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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"Sometimes, the only weapon you can trust is your mind."

"Me? Scared? You're funny. I've dealt with situations worse than this."

"He used to eat brains...until he took an arrow through his head."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.fbfd0a88092986067dec7b218e8d9eea.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.fbfd0a88092986067dec7b218e8d9eea.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Brandon lance

Nick: n/a (if you give him one that's cool)

Sexuality: straight

Gender: male

Height: 6ft

Age: 23

Crush: no one yet

Personality: Brandon is a complicated individual, he mostly stays to himself as he's used to being a lone wolf. In his eyes, heart, and mind their is conflict buried that he cannot escape from. Due to this he has shut out most of his emotions. He has to in order to kill both the undead that preys upon him, and the living that seeks to take what he owns.


Compact bow


Field knife

A gold desert eagle with a single bullet


His mind and hunters instincts.

Leader of some sort of group: n/a


"Well I like to live, yeah..that's somewhat important..food...water....my iPhone because music is important..my house...not a lot going on over here...."


"Fuck zombies they can all burn in hell..and any motha fucka who's out to take what I got too."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.8892de2a7aab113b2b322831d875b2c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128903" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.png.8892de2a7aab113b2b322831d875b2c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: " well you see..before the outbreak i was a normal person just like any other. Well except I was raised out in the woods where I learned to live off the land and how to hunt very well from my parents. I was home schooled, learning all I needed to know in order to make something more out of myself than just another hick that drank Jack Daniels and chewed tobacco..which is rather gross..but I digress. After school I left home to become part of the military. I figured since I knew how to survive, why not use my skills to protect my country? Basic training flew by in what felt like a mere week. Then again it was easy after the first three weeks. Ah the good times. drill instructors yelling at you for screwing up, then making you do pt for not being fast enough. It was great. Well after I graduated and became a marine I found myself going to sniper school. I mean, it was the better option for me. After all that insanity I was based in that place..I didn't like it...and I can't talk about it. That's where I was when the outbreak happened..where I defended myself and managed to find myself out in this world..surviving alone. Because in the end, you're all you got."




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QuendalynNym said:
Haha ikr? Sadly that's what happens when it's 4 in the morning. You eventually find yourself falling asleep ever so slowly... lmao goodnight
Good night ^~^ hopefully I will see you in the rp xD
DragonFangs said:
(Minus the wings and braids, replace the cross with a crescent moon pendant, and instead of stars the dress is all black with a white bow and the socks are all black with Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service) faces.)


Name: Saturn

Nick: N/A

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Gender: Female

Height: 47 inches

Age: 13

Crush: N/A

Personality: Persistent, brilliant, brave

Weapons: Throwing knives, a screw driver, a .45 pistol for emergencies as she only has one box of ammo

Leader of some sort of group: Had a group made of other orphans from the group home she was in, but she was left

Likes: Reptiles, poetry, licorice, chocolate milk

Dislikes: People who don't try


Saturn was five when her parents went up in flames along with the house they worked so hard to get. Her father was an artist and her mother was an astronomer. All Saturn had was the clothes on her back, a backpack, a box of colored pencils, a Smurfs coloring book, a book of poetry, and a picture of her favorite planet drawn by her father. She didn't have any records as she wasn't born in a hospital and never had a birth certificate. When asked her name, she simply held up the picture of the ringed planet.

She was adopted a year later by April and Candice, only to have her brand new mommies get crushed in a head-on collision with a trucker who passed out at the wheel. It was this crash in which Saturn lost more than a second set of parents. In this she lost her sense of hearing; as her head had impacted with the driver's seat in front of her, which had a small T.V. for entertainment on the go.

Back into the system she went, but no interested-in-adoption couples wanted what they called a "defective" kid. No one wanted to take the time to learn sign language. It was just too much work for a child. Thus, Saturn ended up in a group home; where her only true friend came to be the house pet: a bearded dragon named Pascal after Tangled's chameleon.

Other: N/A
Notionsson said:
Appearance: A tall, muscular, blood-splattered figure strides forward from the barricaded depths of the mall. Green lights shine from inside of his medieval helmet. Across one shoulder is slung a rucksack, and clipped to his sweater is a mall security badge. A gun is holstered at one hip, a taser at the other, and his right hand clutches tightly to a battered, fearsome looking flanged mace. The man smells like a mall air conditioner that's been soaked in blood and haphazardly sprayed with high-quality perfume.
Name: Ball Plart

Nick: Ball, Plart, Sir, Officer

Sexuality: Asexual

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1''

Age: 31

Crush: Yes

Personality: Ball is amicable, reliable and professional. Unless you mess with his mall. DON'T mess with his mall. Ball gives absolutely no quarter to anyone messing with his mall. Many raiders and rapscallions and rapacious undead have learned this the hard way, and line the walls of the mall as proof.

Weapons: A steel mace, a .45 caliber Handgun, a baseball bat, a taser

Leader of some sort of group: Sole guardian of the Ironjohn Mall

Likes: Malls, Working, Competency, Laws, Killing Zombies, Segways

Dislikes: Paid Time Off, Zombies, Rulebreakers, Shoplifters, Hooligans, Vandals

Bio: Ball Plart was a mall cop, once. The name isn't important. The location isn't important. What's important is that when the sky turned red and the walking dead surged through the streets, he and he alone remained to defend his mall. And defend it he did: to this day his mall stands free of all undead, awaiting the day when civilization rises again and the vendors and shoppers return.

Other: Ball wears a greathelm with a pair of night vision goggles underneath. He has adapted to be able to see with them in the daytime as well as the night.
IDK90 said:

Name: Ivan Krüger ( Krew-ger)

Nick: Krüger

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Height: 5"8

Age: 24

Crush: None as of yet

Personality: Ivan is pretty calm most of the time. He tends to take things very seriously no matter how important they actually are. He isn't much of a risktaker, he'll usually try to convince others to do things first. His first instinct is to survive and not to attack.

Weapons:Metal baseball bat, pocket knife

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Music, antique items, working, building

Dislikes: Decisions that he had no part on, being forced, stress, leading

Bio: Ivan was born in the small town of Rothenburg. He was one of 2 other siblings, both of which are brothers. Ivan enjoyed working with his dad when he was growing up. He would build useless over-complicated contraptions that hardly worked but he still tried. His brothers were the exact opposite, as they enjoyed nothing but slacking off and playing sports. While not being to most outgoing social person, he still talked with close friends of his. Ivan is more likely to be scared of someone who approaches him, which doesn't make much sense given he never walks up to anyone.

Other: While Ivan's workshop skills have definitely improved, he is still not the best at it.
JoJoMojo said:

Name: Nico Shen

Nickname: Nerdy Nico, Nerds, Gummy

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7

Age: 15

Crush: Jericho (Secretly)




~stutters a lot

~Hides behind his brother for everything




Leader of some sort of group: Not at all


~Ice cream

~His brother Ashton ( @Demon Slayer )



~reading his thick book he always carries around






Other: Nah
Otakubeats said:

Name:Mitchell Hart






Personality:Very cautious, and timid around strangers. Has trouble accepting help that comes without a catch believing there is always a catch. When he is more relaxed, his true joking nature shows that he will make a fool out of himself if it get's his friends to laugh.

Weapons:Bow and arrows, Pocket knife and a metal baseball bat.

Leader of some sort of group:Nope, all alone.

Likes:Soda and candy.

Dislikes:Betrayal,enclosed spaces, and guns in his face.

Bio:He originally had been with his parents when this started, but after asking another group for help, things started to go downhill fast. The leader of the group gave them supplies, yet killed his parents and 6 year old sister in front of his very eyes. Mitch managed to flee before they could fatally injure him, traveling alone and not relying on anyone else. The leader's jeering words still remind him to stay alone. "Everything has a catch."

Other:Carries his father's dog tags which remain around his neck always.

(@JPTheWarrior and @Libra259)
QuendalynNym said:
Name: Quendalyn Nym
Nick: Quendie or Nym

Sexuality: Straight but doesn’t hate

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5

Age: 18

Crush: Unknown

Personality: Kind but will be mean if she feels necessary, observant, has a bit of trust issues.

Weapons: Double Blades she got from her dad as a gift

Leader of some sort of group: Nope but she was in one, then her leader went insane and killed everyone, she only escaped because she was getting wood.

Likes: Reading, singing, company, safety.

Dislikes: Bullies, loneliness, guns.

Bio: As above she was getting wood for the fire tomorrow and she came back to find everyone dead and her leader holding a gun to his head, then he shot and she ran. She’s been on the run for days now, scared to let anyone else in.

Other: She may be straight but she’s also curious.View attachment 286497 View attachment 286498
Quillicious said:
Appearance: A bike helmet with wings spray-painted on the sides, jeans, sneakers, a grey shirt with a dark blue hoodie over, a bulletproof vest underneath, and black gloves. Brown hair, blue grey eyes, lean, and a slightly pale complexion. Carries a backpack at all times.
Name: Erik Danard

Nick: Quill

Sexuality: Anything with holes

Gender: Male

Height: 6'3"

Age: 26

Crush: Any relatively attractive thing in sight.

Personality: Kinda rapey and creepy.

Weapons: A metal baseball bat, two long knives, a hidden .44 magnum, and a machete.

Leader of some sort of group: A bit of a lone wolf.

Likes: Killin' stuff. Sex. Hurtin' stuff that pisses him off.

Dislikes: Being denied.

Bio: Erik was a registered sex offender who's gone back to his old ways.
Mquery said:
Appearance:View attachment 286761
Name: Lucas Markwell

Nick: Luke

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Age: 22

Crush: N/A

Personality: Sarcastic, loyal, usually reserved to himself, questions people he has suspicions with, easily irritable, very protective and will do anything (even kill someone) for his friends.


View attachment 286772

Heckler and Koch G36C (Low Ammo)

View attachment 286773

Colt M1911

Leader of some sort of group: None

Likes: Food, music, shooting, sleeping

Dislikes: People that are very serious, humanity (not that there is many alive), nothing to do

Bio: TBR

Other: Can run for very long distances
PixieDusts said:


Name: Nayami

Nick: Nami

Sexuality: Bisexual, more towards guys though...

Gender: Female

Height: 4'3

Age: 22

Crush: N/A atm

Personality: Nami is like many people, she can be sweet and mean at the same time. Nami hates people and tries to ignore most of them. Nami is very outgoing, very quiet, and definitely listens to no one. She will be very overprotective but shy at times. Her moods change very easily, as dose her anger.



Leader of some sort of group: She was, kinda wants to be.


- Not many people

- Sweets

- Salty things

- Music!

- FOOD!!

- Candy

- Sleep

- Flowers

- Nature

- Books


- A lot of people

- Mustard!!!

Bio: Nami grew up with a good family. Everyone always thinks that they have the worst of it, but Nami new she had better than most so she thought it was good. Her parents fought a lot, so Nami had to be creative, use her mind. She got into a good art school. She wanted to be an artiest when she grew up. Her art was okay, she didn't like it, Who would?

Other: As you already knew Nami is an artiest, and she plays the flute.


Name: Dayrinamathan

Nick: Die

Sexuality: Atm he's straight, but he doesn't know really

Gender: Male


Age: 15

Crush: ...

Personality: Die is very flirtatious. He really has the personality of a teenage boy. He likes girls of course. Sometimes he can be a loner and scared, but he's normally around people and brave. He loves so many things and can be really jumpy. He has a very trustful and loving, kind, caring heart. He is very brave and loyal.


Leader of some sort of group: Nope!


- Girls

- Sweet things

- People

- Animals

- Plants

- Comics

- Sleepy

- T.v.

- Video games


- Not many things

Bio: Die had a good life, he had nice friends. When all this started he found Nami and she kinda became his big sister. His parents were to busy in their own worlds to care for Die, so Nami is very important to him.


Brandon9387 said:
"Sometimes, the only weapon you can trust is your mind."
"Me? Scared? You're funny. I've dealt with situations worse than this."

"He used to eat brains...until he took an arrow through his head."

View attachment 287418

Name: Brandon lance

Nick: n/a (if you give him one that's cool)

Sexuality: straight

Gender: male

Height: 6ft

Age: 23

Crush: no one yet

Personality: Brandon is a complicated individual, he mostly stays to himself as he's used to being a lone wolf. In his eyes, heart, and mind their is conflict buried that he cannot escape from. Due to this he has shut out most of his emotions. He has to in order to kill both the undead that preys upon him, and the living that seeks to take what he owns.


Compact bow


Field knife

A gold desert eagle with a single bullet


His mind and hunters instincts.

Leader of some sort of group: n/a


"Well I like to live, yeah..that's somewhat important..food...water....my iPhone because music is important..my house...not a lot going on over here...."


"Fuck zombies they can all burn in hell..and any motha fucka who's out to take what I got too."

View attachment 287421

Bio: " well you see..before the outbreak i was a normal person just like any other. Well except I was raised out in the woods where I learned to live off the land and how to hunt very well from my parents. I was home schooled, learning all I needed to know in order to make something more out of myself than just another hick that drank Jack Daniels and chewed tobacco..which is rather gross..but I digress. After school I left home to become part of the military. I figured since I knew how to survive, why not use my skills to protect my country? Basic training flew by in what felt like a mere week. Then again it was easy after the first three weeks. Ah the good times. drill instructors yelling at you for screwing up, then making you do pt for not being fast enough. It was great. Well after I graduated and became a marine I found myself going to sniper school. I mean, it was the better option for me. After all that insanity I was based in that place..I didn't like it...and I can't talk about it. That's where I was when the outbreak happened..where I defended myself and managed to find myself out in this world..surviving alone. Because in the end, you're all you got."

Your all excepted but do you all know how to fade to black? Cuz ive already gotten a warning for erotic contents i didnt really even know about.
Libra259 said:
Your all excepted but do you all know how to fade to black? Cuz ive already gotten a warning for erotic contents i didnt really even know about.
Also sorry for the wait!!!!!!!!
Libra259 said:
Your all excepted but do you all know how to fade to black? Cuz ive already gotten a warning for erotic contents i didnt really even know about.
I don't do erotic scenes. Is semi-gory okay?


nick: none

sexuality: hetro


height: 6'8


Crush: none yet

personality:Jalil was always the one people were talking about he always had a girl and was at the top of his class with a perfect report card throughout his life but that has since changed since this outbreak. He has started to not think and make stupid decisions. People always thought of him as a leader and still do. He is always ready to charge head on in a fight to stand up for his friends and usually can settle most agreements peacefully not looking for conflict

weapons: 1911 handgun barret 50 cal ( not used very much because ammo is hard to come by) spears 20 or so and a bowie knife with a match compartment

likes: respectable people


anyone willing to help a stranger

dislikes: fighting


leaderof some sort of group: the freedom fighters

bio: to be discovered

role: leader people look up to him as he is usually the strongest and biggest around

other: Jalil has a trained military German Shepard named Cody used to play baskteball as a kid
Last edited by a moderator:
johnson117 said:


nick: none

sexuality: hetro


height: 6'8


Crush: none yet

personality:Jalil was always the one people were talking about he always had a girl and was at the top of his class with a perfect report card throughout his life but that has since changed since this outbreak. He has started to not think and make stupid decisions. People always thought of him as a leader and still do. He is always ready to charge head on in a fight to stand up for his friends and usually can settle most agreements peacefully not looking for conflict

weapons: 1911 handgun barret 50 cal ( not used very much because ammo is hard to come by) spears 20 or so and a bowie knife with a match compartment

likes: respectable people


anyone willing to help a stranger

dislikes: fighting


leaderof some sort of group: the freedom fighters

bio: to be discovered

role: leader people look up to him as he is usually the strongest and biggest around

other: Jalil has a trained military German Shepard named Cody used to play baskteball as a kid
I cant see the pic but once you fix that your accepted!
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