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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

There is something that stands out on Zao and it is the animals of Zao and their people. It is said that hundreds of thousands of years ago an animal and a Zaonian combined themselves into one, but you can read more about that in the Fairy tale lore. Zaonians have since than diverged into many sub-species of themselves, usually following the path of their parents and home. Zao has always been a decently peaceful place, but for too long they have remained separate and hidden from others, some even tossing out their young that do not follow in their footsteps. They rely too deeply on their community, forgetting that Zao is a community itself. The City of Mutts or Meigma (means mix) has always been keen on bring together the world and all its people, but everyone is stuck in their ways and ignores the council that runs the city. The world is no longer peaceful though. These creatures called the Trelos have started to destroy cultures to extinction, corrupt the land they walk on, and transform the animals into rabid beast.

This is where you come in. You have been called to Meigma with a cry for help. Most of you are keen to run away from the trapped life you have lived, some wish to stay in their village, but are pushed by some unknown force, and others have nowhere else to go. You aren’t really sure why you were chosen, just that you received a letter from a pigeon telling you that it was your destiny. Perhaps it has something to do with the Trelos or perhaps it’s something else. All you know is that you’ve never felt so alone.

Any Questions? Ask GMs

@DemonKitten @StoneWolf18

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The City of Mutts. It sounded a bit rude. Usually people wanted pure breeds around, not mixed together people. Vali didn't particularly care who loved who or where someone was from, just as long as they didn't butt too much into his business. He frowned as he looked around at the bustling folk. He was in a sort of town square, one where people gathered and talked. It was the best place to gain information without being noticed that your eavesdropping.

There really wasn't much to know. It was the daily life of everyone. Someone's child got hurt playing with others, someone's husband was caught being unfaithful. It was so...common. In the places he'd been allowed to visit, it was always something about nobility or who would marry who. It was very refreshing to hear people having very simple problems. He looked down at his fingers and wiggled them, looking at them curiously. He didn't take this form often, much preferring his small, easily hid form. This form was also very awkward. He didn't know how others handled being so bipedal all the time.

He then used said fingers to pluck at the clothing he was wearing. He didn't like clothes, even if he had a preference for this style of clothing. They were so confining and a poor excuse for warm fur. He so loved his fur. It was the same with being bipedal, he couldn't imagine not having fur all the time. It made him shiver a little just thinking how cold the fur-less must be all the time. Even now, he felt colder than normal, these clothes barely doing much to keep him warm.

Vali supposed that it was partially his fault. He'd decided to sit here and eavesdrop on people instead of going to see the council like he was supposed to. When he'd first arrived, he'd gotten information on where he was supposed to go. Apparently, all newcomers to Megima were supposed to visit the Council Tower. It was where they recieved identification for the city and adventurers would be given jobs or quests that would aid the city. They certainly worked their citizens properly. He supposed that the constant work helped foster a sense of togetherness among the many different species.

He sighed "Guess I'll start heading there" he wasn't completely ready for the idea of being told what to do by complete strangers, however, he'd made the trip all the way here, so he might as well go the full distance. He could always simply leave if he wasn't comfortable with what was going on, and he was good at leaving. If he needed to get away quickly, he could easily change back into his other form and be gone before they knew it.

Standing up, he gave a small stretch before turning and walking towards the tower. It'd take him a few minutes to get there. Unfortunately there was nothing else he could do, he had some money, but not a lot. In fact, he needed any job he was going to be given. Foraging for food would only go so far and while his people weren't exactly carnivores, they couldn't subsist on fruits and vegetables alone. He wasn't much of a hunter so he depended on those who were for the small amount of meat he did need.

He gently reached up to touch the gem embedded in his forehead, a nervous tick he'd yet to rid himself of. He really didn't want to deal with strangers who could tell him what to do. When he realized what he was doing, he dropped his hand. He didn't want to draw attention to the gem.

With a sigh, he stopped in front of the Council Tower and looked at it calmly "No time like the present" he said softly before offering a small prayer "Thana, help me deal with these people...and please offer them your protection" as much as he disliked meeting new people, he knew that these people were doing good things for those who didn't have a home. With another sigh, he entered the building, thinking he needed a nap.
Justin King Jackson forced himself through the crowd, bumping into whoever didn't have the sense to get out of the way fast enough. He came upon a plaza with assorted shops set up for public consumation. A no wide grin made its way to Justin's face, exposing his sharp and perfectly interlocked teeth, as his eyes set themselves upon a booth seeing fish. He walked up to it, slamming his fist down on the table on arrival. "How much for the biggest fish you have?" He demanded from the store keeper as he eyed the fish hungrily. Justin licked his teeth. "This one... is worth about 85," the shopkeeper told him. Justin frowned for a second. It was a rather expensive fish but... he was also so hungry. "Take the money," he said, tossing a small bag of coins to the shopkeeper and grabbing the fish that spanned from shoulder to broad shoulder. Justin walked out and took a bite out of the head of the fish, messily dropping some chunks of flesh on the floor as he extracted his teeth from the fish.

Justin began making his way to the Council tower, to meet the others. When he got there, he w as surprised to find that he was the first to arrive. Justin shrugged and decided to find a spot to sit and enjoy his meal. Justin took another bite of the already half eaten fish. He wondered if he should any for Dysis or not. Justin figured if she got here and there was still some left he'd give a piece to her. Justin soon decided to observe his surroundings while he waited. His eyes came upon... an interesting figure outside of the Council building. Justin suddenly started eating his fish in a much quieter, and conservative fashion. He eyed someone who seemed to be... pressing his finger on his forehead. Justin squinted to try to make out who the boy was. Wait... there was something on his forehead. Suddenly, the boy stopped paying attention to the object on his forehead. "Interesting..." Justin muttered. He was one to let his curiosity get the better of him. But he figured that he'd find out later. After all, the boy just walked into the tower. Justin wasn't as quiet anymore. He took another huge bite from his fish. "Damnit this is good!" He exclaimed, gleefully as he chewed on the tender flesh of his meal. "Worth every coin outta my pocket," Justin added. He leaned back on the bench as he waited for the others to arrive, but busying himself with studying every single person that walked into the Council tower.
The day had turned out a lot better than he had imagined it would when he had first woken. The darker clouds that had moved in during the night had passed without any incident, keeping the roads nice and clean for Xiong as he made his way for Megima. This was the first time he had been to The City of Mutts, and we eager to see what kinds of books such a large scale cross breed city had to offer. During his walk he had finished his last book and was now hoping to find something new in the next city.

Still unsure how the messenger had managed to track him down, Xiong had been rattling the previous night around in his head. Late into the evening a messenger from Megima had tracked down Xiong and given him a note summoning him to the city. Though the note did not say who had sent it, or for what purpose, he none the less was already headed in the direction of the city so he thought it would be worth looking into. Even more curious was the fact that when he awoke this morning his friend Mark was no where to be seen. Assuming he had gotten a head start, Xiong left the little inn looking for him along the road. But now he was almost to the city and still hadn't seen hide nor feather of the man.

Xiong shrugged "Just means I'll get to look through the book stores before him." Xiong made his way into the city and immediately regretted the decision. There were Zoa everywhere! Xiong was very uncomfortable with so many in such a little place, he turned to leave back the way he came but saw the people pouring into the city and new there was nowhere but forward. He spun around looking at the city trying to discern where it was he needed to go and finally found on one of the road signs a arrow pointing towards Council's Tower. He huffed and began to weave his way through the crowds until he was finally spit out in front of the council tower.

He pulled his hood over his head a bit tighter as he looked around the courtyard to the tower. Notcing a man sitting outside on a bench he decided to keep his eyes forward. Mark is headed to the same place. Ill just wait for him here. He thought to himself as he peered into the crowd hoping to see Mark. When he found he was nowhere in sight, he swung his pack around his shoulder and reached in finding one of his books. A small green spring sat in between a few page, which he opened to and placed the sprig into his mouth. HE leaned against one of the walls and began to read through the pages of his book quietly.
Alen was sleeping on top of a nearby building dreaming about rams and sheep. He was supposed to be up there all day and night doing recon for this meeting thing but nothing ever happened besides some random street brawls and average mugging. He eventually rolled over in his sleep and fell of the building.

On his way down he felt a little light and slowly opened his eyes to see he was falling which made his eyes jolt open "this is gonna-!" Thud. He landed in a fruit cart filled with various well....fruits believe it or not. He laid there face first and groaned "why me...?" He rolled over again and fell out of the cart covered in fruit juice. "Ugh I hate mornings" he got up and wiped himself of with his hands.

Once he finally cleaned himself he looked around for the remaining members of his group. "Probably should've done this from the roof..." He grumbled as he squinted his eyes and searched the crowd "let's see....no dysis....no demanding little-I mean Amazon...ah! There's one!" He saw Justin sitting at a bench and made his way over to him.

While moving through the crowd he pickpocketed several people he walked past like it was just a casual routine. By the time he had arrived his hands had several bags of coins in it. "Heads up!" He tossed a bag to Justin and put the rest in his pockets "nice fish. I had fruit unfortunately...." He mumbled still annoyed by what happened. He sat next to Justin and leaned back with a lazy look "so how's your day been?"
"Im sorry Buds but i must go....i will return Howerver ok!....Just promise me you wont get in any trouble ok?"

"Yes i shall Milady.....Same to you..."

The Zaonian Girl was standing on the beach speaking mentaly to its "Brother" that can be seen not to far away in the water,Natasha would have went towards him but she was in a Hurry and aswell she needed the time,she smield and Noded to the masive head peeking out of the water,horns reachs as far as it could,soon it gave out a Very low Grone similer to a whale and soon dissapear in the sea,natasha smield and would turn around and Begine to walk towards the Path ahead that leads towards the tower....she could speak to him wenever she whanted but she whanted to be with him and aswell him with her but she was on land and could not be with her companion,she sigh mentaly and as she did she would hear a Voice "Its alright.....Thus they Call for you and thus must go....i will be wating and im here thus forever"the voice said mostly Mithical like...angelic...or somthing similer,she smield as she walk and would respond speeking with ceadeus the great elder in minde "I know....but i dont whant to be so seperated you know?...and im kinda nervius of what is this about too"

"Im thus aware of that Milady but time comes wen we must depart....it wont be forever"It said as she sigh and Noded and would reply "ok....just...be acrfull ok? Promise me you will be there wen i go look for you"she said to him and slightly nervius aswell as she look up and was entering the City and so Many People! all shape and sizes,she look down slightly,she rub her left horn slightly nervius but aswell made sure not to hit anybody with them...so many people she might end up hitting some one,soon she heard a voice "I thus dont make Promises....But i will"it said only for natasha to smiel and look foward and continue making her way towards the Tower,her Light green dress following,she was slightly nervius as last time some one confuse her for a Bull...........she is not a bull,she is a a ceadeus,soon she made it to the tower,she look up but desided to keep silence....pleas....hope no one says she is a Bull again,Bulls dont have large horns like hers! Geez. she look around seeing a few that were here atleast.

Mark Here

Mark silently walk down the road,his hands behinde his back and his large straw hat was tilted dowards covering his face from the sun and those who look,he had a serius face as he resive a Note to Visite the great city and make his way towards the Council,s Tower,he dint whant to leave but he must,as he place his first Foot inside the city he started to hear Voices of multiple people all over the place,he sigh "Ugh....so Loud..thus why so many Voices"Mark whispers to himself as he walk the City towards the tower,his light feet sofly steping on the pathway making no noice,he was slow and whanted to take his time as he did,no Hurry Needed,he would remove his Large straw hat and look up,the sun hitting his face and made his Pony tail fall and reveald, "atleast the sun thus warms my heart here..."he said as she would place his straw hat back and continue walking.

as he did he Hope to see Po-...Um..Nothing! Xiong Here,he did get up early to get a Nice meditation session on the sun too soon move on,he would have woken him up but he whanted to make sure black and white had a Good sleep,he keep and eye for him and soon as he did he could see that Unique Big guy as always,i mean compared to those around him he was much differnt,he sigh and realife he was here and would slowli start making his way towards him....but the people made it preaty hard as it was Crowded alot,soon we he was close he would hope he has not notice him,he gave a slight smiel,stoping and would Clear his Throat loud enough for His "Little" Friend to hear him and said "
Thus you are reading a Book at this time i see?.....I expected you to be at the tower"He said with his hands behinde his back and his straw hat ontop covering him from the sun....oh he was so easy to spot.

Drawn in by all the shops and busy passing of the streets, Blake was to enthralled to head to the tower just yet. Never in her lifetime had she been allowed to leave the Dexia forest or even the bounders of the Palace. Now she was as far from the Palace as she could get having been picked up by one of the cities flying machines and placed here. "How glorious!" She thought out loud as her tails waved back and forth hitting a few bystanders. "Can you watch it?" One of them yowled at her in discontent and Blake turned around to see her tail had tangled to poor boy. "Oh, I'm sorry," She smiled as she unwrapped him from her tail. He scoffed and continued off without a thought towards her.

Sighing, Ashlyn came across a vendor selling souvenirs. Her father had informed her that this city liked to trade little coin pieces which he had given her if she had wanted or needed anything. Seeing a little glass bowl with the whole of Megima in it so nicely crafted, Blake just had to have it as hers. "How many weird coin pieces is this cost?" The woman running the stand was a Ouranos by the looks of her feathered body. "20?" the Ouranos Zaonian said, not sure about her own choice in price. "Okay," Blake smiled and reached her slender hand into her black leather backpack pulling out a large, swollen purse of coins and handing her twenty. The woman's mouth was wide open as she regretted not asking for more and Blake took the glass ball.

Feeling accomplished, Blake placed the ball into her bag and headed towards the towers. She straightened her brown shorts and her green tank top she had chose to wear. "If only I had found a hat vendor," she said bitterly since she had forgotten her own. "Perhaps I'll find one later," Blake approached the tower and noticed others around all of different backgrounds. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she thought of maybe running into a Gata. She looked around curiously seeing if anyone seemed open to chat with her. Alas, everyone looked distant or already had someone, so Blake stayed back a little sad, but still determined.
Pushing her way through the streets, Dysis hissed something under her breath as her foot got trampled. She hated the city, she hated crowds. Hell, she hated people in general. Passing various stands, she paused at one. The scent of fish like a thick, alluring smog. Dysis hadn’t eaten today, and she was hungry. Wandering near the stand, the large fish seeming quite small than before. “What’s the largest fish you got here?” Though she was capable of getting one on her own, she didn’t feel like hunting at the moment. The fishmonger sighed, “Sorry ma’am, just sold it to a well built fellow. She was a beauty too, such a shame…” A frown appeared upon her lips, she knew he was lying because as she walked off, a pair of finely dressed men stepped forward. And sure enough, they walked away with a fish larger than both of her arms.

Following them at a distance, Dysis watched them dip into an alley, most likely heading to a restaurant that needed food. As they struggled to unlock the door, she hung in the shadow’s. Waiting. “Damn it Marius! We’re locked out…” Said the other one. Marius replied with an eye roll “Did you try the other keys?” he responded, annoyance thick in his voice. Stepping out, she gave a thin smile “You boys need help?” Dysis asked, her tone as if she were talking to child. The unnamed one gave an embarrassed nod “Hey...yeah..uh….sure” as he stepped back, Marius interrupted “No. Were good. Thank you.” His voice stern and forceful. Shaking her head in a playful way, Dysis unsheathed her swords. “No, I don’t think you are.” She then pinned them on both of their chests, yet she hadn’t thought all of this through. While John Doe stood stunned offering anything for his life, Marcius began to snarl. Taking a step back, he began to shit. And when he was done, a 7 foot humanoid wolf was standing in front of her. Dysis crossed her swords in a defensive position, growling in return. The wolf stood still for a moment then broke into a thunderous chuckle. "Littl' fish outa water, Eh?" Turning to the other guys, "hey! Where's that water skin of yours?" His barking tone making the guys jump. Apparently he didn't care for his name either. The John Doe passed it to the wolf who then uncapped it. "Ah, water. Great stuff ain't it?" His large muzzle twisting into a crude smirk. He was expecting her to turn and run, avoid him. She took a step back, then rammed into him, blade’s spearing his stomach. Letting loose a roar, he through the waterskin aside, ripped backward the blade’s making a slick squelching sound as it passed back through his flesh, it unfortunately missed any organs and major arteries. As blood poured from the parallel wounds, he became enraged. Apparently ignoring the pain, Marius leapt at her. Dysis dove out of the way, but because the alley is so thin, she landed right atop the waterskin. “SHIT” she exclaimed as the liquid began to soak through her clothing. Holding his stomach, the wolf gave a wet, wheezing chuckle. She shifted, and it wasn’t pleasant. Now, the only thing in between her and the wolf were the swords crossed in front of her. As Marius approached, Dysis tightened her grip on the hilt. With one paw he tried to stanch to blood flow, and with his other, he took a swipe at ‘er. This gave her an opportunity, as it came down, she slashed upward. Only leaving his thump attached to a stump. The rest felt to the ground, blood spurting in a gruesome fountain out of both. A bit of it rained on her, the rest pooled near the wolf. He let out a scream, held his hand to his chest, snarling, he made a deep cut along her side. Cursing he ran. Sighing she fel on her back, tired of holding herself up. Dysis remembered the John Doe. Turning to him she asked “Can I see your coat?”

After she had dried off, patched the wound and stood up. He was scared out of his mind. Dysis muttered somethings, walked over and smashed him upon the head with the hilt of Sang. Not killing him, but he’ll be out for a few hours. Sheathing the weapons, Dysis made her way out of the blood soaked alley. Grabbing the fish that they had bought before, she ate it as she walked in the direction of the Council Tower.

Catching sight of Justin, she picked up the pace. Once there, she finished the fish and greeted him. Dysis hopped the scent of blood, hers and Marius wasn't too noticeable.
“People like you are the scum of Zao” . With that statement, Amazon proceed to take a beet and conk it once, no twice on the man’s head. “ Now say you're sorry” , the salesman-Herming looked incredibly confused, rubbing his head and blinking slowly, “ For what ?”. Amazon picked up a beet by the root, disgusted, and shoved it in the man’s face, “ FOR SELLING THESE, VERMIN”. With a face flushed from being beaten by a beet and then humiliated for his job, Herming grabbed Amazon by the collar to bring her against the post of the stall, “ CHILD, THIS IS A FAMILY OCCUPATION. MY FATHER’S FATHER’S FATHER SELLED BEETS AND MY SON WILL TOO. BEETS ARE LOVE. BEETS ARE LIFE….speaking of my son, where is he ?”. Suddenly, a lean, blond and very attractive boy loped over to the stall, carrying a fish. Easily yanking her body away from Herming, Amazon leapt over to the boy. She didn't get the chance to eat and her stomach was rolling around from the salty, cloying scent of the fish. Kneeling down to inspect it, she’d glance up at Herming’s son, slowly gliding her tongue across cherry lips. Unexpectedly, Amazon got on all fours and shoved her body against the blond boy, “ Mrrow”. She kept pushing him until he stumbled back into a chair, his father screeching out, “ KAIDEAN, GET THAT BEET HATING DEMONESS AWAY FROM YOU-”. From there, Amazon stretched her body over his, purring sweetly in the startled boy’s ear. All Kaidean had been saying was either “ Eh”, “ Uh”, “ Erm”, or “ Ugh”, his face was flushed and his green eyes wide.

Finally, after she gently tugged his ear with her teeth, ignoring the wails of Herming, Kaidan gasped and dropped the fish thus giving Amazon the opportunity she had been waiting for. Gracefully leaping off of him, Amazon landed on all fours and quickly snatched the decently large fish in her mouth, gently clamping the side of its body between her keen pearly teeth. Before they could say anything, she bounded out the cramped shop, still on all fours. Though when Amazon was out of the building, she gave the two a brief wave-and a kunai knife embedded itself in the wooden post, right next to Herming’s head and in fact it was fast enough to nick through the eyelid and into his eye.

Now on both legs, Amazon jetted through the crowd, holding onto the fish as if she’d die without it. Amazon couldn't help expertly slipping a couple pastries out of a nearby woman’s bag and slipping them into her pockets. Swatting chestnut curls out of her golden eyes, Amazon began slipping between the waves of bodies to find a someone, or something that could entertain her. Contending with a small puppet show, she sat down and winked at the children, crunching loudly on the head of the fish as she did so. When the fish was nothing but a collection of bare bones completely stripped of meat, Amazon gave each bone a individual rub down with her tongue which earned the children's attention, being more entertaining than the angered puppeteer. Giving each child a damp bone, which for some reason they eagerly took, Amazon gave them a overly dramatic, teary farewell, “ My dear little cubs, the occasion calls me to leave and not see your pretty little faces but don't lament, WE SHALL MEET AGAIN…..I’ve enjoyed this…” and with that, she slipped back into the sea of people.
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On this day a miracle happened, it was not a miracle many would notice or that many would care about as for them it would be a normal thing but for Tela it was a miracle. She had actually found some place she had been looking for, this might be normal for others but for Tela this was basically a first or rather it might actually be a first she could not remember ever being able to find her way to anything. Though this brought up a question she had never gotten answered how someone found her when she was once again lost, though lost was her natural state, well at least they had been kind enough to read the invitation to her as Tela couldn't really read and she wouldn't even know where she was to go if just left to read it herself.

This was the first time in 11 years that she had been in a city and it was much bigger than the small city she remembered coming from, or maybe she just remembered wrong she didn't know. There were lots of people that stared and her as she wandered the streets, apparently she was doing something odd it was like they had never seen a dragon before. It actually took her awhile to figure out what made her stand out everyone else had clothes and she didn't. She had left her home with only one set and those had eventfully worn down to nothing and she never bothered to try to make any she had scales that covered her body so she didn't need clothes.

Still despite having found this city Tela was once again lost, she was to go to some council but they hadn't met her at the gate and she didn't know where council was in cities. While anyone might reason that the council was in the tower she couldn't as well that little detail had been forgotten and no one shouted at her to go to the tower so she was left to wander the city. She would need to get something to eat, and Tela didn't know how they did things in cities anymore Vaerosurakasurr had liked gold and shiny things, a trait she had taken up though she lost her shiny things, but not many people seemed to have shiny things on them, though she wasn't in a market so no one was bartering. Well if it came down to it this place seemed big enough to have some wild animals running about it so Tela could just find a place to stay and start hunting like normal.
Justin took the last parts of the fish and swallowed it whole. He took the bones of the fish and used them to pick his teeth. Justin's eyes wandered about the place spotting Dysis walking up to him and Alen. Justin didn't have a good sense of smell... in fact... his sense of taste was better than his nose. If he was in the water he'd taste blood rather than smell it. Anyway, he didn't take notice of the fact that Dysis had been injured. Justin held up the large skeleton of the fish. "Look what I was able to catch out in the market. Big price but it had a big taste," Justin said with a wide smirk. He tossed the skeleton aside and wiped his mouth with his hand. He leaned back again on the bench searching for Amazon, the only member missing from their group.

Justin looked around at the crowd of people. But instead of Amazon, he came upon a girl with scales around her body... but no clothes. Justin nudged Alen. "Looks like we've got an eyeful," he said, giving a hungry chuckle. Justin watched her for a while before someone else stole his attention. It was Amazon walking among the crowd. Of course she'd steal away his interest. Justin mused himself at the thought as he whistled loudly to get her attention. When she would look over, Justin waved and indicated her to come over to them. "Hey, babe, how was hunting?" Justin said, when she was close enough to hear him.
Xiong looked up from his book as he felt someone approaching. A bit of relief washed over him as he say the lanky characteristics of Mark and his giant straw hat. With a huff Xiong took the sprig out of his mouth and placed it back into the book on the page he had been reading. He crossed his arms over his chest looking down at the man from beneath his hood "Mark. Was wondering where you wondered off to this morning. Thought maybe you had went ahead of me to hit the book stores before myself. Glad to see i was wrong." He gave the man a weak smile and raise an arm, patting his friend on the shoulder.

Xiong looked around the courtyard and watched as more and more people began to arrive and gather. Xiong shuddered a bit "I hope there are not more Zoanians than this. I was under the impression we were being summoned individually." He looked around at the faces, so many different species had gathered in the courtyard. He was able to pick most of them out but tell tale signs, until he caught sight of a small green haired boy entering the tower. For split second he noticed a bit of a glint coming from the boys forehead and the realized what it was. He looked over to Mark and gestured to the door "I think I just saw a Carbuncle go into the tower." He rose from the wall and motioned to the door.

Passing through the small crowd outside the tower Xiong pulled the door open and made his way inside. Looking around the entrance hall and watched the green haired figure from a distance. Xiong slunk behind a pillar in the hall and watched, his yellow eye trained on the boy. Finally he turned his head and Xiong caught sight of the gem. It was exactly as his book had said, the young boy had a gem embedded into his forehead. Such a rare and powerful item, Xiong had so many questions about the rumors he had read about, but then realized he would have to introduce himself to someone.

@Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire
Inside the tower was a lot quieter than outside. Many of the Zaonians outside of the tower had friends or family they wished to speak to before entering the building. It was certainly a nice reprieve from the bustling crowd. Vali didn't do well in large groups and preferred to find a nice quiet place to observe from a distance. For now, he didn't know what to do, he assumed he'd just be called on when it was time for him to speak with the Council.

After a bit of looking around, he found the perfect spot to wait. It was a small bench in the corner of the room. It was a place he could put his back against the wall so no one could come up behind him. If anyone wanted to speak to him, he'd see them coming first. Many would imagine that, because of his flighty nature, he'd prefer to be in an open space. This would be an incorrect assumption. His normal form was very small and a small enclosed space was perfect for dealing with larger opponent. He could vanish between their legs before they could make any actions.

Being a Carbuncle wasn't always the nicest species to be. He was always hunted, but he was proud of being a Carbuncle, even with the trouble it brought along. He was used to it after all he'd been through in his life.
Mark Noded slowli with a Pilte smile and would say "Why thus i would leave you behinde Xiong?.....seems you got ahead of me insted But never the less we are now this here"he said calm and low pase and noded as he felt his arm on his shulder,mark kinda always kept his hands on his back so not much for hand chacking here but it was good to see he was here and not alone with theas strangers...well he dint know them but maybe sooner or later they would get to know theas people.....he wonderd why they were calld here do.

he heard Xiong say about how many were there,mark look and urn his head seeing much of them indeed,he sigh and would say "
indeed....but seem must be a Important matter that lots have reunited here...wonder" he said as he would turn around ready to walk till he hears Xiong again this time he saw a Carbuncle....mark dosent recall reading something like that...maybe he was back of date,Xiong reads alot so was obvius,he look towards were he was and saw a green haird boy but then saw him following the boy,mark sigh a little and would follow him towards the door with his hands behinde his back.

"Um dont you think you shoold not thus watch some one like that...might think we are stalkers or thus somthing of similer level"he Kinda whisperd as he would look at Xiong and then at the Boy afar...ya know you could just aproche calm way and ask is all or justcalmly speak but watching like this was kinda not the best Choice of aproche.


@Seraph Darkfire
Alen laughed with Justin we they looked at the scaled girl walk by "meh..." He said shaking his hand side to side. She was nice but he didnt really like to check girls out as much now since he has dysis. He looked around for something else to stare at and speaking of dysis was walking to them. "Ah there's someone I'd rather see" he said grinning. He waved to her as she walked to them but then he caught the smell of various people's blood. Once she got closer his eyes went wide a bit in worry. 'She must of just murdered the hell outta somebody' he thought and grinned a bit.

He got up and walked towards her "hey. So who'd you kill and who TRIED to kill you?" He asked as he looked her over. His nose followed the scent of the blood and it led to an alley where he could see a few blood stains and he smirked "i guess i dont have to hurt someone badly then."

@rapjack123 @StoneWolf18
Asyra flew over Megima with small tongues of fire trailing her. The sun was bright and warm, relaxing her avian form as she peer down on the city. She hadn't traveled here in many years because of her duties in the Aurum Mountains. Upon visiting the Sunwatchers in Solanaar, she had found that a message was delivered for her and it was a summon to Megima. Her travel was much faster than others, thanks to her arial advantage. She reached the City of Mutts within a couple of days and now she was scouting around for the Council's Tower. Once she located it, she dipped her right wing, circling over her destination before diving down.

From down below throughout the city, she may have looking like a burning meteor coming to strike the earth. The rush of wind around Asyra was thrilling as it weaved amongst her feathers. She hummed, keeping an eye on her target as she dove past the tower towards the entry steps. Before she hit the ground, her wings flared open, fire blowing from them as she landed on the stone easily. She could see guards and civilians alike looking at her strangely as if phoenixes were strange sights in Megima. She ignored them as her feathers turned into flesh and her human body grew out her avian form. She was adorned in leather with steel bracers on each forearm. She looked around now for someone who may have also gotten a message. She walked to the door of the tower and pulled it open, walking into the opening hall.

She found a number Zaonians conversing around the room. One group looked to be along the warrior nature - "lone wolves." The other group, seemed to be more of a band, friends even. She was a warrior herself, and a fine one amongst her people. Normally she flew alone on ranging missions throughout the Aurum Mountains, but she had a feeling that whatever she was here for was not something she could do alone. She walked over to the second group, her ruby eyes meeting each stranger. "Greetings, strangers. Were you all summoned here as well?"

@Yonsisac @Seraph Darkfire @zCrookedz
Lifting up the side of her hoodie, reviling the makeshift bandage she had made with the cloth from the John Doe's coat. "Some wolf. He gave a good fight, yet after I stabbed him in the gut and chopped of his hand, he turned tail and ran." A smirk forming upon her lips. Then in a lower tone "Ok faan los Marius. Mu vis kriivat mok zuspein, fah nu nunon morah voknau ahsod amvit." Once Dysis was sure they had heard, she straightened back up. Letting the hoodie fall once more, Dysis let her gaze wander the various people that were filling in and out of the tower.

Once she had led him back to Amazon and Justin, she asking in a soft tone "Los mu pah baar nau fos praag wah kos drehlaan?" Dysis was hopping for a positive answer for she didn't want to recite the whole thing once over. She was confident that the rest were confident in their current objective. Mouthing the words "The Finale Revolution" the plan was a go. They were to split up and enter the tower along as to not raise suspicion. The order was Justin, then her, then Amazon, and lastly Alen, walking over to where she would be waiting, Dysis gave a chuckle. This would be difficult for Justin and Amazon, not being able to "know" each other? Oh how could they ever handle the pain? As Dysis arrived, she turned, having to bite her tongue to keep from laughing.
Amazon smiled lightly when she saw her boyfriend, the two were quite a loving pair. Jogging too meet him, her hips swinging along with the beat of her footsteps, she'd pull him in a quick kiss, still having to go on her toes in order too. When the kiss was done, she paused for a moment and nodded, " You had fish, yeah ? So did I...it was a ' gift' . She gave a little nod at the word gift which would cue him in on the exact methods she used to get the fish. " And how was hunting ? Let me show you". With that statement, Amazon pulled out one of the pastries from her pocket, unwrapped it, plucked off a single berry, packaged the rest back and put it in her pocket. The berry was thick, ripe and colored a dark pink, the same shade as her lips when she gently placed it between them. Amazon applied only a thin amount of pressure but from her sharp teeth, it was enough to burst the skin and sent rivulets of dark juice down her lips, chin and trailing softly down her chest. Still incredibly close to Justin, she ran a finger down to catch all of the purple liquid and popped it in her mouth to lick it off and finish off the berry. Giving Justin a wink, she'd turn to Dysis, right after whispering sweetly in his ear, " That's how hunting went".

Amazon waited for her turn to leave, giving Justin another wink with her heavily lashed, electric eyes holding a nervous but happy-no, adrenaline rushed look and Dysis a nod. Finally, it was time for her to go. Giving Alen a mock salute, she turned to enter the building. Amazon wasn't the most delicate or sweet Zaonian but she was definitely one of the most striking . Her honey brown skin was decorated with inky black henna tattoos that swirling across the skin of her hands. Her tail swayed along with her, the long, furry limb not being stuffed in the skintight, leather bodysuit she wore. Finally it was the look upon her face, eyes glowing unnaturally bright, a malicious glee prominent on her angular face and a leftover bit of berry juice showing on her neck, leading a faint trail down the suit.
" Let's do this".
Justin smiled and gave Amazon a light kiss. "Yeah I had some fish," he said. When Amazon bit the berry, he leaned forward and licked some of the juice off her neck. "Quite the hunt you had," he said, but his expression hardened a little when she mentioned how she got the fish. "Hope he doesn't come chasing after you or I'll have to split his skull," he said. Justin looked over at Dysis and nodded. "Understood, ofan zey siintul do fod mu praag wah bo," he told her. Justin grinned and stood up. Order for him didn't matter, sorry Dysis, but if Amazon wanted to go first, he'd give her the privilege. He smiled at her as she winked at him and walked away. "I've got this strange urge to kill..." he muttered under his breath so that only the others could hear. He gave a loud sigh as he decided he'd head into the building now. "See you guys inside," he told them before walking in, with an excited smirk.

Justin kicked the doors open in a showy fashion as if announcing his arrival. He sported his small vest that exposed nearly his entire upper body. The vest was made of crocodile scales but had assorted fox furs for comfort, fox furs that he hunted himself. Justin wore shorts made from deer hide that were tied at the waist by a thin but sturdy rope. His weapon, a long chain with a hook at the end was rolled up and held at his side. Justin walked confidently, almost too confident for his own good. He ran his hand through his thick dark hair and his bright green, slit, eyes narrowed on all the other people in the room, giving each of them a grin. He spotted Amazon and decided to walk to a spot located a little distance off her. His arms were muscular, and sculpted, defined to the very last strand of muscle fiber. His chest was powerful and his shoulders were broad. It was easy for Justin to carry impossibly heavy things. His upper body strength was unparalleled by any of the others, at least as he liked to think. His stomach was chiseled and sectioned, clearly showing a countable set of an eight pack. Justin had chiseled cheekbones and his jaw cut in a defined path forming the lower half of his face, constantly flexing the overwhelming muscle that could bite down and shatter any bone. On his right bicep, there was a tattoo that looked like intertwined vines with thorns wrapped around his arm. In a large curve under his collar, there was a tribal tattoo that resembled wings to some extent.

He saw the guy that was reading a book from before, his friend it seemed, the scaled dragon girl, the girl that made big flashy and fiery entrance, and... the boy that he saw first... the one that had his finger pressed on his forehead. What was on his forehead? Justin wasted no time to find out. He beelined right to the boy suddenly moving his hand to move the boy's head back so that he could get a good look at what it was that he was dying to find out about. "Watcha got on that pretty little head of yours kid? I wanna know," Justin told him, in a tone that told him 'I'm going to find out' rather forcefully.

@Seraph Darkfire
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Phenex was traveling on his way to mutt city while he was talking to the hydra in his head saying "why do I have to go I was alright in the desert alone right" so the hydra replied saying "I owe the council so shut it and just keep going your almost there anyways" after saying that phenexs wings got caught and he said "I know these things are for massive defense but why can't I put them away I look like a dragon but I'm a serpant and not to mention a all powerful one by that to" he said as he wiped his bladed tail at the trees cutting them like they were nothing and sees the city of mutt saying "finally I made it" as he walked into it.

As soon as he got into the city his the black scales covering his body started to glow and he said "wow I've never seen this before what's happening hydra" and as soon as Phenex asked hydra replied saying "because you have other living creatures by you that's why" so Phenex kept walking when he noticed people staring at him he wondered I they were staring at his massive scythe when he found out they were staring at him because all he was wading was scales he forgot he didn't wear clothes because he had scales now so he shrugged and kept walking.

After a while of walking he couldn't find the tower and got pissed saying "are they trying to piss me off" and punches a wall nearby on his instinct but he remebered to stay calm and kept on walking and saw a girl that looked like a dragon and walked up saying "hey do you know where the tower is around here I just kind of got here and all" he said to the dragon girl.

Tela was surprised when someone else that didn't exactly seem to interested in clothes walked up to her and he looked like a dragon, well almost his scares weren't quite right and his tail was far to thin not to mention his wings didn't exactly seem quite right to hold him aloft. She also noticed he looked a bit thin not the normal thick strong build of a dragon so he was something else, something on the tip of her tongue that she couldn't recall. They guy also carried a rather wicked looking scythe which made Tela really which she could keep something that shiny for more than a few days. Though his mention of a tower made her think she knew something about a tower, but she couldn't remember, she wished she had the piece of paper on it then she could have this guy read it for her she was sure it was something about the meeting.

" ummm there was something about a tower and a council…. I was supposed to go somewhere….. then I got lost…. where you called to meet the council?" She asked innocently enough sounding very confused " Oh and is that the tower" She asked pointing to the very large tower that really wasn't that far from their location and which people had been going into.
Justin was suddenly unable to touch him, as if his hand was pressed against an invisible wall. Vali really didn't like people touching him without his permission. He hadn't invited this man to speak with him and his unnatural curiosity with what was on his head made him uncomfortable. It had been an automatic reaction, creating a shield to block off any contact "I'd prefer it if you didn't touch me" he said softly "I have issues with physical contact"

No matter how strong this young man was, no matter how hard he pushed, he would never get through his shield. The Carbuncle species held the ultimate defense and if they didn't want someone getting in, they weren't getting in, no matter how badly they wanted to. Vali may have been untrained, but it was a subconscious ability. As long as he wasn't mentally compromised, he'd be fine.

He was safe within his shield and that was comforting. The fact that his shield was invisible led most people to believe he was psychic instead of what he really was. His red eyes continued to stare at Justin, never wavering. He was behind his shield and comfortable in his corner. Right now, he was as calm as possible, the best state of mind for a Carbuncle.

Phenex looked at the girl turning around and thought "yep she's a dragon and to put it a red dragon and a good looking one to and her wings are pretty big but not as big as mine...but mine are meant for a impenetrable defense instead of flight so she might be pretty big in her dragon form" he said looking at her and listens to her pointing at a tower in the distance and Phenex looks at it.

After seeing the tower in the distance and can't believe he did not see that massive things he turned his back to the dragon girl and his tail went through the wall right beside him leaving a big hole and after that Phenex said "stay calm" so he looked at the dragon girl again with happy eyes saying "yep that's the tower I can't believe I didn't see that" he said with a annoyed tone and after that his tone went back to a normal tone saying "well should we go miss" he said walking slowly saying "and my name is Phenex by the way to" he said to the girl.
The bit of destruction finally made her remember what she had thought about a hydra, though hydra's didn't have wings so how could he be that. Tela was really confused as to what he could be she knew he wasn't any dragon she had ever heard of as they were strongly built not serpentine like Phenex which made her once more think of the mighty serpent of destruction, but that any could go to it and not be killed by it was a surprise, though the same could be said of the dragons so she had no room to speak. Well if he had been called it didn't matter whatever they were doing must require him and her.

" I am Tela " She said her voice showing she wasn't exactly used to talking and that she might not exactly know many words " Yes we go to tower " She said her poor sentence structure confirming any thoughts of her sub standard education as she walked next to Phenex.
Phenex was walking along the path while he was spreading out his wings and started picking leafs off them saying "stupid wings why do I even have them!" He said annoyed as they folded back in and he looks back at Tela saying "hi Tela it's nice to meet you and yes we are going to the tower for some stupid reason that they had to call me out from the dessert which was 6 days away" he said a little agitated but calmed Down looking at Tela saying "so where are you from Tela" he said in a calm voice as he got his tail and started picking off loose scales and each time one hit the ground it made a sound a coin would and glowed brightly,like the rest before it faded its color away.

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