toward Elders

Childish Behavior

Loud Noises



He carries a Beretta and a metal baseball bat.


Abandoned by his father at the age of 4, Cole was solely raised by his mother, who went as far as working in three different jobs just to be able to keep her son. Even through rough times, she would always keep a smile in her face. And so, the young boy decided that he would do his best to help his mother and protect her smile.

Cole was having classes when the events of the roleplay began. Despite being ordered to stay inside, however, the young elementary school student did not believe that such a procedure would keep him from danger. In the end, his decision saved his life as soon the school was taken by the undead. Cole saw all his friends be killed and turned that day, a sight he would never forget. He would survive one month by himself, although barely. But one day, his luck came to an end, as his narcolepsy took over. He was then saved by a stern and dangerous-looking man by the name Oswald Wagner, whom he has been following ever since, despite his savior's protests.

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Umaru-chan Kingston Killios






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/anime-art-girl-glasses-1094551.jpg.706e5ede66bcb7a5ddecd576b2cdb7dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/anime-art-girl-glasses-1094551.jpg.706e5ede66bcb7a5ddecd576b2cdb7dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality traits:

~Kind ~innocent ~trustworthy ~lovely ~kind-hearted ~loyal ~bright ~cheery ~brave


~cats and dogs




~listening or creating music


~riding her motorcycle (her motor cycles is black!)




~fat people/un athletic people


Set of knives and a small pistol

Bio (optional):

Her mother died when she was only 1 and her father died when she was 4. When she was 2 the zombie appocalipse hit. She kept on the run with her father collecting weapons and food. She was taught how to defend her self against anyone who was either a zombie or traitor. But sadly her father died when she was 4 leaving her all alone for 3 years. But when she was 5 she made friends with a blue bird called frost. The bird now stays with Umaru every where and never leaves her side.


She is quite talented with fixing motor cycles and gadgets. She also likes to invent things when she is not on the run. She can ride a motorcycle. Her farther was a mechanic and her mother was a nurse. She is very good at driving any vehicle and can fix people up when they are hurt or sick.



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Name: Karah Jones

Age: 27

Gender: Female



Personality traits: Karah is a rather distrusting person, having survived this short while through the apocalypse, she has become stern and efficient in what she does. She focuses on necessities, rather than thinking about what might make the group happier, she hopes to keep the others alive. She considers herself a survivor in all of the mess, though the previous years in much richer care affect her ability to commit to certain dirty work. She overall seems disinterested, while actually becoming easily attached to other members of the group, making strong effort to protect them.

Strengths: Steadfast, risk-taker, motherly duty.

Weaknesses: Emotional, amateur, physically weak.


Her Father's Antique Colt Revolver (Still Well-Functioning)


Her Bowie Knife


Bio (optional)

Karah was born in Newcastle upon tyne, England. Their family resided here with little money, though lived a rather calm life in the suburbs of northern England. Karah group up a good student in school, passing many of her classes with superior grades and showing to be an overall efficient worker. By the time she turned fifteen, their family had finally hit a lucky streak. With investments made by her father into a small company skyrocketing, the working family found themselves in a newfound state of wealth. As their wealth grew, the family had finally decided to move to America, at the age of 16 making the move.

Karah became well accustomed with horse-back riding in her time living in America, as well as taking hobby in track groups. Being as tall as she was, she had the legs of a runner, and had managed to climb to the top of her track group in her final year of high school. This talent lasted with her into college, where she majored in psychology, spending the next number of years in between college and higher schooling, going through many phases and picking up different careers to pass the time. Eventually she managed to finish all of her schooling, graduating with a PhD from Columbia University. After only a year of being in the field, the apocalypse had struck. With her family killed by their undead servants, Karah has been forced out in the world, taking what supplies she can with her to survive.

@Ursula Halliday
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Name: Ryder Plane





Personality traits: Strong, great sense of humor, charismatic=(Mechanic/great conversationalist),Brave,and loves to be in the wilderness.

Strengths: Stealthy, Born hunter=(bows, knifes, pistols, long rifles,) handsome, mechanic,and not afraid of blood/death/or body parts.

Weaknesses: Too fixed on finding his father, lonely, Blunt weapons, short tempered, doesn't know his own strength

Weapons/supplies: Backpack=(20 food rations, wrench, candle,150 glock 43 bullets,200 arrows,knife sharpener flashlight, 50 metal parts,and a brown leather jacket with a leather hood)

a Glock 43


2 knifes (butcher knife and bowie knife)


and finally

a compound bow

Bio: Mitchell at the age of 16 joined the armed forces. Yet he was very skilled with fighting of all ways already. So the government decided to use very high tech cloning machines to clone Mitchell plane test subject No.1...

It was a success and a failure it was Mitchell but looked nothing like him and he was just a youth luckily when he was off to fight for the black ops, spec ops, and army. His son was being watched by Mitchell's younger sister that Mitchell had also been raising. Her name was Quinn she was 3 years younger than Mitchell yet mature as a 20 year old. So Mitchell let his sister help take care of him

14 years later Mitchell is 30 Quinn 27 Rhys 15

Rhys was being trained by Mitchell as Quinn made them meals. But one day the government got air on a rogue soldier. Thinking It was Mitchell they barged into the barracks with juggernaut suits searching for Mitchell and his fam they found Quinn,Mitchell, and Rhys and shot all but Mitchell

Mitchell was long thinking that Rhys and Quinn were dead. Yet 1 out of the 2 dead lived was Rhys

Mitchell outraged and planted explosives all over the base and broke out with 15 survivors Rhys knew medical treatment so he fixed up his body and stole a gun from the armory 150 bullets and left with two military grade knifes and 40x reinforced steel compound bow with steel arrows and started his venture out as the explosives went off killing all who had harmed Mitchell and his familly and It still continues...

Other: has a pet wolf/dark lab mix

named: charcoal


Age 2 human years

personality: violent, destructive, yet calm, loves Rhys(so he loves Mitchell too cause Rhys his son/clone)

he loves meat too

@Ursula Halliday
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Name: Jonah Waggoner

Nickname: Bruiser




Gender: Male

Personality Traits: Ruthless, Strong, Brave, Kind, Inventor, Mechanic

Strengths:Can easily make allies, Is skilled as parkour, Is also skilled at using long range weapons, can make something out of anything, is a great leader.

Weaknesses:Has flashbacks about his past life, Is weak at using melee weapons, Isn't great at making jokes, has a bad sense of humor, has very bad burns on right of his face.

Weapons/Supplies: M02010: Backpack: Enough food for 3 months, Extra ammo, 2 bowie knives, a wrench, a sleeping bag, and flint and steel.

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Jonah's Life

Jonah grew up living through much pain. When he was just 10 his father dies of Lou Gherig's disease. He was very lonely. One day a stray dog came to his house. He got to know the dog very well and they became very close friends. He named it Flare. By the time he was 17 the apocalypse had just began. He joined the Black Ops. During this time his family had their lives taken by the undead. As he was in the military he learned many essentials on how o survive. He also learned how to use the many weapons he uses today. The undead took the military base. Him and his best friend and his brother Seth Waggoner. They survived together for many years then came upon an abandoned house. They fortified it and made it their own. They even had their very own vegetable farm. 3 years past and they now had many other survivors living in this safe haven. This brings us to now.
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Name: The Lunatic

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'9 and looming, wears a long Black trench coat-suit Combination with gloves. His face undetermined, he wears a mask

Personality: Insane, Homicidal, and Zany.

Bio: Went insane a year into the Apocalypse, Developed a name for himself after he keeps a town under his eye, killing assault or killing anyone who mess with the town, the town by, marking their death by writing a smile on the walls with their blood, but lets peaceful ones go by unscathed. He wanders from his town sometimes and Encounters people, either peacefully or hostile.

Skills: Knows body weak points, due to being a past medical student. Expert with knifes.

WoC: A custom switchblade he always keeps with him.


Likes: Knifes, his pet crow, and his town, jokes

Dislikes: Most people,

Pet: A crow named Cassidy (Female)

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@Ursula Halliday Is there something wrong with my Character and i'm yet to have a response from you so i'm very confused of what i've done wrong with my character... please let me know as soon as possible please. (Thank You(:3))
Name: Riley McIntosh

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Appearance: I don't necessarily have a picture that I think fits him. He's average male height, five feet and eleven inches tall. He has short, spiky brown hair and deep blue eyes. Tends to wear blue jeans and a t-shirt underneath a zipped up hoodie. Also fairly skinny, but muscled, not scrawny.

Personality traits: Riley is a kind man, despite having undertaken special forces training. He enjoys being sarcastic and tries to lighten the mood with often poorly-timed jokes. He gets quite angry when friends are threatened, having lost a few good ones at the start of this apocalypse.

Likes: Guns, people, sarcasm, humor.

Dislikes: Those who threaten his friends, zombies, country music.

Weapon(s): Riley is equipped with a suppressed Heckler and Koch USP.45 and a MercWorx Sniper knife. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/silentusp45.jpg.eb9bb75aa59061503073834889a6304e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/silentusp45.jpg.eb9bb75aa59061503073834889a6304e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/mercworxsniper.jpg.cbb81fe98ed662169c8d2030b332352d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/mercworxsniper.jpg.cbb81fe98ed662169c8d2030b332352d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio (optional): With his family having died from disease and accidents not long after he turned nineteen, Riley took up the military as a way to get his life straight. Rising through the ranks, he was quickly recognized not only for his sarcasm and gallows humor, but for his sharp mind and ability to think around more difficult obstacles. This led to a promotion straight into one of the many special ops forces that dotted the military, and after years of training and service, Riley decided to take a break from the special operations life. Now dropped into a zombie apocalypse, he'll have to make use of his wits and humor to make the best out of a bad situation.



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