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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse


The date was June 28, 20XX when the dead started to walk the earth. How was it started, What was the cause, Who was to blame; no one has an answer. It's now October 28, four months after the incident and most of the human population wiped out, with the exception of some groups here and there. With zombies, bandits and other survivors trying to live, the world is a living hell. How will you survive?

Thanks for reading, if you are interested please let me know by posting your Character descriptions up on the Character Sign Up Tab. Details on how this Role Play will be in the Overview Tab.
Miyuki sat in an abandon building as she watches the streets beneath her. 'Months...this only started months ago yet look at the infected people down there, once human beings.' She takes a deep breath and looks around at the place she called home, or home for maybe a week. "I shouldn't stay, I should keep moving. I need to find survivors and hopefully a safe, infected free place." she said hopefully as she grabs her backpack and started to pack it with more food and water found in the apartment. She has a bandage wrapped around her hand as she cut her hand when learning how to make arrows. It wasn't easy but she got the skill down. She grabs her bow and her quiver as she walks out the door and into the hallway, bow and an arrow in hand.
Skylynn grunted softly as she felt the baby kick at her kidneys. She sat in the bed of the home she had taken up residency in to try and protect her self, as she waited for the baby to calm down. The baby had been kicking for a good 30 minutes and hasn't settled down. She sighed softly and stood up to look out the window. There were zombies scattered across the street below her and she shuddered as she thought back to her late husband and his fate. She got a sad look in her eyes as she remembered him and shook her head to clear herself of the memories. "I need to get out of here... Find somewhere new... Somewhere safer..." She said silently to herself.

It was almost time for her to have her baby and she knew that she couldn't do it by herself. She had to have someone to help her.

(@KathleneWilliams2121 )
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Austin sat on the roof of a gas station, adjusting slightly to be more comfortable. His pack lay against the side of the roof, behind him, as he stared out into the city. The man had spent the night here, as gas station roofs we're more practical than most might think. It's high up and safe from the undead, but low enough that if he needed to make a quick getaway he could jump down. Most had ladders on the back end that we're usually locked up so it would take some effort to climb up, and if anyone tried to do it while he was on-top he would most likely hear them. Not to mention the small walls that we're usually built along the sides of the roof, just high enough to keep him hidden from any prying eyes while he slept. Plus there we're the leftovers of food and drink left behind from survivors raiding them, and generally they could be found on the outskirts of towns so he wouldn't have to go towards the more dangerous parts. Gas Stations are just his go-to location in general.

Ohio huh? Not much of a fan. He thought, having just come from the east and traveled through Pennsylvania. It was however warmer as he moved southeast along the U.S. His thoughts we're interrupted however, by a congested snarling from below as what would seem to be one of the undead catching some sense of what it liked as it clambered against the gas station wall below. Austin snorted in annoyance, "You couldn't just keep quiet could you." The man mumbled, grabbing a pole that he'd brought up with him and was perfect for what he had in store for it. "See? Now I'm going to have to deal with you." He said, going to the edge and looking down at the mess of a walking corpse. Positioning the pole just above the creatures head he jabbed downwards so that it penetrated the creature's skull, and there was the blissful quiet once again. A satisfactory smile crossed his face before pulling on the pole so that the body slumped to the ground and he had his tool back. That's more like it.
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Aidan had taken shelter in a supermarket for the day. She had to admit that this wasn't the best place to be, it certainly hadn't been her first choice, but things had looked dicey the day previous. Not wanting to use her shotgun, she took shelter in the smell of rotting food. There hadn't been much left in the building. People already seemed to have cleaned the place of any useful canned foods but some perishables had been left to decay. The meats had grown blue-green mold and maggots were digging in. The stench was positively revolting but it seemed to keep her scent hidden for the time being. It was time to get a move on again. Aidan checked to make sure she still had all her belongings before considering leaving her safe spot in the non-refrigerated steaks.

She checked past the aisles. As could be expected, there wasn't anything very useful left. Any food that had been left had been cracked or ripped open, scattered on the floor and shelves for insects to eat. Turning the corner of another aisle she nearly had a tiny panic attack at the sight of a a couple rotting bodies but it seemed they had been neutralized long ago. Perhaps this aisle had medicine previously but most things seemed cleared out here as well. She was lucky enough to find a miniature case of ibuprofen but supposing she got sick it wouldn't last her long. This was hopeless. She desperately needed food and a drink. It was time to venture out again. She was about to leave but a bright yellow revolving stand caught her attention. It was just one of those seed displays they put in front of the flowers but she couldn't help but stuff her pockets with anything it had left. It was a stupid idea, mainly due to the fact that she wasn't actually a very good gardener, but she liked to think that she might be able to one day find a place safe enough to stay longer than a night. Besides, maybe she might meet someone who knew when to plant things like tomatoes, corn and different kinds of squash.

The street was clear at the moment. Once upon a time, she had been unsettled by the lack of noise by a main rode but at this moment it simply meant a couple minutes safety. Seeds in pocket, axe in hand, Aidan quietly moved through the streets. She needed to find a place with water or food. Ahead was a gas station she could try but she wanted to reach open space where she might have a chance to hunt or trap animals.
"Ok, ok...Deep breaths it's fine, you aren't dead yet. This..is..a minor set back?" Tori muttered to herself as her hand gripped tightly around the taser in her left hand. She could feel her fingers going numb she was holding onto it so hard but she sire as heck wasn't going to risk a loose grip. In all honesty she didn't know that it would do her much good in a fight since she would have to be close to use it, but it ought to at least incapacitate one of them for a few seconds right? enough to get away at least. The woman lost herself on that train of thought as she walked down the side street, it was strewn with left behind belongings that obviously didn't seem all that important enough to people to keep when faced with untimely death. She stopped at a small cross section in the path and glanced both ways, Tori chewed on her bottom lip slightly as she tried to think. She quite literally had no idea where she was going "oh well, when in doubt..go left." she decided matter of factly and did just that.

The constant light thump of the shot gun resting over her back as she walked was surprisingly reassuring, she supposed it was the fact she had something more deadly than a taser that made her feel better. Even if it was as much use to her as giving a color blind person a rubix cube to play with. Tori paused when she heard the unsettling sound she had come to recognize as on of those gross walking ghouls and pressed herself tightly against a wall, she even held her breath. However a few seconds later she heard a minute splat and then the thud of something falling to the ground. The blonde slowly and cautiously peered her head around the wall and raised her eyebrow in curiosity at the now dead zombie. She dared to wander a little closer and it wasn't until she was practically at the gas station she realized there was someone on the roof. An actual real life breathing someone! she hadn't seen an actual person in months so she just sort of stopped and stared in surprise. @Crono
Its been nearly four months since her Husband passed away in a Plane Crash and a deadly virus broke out. Expecting Mother Tiffany Hyun had taken refuge at the local hospital, which was probably the worst possible place for her to be right now. Checking the magazine in her gun, there were only ten rounds left. Her other two magazines that she had for the gun were empty. She had to make each round count. One miss could easily prove a fatal mistake. At the very moment, she was on the seventh floor...The Lobby was most likely crawling with those things and more than her bullets. She regretted her decision to stay at the hospital, but it was the only place that was sanitary enough for her to deliver her baby, who wasn't due for the next month and a half. Ironically enough, she was taking refuge in the maternity ward. Finding it unsafe to take the Elevator, she decided to go ahead and take the stairs.

By the time she reached the first floor, Tiffany was out of breath. Then again, walking down seven flights of stairs and being nearly nine months pregnant wasn't exactly a good combo, but it was better than being eaten alive after running out of bullets. Sighing, the young Mother-to-be entered the lobby...Which was surprisingly a little empty. Whatever zombies that used to be here...Were now rotting corpses. Someone's obviously been here...But who? She didn't have a guardian angel...Someone must of have been staying the previous night. Whoever they were, she was glad they hadn't gone to the Maternity Ward. Sighing, she exited the Hospital...But where to go? Rubbing her belly, she sighed. "I know sweetie, I'm scared too." she mused, talking to her baby as she felt a kick on the palm of her hand. Looking at her gun, she contemplated on where to go next.
Miyuki sighs as she walks down the stairs down as she holds an arrow in her right hand and a bow in her left. She looks around, wondering where to head off to next. She stops in the middle of the hallway and pulls out a map of the United States. "Let's see," She says to herself, "I have been here and here and now I'm in Ohio, hmmm" She sits down and starts to ponder about where to head off to next when she heard some noises, "The hell?" She stands up and goes over to one of the doors and decides to knock but put her arrow on the bow string, just to be safe, "Hello? Is someone there?"

@Aryn Harris
*Shit, shit, shit* the word ran its way through Vander's head over and over as he sprinted away from a group of zombies. He was unsure but he thought there were around 7 or 8 - not that he had much time to count them before he had to run for his life. He looked over his shoulder again. Vander glimpsed a gas station nearby - a hundred different scenarios came to his head about how he could use it. After disregarding the ones that involved aliens or him miraculously gaining superpowers he picked a plan. He continued sprinting, he thought he heard something nearby as he ran, praying it wasn't more zeds.

As he turned a corner he realised his prayers had been answered - a man sat on the gas station rooftop and a shotgun-wielding woman stood barely 3 meters in front of him.

"Hey... minor problem..." were the only words he managed to get out before having to dodge a zombie biting at him and dashing away quickly. He pulled out his machete from his side *probably should've done that earlier* he thought quietly - not voicing this inner monologue thankfully. Another zombie then decided to try their luck on the Vander-buffet, getting it's head cut clean off with a smooth movement. Vander admired his handiwork for a second before realising that there were several remaining zombies barely a meter in front of him and a shotgun wielding stranger a few feet to his left...

@Lola Shimmer
The man stood watching normally when the small movement caught the bottom corner of his eye, and there stood a blonde woman staring up at him as if he was some mystical creature. Shit. Well, someone knows I'm here now. The man let out a sigh and shifted his weight onto one leg, leaning on the pole he propped against the gas station roof. With an arched brow and a wrinkled forehead he finally addressed the woman "You just gonna gawk at me all day?" He waved an arm from left to right as if telling her to keep walking, "Move along, I'm not here to entertain you."

Then suddenly another voice broke the silence, a younger male. And suddenly Austin went on the defensive and stood alert, this woman wasn't alone and she was trying to distract him while someone got the drop on him. Well, that's what his thought process was anyway, and he half-dismissed it at the sight of the teenager dealing with a few of the undead. And of course more we're right behind them. There was a hesitant struggle as he looked down at the two who we're in a precarious situation, he was supposed to be done helping people. But there was a difference between seeing someone from afar in trouble and having someone directly in front of you. Austin couldn't blatantly ignore them and listen as they we're inevitably eaten alive, but he wasn't about to jump down and help either.

His decision was one he could live with, give them the opening to save themselves and help just enough. "Around the back, there's a dumpster on wheels. Push it against the wall and climb up, I can pull you up the rest of the way." His tone might have been surprisingly casual to the two strangers but it was how he worked. Whether they chose to stay and fight or listen to him was up to them, their lives we're their own afterall.

@Lola Shimmer @hitman654
Tori blinked a few times when they guy decided to address her and she realized she had just sorta stood there staring which wasn't the greatest idea when you could turn into lunch any time. She laughed a little at the look on his face and the fact he clearly wasn't very happy someone had found him "Just making sure you were real, been a wee while since i seen anyone" she called and shrugged her shoulders like this was an entirely normal conversation to be having. Then again these days it was. She was just about to ask how the hell he had got up there in the first place when she heard the sound of footsteps behind her, Tori turned in an instant so that whatever it was at least her back wouldn't be to it. However when it was another person she frowned, what were the chances of two in one day. That was far to much luck for anything good to come of it.

Sure enough it wasn't long until she seen what followed, she watched at one of the zombies lost it's head for getting to close and she side stepped herself way from one that was getting to friendly. Her foot came up and landed squarely in what appeared to be a dead bus drivers chest and sent it flying back. Hearing the words of the man above she glanced toward the side of the building that lead tot he back and then to Vander as he thought, She weighed her options up quickly "Ah hell" she muttered before shoving the taser in her pocket and heading for the back. She was damn sure she wasn't dying here, not after making it all this time. "boy if you are smart you'll move your damn backside! you can't fight them all!" Tori called over her shoulder. In mere seconds she was at the dumpster and hoisting herself up onto it. 'please let him not be kiddin about pulling us up onto that roof' she thought to herself and waited hopefully. @Crono @hitman654
"Nah - I thought I was just gonna stay here and get eaten like a burger, cause that's my idea of a fun saturday night" Vander quipped back at the lady, a slight smirk on his face. Another slash found its way into the back of a zombies head , dropping it. Vander dodged backwards again - covering the woman's escape and waiting for a chance to break away from the fight. These zeds were slow so there was very little real danger - the only danger came from the fact that Vander would tire eventually, zeds wouldn't. As the woman clambered onto the bin Vander saw his chance, the zeds backed away slightly and Vander was away like a jet.

Vander zipped towards the bin - completely disregarding the woman and running like a hurricane. *I really hope this bloody works* he thought to himself - it'd been a while since he'd tried this particular move and any slips would hurt a hell of a lot... especially when the zombies started munching on him. Rather than slowing down Vander sped up as he ran towards the bins - his right foot hitting the upper edge of the bin and propelling him upwards before he pushed his left foot onto the wall edge and gripping the rooftop, landing stylishly on top.

*I can't believe that shit worked* was the only thought running through Vanders mind.

Hailey sat in the drivers seat of a small pick up truck an chewed on a small strip of jerky. She had been sitting on the side of the road for

about 2 hours. She knew she should get driving soon, however it would be nearly impossible in her current position.

About 20 feet ahead of her, a large hoard of walkers traveled together.

Hailey was ducked behind the steering wheel of her truck, and kept quiet, there was nothing else for her to do but sit and hope they didn't notice her.

From her spot, she could tell that the walkers were beginning to clear out, but she was no idiot and she knew

better than to start the truck as soon as they were out of sight.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, the walkers were no longer blocking the vacant highway and Hailey could see straight ahead.

Now that there was nothing there to spot her, she leaned up and stretched, hearing her bones pop as she did so.

After another minute of waiting, she started the truck up and put full force on the gas, speeding away.​
After much contemplation, Tiffany opted to go towards the area where there were a lot of abandoned cars, because the Zombies would have trouble navigating through them, but in an open area where cars aren't as scattered? She'd be in a lot of trouble, especially since she cannot run. Drawing her gun, she continued walking her chosen path. Coming across an abandoned cop car with the lights still flashing, she looked inside. To her luck, she found some extra bullets in the trunk and loaded up her magazines until they were full. Back up to 45 rounds, she figured that it'd last her a little while, though she may want another belt to carry more ammunition. Walking down an alleyway, she stumbled into a Parking Lot. Did any of the vehicles still work? They had to...If they still had their keys. No one would mind her taking one. But with all the abandoned cars in the way, driving was probably pointless. But it was hell of a lot safer than travelling on foot.

She had four vehicles to choose from; there was a pair of road motorbikes, a large freight truck, a Jeep and a Sports Car. Looking over at the jeep, she walked over to it. It would seem that the previous owners had become infected. Upon seeing her, the one in the driver's seat began clawing at the windows as if it were trying to escape. It was only two of them. If she shot them both in the head and throat, she wouldn't have to waste a bunch of bullets. There was no one in the backseat. When she attempted to open the door, she backed away quickly as the zombified driver attempted to lunge at her, but instead fell to the ground at her feet. He would attempt to bite her ankle, but she responded by shooting him in the head. At that point, the Zombie stopped moving. To be on the safe side, she shot it in the neck as well. He wasn't coming back...Now for the other zombie, who seemed to be a woman. She waddled over to the other side and flung that door open. Sadly, the zombie lunged and grabbed on to the pregnant mother and onto her waist. If she was bitten, she would be done for. As the zombie attempted to bite her belly, she stuck the other end of her gun into its mouth and it bit onto the gun instead. She fired a shot and the monster stumbled back. She shot it again another three or four times, killing it. In a panic, Tiffany started feeling around her belly. When the baby kicked, she sighed in relief before taking a random piece of cloth to clean off the gun and tossing it aside. Now where was the key?

Closing both doors, Tiffany scrambled around for the keys. Finding it in the Glove Compartment...Of all places why...Who cares...She started the car and didn't look back. She would pull out of the parking lot and decided to go to the closest neighborhood she could find and perhaps seek refuge in one of the homes there...At this point, any bed was more comfortable than a Hospital bed, which she slept in last night.
Austin watched as the woman retreated and the teenager covered her escape, following along towards the back of the gas station with a quick and steady pace he lurched over the side once she was standing on the dumpster. Hanging as low as possible without giving up any of his foothold he held onto the slight overhang with one arm and held out his other arm towards her to grab onto. Though he flinched slightly at the boys attempt to leap up on his own, "Grab on before they catch up." He told the woman even as she already had latched onto his arm and he heaved to pull her up slowly, doing his best to keep it going at a steady pace while not losing any progress that may cause her to slip back down or him to go over as well.

Once she was safely on-top he took a moment to catch his breath before moving back to the front of the store, looking over quickly before glancing back at the two of them. "What the hell we're the two of you doing out in the open with those things anyway?" He said half-annoyed and half-scolding, before reaching down and slinging his pack over his shoulder. It had been a while since he'd spoken to anyone, usually he stuck to not getting involved in other survivors affairs.
"Oh you have got to be kidding, what are you fricken spider man??" Tori called as she watched the boy run past her and find his own way up the building. Not a snowballs chance in hell was she gonna be able to do that. She didn't have to wait for long though and when the figure of the man appeared over the edge she didn't waste anytime in reaching up. She held on with a firm grip of her own and did her best to help take some of her own weight by using the wall for leverage with the front of her shoes as she was pulled up. The second she felt the edge within her grasp she helped to pulled herself over it and simply rolled onto her back feeling the reassurance of of the solid concrete roof beneath her. It felt pretty good to be up this high.

She sat up slowly it only dawning on her now that she didn't actually know either of these guys and what if they were working together? some kind of trap to steal people's supplies, She had thought it weird she had seen two people within minutes of each other despite seeing a single one in weeks. Her brow furrowed at that and her eyes darkened slightly as she peered between the two of them. "If this is some kinda trap im gonna tell you both i haven't got a darn thing worth stealing so don't even bother tryin!" she warned her accent laying thick over the words.

Tori got herself to her feet and dusted off her clothes, If anything standing would be a better position in case it did happen to be some kind of plan. "I was looking for somewhere to hide out..the cellar i was in got compromised..hi on the other hand" she glanced over towards the younger man and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly "I don't know. like said before i haven't seen anyone in weeks." she wandered over tot he edge and peered down at the un-dead clawing at the walls.

@Crono @hitman654
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Aidan was now close enough to view the gas station. It wasn't that great of a sight. She hadn't been the only one to think of going to the gas station and the worst part was that someone attracted a pack of the undead over there. The boy appeared to have knocked the horde down one but it was still a fair amount of zombies to deal with. She also didn't like the noise the zombies made. One zombie was no problem and generally attracted little attention but that many was starting to get risky. In the shadows she heard the sound of a small groan and a corpse reanimated himself in front of her. At the sight of fresh meat, the beast charged, only to be interrupted by her axe. The head thudded on the ground but she could see in the distance the vague sight of another two lumbering over debris. She was lucky the alley wasn't clear but she needed to find some place safer.

The boy at the gas station somehow had managed to quickly clamber onto the roof, leaving some blonde lady on the ground. Seemed this little group would slowly just surround themselves with more zombies at the rate they went. She considered using her shotgun but that was going to cause more problems than it solved. Aidan ran, beginning to cross the open flat plain of the road. She could see the group clearly now and they her. It seemed that three new corpses had decided to follow her along, one nearly caught up with her. She slashed at it with the axe. It put a gash across the bridge of her nose but clearly hadn't killed her yet. Not wanting to forget that she now had threats in front of her to worry about, Aidan did her best to sprint to the station.

"A little help!" Along with grabbing the attention of the group on the roof, a couple of the 6 or so zombies also now took note of her. She sidestepped as one tried to lunge at her. It didn't look as though she could clamber up the way the lady had. Perhaps she could get them away from her path up by going around the building the other way.

@Lola Shimmer @Crono @hitman654

(So sorry Lola. I have no idea how I got your character so confused with Skylynn. ///0.0///)
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Skylynn jumped at the voice outside of the door and she quickly covered her stomach with her hands in an awful attempt to protect the baby. "Who is it?" She asked nervously. "I don't want any trouble." She added, her voice still holding a nervous edge to it. "I won't do much harm anyway." She said again, hoping nothing bad would happen.
Miyuki stood there in shock, surprise she heard a voice. She then heard the nervousness in the woman's voice. Trying to speak softly and calmly Miyuki finally spoke once again, "Ma'am, I'm not here to cause trouble. May I come in so we can talk face to face?" She asks. She hopes that she would allow her to come inside. Finding someone else in this hellish world was rare and maybe, just maybe they can help one another out.

@Aryn Harris
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Skylynn swallowed thickly, but nodded her then. A few seconds later she realized she couldn't see her and she cautiously walked to the door and slowly opened it, one hand still covering her large abdomen. "Uh. Yeah. Come in." She said, wincing slightly as she felt a sharp pain.

She ignored it though, and hoped that she wasn't going into labor.

(@KathleneWilliams2121 )
Seeing the door open, Miyuki walks into the small room, putting away the arrow and swung the bow over her shoulder. She turns and looks at the woman and her eyes widen a bit, 'She's pregnant?' She thinks to herself as questions started to flow though her head. Just then, she sees the woman in pain. "You should sit down." She says as became concern for the woman's health as well as the child's.

@Aryn Harris
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"I'm fine." Skylynn stated as she back away from the woman slightly. She looked down at the ground, not meeting the mystery women's eyes. She felt awkward. She didn't know what to say. They just met. She didn't think she was going to meet anyone else. Let alone someone decent, and from what she could tell, kind.

(@KathleneWilliams2121 )
Miyuki nods her head, knowing it isn't her place to push. "Ok, if you're sure." She says as she sits down on a chair and looks over at the woman, "how long have you been here?"

@Aryn Harris[/uSER]
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With a bunch of abandoned cars in the road, all Tiffany could really do was slowly shunt them out of the way. She didn't have the strength or time to get out of her Jeep to move each and every car out of the way so that she could clear a path way. All she came off with was a dent on her bumper. Getting onto the highway took forever, luckily one side was completely empty, so she took her chances. It didn't take her long to make it to an abandoned blockade, which she seemed to have no chance of getting passed. There was no point in sitting there...Going off road, even though her vehicle was outfitted for it, she didn't want to put her child in harm's way. She grabbed something clipped onto her belt. She wasn't sure about making it home right now, because of the condition that the city was in, her Neighborhood was probably overrun now, but it was worth a shot.

She turned around and decided to take the backway to her neighborhood. Glancing down at the Fuel Gage, she noticed that there was only half a tank remaining. It would seem that the previous owners were prepared, so she reluctantly pulled over to fill the car up with Gasoline. As she did so, she heard someone throw up. Because her gun was currently in the car, she just tried to make it quick so that she can get out of there. Glancing down at the Fuel Gage, it was now three quarters of a tank. Still, that should have been enough to get home. After a good half an hour of driving, she continued down the main road.
"Since all of this started. I've been pretty good at keeping this place protected." She stated and leaned against a wall. She placed both of her hands across her stomach and rubbed it gently, trying to settle the growing pains that kept shooting through her.

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