Zombie Apocalypse: Take a Bite (sign up sheet)


Cappuccino Queen
The world as we know it has ended, before all of this happened we never realized just how good we had it, the electricity, easy access to food, gas so we could get places easily, everything was great before; and now all of it is gone. In this new world the dead walk, and the living are lucky to even be called that. Only the strong, lucky, or well protected survive in this world, and even then it's only a matter of time before something gets them too.

Remember: Your characters will die, but you can always make more.

Zombies are like they are in Walking Dead

This is going to be a serious RP, though I do still want everyone to have fun.


1. All RPN rules apply

2. All original characters, this is not fandom, so you can't be anyone from the show The Walking Dead

3. I want literate RPers only, no one liners

4. Romance is fine, I'm pretty sure that the characters would want some romance before dying horrible deaths
xD (just make sure to fade to black at the appropriate time)

5. Cursing and Violence are fine and expected.

6. No controlling other people's characters.

7. No killing/injuring other people's characters without permission from character's owner first (being a zombie apocalypse I'm sure accidents are bound to happen)

8. Multiple characters are fine, just don't make more than you can handle.

9. Please post once a week, or your character has a chance of becoming zombie food (Unless you notify me of absence), the RP will continue.

Character sheet:

Name: (and nickname, if they have any)


Appearance: (pictures can be used, and can be real or anime)


History: (tell who they were before the apocalypse happened, and what they were doing, tell of the first few weeks of the apocalypse, even if they just ran around, getting lucky (in the not dying sense))

Family: (if they have any, and if they know if they are alive and well)

Group: (tell who you have been running around with up until this point, if you've been with anyone. You can already be in a group with someone's character if you want)

Weapons: (tell what they have to defend themselves with here. Can have one gun and one melee)

My characters:

Name: Anna Lee Carver (prefers Lee instead of Anna)

Age: 19


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Note: She is short, though she no longer complains about it since it makes hiding a bit easier.

Personality: She tries to look to the bright side of things, but sometimes she just sees the darkness. She wants to do the best she can to help those around her.

History: Lee lived a normal life before the apocalypse, she was a college student who was sharing an apartment off campus with a childhood friend of her's. Her friend, a guy named Tom, was bitten right at the beginning of all of this, and so when everything really started happening she was at the hospital with Tom, hoping that he would feel better. She barely made it out of the hospital alive when everything happened, her fist instinct in the situation was to get out of the city as fast as she could. She returned to the apartment to grab a few things, including Tom's gun, which she had refused to learn to shoot before.

Family: She had family, but she doesn't know if they are live, all she wanted was to find them, but she found that it would be harder to do so. She still doesn't know if they are alive.

Group: She is traveling with a young girl named Clair who she found on the side of the road right at the beginning of the apocalypse. There were a few others with them for a time, but they ended up getting killed.

Weapons: .38 Smith and Wesson revolver holds six rounds. And a metal bat.

Name: Jaxson "Jax" Chase

Age: 25


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Personality: He wants to protect people, and tries to help them whenever he can, though he realizes that he can't save everyone.

History: He had a normal childhood, and grew up hearing stories from his father about the criminals he put away. Jaxson loved his father very much and so followed in his footsteps and became a cop. He believes in protecting people, that was how he was raised. When the zombie apocalypse happened he tried to save as many people as he could, some of them died anyway, the rest went their on way, wanting to find out if their family was alive. Jaxson did the same, though he found out that his family was gone, so after mourning for them, he left home and went to look for others.

Family: Dead

Group: Currently on his own, having just left his parents' home.

Weapons: 9mm Beretta, and a pair of tonfa

Name: Dayes "Monday" Radesy

Age: 31

Appearance: Small beard, just some tiny hairs sticking off really, Dark black hair that is rather short and spiked up at the front. His skin is slightly tanned and his face has some freckles to it going across his nose. His eyes are of light blue color. He stands at around 6'8 and weighs around 235 pounds, his feet are of a normal size and his nails tend to be rather short and blunt and he has a tendency to bite away at them when hes bored

Personality: Tends to act very tough and strong, doesn't like to lead but rather contribute ideas to a group and see if anyone else agrees upon his ideas, he wont normally show it but he is rather caring for younger people and will do mostly anything to protect them from harm. But he can be rather cold and harsh at times depending on the current situation aswell as anything that has happened between the person he is being cold towards.

History: The average child hood is what Dayes had, he'd lived perfectly fine and done averagely well at school. He'd had a normal amount of friends and was just the average joe you normally assume people to be like when you normally meet them for the first time. He'd gone to college but never went to University as he never really fancied paying all those student fees just for a bit of extra education and a diploma, or thats how he'd seen it back then. By the age of 20 he'd started working as a personal trainer for people and around two years later his mum had died from a heart attack, although he'd mourned he'd continued with his job for a plenty of years till he realized he needed something else involving fitness, he'd gone to his Dad with a business idea but he'd said it was non-sense and it wouldn't work so Dayes scraped the idea and went back to his old job of being a personal trainer, until he hit 31 that was. He'd never quit his job but the infection had came so quick his job had ended, He'd grabbed a Machete from his home aswell as his Deagle, he'd quickly gathered as many supplies as he could withstand and left out onto the road fairly early, he'd gone to his dads house to try take him out of the local area to the woodlands but when he arrived he never found anything other than his fathers dead corpse with a bullet straight through the head and the gun was in his own hand, he'd shot himself, although Dayes tries to repress the memory it haunts him almost every night, not that he shares it with anyone. Only recently did he bump into two others up on the highway whilst he was searching through some of the deserted cars and grouped up with them, now they were out on the road together trying to survive, he planned on keeping this persons heart beating until his own heart stopped beating, then they'd be on their own.

Family: Deceased

Group: Madison and Cameron whilst on a highway is where he'd bumped into the pair and then they'd stuck together since then

Weapons: Machete and a Deagle

(666th post RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!)
Name: Clair Daniels

Age: 12


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Personality: She seems... happy. Energetic and somewhat naive she makes for an interesting character

History: A typical girl, she went to school, got good grades and had friends. Her dad used to take her hunting, until he became the undead himself. Now Clair is trying to travel across the country back to her mother's. She's sure she's alive and kicking. Was part of a small group but it's back down to her and Lee again. They've been on the move just trying to survive.

Family: Mother?

Group: Lee

Weapons: Her father's shotgun

Name: Madison "Madi" Grace Delmont

Age: 20

Appearance: here

Madi is 5'4" and she's slender and light on her feet.

Personality: Madison had always been a quiet, observant girl. She is highly intelligent. She rarely gives information about herself away and only few people get close to her. Cam is one of the lucky few. Her guard may keep people away but she cares deeply and quickly for people. She is also easily hurt. She feels things very deeply. She isn’t good with speaking but she can articulate herself very well when she writes. She listens to everything that people say and she often remembers small details. She loves to read and always carries her favorite books with her. She has a rigid system of morals that she would never compromise. She is against violence in any form and couldn’t kill anyone if she tried. She isn’t accustomed to this new world where people kill people. She has issues trying to convince herself to kill a walker. She is gentle and kind and always feels an urge to protect people even though she can’t protect herself. She wouldn’t be anywhere without Cam. She is helpful, though. She knows quite a bit about plants, which has been invaluable when scavenging for food. She and her father would often go camping and fishing for weeks at a time. He taught her all she knows about how to survive in the wild. She grew up in a small town on the coast. The walkers hit it really hard. Both of her parents were turned so she met up with Cam and they’ve been traveling together since. Some nights she can’t sleep because the images of her parents stick in her head.

History: The only child of Patricia and Dalton Delmont. She grew up in a modest home in a small town. She has always been highly intelligent. She and her father were very close and she learned almost everything from him. She got into a great college and was working on a degree in Journalism. Madi was on the swim and track team so she's pretty fit. When the stories of the infection broke out, she went home to be with her family.

Family: Both of her parents were turned. Madi couldn't bring herself to kill them so she left them in their home. Madi has a younger sister, Emma, who is 16. She was sent to a boarding school about three hours north of her hometown.

Group: She is traveling with Cam and Dayes. Cam and Madi met Dayes on a highway while they were searching cars for supplies.

Weapons: She carries a bow that she used for bow fishing as her weapon even though she rarely uses it. She's very accurate with it, though.

Name: Cameron "Cam" Neil Brin

Age: 22

Appearance: here

Cam is 6'1" and very fit.

Personality: Cameron is a talker. He and Madi are complete opposites, really. It’s an oddity that they’ve gotten so close. Since they were small, they’ve been best friends. Cam was really Madi’s only friend. He loves her like a sister and he would do absolutely anything to protect her. He knows Madi isn’t accustomed to this new world and that she wouldn’t be able to make it without him. He has no issue killing so he can survive. He worries that others may put Madi in danger and take complete advantage of her. He isn’t necessarily intelligent but he’s rather average in that aspect. He greatly admires Madi. Cam has worked his whole life trying to help his mother. Cam’s father died when he was very young in a car accident. It’s caused a lot of problems for Cam. He doesn’t get close to many people. He was the class clown in school and was rarely serious. While Madi went to school and worked on her degree in Journalism, he worked as hard as he could. He was on his high school swim team. He loves the outdoors and is definitely used to manual labor. He figured that he would spend the rest of his life working in some dead-end job. Then the infection broke out and his plans changed. He found Madi and convinced her to leave with him.

History: Cam's father was killed before Cam could remember him. He grew up with his mother who worked as hard as she could to provide him with everything he could ever want. Even so, he worked from a young age to help his mom. Cam's mother and Madi's mother were very close and Madi and Cam played together all the time. They are as close as siblings. Cam didn't go to college, working instead. He followed Madi to school, living with her while she went to school. The two of them went home as the infection spread, wanting to be with their families.

Family: Cam's father died when he was young and he has no idea what's happened to his mother.

Group: He's traveling with Madi and Dayes. It was just Cam and Madi for a while but they ran into Dayes on the highway while they searched cars.

Weapons: A pistol and a machete.
Name: Z Argenrith

Age: 17


Personality: Quite the thief, confident with his abilities but would rather be safe than run in to protect someone. Very intelligent.

History: At 2 his parents split up, he didn't mind at the time but as the years went on he felt more and more like it was his fault and because of this he's spent a lot of his time sulking and alone. Eventually he started blaming the world and as of such believed those in it didn't deserve such an easy life and made it his goal to take what they shouldn't have.

He's always been quite the "smarty pants" and has always favored brains over brawn. He's yet to think about a relationship but if he ever has a serious one he wants it to be better than his parent's.

At 15 his father died in a car crash and his mother wanted nothing to do with him or his sister, he started using weaponry, to protect his sister from the things to come.

He could have your wallet within 10 seconds if he wanted, and has done many a time, but If you're on the right side of him he's fine.

Family: Parents Deceased, Sister - 15, location unknown.

Group: None yet.

Weapons: Curved Dagger, Barret M82 Sniper Rifle.
[MENTION=4481]Draydeth[/MENTION] I will need to know what the character looks like, either through a picture, or you describing them. Also, as you haven't posted, so I can't look, can you at least post one paragraph each time?

Yeah I'm not the kind of person to go a sentence at a time. After this I should have enough posts to do links so that's all good.
Name: Christopher John Riley (CJ/Chris)

Age: 22

Appearance: 6'0'', has a small scar on his left eyebrow from a cut he got as a kid. A ripped, lean built person. Has tanned skin and black fauxhawk as well as brown eyes.

Personality: He's silent and has a hard time relating to others which makes him a slightly awkward person. He didn't have a lot of friends because of his lifestyle so he cherished the people around him. He has good observation skills and is very smart though he can be irrational when it came to people who were important to him. He prefers to blend in the background and observe others rather than getting attention. He has a set of different handy skills from the various work he had to do and from his old hobbies.

History: CJ came from a small family who owned a small convenience store. His parents were killed by robbers. They lived a harsh life and had to sell most of what they had to make ends meet but they managed. Years later, Lincoln became a cop. Despite a scholarship grant, CJ didn't proceed to college and opted to help his family out by working. He took on a lot of different jobs to earn money to make things easier for them. His life has mostly been hectic only because of work and his family. His first encounter with them was in the restaurant where he was working. Thinking it was just another greasy homeless person asking for alms, one of his coworkers approached casually who was then bit and killed. Realizing there was already a herd of them outside in the front, CJ grabbed Alicia and slipped out from the back together. Witnessing and surviving all the mayhem through observation and keeping a low profile, the pair reached his house where they meet up with CJ's elder brother, Lincoln. They go to the police station together and empty whats left of the weapons cache. The trio discover a group of survivors in a fortified mall. Things go awry when the dead penetrate their defenses and get swarmed. After the mall, the brothers hide away in a small drive-in motel. Realizing his condition is getting worse, Lincoln requests CJ to shoot him. CJ hesitantly complies after understanding.

Family: His parents were killed in a criminal incident. Second eldest among four children. Has an older brother Lincoln, who he recently had to kill. His younger siblings Keith and Cynthia were nowhere to be found when they checked his home.

Group: During the start of the outbreak, he traveled with his close friend(Alicia) who worked at the same fast food restaurant as him. They eventually met up with his brother Lincoln who was a cop along with other survivors. After a certain turn of events, The group was scattered, most dead. Alicia was separated from CJ and Lincoln. Lincoln was bit during the encounter so he asked to be shot before he turned. CJ tries to search for Alicia, Keith and Cynthia alone for now.

Weapons: He's carrying his brother's pistol. He also has a crowbar.

recycled character ftw since last RP died before I could post much. :/
[MENTION=70]Red[/MENTION] Get rid of one of the melee weapons (it says in the character sheet only one of each), and you're accepted.

Name: Johann Everett Sommers

Age: 27

Appearance: -

Personality: Johann has a profound aptitude for deductive reasoning, which he invariably describes as observing and noticing, as opposed to merely seeing or knowing. Upon meeting a person, he will often study them, taking in elements of their appearance, personality, simple details and arrive at astonishingly accurate conclusion about them. Although he is human, if anything, he even sometimes can come off rude and straight up arrogant with this skill he has learned to use. Johann is a mastermind of his own and with the endless studying he does, his mind is an endless chasm of ideas and knowledge. He feels it is worthless to fill your head with nonsense, because of this, you get the result of making yourself ordinary just like every other person in this world. There are even moments when poor Johann does not seem to realize that he occasionally upsets people with the accurate, rude deductions about their personal lives, which are most often delivered quite tactlessly. The most noticeable of his traits is the fact he is manipulative and often uses it to his advantage. Compliments, sob stories or simple gestures earns him the things that he needs or desires - if he can wriggle you the right way, that is. When it comes down to the jist of it, Johann is protective of those that actually manage to get close to him, and the man carries a hefty sense of humor with him, which is very sarcastic and playful. He is easily amused by ridiculous situations, other's stupidity, and sometimes by sadness and grief of other people. The man is a mystery, an intelligent intellectual with many flaws on his exterior rim. It's only your decision in whether you want to acknowledge him.

History: Nothing happens to him, before and even after the outbreak. Johann has dug himself a deep hole of solitude and loneliness a bit too far, and has no intention to leave it. Growing up was a bit difficult for him and almost acts if he was never a child at all. His family was a wealthy one, his father being major a figure head of a large business and his mother, being a trophy wife and wrenching rat of her husband, did whatever they could to make more of a profit than they already had. The emotional, and even physical abuse from his father, and the absence of loving affection from his mother caused Johann to seclude himself in his room for most of his childhood days. He was never the type to show affection or get along with others, so the relationship with his older brother was nothing more than a rivalry. Their parents loved him more and pushed him high in the clouds of achievement, leaving Johann in the ashes behind to clean up their messes. You throw this together in a cauldron and you get the very reason to why he is how he is to this day. Love is a meaningless thing to him, as there is no point in filling your head with such tedious nonsense anyway. His father died months before his eighteenth birthday, leaving his brother to take over the business fully and take care of their widow of a mother at the same time. Johann, being the man that he is, was perfectly fine with this, if not happy, giving him the chance to finally leave the coop and envelope himself with the solitude that he really wanted. He bought himself a flat and began studying at university in many different fields, ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Forensic Science and even Psychology. If he wasn't learning, the poor man was bored to death.

With his study in key, it didn't take long for him to successfully complete his years and climb the ladder to a higher standing. He was offered many jobs, ranging from Professor to even a private detective, but with each, he denied them all considering they required human interaction, something that Johann is very.. particular about. This is where he just sat in his flat and buried himself in equations and books, having no worry in the world around him. When the outbreak had arrived, Johann had no idea. If it hadn't been for the endless screaming outside his flat and the smell of decomposing flesh, Johann would still be inside studying about nonsense. He figured if things were going to hell and half the population was gone, he could finally leave without having to worry about people around him.

Family: Johann has abandoned his family long ago and refuses to bring up any connection to them, so with that, he cares whether or not they are dead or alive. Not like he has any idea anyway. So as he always says, he has no family, and he has no friends.

Group: Alone, and proud.

Weapons: A M1911 and a crowbar, although typically never uses either, for he is quick-witted and particular about his travelings.

Ember White (Em)


Appearance: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS9pHUt0XRVR50EZ1YzfRLaDenJTRAHX6mglBc_gUHj3uM9oD-QBw

Em comes off as a quiet person when she meets people. Which is not a good thing but in return it is. She dont know many people there for she dont have much to loose. She keeps her emotions hidden, keeping her strong, keeping her away from any distractions.

Em joined the military. She was training as a medic but was transferred. She was put on the frontlines with the rest of the men and woman. She came home a month before the outbreak. At that time she was in school to become a doctor or nurse. The day of the outbreak happened in a blur to her. She was hunting with one of her best friends from highschool. He was taken out by one of thoes things. Em stayed in the woods trying to figure out a way outwhen she found her way out she went home grabbing some things and left on her Harley.

As said Em didnt have much. Her mother and father was dead before she came home from the war. She really has no one.

No one. She is traveling the road on her Harley.

Her M-4 Carbine and a hunting knife


[MENTION=4077]Luka[/MENTION] ^^; There was no need for the mention. I go to bed early because my husband wants, and I check these threads every day :P

Now, onwards to business (kind of), I require at least one paragraph, three to five sentences long each post. If you can manage that, then you are accepted.

Yea I can. I looked to the Thread and seen you guys post. Just gonna say. Im not that good of a RPer but I do post at least a para to 2 para's.

And I added the Mention just to make sure. ^.^
Trust me, I didn't intend for my post to be seven paragraphs. xD It just happened that way. Normally I average two paragraphs per character, sometimes only one.

Name: Jessie Rook Hayward "Rook"

Age: 21


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Personality: Overly sarcastic with rough edges, with booming confidence he tries and leads others to what he believes is always the best option stubborn and arrogant at times he means well. Underneath it all he has low self esteem issues and trust issues.

History: Brought up in a well off middle class American family. He is the baby of the family that always vied for attention. Always compared to his siblings successes he strives hard in life to surpass them. While attending college in Boston he went away on an internship. First part of the outbreak hit on his way back to the US. Military and police locked down an airport in a quarantine zone locked away from the outside world. He asked many times to leave to go find his family but to no avail. Worrying about his family he hatched a plan to escape stealing a police officers belt in the process. He snuck out of the quarantine zone leading a group of people out only to be attacked by the horde that awaited them outside leaving most of them behind as he had no personal attachment to them. He and only a few others escaped cursing him calling him a coward for leaving his fellow survivors. He split ways with them and went to go look for his family the reason he has to survive, but he hasn't heard from them since he landed a week ago.

Family: A father, a mother, two sisters one older and one younger and a brother who is older.

Group: Not in a group

Weapons: Glock 9 milimeter and a large maglight
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] I will need to know that you can post a paragraph each time you post, other than that, you are accepted.


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