Zombie Apocalypse/Post Apocalyptic (Group Role Play)


Senior Member
I recently got back from a long break of stress, class, and family trouble. Now that it's cleared up and summer break is finally here, I can get back to writing like I wanted. I'm currently looking to create a zombie apocalypse role play, but it will be in the private section with a posting order. This way, everyone will have a chance to post, and we will certainly look into ways for brainstorming. I either want the apocalypse happening currently, or having it post-apocalyptic; in which it doesn't matter to me, our survivors will have to meet up somehow. I don't ask for much, paragraph at most and really, quality or quantity. All sorts of character are welcome, children to adults, they just have to be human. I'm really looking for emotions, drama, gore, romance and angst all sewn together in one. Really bring the human out in your character. I also want this to last, so ideas are welcome. If anyone is interested, please reply or send me a private message, I really appreciate it.
I'm interested! I'm also into the post apocalyptic plot, so each character can reveal their back story when they want.

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