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Finished [Zhaojun] Vipers Honor, Shadowed Bonds

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ E }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop

-East Empire-
Zhaojun City

Code by: Shatter Shard

Dayle coughed as the smokescreen exploded, covering his nose in an attempt to steady his breathing. "Don't let any escape!" A vein popped out of his neck as he bellowed, already livid from Theodore's unnecessary righteous attempt. If he had known, Dayle would've already dumped the man down the river. Unfortunately for Theodore, he had the bright idea of dealing with Hiroshi, which put Dayle slightly at ease.

[Move: The Red Star Lackeys]
Immediately, the Red Star men rushed out, sabers still sheathed but they were ready to throw down. All 25 men sprung into action, intending to not let anyone away. Five of those men would try to circle the escaping slaves in an attempt to establish a perimeter.

[Other: Subdue - The Red Star Lackeys - Strength D]
The other twenty men hastened their steps and reached out to the escaping slaves. Unable to use their weapons under Julia's orders, they had no choice but to try and tackle their targets and grapple them down.

Dayle ran ahead, trying to gain a lead in front of the escaping slaves. He was wary that it wouldn't go smoothly, so he made sure to be there if things go awry again.




The night was still and cold, the base of the Paizu mountains cloaked in shadows. The moon cast a pale, eerie glow over the scene as Julia waved the acrid smoke away, her heart pounding with dread. The panic of the scrambling slaves had been quelled. Whizzie had half of the whimpering slaves curled up back in the wagon, while the Red Star men finished collecting the ones they had managed to capture. Julia's eyes narrowed, struggling to see through the dissipating haze. When it finally cleared enough for her to make out the details, her eyes landed on Thaddeus, crumpled on the ground between Naori and Hiroshi.

"What happened?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the tense quiet, over the whimpering of the captured slaves. As the last of the smoke cleared, the horrific reality came into focus. Blood pooled around Thaddeus, his face a mask of pain. Fury and confusion welled up within her as she realized he was likely responsible for the smokescreen and letting the slaves go, nearly costing her a fortune for his misplaced morals. She stepped toward the broken man’s body hesitantly, kneeling down between Hiroshi and Naori to inspect Thaddeus. Quietly, she stared at him, trying to understand how he could have done something so reckless. Thaddeus, with a weak, bloody smile, turned his ice-blue eyes to stare at her. Despite his obvious condition, his gaze remained crystal clear. His lips parted slowly in a broken smile, blood dripping from his lips and soaking his shirt. His voice husky and strained, he whispered,

"D-...Don't...forget...your medicine...J...Julia...ha...haha..." He wheezed, coughing up more blood, effort obvious in every breath he drew. However, his gaze never wavered off of Julia, despite his menacing killers still standing over him. "Please...P...Please le...leave Aedrianna...alone." He was gasping for his words, but he desperately fought to get those last words out. It almost seemed as if he might continue, but then the light finally faded from his eyes. The quiet filled with the cries and sniffles of the beastkin was all that was heard for a moment. Thaddeus’s last breath left him, and Julia's expression hardened. She stood slowly, dusting herself off, before turning towards the others and snapping angrily.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get on the wagons if everyone's accounted for."

As she glanced around, she noticed that nineteen of the slaves had been rounded up, curled up and crying in the back of the wagons. The tanuki girl wasn't anywhere to be seen, but Julia wasn’t worried about that at this point. She’d take that loss. She climbed up into the coach box, getting ready to take the reins and lead the wagons back toward the river. Just as they were about to depart, the sound of distant hoofbeats and rustling leaves broke the oppressive silence. Emerging from the shadows, a team of thirty beastkin border patrol appeared, their eyes glowing with fury in the moonlight. Their varied forms, some hulking and others lithe, created an imposing wall of rage and retribution. Each beastkin wore the uniform of the Republic of Kuridan, marking them as defenders of the border they had crossed. of the thirty, five of them including the Wolf leader seemed just a touch stronger than the others. There was another Panther kin. A Bear kin. a Bull headed beastkin and a rabbit kin.

Julia's heart pounded as the leader, a towering wolfkin with silver fur, stepped forward, his growl rumbling through the night air. "What is the meaning of this?" He demanded, his voice a blend of authority and barely contained anger. The other patrol members fanned out, their predatory eyes scanning the scene for any sign of escape. She gave a frustrated tsk, murmuring to herself angrily as she glanced back at Thaddeus’s dead body not so far off. "Take care of them."

Okay guys got two more rounds basically and then we'll be ending this. The reason these guys are showing up is because the guy in the last round of combat wasn't finished off in the same round (When he could have been.) So he ran off, and told more guards Now you guys are gonna have to fight to get out of here. Thaddeus is on the ground dead, Erzra is no where to be seen, and the Tanuki girl is gone. There are people total. If we say that 25 of them are facing off with the Red Star men, that leaves 5 to be dealt with by you guys. Each of the 5 that you guys will face, has 10 HP. I've given the 5 each their own species Just state which one you're attacking in your post.

Mentions: Shatter Shard Shatter Shard SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy
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Neramo Omnipotenti Malus
Neramo's lack of action was intentional, since if the slaves escaped, if julia died, if thaddeus died, none of it mattered to him. He was simply smiling mirthfully to himself over the actions that Thaddeus had taken, snickering to himself. If a man wanted to choose the precise wrong time to let his morals take precedent over living, that was his prerogative. He was half tempted to save the man just to see where it would go. But that would put him at odds with the man that Whizzie fancied, and family always came first. However, with the mans dying breaths, he heard the name Aedrianna, and that intrigued him. If there was anything he enjoyed, it was spitting on people's dying wishes. And so he logged that name away, something to do later.

However, the more pressing concern for now, was to deal with the guards. He had half a mind to kill the woman himself, who dared to so casually try to order him around. But that would come later, when she was less guarded by people with actual strength. With a smile crossing his face, he stepped forward, snapping his fingers to signal to Dreayth to get ready. "Ah, how deeply unfortunate for you. This night has led you to me." He said with a smile, before in a burst of flame from his horns, he was already ontop of the wolf guard with a [Black Flame Of The Future King], before he thrust his second hand into the beasts stomach with a [Blue Flame Strike]
Black Flame of the Future King, (Intelligence D +3 effectiveness, Natural Catalyst F +1 effectiveness, Magic E + 2 effectiveness, Corrupting Flames F +1 effectiveness = 7 effectiveness)
Blue Flame Strike, (Intelligence D +3 effectiveness, Natural Catalyst F +1 effectiveness, Magic F + 1 effectiveness, Corrupting Flames F +1 effectiveness = 6 Effectiveness)
Total Effectiveness = 13
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707 DSLIX DSLIX

The sharp pain in his forehead due to the clashing of his head against Thaddeus' face didn't end up stopping Hiroshi. In fact, despite how flared up his nervous endings felt, the yakuza didn't let a single expression of it show it through. Getting up on his feet quickly, he dusted off the dirt from his suit, looking down at the downed man. For a moment, he thought of stepping on his throat to make sure whatever finality he was trying to bring Julia was cut short by the sound of his trachea breaking. Still, he let both of them have their soapy moment.

Discarding his broken shades to the ground, there was a name that caught his interest, Aedrianna. Rubbing the salt on that wound just felt like a... wonderful idea. Telling the girl how her father died could prove a very riveting experience. And, if the chance ever presented itself, the martial artist would certainly take it.

And, just as he was about to get into the wagon once more, they were joined with more company. Another multitude of animals, dressed just like the ones they had faced before. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, even more animals. Guess we will need to leave a trail of bodies until your kind learns their lesson." Hiroshi scoffed, mockery being palpable on his tone as he quickly approached the bear beastkin His right foot left the ground, kicking towards his stomach, before shifting his attacking foot to his right one, this time targeting the beastkin's chest. However, Hiroshi wasn't done yet. Two more strikes were made using his right foot, one aimed at each of the bear's knees, aiming to break them or, at least, dislodge them from their sockets.


1 - Crane's Wing Dual Assault III- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] D, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade D Cooldown 2 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section -> Targeting the Bear beastkin
2 - Basic attack against the Bear
3 - Basic attack against the Bear

STR C (4) + FS D (3) + WPN D (3) = 10 + 2 basic attacks = 12 + 1 damage from Linked, +1 damage from Blight, +1 damage from Continuing for 1 turn, - 1 from equipment protection against the target.

D 2/2
C 2/3
Regeneration to take effect: 1/6

Current situation:
HP: 3/3
Natural Armor: 2/2
Natural Weapons: 1/3
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🛠️𝙽𝙰𝙾𝚁𝙸 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙴𝙽 🛠️[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SixSense SixSense Femboy Femboy Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Maxxob Maxxob
IMG_0375.png After Thaddues died, Naori let out a huff. For the moment, he cared less about the daughter that was not with them, it’d be a waste of energy to hunt her out realistically and sources Naori didn’t have at the moment he wasn’t rich like Julia. When the confrontation of yet more beast patrol guards, Naori held out his dagger and, with only an empty giggle, darted towards the rabbit guard and would attempt to stab the rabbit with [Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [E]] it was followed by an aggressive, mundane attack.

Action 1: Run at the rabbit solider (30ft)
Action 2: use [Fighting style-Faux Innocence] down graded
Action 3: mundane attack

Skills Used
Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [E] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F],Incurable [F]- Naori stabs his victims with a posion laced blade, radiating the feeling of blood thirst

D - 1/2
E - 0/1

Whizziemin the Greatest

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Whizzie was glad they recovered the majority of the slaves, looking them over as he sighed. He was more than ready to have all of this over with and in the past, hopefully he could take a nice break to relax in solitude and rest up. Plus, he at least had that neat black orb safely tucked in the possession of Hiroshi's pocket to look forward to checking out in his free time. The security of the Second Continent was one thing he would love to take a deep investigatin into in order to find the most perfect ways to get around scot-free for him or his family and friends. Though, such thoughts would be soon interrupted by the nuisance of a patrol of sorts getting in their way.

"Why couldn't we just be done and over with already?... " Whizzie grumbled and sighed to himself, of course Thaddeus had to go and make this so much of a hassle. What a waste of time it turned out to be healing him and making sure he made it this far, though with the name 'Aedrianna' in mind he perhaps now remembered the one he spoke of on his original potential deathbed on the boat. With a little smirk, he wondered if he should pay such a little lady a visit out of spite for the difficulty and time-waste made here, but it wouldn't matter as much if the one who deserved it was dead. Well, if he ever came across this person and they were a jerk, then he'd maybe do something to get at them.

Though, Whizzie decided it'd probably be a good idea to put his focus on the danger. With a smooth flick of the wrist, he glanced to the bull-headed beastkin.
"You, die" he answered bluntly with a small hum, walking towards him and aiming his magic. After firing, he'd go to follow up with a rather unhonorably aimed kick to the beastkin nether region to express his absolute annoyance of the situation.

D: 2/2
1. Move to Bull-headed Beastkin
2. Manaflicker - Magic (E), Magic Range (F) - Fires a bolt of magical energy created by mana to use as an offensive or ranged projectile - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown (E Magic (2) + D Catalyst (3) + C Intelligence (4) = 9)
3. Basic Attack using Natural Weapons (F)

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ E }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop

-East Empire-
Zhaojun City

Code by: Shatter Shard

Dayle was getting frustrated by the second, with setbacks after setbacks not even a few days in-between. Theodore's "heroic" act only served to fan the boiling anger within him, tapping his foot angrily while he eyed the dead man. He brushed his hair back in an attempt to calm down as he bellowed to his men. "Form up! We're going!" The Red Star men obediently began to prepare once again to escort the wagon as Dayle angrily stepped aboard the wagon's side. He had hoped nothing else would stop them this time, however, his wish wasn't fulfilled. A vein popped in his neck as the patience he had been holding on to has finally snapped. "MOTHERFUCKER!" Thankfully, there were targets to blow off some steam, and his eyes just happened to settle on the panther beastkin.

Dayle grit his teeth as he jumped off the wagon and charged at the panther with heavy but powerful steps.

[Attack: Strength B - Chains C - Hook, Line, and Sinker C]
The chains in his right armed unfurled in a flurry of steel as he flourished his arm around. His arm then whipped forwards, sending a lasso of chains towards the panther at alarming speeds. Dayle would try to catch and wrap the chains around the panther, before pulling hard as his other arm came whistling towards the panther's face.

[Attack: Red Star Lackeys - Strength E - Saber F - Basic Swordsmanship F]
"FUCKING KILL THEM!" His voice boomed, ringing through the Red Star men's ears. However, dutiful as always, the lackeys drew their sabers calmly and had no hesitation as they started swinging at the patrol.

Abilities Used:​

Grade F​

Red Star Cronies
[CD | 0 Post] Basic Swordsmanship: Fighting Style [Windrider] F, Swiftness [Accurate] F| Their skill in swordsmanship allows them to hit foes faster than themselves, and thus have an advantage over similarly skilled opponents.

Grade C​

[CD | 3 Post] Hook, Line, and Sinker: Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] C, Chainz [Flexible] F, One Two [Linked] F | Dayle wraps his chains around a target, before pulling hard and punching with his other arm.


Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Dreayth would flash a toothy grin at the sound of more enemies arriving, it was time to let loose and he was all for it.

“Ahhh, yes more lambs to the slaughter” he would smile as he waved his spear, still once he realized that all the tough ones were taken, the grin on his face would disappear abruptly. The lack of foes to dominate completely would aggravate the demon even more, the opportunity for utter domination snatched from his grasp. He would hear Neramo’s snap and knew what time it was, then turn the rest of the beasts into a blood bath.

Dreayth would enter the fray with a wild grin as he swung his spear in a frantic rampage, attacking anything and everything resembling an animal. Over and over he would use [Relentless Assault F] to shred the Enemy Beastkin into ribbons.

“DIE DIE DIE HAHAHAHA” he cackled into the wind as he swung.

1. Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F)
2. Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F)
3. Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F)

Ability used
Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F)Cooldown 0 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes with his spear, chipping at his foes' defenses with each strike.
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The battle reached its crescendo as the group unleashed their final assaults on the border guards. Flames, steel, and magic intertwined in a deadly dance, each member contributing to the overwhelming force that broke the enemy’s resolve. The air was thick with the smell of blood and the sounds of victory as the last guard fell.

Julia, sensing the urgency of their situation, barked a command to the group. "Get on the wagon, now!" Her voice was sharp, leaving no room for hesitation. They scrambled aboard, the wagon lurching forward as she drove the horses hard, pushing them to their limits.

The journey was a blur of motion and tension. The horses' hooves pounded against the earth, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Julia hardly even stopped. Running the horses ragged and ordering Whizzie to use his magic to heal them; so she could run them ragged again. The beastkin slaves in the back whimpered and cried, their fear palpable as they were jostled by the wagon's relentless pace.

Julia remained a stoic figure, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. She spoke only to give curt commands, her focus unbroken by the chaos around her. She seemed somewhat different now that Thaddeus was no longer here. The landscape sped by, a dizzying array of shadows and moonlight, as they raced towards the safety of Zhao Jhun.

At long last, the gates of Julia's estate loomed before them, a welcome sight against the night sky. They burst through, the wagon coming to a shuddering halt. The were quickly surrounded by slaves, moving with practiced efficiency to take inventory of the new arrivals. The freshly caught slaves were lined up, their fates sealed as they were led away.

Julia dismounted and motioned for the group to follow her inside. The air was thick with the scent of jasmine and the promise of rest. Once within the confines of her chambers, she handed each member a heavy sack of ryken, the weight of their reward a testament to the danger they had faced.

"Thank you for your work," she said, her voice softer now, yet still commanding respect. "I'll keep you in mind for future endeavors. In fact, I may have another job for you soon. I'll be in contact." With a final nod, she dismissed them, leaving the group to contemplate the mission they had completed and the uncertain paths that lay ahead. The night settled around them, the silence a stark contrast to the chaos of the journey they had all endured. They had emerged victorious, but the journey had taken its toll.

The End​

That's the end. Thank you guys for sticking with me til the end. I think the only special reward that we've got from this is

Naori earned two sacs of poison from the River Rainbow Venom.
And Whizzie pocketed the Black orb.

I'm sorry I'm not good with titles. I'll leave that up to the grader.

SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Isekai Hell Grade

Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense DSLIX DSLIX NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy Gryphon3707 Gryphon3707

An adventurous rp. The length was a bit on the long side which makes me think the mission could have been a bit more focused, but seemed like everyone was having fun. Too bad about the flakes. Combat looked good. I'm under the impression only the guards were innocents that would warrant titles at the end. I'm assuming the others were criminals or other forms of no-goods.

FOR Characters IN WORLDS: please delay modifying your sheets with rp gains or clearly indicate stuff added after world's began





Moonberry - 48pts (narrator bonus)

Dayle Keller - 74pts
Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.

Naori Destieen - 57pts
Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Optional asset acquired [River Rainbow Venom F] - material useful for crafting

Hiroshi Nakamura - 97pts
Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.

Dreayth Dominatus Malus - 59pts
Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
(Needs to specify narrative booster condition to benefit from it)

Neramo Omnipotenti Malus - 46pts (attentive student)
Mandatory title acquired - [Murderer F] - character has slain non-criminals and/or non-monsters. Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.
Mandatory title acquired - [Abuser F] - character has willfully caused harm to "innocents". Character is now a criminal until slain or redeemed.

Whizziemin - 80pts
optional title acquired [Heroic Healer] - character will be more likely to be able to heal allies in the face of danger despite any fear or apprehension
optional item acquired [black orb] - this won't do anything a character's appraisal skill can't.

Partial Participant

Tupu - 7pts

Kai - 9pts

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