

Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Zao People


Zaonian’s speak can speak many languages in the world, but Greek and English are the widely used. (I’d make my own language, but that would take years) They are a very diverse looking humanoids that can look similar to the animal they mark, somewhere in-between or as normal as someone you might see. Some Zaonians have longer life spans than others, some to the point of immortality, but weaknesses they all have. Zaonian people are categorized in sub-species by the animal they mark. From there you just call them by the type of that animal like this: Zaonian Lycos Wolf. Here is a starting list (more will come. If you don’t see it, suggest it and I will add it).

  • Lycos- are wolf or dog like subspecies (including fox) (no breeds that look human made) that are very close to their family. They are raised with high family values and undying loyalty.

  • Gata- whether house cat or Tiger these are the ones most likely to be seen outside their clans. Lion like Gata are the only ones that rely heavily on a hierarchy.

  • Ouranos- are birds like ones that can vary very much depending on the specific bird.

  • Alepou- these are your small, predatory animals like ferrets and raccoons (red panda here)

  • Arkouda- are bear like creatures of all sorts except Koala, because it isn’t a bear.

  • Sakoula- are your pouched animals like koala, kangaroo, and sugar glider.

  • Troktiko- these are your rodents, if you need to know if yours fits just ask.

  • Moura- are your small bug or plant eating mammals like ant-eater or porcupines

  • Oples- are any of your hoofed species.

  • Nero- are your dolphins and whales. Any large mammal of the ocean

  • Psari- are your fish wither predator or prey (including shark).

  • Erpon- these are your snakes and lizards, esc.

  • Amfivio- are your turtles and newts

  • Mythikos- these are the animals that do not fit with the normal places like chimera or dragon.

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Fill out the character sheet below with picture. If you cannot find a picture or it isn't "perfected" enough I can edit the hair, eye, and skin tone of anime or realism art. Please only use Realism or anime art if you can help it. Real people feel strange to me

Character Sheet


Name: (Full name)

Gender: (Can be genderless)

Age: (14-20 for main character)

Romantic Orientation: (How are you attracted and to who)

Species: ( Full species: Zaonian Gata Snow Leopard)

Home Location: (Including tribe, clan, or kingdom raised)


Animal Partner: (Doesn’t have to have one

Crush: (Can be old friend crush or something as well)

Lover: (If they are dating someone, have someone at home)

Family: (sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers)

Best Friend: (Can be a friend not with you)

Enemies: (Who do you just hate?)

Physical aspects

Appearance: (Describe not just pictures. Somethings can’t be seen.)

Clothing Style: (What do they like to wear?)


Abilities: (What were they granted from their animal counterpart and skill not related?)

Weakness: (Something that makes them weak)

Strengths: (Both with themselves and abilities)

Weapon: (If they carry one)


Dislikes: (Put this in bullet form)

Likes: (Bullet form)

Fears: (Bullet form)

Attractions: (Bullet form)


Flaws: (bullet form. At least 3 traits with descriptions why they have that trait.)

Merit: (Same as the last one)

Niches: (Things that they do “like bite nails.” Describe when they do this)


Please make this detailed starting from how they received their companion or if they never did.

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Name: phenex black



Orientation: heterosexual

Species: hydra


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.e74a5f7e394cab8c6532b20000129996.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.e74a5f7e394cab8c6532b20000129996.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hydra form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.8e6fd97845424edb164eaeb5f1ae0128.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.8e6fd97845424edb164eaeb5f1ae0128.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.adce9f434f5b38bd92891b74bb51260a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.adce9f434f5b38bd92891b74bb51260a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.8ad2a0cba0191f90b67e2050516ba2ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.8ad2a0cba0191f90b67e2050516ba2ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, black scales all over body, fit.

Clothing style: his black scales there like clothes.

Abilities: regeneration, poison gas breath, weaponized tale, poison blood, warm blooded (likes extreme heat) and more abilities here http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Hydra_Physiology

Weakness: uncontrollable instincts/ instinct like animal, fire, and can't think clearly.

Strengths: weapon master, regeneration, and combat.

Weapon:(his tail and his skull scythe)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.d142b9a7a17bd34916a9a1a43003e82d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54768" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.d142b9a7a17bd34916a9a1a43003e82d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Gods
  • Annoying people
  • And getting injured to where he has to regen


  • Fighting
  • Burning things down
  • And having friends


  • Gods teaming up to take him down
  • Dying
  • And being alone with his thoughts

Attraction: people that are good with combat, and beautiful eyes.


  • Childish: never really grown up with other people so is still child like.
  • Curious: never interacted with other people or machines and inventions.
  • Stubborn: this is the hydra in him.
  • Reacts on instinct a lot.


  • Good with combat: has always trained to be king of the dragons
  • Loveable: never interacted with people and is curious and childish
  • Brave: since his hydra is fearless because of the regen he contracted that charicteristic


- Phenex usually picks at the tip of his tail when he's worried or nervous about something happening to his friends

- Phenex. Usally breathes smoke when he's excited.

Short story:

Phenex first met the hydra when he was separated from his family in a dragon attack he was the only one to escape and decided foolishly to venture deep inside the desert and when he was going a giant sand storm came rolling in and he passed out from the heat after walking for miles in it and he saw a multi headed dragon coming his way when he was passing out and thought it was his time but when he woke up he was in a cave and he could see a dragon with multiple heads and he panicked realizing it was the mythical hydra and begged for his life the hydra soon told him he wouldn't kill him and said instead he wanted to make a contract knowing the tales about the hydra never picking a contractor ever and sealed by the gods in the mountain was a famous one indeed so he hesitated for a minute and accepted and became the hydras partner learning about him and getting to knoweachother.



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Natasha solotov "Cead"





{Romantic Orientation}



Zaonian Mythikos Ceadeus

{Home Location}

Mona island


{Animal Partner}

Ceadeus "The Great Sea Elder"

Ceadeus is a Masive Whale like creature,it is said to be Much larger than a Blue whale,because of its masive size and aswell odd apperance,Ceadeus belongs in the Mythikos Category,not just for apperance and size but aswell its ability to live forever,Now Inmortality of age only Thus eaning it can be slain,Having 2 Masive Horns on its head but one of them is larger than the other and Took his eye,only having one eye,a nother know Feture of this masive "whale" is its Beard,growing under its head and neck it is said is as soft as Perfect silk,last but not least is its Glowing Organs that trail its body,it uses them to see in the deepest parts of the ocean and aswell to comunicate with other of its own Kin,But its not sure if there are more as this is the Only one seen so far and little is known.But The masive Goliath is know to be as Inocent as a Baby,it wont even hurt a shrimp but rather help them,but if angerd it would be as Dangerus as a Angry Shark,aswell its known to have masive lungs abble to fill them with water and fire a Compress stream of water,Might not look dangerus but think about gallons of water hitting you at great speeds.But aside from that detail it is said this creature is eons old but no one is sure what is it real age....what is sure that ceadeus is not Full grown yet as seen with his Unfinish Horn.









Kevin=Older Brother

{Best Friend}


(But PM me if Interested)



Physical aspects



Natasha is 5.10 feet tall for the reson of her "Small" Friend,aswell she has grown a set of hornes,her right being larger than her left similer to her cute whale,aswell her hair reaches to her waist and aswell her hair gain this Very light green color similer to ceadeus,s beard,her eyes being the same color a her hair,On her back she gain this odd Marking that Glows light Blue wen its dark that looks like a egyption ankh,similer to ceadeus that has the same Symbole on his back.


{Clothing Style}

Natasha loves wearing slightly Fancy silk clothing but aswell somtimes thick clothing for the cold oddly,not because she is cold but because she just likes wearing it and its soft.




Natasha Gain the ability to Live forever,Her apperance will not change and will remain her Current age forever and remain Youngh,But the Defenition of "Inmortality" is she would never die of Age or any Dissies but she can be killd.

Under water breathing

Natasha,s Lungs have the ability to Prosses air that is in the water similer to fish with gills,she can stay under water with no known Problem,not like other animals that must be on land to breath air.

Presure Resistence

Natasha is abble to resist presure like a deep sea creature,abble to survive in the dark abyss without any protection what so ever,not like any normal person that would die Under Inmence presure.This mean her Bone strocture is much stronger Durable to resist such presure.

Arcane adept

Natasha after bonding with Ceadeus has gain the ability to cast arcane magick,she has the ability to use the water near her to heal others at will but aswell abble to manipulate it in multiple ways (Like Katara...Or any other user) but aside from that Natasha has a second type of magick being "Deflective" Magick,abble to creat a barrier that normally Deflects projectiles or blunt force, away from the user. While usually a defensive method.it can be utilized as offensive with efficient calculation.


*If Natashas Horns are cut off she will suffer of Blurry vision,Feel Very weak and aswell the Inability to Feel till they grow back

*If Ceadeus is Hurt fisicly in anyway Natasha would suffer the same,if ceadeus dies she dies.

*Natasha is weak agains Electricity

*To much use of her magick will Tire her and aswell make her weaker,this is the reson she only uses it in important ocasions.


*Natasha has stronger and more Durable bones that any other

*Natasha is slightly stronger that normal

*Very wise and aswell smart overall

*wen near Ceadeus her Arcane abilities are more durable


Horn Blade

It is said this blade is crafted out of a fallen horn of a Ceadeus,made out of pure material its light weight yet sharp.Found inside one of the ruins of Mona island



1.People Touching her horns without Permission

2.wen people say "Its gona be ok" wen its not

3.Not getting to see Ceadeus

4.Being away from water


1.People telling the Thruth

2.People Grooming her hair

3.Eating sea Food

4.Color of Corals


1.Being alone

2.Not seeing ceadeus for more than a week

3.Loosing her Hornes


1.People who would never lie

2.People who would care for ceadeus like they would care for her



Scary Cat:Natasha is slightly of a scary cat but mostly happens wen she is alone

Over Worried:Natasha gets Very worried easily

Clumsy:natasha is preaty Clumsy somtimes


Very creative:Reading books and making drawings really makes her imagen

Very smart:similer why she is creative being in a Library and having a book to reaserch helps

Playfull:Because of her permenent age and aswell her cute whale,she loves being playfull and active


1.Natasha is really in to writting and drawing,ussualy she dose this wen she sees somthing of interest or likes and would draw it and learn of it

2.Pulling her hornes is somthing she dose aswell,mostly wen she is mad or trying to think.


Natasha,s story of how she met one of the oldest living things in the sea and maybe the land is interesting,at the age of 8 Natasha somtimes went Fishing with her Older Brother to the coast of the island,somtimes even catching large fish like one time she was mostly drag by a large Tuna...but one day...she gaught somthing much biget than a Tuna,as she fish her fishing rod caught a Bif fish...and Literaly big,because of this she was drag in the water with her brother as he tried and help her out only for Both be Thrown in the sea,but she was lucky as she let go of the rod or she would have been drag down to the deep,they lost there rod...but what pulld it?,the next day natasha got up in the Morning to go fish again and see if she could catch this fish again,but as she got out of her home and made her way towards the coast she saw her lost Fishing rod on the coast with everything atach and even the fishing string attach,as she went to recover her lost rod from the water slowli a masive head peeks out infront of her near the beach,it was masive!,she lost her breath of hear but....the creature just stood there watching her,masive hornes that seem to be Biger than its head!.

she saw the hook of the fishing rod atach to its mouth,the creature gave out soft growls at her asking for her to remove the hook,natasha walk carfully towards it chacking in fear to remove the hook,as she did remove it she would yelp feeling the Goliath of a creature puhes her to the ground,it gave out a soft high picth Chirp towards her and seem....he was friendly...natasha smield and would be with it for somtime playing and even petting its Long beard,after long time of enjoying it would leave....but...as it did natasha did not notice the odd mark on her back that was glowing....each passing day she was in pain having headaches till a small hone sprout out of her head,she knew what was this.....each day it grew and grew till a nother Grew from her head and her hair got longer and change color with her eyes,untile she reach 17 and her transformation was compleat.....she could hear him in her minde...once she was done she reavisit the beach she first met the creature only to see him again come out of the water....but this time natasha join it to visit the deep and to this day natasha and the accient ceadeus have been togheather.
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(On a temporary journey due to getting lost)

  • Name: Tela Yagrum

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Romantic Orientation: Bisexual

    Species: Zaonian Mythikos fire dragon

    Home Location: Aurum Mountain Range

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  • Name: Blake Naamah Novem

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Romantic Orientation: Demisexual

    Species: Zaonian Lycos Ninetails

    Home Location: Dexia Forest in the Alpeou Kingdom

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Name: Asyra Fireheart

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Romantic Orientation: Males

Species: Zaonian Mythikos Phoenix (Pyro)

Home Location: The Sunwatcher Tribe, base of the Aurum Mountains


Animal Partner: Lazyrak Lightwind (Departed)

Crush: N/A

Lover: N/A

Family: Ella Goodwind (Mother, Deceased); Erich Strongwing (Father, Deceased); Myrali Waterheart (Sister, Unknown)

Best Friend: Salyn Sunwing

Enemies: Rakkor Terrorwing

Physical Aspects

Asyra as a human stood around five feet and eight inches tall with a very fit build that amounted to her weight of about 160 pounds. As she grew older, she was trained as a huntress as she was developing into her animal form after meeting the Phoenix that was born with her. She was brunette with bright ruby eyes and olive complexion. Her passion was as hot as the flames from the animal she was tied to and she put many of the male hunters in her tribe to shame.


Her avian form was relatively large compared to most birds. She possessed a wingspan of about twelve feet from wingtip to wingtip. Her body was about three and a half feet long but she a little bit over four feet tall when standing full height on her claws. Her eyes were a strong ruby red with a golden beak that extended about five inches from her face. Her feathers were a vibrant orange that possessed a golden glow when engulfed in flame. Her talons were also about eight inches long with a golden hue to them. As an animal, she has no need to wear clothing, though if the time should come, she will find armor to adorn that will allow her survivability in combat.




  • Fire ~ Asyra, as most phoenixes, can generate fire from their bodies, and command it with their bodies. As such, she is also immune to the effects of fire.
  • Healing Tears ~ Phoenixes, especially of the pyro variety, can be very destructive. It is rare to see a phoenix cry, but when they do manage a tear, it can have healing properties on whoever it falls on. (This does not work on herself).
  • Form-Changing ~ Asyra can change back into her human self, but she hates doing so. She wants to embrace her phoenix form to the fullest, but her humanity allows her to interact amongst her original kind better.
  • Incarnation ~ As most living creatures, Asyra will die of age if not by mortal wound. While her life span is great, she is not immortal, but from the ashes she will be reborn a new phoenix.


  • Water ~ Her elemental opposite. While she must drink water to survive, if it is raining or she is plunged into a body of water, she will be severely weak and vulnerable. In the latter scenario, she is susceptible to drown faster than most.
  • The Night ~ Without the presence of the sun, she is more vulnerable to injury. The cold of the night weaken her abilities and the darkness shortens her vision.
  • The Earth ~ Like most birds, Asyra is hindered by the earth. While she on the ground, her mobility is limited and she is vulnerable because of it. Though she must visit the earth to interact with Zaonians.
  • Zaonian Form ~ Her Zaonian form is when she cannot use her fire or flight, while still being handicapped by her other weaknesses (see above).


  • Flight ~ Asyra is at her best in her natural environment as an avian when she is in the sky. She displays her agility, speed, ferocity, majesty, and prowess when taking flight.
  • The Day ~ The sun giving her energy and strength, allowing her to generate flames more consistently as well as avoid injury due to her enhanced senses.
  • Physical ~ While she is far from titanic in physique, she does possess an impressive amount of strength. However her agility, speed, and precision are aspects of her that are to be reckoned.
  • Zaonian Form ~ Asyra can hurl a javelin with deadly accuracy, but she is a master with a blade.

Weapon(s): The weapons Asyra uses are her flames to incinerate her prey or opponents, her wings to beat and batter while in flight as well as to defend her self, her talons to scratch and slash with, and her beak to bite and screech with. However in mortal form, Her weapon of choice is a one and a half handed sword with runes that sear the victim when struck.




  • Water
  • Night
  • Fools
  • Unnecessary Chaos


  • Fire
  • Day
  • Harmony
  • Passionate people


  • Water (Rain, lakes, oceans, etc.)
  • Landslides, mud-falls, avalanches, etc.
  • Night


  • Fire
  • Majesty (great beauty)
  • Hunting prowess



  1. Asyra has grown into a righteous soul. She has become zealous in her attempts to establish order in her mountain homeland and this has lead her to misjudge certain people and various scenarios. This lack of good judgment has resulted in untimely occurances in her life such as defeats or battles that could have been avoided otherwise.
  2. Asyra is not a daring phoenix. While most of her kind find the night to be bothersome, they do let the time deter them from spreading their burning wings and fly. She, however, refuses to test the night after she had been attacked by Rakkor Terrorwing. She is also hesitant about meeting others because of this.
  3. Asyra is emotionally intense. When she experiences betrayal or is emotionally traumatised in some way, she takes it harder than most. This causes her to become hyper-irrational and prompt her to extreme measures that she otherwise would not do.


  1. Asyra is righteous. She is a guardian of life and has been praised as noble by her former tribe. She advocates for honesty and integrity, and makes it her mission to seek justice.
  2. Asyra is wise beyond her years. Though she is young, she has learned wisdom from elder phoenixes and she is sought after for guidance by many and she is very willing to help anyone in need.
  3. Asyra is merciful. She has grown a great level of patience and is willing to give those who have done wrong a second chance if they are sincere in their repent.


  1. Asyra hums softly when relaxed, which causes fire to sprinkle out from between her feathers. Even while she is sleeping or resting, the same effect occurs.
  2. Will be awakened instantly at the sound of a screech during the night. This is because of the attack she suffered from Rakkar Terrorwing when she was a new phoenix, who deafened her with a piercing screech.
  3. Asyra will run her talons through her plumage to groom herself when she sees or hears a male phoenix approaching. Being a single phoenix, she is still looking for a partner.


As a child among the Sunwatchers, Asyra had been raised to appreciate the sun and fire. At a very early age, she would be found sitting and watching the sun rise with the utmost joy on her face. Her activities were timed for the day, so when dusk came, she was ready for bed. When she reached the age of eight, her father, who's animal companion was an eagle, took her up to one of the highest mountains in the range: Skyfire Peak. The sound of birds could be heard through the wind and it was then that a young phoenix descended onto the peak with Asyra and locked eyes with her.

From then on, Asyra was known as the Mistress of Flames. A special sword had been forged for the next child to be born with a phoenix. The sword was made of a rare steel forged said to be forged from phoenix fire. The runes were of an older age and were legend among her tribe. While training with the blade, she trained with a spear, becoming one of the best huntress of the tribe. When she was nineteen years old, she found herself standing atop Skyfire Peak, where she transformed into a phoenix and remained amongst the peaks to live in meditation.

At night, she sat at the edge of her perch on the mountainside. She was meditating when a piercing scream disrupted her thoughts. She quickly took flight in her avian form in search for the trouble, when a black shadow screeched and swooped up from under her, nearly ripping her in two. It was Rakkar Terrorwing, and his loyal crows and ravens shrouded the night, forcing Asyra to retreat. It was from then on that Asyra vowed to be a defender of her realm in the mountains and of her people, especially from the threat of Terrorwing.
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(Will not meet until later)

  • Name: Kumani Meora Lewopa

    Gender: Female

    Age: 15

    Romantic Orientation: Androsexual

    Species: Zaonian Gata Snow Leopard

    Home Location: Krysta Tundra, Glaciem Tribe

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"Um...Im sir Mark Bluegrav at your service"


"Um...dose my apperance not tell?...well then im male"


"Oh parden,im 20 sorry i dint say sooner"

{Romantic Orientation}

"Oh...Um...Huh...why you ask?...Um...Ok i guess if this is what you ask...um...Woman ofcourse'


"Ha! Im proud of being a Zaonian Uranos Crane"

{Home Location}

"Glad you ask..Im from Gi̱ ti̱s Parádosi̱s

and Proud of thus!...yea i know...how to spell"


{Animal Partner}

"Oh! How could i forget my loyal crane Grey!...Say Hi!....he is silent"



"Oh...Um sorry but i dont have one....pleas dont ask that"


"Nope sorry"


"Ha yes! My proud Family...There is Jhon my Father,Ashley My mother and Maria my Youngher sister...she is only 10 Haha!"

{Best Friend}

"Oh yes... Xiong...he is like a Brother to me...never forget that"


"No one! I respect everybody Thus i have no enemy!"

Physical aspects


{Animal Form}

Similer to his Companion a Crane


Mark is a Thin Man but tall Overall Standing 6.2 FT tall and having long limbs,he has Gain feet that of a Crane,aswell very thin layer of Plumage on his arms and aswell slightly on his legs and chest that he Covers Very well from people noticing,he always has a small Braided Ponytail but Overall Not much to say but that he is skiny...but dont let apperances fool you,he is quick and agile as a crane itself.

{Clothing Style}

Like the Pic above...forgot what was it calld >_<



Mark gain multiple abilities of a crane like Overwhelming agility,aswell Inteligence,Flexibility,and aswell enchance seanses,He aswell gains odd ability wen meditating,he is very aware in goals and abble to point out were to go or how with just meditating and communicating with the gods,in short mark is very pure man.but aside from that he is a very good alchemist.but his best ability is abble to pin point target weak points.


as shown mark is not the strongest,as he is weak,unable to even lift a large Brick,but aswell he is is light making him easy to lift thus not the beast at head on combat.


As weak as mark is,he dosent relly on Brute strength but the minde,mark might not the though but he knows how to take down even the thoughest people with easy task,Being sneaky ofcourse and aswell Hiden in the shadows if posible, hard-to-move-on-terrain is his pride advantage,he can move on such terrain with no task and use it to his advantage..But smart and agile and aswell patient knowing wen to strike...the real wepon is the minde.


Under his Long sleeve he dose have Hiden Throwing Knives that he throws with great accuracy and speed.



  • Very loud Noices
  • Meat
  • People who think that they are better
  • Brutes (people with no minde but Strength)


  • Fruits
  • The smart people
  • silence
  • Meditation


  • Being incapable of moving
  • loosing Grey


  • The smart
  • The wise
  • and the Kinde



  • Akward;Mark is not good wen it comes meeting new people making it akward for him.
  • Very Honest;He would say the most Honest thing even if it hurts some one with no remorse
  • silent:somtimes he is to silent and Ignores others being anoying to some.


  • Lion heart:he is always up in spirit and never gives up!and Brave!
  • wise:He is very wise wen it comes speaking to others
  • Smart ass:Mark is very smart....somtimes to smart


He only has one...meditating


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Name: Vali Talarin

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Zaonian Mythikos Carbuncle

Home Location: Vrochi Forest, Consulo Kingdom (Ruins)


Animal Partner: N/A

Crush: No crush at this time.

Lover: No lover at this time.

Family: Vali has no memory of a family, having been born in the ruins of the Consulo kingdom.

Best Friend: Throughout his entire life, he has only had a few friends, and none that he'd consider a best friend.

Enemies: Carbuncle Hunters. Any mention of harvesting Carbuncle gems seems to upset him.

Physical aspects

Appearance: Unlike a few species, a Carbuncle's main form is their more animalistic form. This form is small and inconsequential, about the size of a common house cat, designed for getting into small spaces and hiding, the body of a carbuncle is covered in fur and come in many different colors, but the dominant color palette is emerald green, with their eyes being a bright red. Their ears are large and can move in just about any direction, similar to felines. Their tails are large and fan like.

Resting upon their forehead is a very large red diamond shaped gem. While it looks to be just sitting there, it is, in actuality, inside of their head, directly attached to their brains. Physically, the Carbuncle resembles marsupials, though no one really knows what species they are.


In their human forms, a Carbuncle will lose most of their fur, though the hair on their head will retain the same style and color. Their eyes retain the same beautiful red. The gem on their forehead doesn't change, but appears smaller in a much larger human body. Their ears are not as large, but are pointed.

The human form of a Carbuncle is never that big nor physically strong, the tallest height being five foot two. Vali is actually only five feet tall.


Clothing Style: All Carbuncle wear different clothing, however Vali prefers to wear dressy clothing, such as his button down shirt and a red tie, along with his black dress pants. He also keeps his hair in front of his forehead to hide the large red gem resting there.


Abilities: A Carbuncle is not strong, but they are fast, faster than their small size would imply. In their animal form a Carbuncle could out run a cheetah, in their human form, their speed is only knocked down by a small fraction. But a Carbuncle's greatest ability isn't its speed, it is the gem in its forehead.

The Carbuncles are the defense masters of Zao as each Carbuncle, untrained, can create a shield capable of protecting them from all damage, going as far as being able to create this shield as they sleep. A trained Carbuncle can extend this shield even further to cover a small group. A tribe of trained Carbuncle could even create a shield big enough to cover a small city. This shielding ability is given to them by the Gem in their foreheads.

This Gem also gives them a sort of longevity. A single Carbuncle can live nearly a hundred years before dying, their gem turning to dust.

Weakness: A Carbuncle is not physically strong, in either form and would easily lose in a fight of strength. Their Shields, while impervious to damage, are directly linked to their emotions as the gem in their forehead is bound to their brain. Most Carbuncle are trained to ignore their emotions while using their shields, but those who haven't been trained, like Vali, can be angered or saddened, even surprised, forcing their shields to fall apart.

Strengths: Speed and Shields are the only strengths they physically posses. A trained Carbuncle can also have a powerful mental fortitude. Vali himself is smart but untrained, having spent his entire life alone.

Weapon: Vali carries no weapons.



  • Carbuncle Hunters: People who hunt Carbuncles down for the gem in their forehead.
  • Fighting. As a creature of Defense, he prefers not to fight whenever possible.
  • People showing too much interest in his gem. It is why he hides it.
  • He doesn't like the cold, especially in his human form, where his natural fur can't protect him.


  • Anything sweet. All Carbuncle's have a sweet tooth, one that is very intense.
  • Sleeping. Carbuncle's are naturally lazy creatures and sleeping is one of their favorite pastimes, especially while laying in the sun.
  • While he doesn't fight, he loves a good challenge, especially one against his speed, prefering to show that the Carbuncle is the fastest creature on Zao.


What Vali fears most is being hunted down for the gem in his Forehead. A Carbuncle can live without their gem, but it is as if they've been lobotomized. A Carbuncle without its gem is better off dead. Because of this fear, he rarely trusts others.​

Being trapped in a very dark and inclosed space he can't get out of. It is a small creature fear, the fear of being boxed up.

Gem Cutters. He understands that they cut gems from stone, but wants nothing to do with them.


People who don't take too much interest in his gem.​

Anyone who is more than willing to buy him something sweet is alright in his book.


Nice warm people, people that put their trust in others whole heartedly.



Distrusting. Despite the fact that he likes trusting people, he himself isn't very trusting. He was born alone, with the single knowledge to protect his gem more than anything else. As grew older, people took notice of him, some even attempted to take it from him.​

  • Quick to anger on certain subjects. Vali isn't the most level headed Carbuncle, especially when it comes to defending his people, despite never having known them. He believes that his people were great beings who were hunted down for their gems. Trying to put down his people will result in him getting very angry.

  • Flighty. If he believes that he's about to be attacked, he won't hesitate in running away. When in Danger, he'll vanish in an instant.


Loyal. Gaining his trust is a very important thing. Once you've gained it, he becomes the most loyal person you'll ever meet. This is so special because of how hard it is to gain his full trust.​

  • Relaxed. Unless he's being attacked or his people insulted, he's a pretty laid back person. While he doesn't trust people, he can be surprisingly laid back around them.

  • Protective. Those who have gained his trust, have also gained his abilities. Even when being attacked, he will stay if someone can't defend themselves. He will use all of his ability to keep that person protected.


Vali will gently rub his gem when he is nervous or embarrassed. He's been told that it is cute when he does it, which only serves to embarrass him further.​

  • When he is feeling flighty, he moves his feet a little, as if his legs can't keep still. This usually means he's about to run.

  • This trait is only noticeable when he is in his normal Carbuncle form. When he is tired or sleepy, his ears fold back whereas they'd normal stand straight up.


When Vali was born, he was alone. A Carbuncle is born with the knowledge of how to survive in the wild, even if they know nothing else. Fortunately, Vali was also born in the ruined Consulo Kingdom capital. In ruin as it was, he was able to find all sorts of things that told him about his people. He learned that the Carbuncle race was actually brought into existence by the goddess Thana.

The Carbuncle are the most defensive race, designed specifically to protect what is most precious to them. As he got further into his history, he began to see strange things. People, known as Carbuncle Hunters, would hunt down the younger Carbuncle and, using their emotions to disrupt their shields, would tear the gems out of their heads.

A Carbuncle's gem is very valuable, even when not used by the Carbuncle themselves. The gem has been known to prolong the lives of the more short-lived species if it is implanted in them.

Because of this, the Carbuncle was hunted to near extinction. The final noted history, for any who wished to know about the Carbuncle, stated that they used their shielding ability to seal themselves within their own kingdom to await a peaceful death.

Knowing how his people died, Vali had no reason to remain in the ruins and set out to explore the world. Along the way, he met many different people and animals, some that tried to eat him or capture him.

Some species wished to have nothing to do with him as he wasn't like any of them. In this day and age, many many years after the fall of the Carbuncle, there were very few Carbuncle Hunters, however, upon recognizing his telltale gem, some tried to hunt him down for that specific purpose.

By the time he was sixteen, he'd already been hunted by over fifty people and sent away from many villages and kingdoms. He didn't really have a place to belong. Then he received a letter from a pigeon. The letter stated that he was wanted to aid the city of Meigma. At first he was unwary and ignored the letter, sending no response in turn. Afterall, the main point of the letter was his shielding ability.

When he was nineteen, he was in a pretty bad shape, the hunters had become a little more persistent as the money for his gem was increased. He received another letter, this time, this one offered him protection from hunters if he were to give aid to Meigma. Having no where to go, he began a long trip towards the City of Mutts.

When he turned twenty one, he was within a weeks walk to the city. In his travels, he'd learned more about the Trelos and what they were doing. He supposed that he could at least honor the ability of his people and help protect this city from the coming storm

Character Sheet


Name: Xiong

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual (Demisexual if there is a strong enough bond to make him forsake his upbringing)

Species: Zaonian Arkouda Panda

Home Location: Gi̱ ti̱s Parádosi̱s


Animal Partner: none

Crush: none

Lover: none

Family: Uncle Po (mothers brother)

Best Friend: Mark Bluegrav

Enemies: Those who oppose the pursuit of knowledge

Physical aspects


Xiong likes to keep a low profile, although his appearance usually does not help with this. When he is in human form his tanned skin changes color to completely black in areas on the backs of his arms that flow down to his knuckles, and around his eyes like a mask. His eyes are a yellow color but begin to glow bright when he transforms. His hair is long and black but is usually covered by his hood, and his ears stick up off the top of his head like little black powder puffs.



Clothing Style: He wears a traditional style of open armor from Parádosi̱s that covers his vitals and is still open enough for him to move freely. The armor is designed to be able to spread out without breaking for when he transforms. In his human form he usually has a hood pulled up over his head.


Abilities: Xiongs abilities do not reach so much into the mystical powers as it does master of ones self. Through years of meditation and training Xiong can mentally prepare his body for incredible feats of strengths. Though he is not very muscular by focusing his inner energies he can lift things 10 times his own weight.

Weakness: Xiong is not very agile or quick. He is a bit of a lumberer and has a hard time keeping up with quick attacks and moves. Also, since he no longer has his animal companion with him he has been known to fly into what his culture calls Fennu Fever, a rage brought on be extreme emotional stress that cuts him off from his consciousness and releases him into an animalistic furry. Thought once he has been knocked unconscious he is harmless once again.

Strengths: Xiong is extremely durable. He has been thrown through walls and can get back off and shake the attack off. Apart from his abnormal strength he aquires from his training, he is also incredibly well read. He has an eidetic memory and recall every book he has ever read.

Weapon: He can perform a partial transformation with his hands and feet to create elongated claws as weapons. He prefers to fight hand to hand but will use his hardened bamboo staff as a deflector should he find himself in need of a weapon situation.



  • Water (not a huge fan of getting wet)
  • Doing pretty much anything that requires him to leave his book (he's a bit lazy)
  • Not big on social interaction, but will force himself into social situation when necessary
  • Being pegged as stupid because of his strength.


  • Loves books, any kind.
  • Loafing around
  • Basking in a sunny spot with a good book


  • He fears weakness. Not being strong enough to perform in times of need.
  • He has a terrible fear of drowning, so he stears clear of water where he can.


  • Shady spots in a deep forest, in a tree in the sun if he can find it.
  • Libraries, both big and small. If he can find books he is heaven.



  • Xiong is a bit scattered when it comes to his attention. When he finds a good book he focuses on it until he has finished it, but normal everyday stuff tend to get lost to his attention.
  • He is not a very social guy, usually seeking to spend more time with the book he is currently reading.
  • His fear of water has kept him from traveling to places where he can peruse further knowledge


  • Family loyalty. He considers family to be one of the most important things in the world.
  • Knowledgeable. Obviously with his nose stuck into a book he is always in the pursuit of high knowledge.
  • None judgmental. He does not want to be judged by others, why should he do the same to them?

Niches: Xiong loves to chew on a bamboo sprig. Whenever he his deep in thought, or reading his book he chews on the spring until it has completely vanished.


Xiongs was born in Parádosi̱s to his two loving parents 20 years ago. He had been born with his mark already set in since his parents were both of the same species. He was their first and only child, though that had not been their intent. Living in Parádosi̱s, there was always the fear of marauders in the small isolated villages in the country side and families had to be on watch for them. With such a life in the smaller villages Xiong had to grow up fast and smart. His father began to train him in the arts of meditation as early as he could, while his mother would fill his head with knowledge from books that she had acquired over the years.

For 10 years they raised Xiong, instilling as much wisdom and skills into him as they could. During that time Xiong befriended a local child the same age as him name Mark Bluegrav, a bit of a skittish boy but he and Xiong became very close. Over the years, Mark began to spend a lot of time with Xiong and his family. Both the boys grew to love the pursuit of knowledge and would spend hours reading books given to them by Xiongs mother. However they both learned a different art of meditations from their fathers. Mark was the closest thing to a brother that Xiong ever had growing up.

One day while he was out in the marketplace picking up something for his mother, the villagers began to panic. A large group of marauders had come to the village and began destroying everything. Xiong managed to escape the initial attack and hide in the forest west of the village. Once the attackers had left the village, Xiong returned to find his life destroyed. Those who had not escaped were slaughtered, including his family. He was relieved to find that Mark had survived, although separated from his own family

Xiong and Mark stayed in his family home for a day by themselves. It wasn't until the evening afterwards that Xiong heard someone approaching the house. Fearing that it was yet another marauding group, he and Mark hid in the house until a very large muscular man entered the house calling Xiongs mothers name. When the man found them cowering in a closet, he slowly explained that he was Xiong's mothers brother, Po. The man hadn't seen them in a while because of his journey's but wanted to take Xiong and Mark to his home a bit higher in the mountain region. The two went with him where they lived with his uncle for duration of his next 10 years. Through that time Po continued to train and teach his nephew and friend until they were old enough and strong enough to begin their search for Marks lost family. Xiong was not going to let his best friend go out into the world alone so he travels with him.
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Name: Justin Jackson

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Romantic Orientation: Straight

Species: Zaonian Erpon Crocodile

Home Location: Originally born in Megima, but later moved out to live with the other members of Nahuatl in a camp in an isolated part of Zao


Animal Partner: N/A

Crush: Amazon

Lover: Amazon

Family: Is a single child and has a mother and father, Lily and James Jackson, both deceased.

Best Friend: Alen and Dysis

Enemies: Anyone opposed to Nahuatl

Physical aspects

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/3794caed7564c91f46720453502219bd.jpg.20ed8e4d50961f168fbaa2e4b5dbf1cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/3794caed7564c91f46720453502219bd.jpg.20ed8e4d50961f168fbaa2e4b5dbf1cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Animal form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/800a939ae259c5e1fc116cc238694a88.jpg.8949a4b6d8180c36421c4c455498763f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/800a939ae259c5e1fc116cc238694a88.jpg.8949a4b6d8180c36421c4c455498763f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Ignore the weapon and clothing)

Also, he has scales that run down his spine and at the far sides of his face. Above that, his teeth are sharp and spaced out so that if he were smiling at you, they'd be perfectly interlocked.

Animal form:

Clothing Style: He wears shorts made from deer hide and is tied at the waist by a thin but strong rope. As he holds a lot of pride in his build, he wears a small vest that reveals the majority of his upper body. That vest is made primarily of scales but around the collar is in assorted fox fur (What can I say.. it's fluffy)


Abilities: Is a VERY GOOD swimmer... you won't best him in the water. He has jagged teeth and he also extremely built when it comes to upper body strength... very built. If need be he will bite his opponent and at that point... He'll never let go (very powerful jaw muscles). He's a maniac when it comes to close combat and he's very smart in setting up an ambush. He's quick in jumping his opponent and once he's close, there's no getting away. His skin is also extremely tough which allows him to survive in overwhelming conditions and it also serves almost as an armor.

Weakness: Justin has no stamina. He cannot run long distances but fatigue won't stop him from continueing his assault on an opponent if he's already closed in on them.

Strengths: As previously stated, very built upper body, not that much stamina, and very powerful jaws (more for show than anything but it is deadly if he feels the need to use them)

Weapon: Justin's weapon is something of a long chain with a hook attached at the end. He will use this, being that he cannot run down an opponent, to snag his victims. He will throw the hook, catch his target by either having the chain wrap itself around the person or simply hooking them, then pull them towards him using his upper body rather than his legs to run after someone



-Opponents of Nahuatl

-Naive people


-Not having a challenge

Likes: (Bullet form)

-Members of Nahuatl

-Those who are powerful/ worth respecting

-Respect and his pride

-Crushing his opponents


-Losing his dignity

-The end of Nahuatl

-Never achieving his goal of becoming a Zaonian canine


-People that earn respect

-Anyone who won't shy away from a fight



-Extremely cocky: he has a lot of pride and confidence in his abilities

-Has no respect for authority- Will challenge anyone who tries to boss him around, mainly because he's used to being independent

-Desperation- If he feels he might lose a fight, he will resort to simply going berserk, and will probably start using his jaws a little more


-Is undyingly loyal to his cult Nahuatl

-Has a powerful sense of independence and can survive through the most oppressive conditions

-His fighting ability is unparalleled and it takes a lot to take him down

-Ambushes- almost never goes straight into a fight. If he wants to attack someone, he won't let you know, he'll simply wait until the perfect moment to attack by surprise


-If under a lot of pressure or strain mentally, he might tilt his head to crack his neck, simply out of habit.

-If he plans on ambushing someone, he will suddenly fall silent and go deep into thought.

History: (Check Nahuatl Lore in the Overview. Note that it's not up yet but my character's history will be included in the lore)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/d3e084d46977c358c9cffd3d6bc44e60.jpg.a307802279590e0442de709ce0c2a92d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/d3e084d46977c358c9cffd3d6bc44e60.jpg.a307802279590e0442de709ce0c2a92d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: alen white

Gender: male

Age: 17

Romantic orientation: bisexual

Species: zaonian lycos hyena

Hometown: originally born in megima but later moved out to live with the other members of nahuatl in a camp in a isolated part of zao


Animal partner: N/A

Crush: dysis

Lover: dysis

Family: had a brother mother and father. Tobi, Catherine, and jessie white. All dead from unknown reasons

Best friend: justin and amazon

Enemies:any one apposed to nahuatl

Physical aspects

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ba6f442b68f9438ac130fd5cf573c393.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ba6f442b68f9438ac130fd5cf573c393.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clothing style: baggy pants, a tight leather tank with fur coming down the back and a belt with various weapons


Abilities: he's great assassin and a powerful runner. He has heightened senses. (Can hear and see farther and can smell somethings people cant) is very talented with his blades and can move very swiftly and smoothly with them.

Weakness: when dysis is around he acts nicer and will protect her at his own risk

Strengths: very agile and a excellent intelligence gatherer

Weapon: two double sided daggers (blade on each end) made of sharpened dragon teeth. They are dripping with poison from a rare frog that caused the victim to hallucinate.



-opponents of nahuatl

-being bored

-tadpoles (dont ask why its probably just a cultural thing)


-killing in general

-having fun



-being alone (shh its a secret)

-losing to a dumb animal

-the end of nahuatl


-people that know how to have fun




-hates rules so will break them when he feels like it

-drinks alcohol. Alot. When its around

-fights dirty and mercilessly without rhyme or reason


-extremely loyal to who ever he works for

-can be stealth when needed

-his agility makes him get away from ambushes easily should something go wrong


-when he needs to stop and gather himself he sits crisscross and puts his hands together in his lap and starts thinking

-when he wakes up in the morning he looks at his necklace of animal teeth for the memories

History: (^^what he said)



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Dysis Kane

  • Gender




    Romantic Orientation



    Zaonian Psari Mako Shark

    Home location

    Was born in a village that bordered the swamp. They later moved out into a camp for Nahuatl .

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  • Gihal

    Full Name:
    Gideon Frann Haldorn

    Gideon was given the nickname Gihal during his childhood, the name stuck with him and if pressed he will give this as his name when he meets new people.


    Age, (actual age and how old he looks to others):
    Gideon is 19 years old, however, due to his height he is sometimes thought to be 17. On occasion, he has been mistaken for a 23 year old too but this was more due to intoxication in the person he was talking to at the time and low light.

    Romantic Orientation:
    Gideon is not very clear about what his orientation is, he is totally happy to flirt with anyone though.

    Zaonian Amfivio Salamander

    Home Location:
    Gideon grew up in the large town of Hochklana located just outside the south-western edge of the Vrochi Forest. Hochklana is home to many types of Zaonian, it is surrounded by low stone walls and currently governed by His Excellence Lord Vymos Haldorn .

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Indira Amazon Kane





Romantic Orientation:



Zaonian Gata Cougar

Home Location:

Was born in village that bordered the swamp but later moved into a camp for Nahutal

Animal Partner: Kitten named Deiadrae


Justin Jackson


Justin Jackson


Dysis Kane

Best Friend(s):

Alen White and Dysis Kane


Opposers of Nahuatl, beet salesmen


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ab9fcd19ca49b3636e4aab81f53c5041.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ab9fcd19ca49b3636e4aab81f53c5041.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.79085044d60941fed82248f5254c8c95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.79085044d60941fed82248f5254c8c95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.76d8bd1e91ef228b6578f1bd21e5569d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.76d8bd1e91ef228b6578f1bd21e5569d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Animal form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.dce140333bfe49b1c93d86029efa3ef6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.dce140333bfe49b1c93d86029efa3ef6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Amazon is a mixture of races, explaining her honey brown skin, tanned from hours of being outdoors and bright gold eyes. Her hair is a ocean of chestnut curls and rarely straightened. Amazon is rather petite, 5’3 and weighing about 117 pounds but has a leanly muscular, healthy frame with great amounts of feminine curve. Her nails are very sharp and hard and so are her teeth, though she prefers using her nails in a fight. Amazon’s tail is out most times and natually

Clothing Style:

What Amazon is usually seen in varies, she enjoys clothing and owns lots of it. On a typical day in the hot, humid swamp, she’ll be seen in a bandeau top or t-shirt and tight shorts. She’s very proud of her body and most of the things she owns emphasizes her shape.


  • Extremely flexible
  • Very fast
  • Night vision
  • Remarkable stamina
  • “ Copycat” ability. Able to easily mimic the moves of others


  • She has a petite structure and a powerful blow will hurt or stun her significantly
  • Very loud, sudden noises will stun her
  • She can handle incredibly hot temperatures but gets cold very easily and when she's cold, she gets a bit sluggish
  • Large,open spaces unnerve her


• Graceful

• Incredibly intuitive

• Creatively sly, coming up with of ideas no one could think of

• Fast both physically and mentally

• Grudgingly sweet

• Surprisingly good singer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.1b7bfd56883801aa0bb81df3ab021701.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.1b7bfd56883801aa0bb81df3ab021701.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.4cecc3cbabe108624e6de7445cb9b195.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.4cecc3cbabe108624e6de7445cb9b195.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has several kunai on her person and is extremely good with all knives though these are her favorite

This whip, called Fulgur which is lighnting in Latin, is made of a thick yet flexible and durable hide with wickedly sharp metals barbs laying on top of it. If she uses the whip a specific way, the barbs will go flying up and can cause a terrible amount of damage.


• Beets. She hates them with a burning passion

• Unexpected petting

• Not being able to speak

• Wearing full body clothing


• Warm environmental

• Being petted

• Sleeping

• Playful-and then not so playful hunting

• Climbing on everything


• Drowning

•Being prey

• Not being in full control of her body

Being alone for long periods of time

• Rejection


• Warm, dark areas

• Places that are high up

• Amusing people or places

• Music

• Anything shiny


• Selfish.She'd betray most for what she wants in a second and not feel any remorse .

• Enjoys lying and sometimes does it without meaning too, simply calling distorting the truth

• Gets a bit mad when she doesn't have enough to attention though gets even worst when she has too much

•Overly emotional

• Not patient


• Alluring

• Doesn’t procrastinate

• Passionate about everything she does

• When she is faithful to something, she’ll die for it

• Constantly aware

• Oddly motherly


• Sits in odd contortions subconsciously

• Swipes her tongue on and around her teeth when stressed, sometimes accidentally scraping herself

• Constantly walks with a

sultry hip and tail swing

•Whenever she gets frustrated or overly emotional, she'll just produce a series out cat like noises instead of talking

• Extremely light sleeper but can go back under easily

Amazon's history will be included in the Nahuatl Lore.



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Don Venti

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/558708-bigthumbnail.jpg.279d99058445950ac768bdda18a91f82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/558708-bigthumbnail.jpg.279d99058445950ac768bdda18a91f82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Romantic Orientation: Panromantic

    Species: Zaonian Mythikos Gryphon

    Home Location: Chorto Grasslands, Anemoi Tribe



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Shen Aaraba

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/anthro_cheetah_guy_design__zien__commision__by_precia_t-d6qpwsu.jpg.46e6f964ed419262527247622a91fccd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/anthro_cheetah_guy_design__zien__commision__by_precia_t-d6qpwsu.jpg.46e6f964ed419262527247622a91fccd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Gender: Male

    Age: 22

    Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

    Species: Zaonian Gata Cheetah

    Home Location: Cilada Desert, Aaraba Kingdom



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  • Gender: Genderless (People Refer to Jenoah as He)

    Age: 18

    Romantic Orientation: Panromantic

    Species: Zaonian Erpon Chameleon

    Home Location: Valtos Swamps, Treetops City



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Hawk Ayonette Setre

  • Basics


    Hawk Ayonette Setre



    [she / Her / Hers]


    Seventeen Years Old

    Romantic Orientation


    Sexual Orientation



    Zaonian Ouranos Griffin Vulture

    Home Location


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Berengar "Bear" Aratair


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ca5675f164cfec6ee824a85f56b1a0ea.jpg.329b263e29b4e0100c2a6e42214cd98a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ca5675f164cfec6ee824a85f56b1a0ea.jpg.329b263e29b4e0100c2a6e42214cd98a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Berengar "Bear" Aratair





Romantic Orientation:



Zaonian Arkouda Bear

Home Location:

Feouran Bear Tribe


Animal Partner: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/7167598735_96e55c8007_b.jpg.1598c40664e1161289dfe6a7e4dd3bd0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/7167598735_96e55c8007_b.jpg.1598c40664e1161289dfe6a7e4dd3bd0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







Best Friend:

His best friend and only friend is his animal companion, Kota. He's been with him through thick and thin and hasn't ever deceived, lied, or been mean to Bear, no matter how many times he's been inhumane to him.


While he's made many enemies in the past, he's always had a profound hatred for wolves, foxes, and anything else found in the Lycos tree. This is because his best friend had a near death encounter because of them. He's also not very fond of the Psari either. Every other class is just find so long as they do't get on his bad side.

Physical aspects


He's a sort of hybrid between a human and a bear, however he looks like a full blown brown bear standing at it's full height. This sometimes catches people off guard and that could be a good thing in battle, they probably weren't expecting a extremely tall bear standing to attack them with a war axe. He's very muscular and tall as I've stated before, but when I say he's tall I mean he's very tall reaching at a height of 7'11. Around his shoulders, extremities, and face are blue stripes; war paint he has on almost all the time. The only time he doesn't have the pain on is when he's bathing. There is a distinguishing and long scar running down his back, this was caused by another Zaonian, a bear to be exact, flesh is still visible through the thin layer of fur in that area. His claw on his right middle finger is chipped and is obvious to all.

Clothing Style:

He's not the type to really wear clothing, the only thing he really wears is a cloth that covers his private areas, the cloth matches his fur exactly. Other than that he doesn't wear anything because he enjoys showing off his masculinity. However on special occasions he will wear something formal such as a special hide armor that his father wore on his first battle.



His animal counterpart granted him the power of warrior's cry, he can only use this once a day but this ability let's him let out a large roar that causes enemies to flee for sixty seconds. He doesn't chase them down, he actually uses this time to retreat or heal bandage himself up. This ability also causes him to become exhausted and unable to do more powerful attacks.


He's generally weaker to long range attacks such as bows, magic, crossbows, etc. That's why he rushes into battle with great speed and strength.

His own ability causes him to become weaker for a few moments too, it causes his stamina to be drained along with his endurance.


His ability is a extremely strong, causing enemies to run away.

He he has great strength and speed, able to run on all fours like a bear.

He has amazing skill with his claws, fists, fangs, and last but certainly not least his axe.

He's able to easily track enemies down with his superior sense of smell.


His ace is heavy, some say it's so heavy that only he can hold it with ease, but that's only a rumor. This is no rumor however, it's made of the bones of his enemies and some metal. Smelted into one single blade. It's extremely deadly; deadly enough to pierce through the bodies of his enemies with ease. The handle is just plain metal however.



  • His enemies
  • Negotiating
  • Losing
  • Weaklings
  • Psari
  • Lycos
  • Reading


  • Fighting
  • Hunting
  • Tracking
  • Planning
  • Brawling
  • Drinking


  • Losing his best friend, Kota.


  • Spicy food
  • Drinks
  • A challenge



  • Understanding Negotiation
  • Controlling his anger
  • Fighting Uncontrollably
  • Not listening to others weaker than him (Excluding his partner)


  • His strength.
  • Gaining his loyalty.
  • Becoming his friend.
  • Protectiveness of his friends.


  • Ear flick, this shows he's annoyed.
  • Kicking the ground, this shows he's bored
  • Fidgety, this shows he's excited.
  • Dozing off, this also shows when he's bored.


He was born in the mountains with really nothing, he didn't have any memory of his parents or anyone. Nobody was there for him besides his friend, his only friend. His companion. He was only a baby when the small sun bear found the cub and took care of him, the sun bear didn't have it in him to just leave him in the cold to die and be eaten by predators. He was cared for a long time, and to this day he is still cared for by Kota. Kota knew this young child would become a strong and powerful man but only if he was trained that way, he didn't know what compelled him but he decided to take him to a tribe, the tribe was called the Feouran Bear tribe. Even at a young age he was trained in the arts of a warrior and he enjoyed every single moment of it. At the age of thirteen he received his first actual weapon, a simple Iron axe. Kota couldn't have been more proud of the newly named "Berengar".

One night, Bear was beginning to return to the village with a large supply of rabbit until he saw it, he dropped the dead rabbit and saw it, the village was being attacked by Lycos. Kota was cornered by three wolves who had droll dripping out of their mouths. Kota was completely defenseless against these savage beasts. Instantly Bear rushed towards the foxes, his heart beating violently and his paws thumping against the ground heavily, anger flurried in his eyes as he ripped his axe tighly in his right hand. He blacked out for a moment and came back to see blood and gore all over the place, he fell back and grasped his head, only to realize blood was on his paws. He glanced up and saw Kota, inhaling and exhaling deeply, there was a large wound on the side of Kota's flank. The large bear attempted to get up but was stung from the pain of a scar than ran across his back. Blood spewing out. He worked through the intense pain and began applying pressure to the wound until another Zaonian pushed him out of the way and began to patch the sun bear up. He survived, but from that day forward he swore to never let anything happen to Kota ever again.

Years passed and now he was twenty, a smile ran across his face littered with war wounds and dirt. He was receiving a special weapon, the weapon he named "Bones of the Enemy". He named it this because he killed enough enemies to finally get his specially crafted weapon he's asked for all his life, an axe made out of the bones of his enemies. From that day forward he left the tribe and went out alone to find new adventures and challenges.



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