Zodiac Mansion

Lord Griever can have the Libra if he wants, but then I want to reserve the Scorpio instead.
Yeah, no, I would try to be a part of this rp but things are getting out of hand already. If you are going to post a roleplay please, and I beg you please, next time leave what you want in a character sheet.
Um, okay. I'm sorry I wasn't able to post this sooner, but my power was turned off almost as soon as I posted this roleplay, so I apologize. I really am sorry. Very sorry. I feel like such a terrible person... I'm very, very, very, very sorry... Sorry... Okay, I'll stop saying how sorry I am now (extremely sorry) and just post the character sheet. (I really am very sorry)



Age (between 13 and 19):


Zodiac Sign:

Appearance (picture preferred, anime appreciated):


History (optional):

Any Quirks?:

Name: Luke Shade

Gender: Male

Age (between 13 and 19): 18

Birthday: January 23

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Appearance (picture preferred, anime appreciated): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-art-boy-headphone-Favim.com-316902_large.jpg.41d270d8bc2ebceccb43ff7efaba7adb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-art-boy-headphone-Favim.com-316902_large.jpg.41d270d8bc2ebceccb43ff7efaba7adb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kind of shy, but friendly to anyone that's friendly to him. Usually does things by himself and often seems to be lost in his own little world, so people don't often approach him, thinking he's a space-case or something. (Is that even a real thing? Do people ever think that about other people? He doesn't know, he doesn't know very much about social situations.) Somewhat more outgoing online, and participates in online petitions and discussions about environmental issues, animal rights and human rights.

History (optional): When he was 15, he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, as well as social and general anxiety. At age 16, OCD was added to the list, and finally, ADD a couple months before waking up in the mansion. He took the Myers-Briggs personality inventory when he was 17 and, unsurprisingly, his personality type was INFP. Introversion iNtuition Feeling Perceiving.

Any Quirks?: Awkward but friendly. Refuses to ride elevators. Washes his hands a lot. Can't stand pens that don't have caps or that aren't clicked shut when they're not in use. Rubs his hands together almost constantly. Always keeps everything he doesn't want to lose in his bag and keeps his bag with him at all times, in case there's a fire at his house or in the school or anywhere he might leave them and he's not there to make sure they're safe. Nervous and jittery when meeting new people. Always locks his door five times, just to be absolutely sure that it's actually locked. Other things as well, but let's not get into anything else for now.

Other: Zodiac.



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Name: Wolf Krauss

Gender: Female

Age (between 13 and 19): 17

Birthday: September 7th

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Appearance (picture preferred, anime appreciated):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/b7cf0efb50afbc10676cbe46814ada59.jpg.081b05f0c3606ef23bd94063007248f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/b7cf0efb50afbc10676cbe46814ada59.jpg.081b05f0c3606ef23bd94063007248f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Wolf is a generally nice person, but can be unsociable. She gets shy around large groups, or people she likes, and is generally quiet unless spoken to. Wolf is also a highly modest person (Both personality wise, and clothing wise), and is easily flustered or embarrassed by bare skin or closeness.

Though she can seem a bit overcritical or harsh, she gets lonely a lot and can get clingy to people she cares about. Once she gets attached to someone, she can get over protective.

She's a pretty cautious person as well, but easily willing to stop thinking and just go if someone she cares about is in trouble.

Wolf also has a tendency to overwork herself, and has a habit of taking care of others before herself, or all out ignoring her own needs.

History (optional): Standard life. School, friends, an older brother. She lived with her mother and brother on a farm before ending up in the mansion. (Will reveal/make up the rest as I go)

Any Quirks?: Hates wearing shoes (And thus almost never does), and chews on her fingers or clothes when she's upset or nervous.

Other: Wolf's in pretty good shape from working on a farm everyday, and loves (And excels at) most things physical.




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Avery Jenkins



Age (between 13 and 19):



December 27th

Zodiac Sign:





Avery is a go-getter, with a fiery determination that rarely loses focus. She isn't exactly hyperactive, though her determination fuels her to be energized. She always thinks that she knows what's best and what's she's doing; she almost never admits she's wrong. She is a perfectionist in everything she does and gets frustrated when things don't go her way. She is afraid of failure. She is incredibly intelligent and clever, with an open mind and a brutal sense of honesty. She is studious and a list-maker. She is a strategist and feels uncivilized when there is no plan. She is selfish and prideful, with a constant sense of insecurity that makes her easily jealous. Although she may snap when rushed, she is actually very patient and unyielding. She is immensely stubborn. She may come off as distant or icy, though is actually just being cautious. She believes in logic and rationale, and tends to be skeptical and pessimistic. She is practical and usually follows her instinct. She expects little from others and a lot from herself, often judging herself harshly due to having put herself on a higher level than others. She holds grudges and this causes her to be mistrustful of others once they make a mistake. She finds comfort in rules and guidelines, and feels wild without them limiting her from dangers. She hides her real emotions from others if necessary and does so without hesitating. She is exceptionally well at socializing in some cases, but completely clueless in others. Also, she likes being organized, though cannot always keep her things neat and organized like she wants to.

History (optional):

Avery was born into a wealthy family, the only child of two loving parents. Her parents both went to Ivy League schools and expect her to do the same. They have set her up for success and don't expect her to fail. Even though she loves them both, her family isn't close. Her parents are either not home, fighting, or ignoring each other. She can't remember the last time they went out and bonded together like the families in the movies. They have forgotten her birthday numerous times, but she doesn't even care anymore. She learned how to play the piano and violin at the young age, and her best memories are going to see the orchestras with her parents.

Any Quirks?:

Ruffles her bangs by blowing upwards when frustrated, Writes with left hand but does everything else with right hand, almost always has a small notepad and a pen with her, wears her watch with the face on the inside of her wrist, sometimes absentmindedly hums European classical music pieces, silently grammatically checks everything she reads and mentally corrects them, needs glasses but doesn't like wearing them


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Name: Evelyn Oskett

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: November 14

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Eva.jpg.2244d7b09ecc1903e264e22ae28d7fcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Eva.jpg.2244d7b09ecc1903e264e22ae28d7fcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: If you ever become friends with her she is loyal and will always stand beside you. Once she gets an idea in her she is determined to go through with her idea. She does not know how to really express her feelings normally and is sometimes secretive but is always with good intentions.

History: She grew up in a family that was upper-class but her parents never really paid attention to her. She got everything she could ever want except for friends and family.

Any quirks?: She has OCD and likes to keep everything organized as well as the way she left it.

Other: Zodiac



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.529eb2bd35119340367dcf67d7a411ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.529eb2bd35119340367dcf67d7a411ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Qinton Fortant

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: October 2

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Appearance: Up

Personality: Qinton is very laid back and happy. He hates seeing people get hurt, he always there when you need him. Qin can be a bit of a jerk sometimes but makes up for it with his kindness. He's also very flirty and romantic.

History: He knows nothing of himself. When Qinton woke up in the mansion he only knew his name and birthdate

Any Quirks?: As said,Qin can be a jerk.

Other: He thinks catfish are adorable.




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Name: Dema G. Bell


Age (between 13 and 19): 17

Birthday: 0608

Zodiac Sign:Gemini

Appearance (picture preferred, anime appreciated):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.1d09ad85f018307210213e675af63fa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.1d09ad85f018307210213e675af63fa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:very shy and quiet but can randomly be very loud and open towards people. Other times she be very cold and rude towards people, she tends to freak out over small things and get super embarrassed, she hates playboys or flirts, especially perv sand will chase them to try and choke them..her humor is good yet is kinda creepy sense to her choking someone is funny....if they deserve it. No matter what she doesn't hurt friends or people who seem they are her friend

History (optional):

Any Quirks?: she has a problem with doors like, it can be unlocked and she can't open it , say it's locked and lock herself in then figure out that and....ya she has a problem with doors

Other: zodiac

She carries a sword with her and has a blue rose birthmark on her arm



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It's okay. :)

I tried to reserve it on the previous page but mabey you didn't see it? 
I have no idea why this is down here it was supposed to be a comment on Maeve's post. :P
Name: Lukas Calisori



Birthday: May 15th

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.a8c427943ee62722a79bf266230bc103.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.a8c427943ee62722a79bf266230bc103.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lukas is a very patient and reliable sort of guy. He's the type of person that will put someone else's needs before his. Lukas may have a strong sense of nobility but will go through any means necessary to get things done. Even if that means breaking the law. Though Lukas is very much the "Robin Hood" type it takes a lot to get any sort of real emotion out of him. Frugal is also his middle name. Anything he gives out money wise he immediately gets depressed over. (Aka a completely selfish bastard when it comes to money and expensive things)

History (optional):

Any Quirks?:
Lukas has a very low tolerance for alcohol and when he's drunk he is quite the Womanizer. He also hates snakes with a passion.

He really likes gold (for some random reason) and in his fantasies he's wearing a suit made out of pure gold to parties.




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Name: Josephine Jackson

Gender: Female

Age (between 13 and 19): 15

Birthday: December 3

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Appearance (picture preferred, anime appreciated):


Personality: A little shy till she's made to speak up or feels like she needs to. Ignores most restrictions given to her. Can be rude if pushed too far. Likes to do things last minute. Tries to see the bright side in everything. Almost never lies and when she does she doesn't hide it very well. Gullible and superficial. Doesn't like to stay in one place unless there's something interesting going on.

History (optional): to be revealed

Any Quirks?: Likes to help even if she isn't very good at it. Like's to watch people play video games, even if she isn't into the game. Loves taking pictures but doesn't like to be in them.

Other: Zodiac

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