Zombie Apocalypse RP


Popcorn Connoisseur
I want to start a zombie apocalypse role play. The zombies would be similar to the ones in "The Walking Dead". I would want it to be a small group I think. Also, I would prefer it if people who join would be okay with writing at least one paragraph for each response. Let me know if anyone is interested!
I had a friend who recently got me into playing these RPs. So I am all for playing them a bit. xD

I actually write large paragraphs.... as in more then one. So if you mean ONLY one paragraph or are you saying that you want to avoid one liners?
I don't mind more than one paragraph at all! I like to write more than one paragraph as well. I just want there to be more for people to respond to and to make it interesting (:
Totally understandable, you can count on me to follow through with that! Let me know when things get started. :)
I might start it up tomorrow. We could always just start with the two of us and see if anyone else joins. Regardless, when I put up the character sheet I'll put the link here.
You should probably name it something other then 'Zombie Apocalypse' because there is one named that already! :)

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