Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]


Out of Practice
KaiaWolf submitted a new role play:

Zombie Apocalypse - A realistic zombie apocalypse, and a tale of survival

No one knows how it happened.
No one, except the few who caused it.

Doctors and scientists. They were trying to find a cure for some disease or another, mixing chemicals, mixing DNA of people who were immune.

Then they tried something different.

Animals. They injected animals with syringes filled with the sickness, and finally found an animal the was immune.

They mixed the animal's DNA with human DNA and chemicals, but it didn't work. The chemicals mixed into something horrible, turning the...
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KaiaWolf updated Zombie Apocalypse with a new update entry:

We're starting!

I'll be posting the starter shortly, and then we can start! I'll leave the rp open and accepting for a bit longer as well (:
Let the apocalypse begin!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
"If anyone is listening, come to Atlanta. We have a safe zone. Food water, medicine. I repeat, come to Atlanta, Linkin street. You'll see a red flag above the department store, that's our outpost. We'll take you to the safe zone from there. If you try anything funny, we will shoot you. We are a group of maybe fifty by now. Join us, and help rebuild our survival."

This message had broadcast yesterday. Every working piece of technology had lit up, the screen fuzzy, but the voice almost perfectly clear. The male voice had explained that they were a slowly growing group of people, willing to take in outsiders and scroungers. That was rare these days, everyone knew that. It could be a trap, but what if it wasn't? What if they actually had figured out a way to live? What if they had a way to defend themselves against the never ending forces of flesh-craving monsters.

What if?

* * *

"Oh f**k off." Era grumbled, kicking a zombie in the head as she climbed. The building she was currently scaling was a long abandoned hunting lodge in the middle of the woods. Quickly scrambling up to the roof, she kicked another zombie that was grabbing at her ankle and hauled herself up.

From the roof Era could easily pick off the last few zombies with her gun, though she winced at how little ammo she had left. "Bloody things. Always there, always when you least expect it. Always when you're in a bad situation." She muttered, sinking to the ground against the chimney and looking towards the lake in the distance. Wincing, she lifted up her shirt slightly to reveal her now bleeding abdomen, and cursed again. "Why can't my body stop getting ripped every five seconds. Better go back to the lake..."

Standing up again, she carefully jumped off the roof and rolled, pushing herself up into a run, and made her way towards the lake.
Lex was walking past a lake with his sniper slung over his right shoulder and a can of Dr.Pepper in his left hand, even though this was a zombie apocalypse, nothing was going to stop him from his refreshing can of Dr.P. Lex sighed sadly "I need a mini fridge, these cans are starting to get warm. He yawned and sat down onto the moist green grass "At least this is the one thing they can't kill, The beautiful sun and the green grass" he smiled.

After a few short seconds Lex had just got half way through his can before he pulled out his carrot stick, first he looked at the pineapple but he shook his head "I will save you for later baby" he winked at the tropical fruit before touching the prickly spikes on top "Ouch you b*tch, I mean I love you" he smiled hesitantly.
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Blake heard the snap of a twig in the forest, he quickly whipped out his AK before pointing it in the direction the snap came from. "Hello?, Come out or i will shoot!" he slowly walked towards the noise before spotting a deer, "Phew, you scared me there..." Relieved Blake tucks away his AK47 and begins walking down the steep hill, towards the what seemed like a never ending road. Whilst walking Blake saw a few zombies blocking the way, so he took out his M1911 and shot each one in the head, "1, 2, 3 and 4!" he reloads his half filled mag, puts it back in his holster and continues walking.
Era continued through the woods, but froze at the sound of gunfire. Trying to relax, she kept walking. "It wasn't too close by. Probably just another scrounger finding some zombies." She muttered, putting a hand over her wound.

Jumping over a bush and stumbling into the open light of the lake, she immediately froze for a split second. Not even 20 feet from Era, there sat a boy talking to a pineapple. Well, he had been talking to the pineapple, then he swore at it, then seemingly confessed his love for it?

Quickly pulling out the first weapon she could reach, her fingers closing around the bow, she notched an arrow and aimed at the boy. Era took a step forward to make sure he noticed her as well.

He didn't seem like the "I'll kill you and take all your stuff" kind of person, but you never know. He looked about Era's age, and she winced. She really hated killing people her age or younger. Well, really any people at all, but younger people especially.
Lex put a can of Dr.Pepper in the air "are you going to shoot me? he asked smiling, he didn't even have to turn his back he heard Era from miles away. "your very poor at hiding you know? he said, Lex patted the grass next to him "put your weapon down and have have a nice cold...ish can of Dr.pepper with me" Lex said. He placed the can onto the floor waiting for the random person to come sit next to him "come, come look at the beautiful lake with me" he sighed happily as he took a sip of his Dr.Pepper and took a chunk out of his carrot stick.
Jackson was currently packing up his supplies, he had just taken a small lunch break and was about to start heading towards one of the abandoned cities to go scavenge for anything he could find. All I have to do is gather a group large enough to get to Atlanta and try not to die in the process. He thought to himself.
Tasha ran through the woods in full speed. A couple of zombies had gathered up around her earlier when she was scavenging a cabin. She couldn't see any other solution than to get the hell away from that place. There were to many for her to take alone with only a knife, and a baseball bat, though the baseball bat had helped her a lot of times before. But now, she wouldn't even stand a chance.

Tasha kept her eyes on the trees infront of her and didn't take a notice of a lose root at the ground. She stumbled over the root, causing her to fall onto the ground, her face first. "Ouch...." She groaned bitterly and sat up. She looked over at her knee, seeing a slightly scratch. "Just my luck..." Tasha mumbled and looked up at the skies. "Atleast the sun is shining." She whispered and couldn't hold back a faint smile.
Jackson heard a faint thud against the forest floor, and immediately looked over in the direction of the sound. What he saw was terrifying, it seemed that a couple of zombies have followed a girl, but the girl had fallen. Jackson got up, and grabbed his knives, quickly making his way over to the zombies and slowly, killing each one off. He looked at the girl for a split second, "I suggest you run, quickly,"
Tasha looked at the boy that suddenly had come to her rescue. She couldn't focus, it was like her mind had left the earth while she watched him kill of the zombies she even couldn't put the slightes damage on. But she came back down to earth when she heard his voice, it woke her up. Tasha shook her head and quickly got back on her feets. "I'm not letting you risk your life for my sake!" She said stricktly and pulled her baseball bat out from her bag in a quick move. With a hard blow, she managed to hit down one zombie that was standing to the left, a bit outside the crowd.
Jackson blinked, not really expecting this of the girl, but he shrugged it off, and continued fighting. At one point he had gotten scratched, I'll have to clean that up once I'm finished fighting.. he thought to himself.
Tasha felt the adrenalin rush through her body, she was scared and well known that fighting against the living dead could be the end of her life. But at the same time she felt relaxed by seeing another person, a living human besides her, fighting off the zombies that had followed her. Tasha made a last swing to kill of the last zombie, smashed it's head a few times, just to be sure that it wouldn't return. She sighed heavyly as the battle finally were over, her arms and muscles slightly sore. It's over... But I still need to work on my battle skills if I want to stay alive. She thought and faced the boy besides her, wondering where he came from.
Jackson put the two knives he had been using back on his belt and turned to the girl, "You look exhausted, if you would like, I have some food supplies that you can have to replenish yourself with," he suggested. He was currently covering the scratch on his arm, so that it would stop bleeding.
Genji is on his way to get far as possible from the city, staying in the crowded place when there was zombie apocalypse is just a suicide. He walk at slow rate because of his broken leg. "i need to get out from here before dawn" he mutter. Luckily there was no sight of a zombie on his way. There are forest not far from his place now but he can't get pass through it with leg like this, so he decided it probably for the best not to enter place like that.
Tasha smiled lightly at the offer she had gotten from the boy infront of her. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't wanna be a bother. I've already caused you some trouble by having you coming over here." she said. She blinked a bit as she took a notice of the scratch on the boys arm. Quickly she ripped off a strip from her already torn shirt and went over to the boy. "Here, use this" she held out the piece from her shirt. "Wrap it around your arm tightly, so the bleeding will stop."
Jackson took the piece of cloth and wrapped it tightly around his arm, "You wouldn't be a bother, its my job to make sure people get to safety, its what I vowed to do the day this whole thing happened," he informed her, "I collect supplies, and I help people," he winced slightly at the pain in his arm, but tried his best to ignore it.
Matthew came across an old run-down gas station next to a desolate Forrest. The gas station had seen better days, the front door was ripped open, one of the windows were boarded up, while several other panes of glass had been shattered, their shards littering the ground next to it. Matthew peered into its darkened windows, and saw what appeared to be a soda machine, with what appeared to be several cans of Mountain Dew inside. Matthew silently mouthed "Score", and cautiously crept inside.

The inside of the gas station did not look better than the exterior. Dead zombies littered the floor, brain matter decorated the walls, and shell casings made a trail right to a slumped figure, a handgun was still held in his cold hands. A quick examination of the body revealed that the corpse was of a 40ish man. A hole in the side of his head indicated that he took himself out, and his guts being strewn out on the ground in front of him shown that zombies feasted on his now dead body. Matthew quietly uttered: "Poor guy..." before closing the man's eyes.

Matthew took stock of what he had scavenged in the gas station before placing them in his black backpack: five cans of Moutain Dew, two cans of tuna, and one m1911 pistol. Just when he was about to close up his backpack, gunfire erupted from the Forrest. Just as soon as Matthew looked up, it had stopped. Matthew slung his backpack over his shoulder, pulled out his Baretta, and kept his finger on the trigger as he cautiously approached the menacing woods.
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Yukio began walking alongside the road observing his surroundings enjoying the slow quiet pace. After a while, Yukio noticed a forest in the distance. He began walking towards this forest determined to get away from the sun. The closer he came to this forest he began to wonder in his head. What if I don't come out? What if someone is already in there? Questions kept racing through Yukio's head as he slowly kept going towards the forest.

The first sound to meet his ears was the sound of birds chirping. Yukio feeling relieved that there may not be anyone in there after all, walked into the forest cautiously taking in the scenery of the plant life. He did not know if poison ivy, or snakes lived in this forest. Yukio careful about his steps looked around for possible escape routes if the need arises. Finally, he calmed down a bit not seeing anything out of the ordinary, letting his guard down a bit. Yukio began trying to find a creek or any other water source.
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Era sighed and lowered her bow. "Well then. I guess I'll be going, since you aren't trying to kill me and have frowned upon my sneaking ability." She said,raising an eyebrow and keeping the bow out just in case. She gave a half wave, half salut and started walking.

Making her way around the boy, she headed into the forest again, but something stopped her. Curiosity was pounding away in the back of her head. Slowly back-pedalling until she was in front of the boy again, she took a deep breath.

"Why... Were you talking to a pineapple?" Era asked, grimacing at herself for saying it.

Why are you still here? You have things to do, wounds to fix, places to get to. She thought, then shook her head quickly but sl to clear it.

@Verhiron (Sorry It's late, but I also won't be able to reply for a while after this. Dinner. ^.^)
Carol struggled to unhook the belt from around her and the tree. After a few minutes of turning the leather belt around searching for the clip, Carol successfully removed the belt and began to sway with the branch she had slept on that night. Grabbing onto the branch itself rather tightly, she slipped the belt on and began her descent. The bark dug into her skin, causing her to squeak and let go, falling to the ground and landing on her back.

A sharp pain rocketed through her spine, causing her to scream and roll over. Carol ripped blades of grass out of the ground and threw them into the air, flailing and biting her lip to prevent any further screaming. Shaking in the pain, Carol forced herself to her feet and leaned against the tree, attempting to orient herself.

(Yay I finally made the first post!)
Things is good before Genji hear a groan not too far from his place, he quickly take his gun and remove the safety before anything come out. his hand pointing toward the direction of the sound. his hand is shaking a little bit because if there was more than one zombie he probably will be finished, he can't run fast and if he try there was a risk he will be tripped. his hand sweating a lot as he walk slowly to the bushes, each step he take the sound getting louder and louder. and there is it, a big man zombie is devoured a poor guy, it's seems he was a truck driver judging by his clothes.

The zombie seems smell a fresh meat behind him and turn his head to Genji, now he was chased by the zed. luckily this one walk so slow so Genji can aim carefully and not waste his ammo. he aim directly to the brain and check twice before shoot him. when he think it was the right time he pull the trigger and send the bullet flying and pierce his head. the zombie fell down and stopped moving, he safe for now. but the loud bang of the gun must be attracted the other zed around, he need to move quickly before any of them come.

Too bad some of them come from both front and back direction, the only choice now is run to the woods. even though it's gonna be hard because the road is hard to step it still better than being devoured here. he walk inside the woods and make sure to get loose the zombie chasing him. he tripped once and fell to the dirt. he turn his body around with M1911 at his hand shooting two more of the zombie comming to him, and now he must crawl to pick up his crutch before he can get up. he barely made it and start walking again, hoping he can loose the zombie now.
Lex raised an eyebrow "because this could be the only pineapple left on earth£ Lex said in a sad tone. "Anyway d you want to have a can of Dr.P? he asked turning around to face the girl, she looked around the same age as him however she didn't look very smart. 'Maybe I could kill her with my sword?' he thought to himself. 'Nah, i'm just going to to relax' he finally thought.
"I see." Tasha answered while observing the boy infront of her. "I don't mind joining you for a while. It's not safe out here all alone after all..." She put the baseball bat back in bag and faced the boy again. "If you got any questions about me, feel free to ask. There isn't really anything to hide these days." Tasha added. She couldn't belive she was talking to a living person for the first time in forever.
Jackson nodded, "Follow me," he said in a hushed voice, he had heard some russeling noises and didn't want to talk very loud to attract anythings attention.
Yukio continued on in the forest. He went over stumps, and roots, hearing the sound of water but unsure of the direction it was in. Finally, he gave up and just walked in the direction he thought it was in.

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