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Fantasy Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ-ZAO-Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - Organizations


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Kingdoms, Tribes, Clans, and more?

To show you where you came from. This is where you will post either a detailed map of where you are from and the hierarchy there or tell me and I will make one for you. This is free for all to post just be descriptive. You are the discover of this world.
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Alpeou Kingdom

or better known as the Fox Kingdom.


Ruled by the powerful Novem Family, The Alpeou Kindom has been around for hundreds of years. The run a hierarchical goverment and they inter marry with other Kingdoms of Lycos because they believe that is the only pure Zaonian. Marriage or conception with another Zaonian species is forbidden and frowned upon. Most are banished from the Kingdoms because of it. The Kingdom is a very lovely Kingdom having many small communities that surround it as well as their main city. They only trade with other Lycos, even going to the Howling mountains to trade. Right now the King is Kenyan and his next in line is his daughter Blake whom will marry a snow wolf from the Howling mountains to rule with. Izusa is not allowed to become Queen due to her health issues.

Known Diseases

White Ninetails are known to be rare, but they also are easily ill. They are cursed to never give birth and they develop a sickness called Caudus Morbo or the Tails Disease.


The Alpeou Kingdom trade clothes made of silky fur, berries, many dyes, and herbs.

The Alpeou Kingdom have a Temple dedicated to Tala for her mischievous ways that they adore.


Every Autumn, The Alpeou Kingdom celebrate Celestial Harvest. This is when pranks are galore and everyone is having fun and being merry. This holiday happens all through out the first new moon of Autumn, ending when the first full moon appears. This welcomes and Thanks Tala for another fun filled year and prays for another. Tala is said to participate in these events in disguise enjoying the pranks and fun.


The ninetails was said to of been born by the grace of Tala. The story goes that when Tala was born she caused problems for Thana who had a busy schedule so she would drop her off in the forest with the Foxes. The Foxes were able to keep up with Tala's mischievous ways and she adored them. One day, Tala pulled a prank on one of the foxes making it grow another tail. She was little and thought it was hilarious so she would add a tail every time she came. Thana soon caught on, but by then there were ninetail foxes running around. As Tala grew up, she graced her favorite animals with the abilities she knew.

Soon the Ninetails grew to be the ones we know today. When A ninetails dies it is said that it becomes a part of Tala continuing its pranks on the world.

King Kenyan


Queen Alanyia


Princess Izusa


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The Sunwatcher Tribe & the Dawnguard


The Sunwatcher Tribe has lived in the Aurum Mountains for hundreds of years. They are a people who have come to praise fire for the warmth it provides the cold and the light it gives in the dark. These folk are peaceful, but are not scared of combat. They seek to preserve the peace in the Aurum Mountains and their warriors are equipped and prepared to handle most circumstances. The art of war for the Sunwatchers is about protecting those who have fallen victim to the doings of darkness. While they have several outposts and ranger camps throughout the mountains, their home city is Solanaar, which stands against the western mountain sides. The Zaonians that consist of the Sunwatchers is predominantly Ouranos, Oples, and Erpon, however Mythikos are known among them. Outside of Solanaar, Sunwatchers are scarce. There are only a couple of outposts to the west and only a few along the eastern mountains. As of right now, the Sunwatchers are ruled by Daein Flameborn who is in close contact to the Dawnguard.

The Dawnguard are Zaonians that hailed from the Sunwatcher Tribe, but took on a life devoted to the protection of the Aurum Mountains. All Zaonians are welcome to this organization, but Mythikos can be leaders. Right now, the Dawnguard is led by Lord-Commander Salyn Sunwing, a Zaonian Mythikos Phoenix.

Known Diseases

Disease among the Sunwatchers and the Dawnguard is scarce. Thanks to the abundance of healing herbs in their mountain homeland, they have been spared the burdens of plague.


The Sunwatchers have developed methods to harvest the healing herbs native to the Aurum Mountains, which serves as their greatest trade product.

Two temples were also established in Solanaar: one to Mousiki and one to Fotia. Kyna and Sofian are also highly praised and worshipped amongst the Sunwatchers.

The Dawnguard in specific align with Fotia as the Goddess of fire and peace.


Rain of Fire ~ a tradition in the spring time as the seasonal rain falls, the Sunwatchers light torches and perform various dances variant to each Zaonian species.

Summer's Golden Festival ~ A celebration of all things that have been given to the Sunwatchers and the Dawnguard by the gods and in remembrance to all feats performed by ancestors. This celebration lasts generally for two weeks.

Skyfire Peak ~ One of the highest mountains in the Aurum Mountains, it is used at a test to try and find the next leader amongst Sunwatcher hunters or find the next candidate for the Dawnguard.

Red Harvest ~ In the autumn season, the Sunwatchers will collect their harvest and perform rituals to the gods.


The Pyro-Phoenix is a bird of fire. To the Sunwatchers, they were the children and protectors of the sun. Fire and life incarnate, it is said that Fotia herself called the Phoenix to watch over the the Aurum Mountains and defend all of its elements from darkness and chaos. When the first Mythikos Phoenix was born, Fotia graced the child with her presence. Fotia would name the child, Allyria the Watcher of the Sun, equipping her with a weapon, a lance, as her physical form came full fledge as a Zaonian Mythikos so she could defend the Aurum Mountains with the phoenixes. The Watcher would be the founder of the tribe and the Dawnguard was made from her and her phoenix allies.






(WIP Will be done shortly)

Reino De la agua Pura


The kindome of "Reino De la agua Pura" or "Kindome of the Pure water" wen translated is a Old Kindome that is unknown of how long has it been exact but some say its one of the oldest for thus reson of its accient architecture and aswell it has been Flooded Once and dissapeard for hundreds of years till it Return only a few years back.with most of its buildings and stones Intact,The people of Pure water are wise and silent,always maintaining there traditions and maintaining order,peace is main here,people let the Flowers and the water speak and let nature spread in there city and respect it,the Kindome is Located on the largest Island of the Mona"Rica agua" beside "Ruina de las aguas Oscuras" and "Agua de los Gigantes",standing on the Highest Point of the Island having a view of the sea and aswell the small island that sarround "Rica Agua",The people of Pure water are well know to speak spanish mostly insted of English or Greek,but people do speak those just rare to see them,Most people somtimes learn other Main Languages to Translate for Visitors,if visiting just remember to ask around for some one that knows other Tonghes to translate.On side note people of Pure water do have occupied the small islands like "Salida del sol" and "Puesto del sol" that are islands on each opposite of "Rica Agua".

The Zaonians here are mostly Amfivio,Nero and Psari are mostly that Habit theas lands but rarely Ouranos and Mythikos are seen around aswell,The island of Pure water is well known for accepting all Zaonians in there land in one condition,if they dont harm those who live in the water,s and respect nature itself,people of pure water are really attach to nature and respect it,not harming it UNLESS they ask permission to do so,each time they fish they would pray and not put the fish to waste,wen done they would throw the bones back in the water were it would begine a new as a tradition and respect.

Known diseases

Not much of a danger wen it comes to diseases for the reson people are so intouch with nature they are aware how to cure quickly but there us one that has yet to finde a cure for and its seen commonly,known as "La Grades" By the people of pure water,its known to effect mostly Nero,s and Psari were those Infected get unssusal growth spurt,becoming taller than most around them and loosing slightly there ability to speak,its unknown what causes it and why is mostly only Effects Nero and Psari,but others can get infected with it but rarely seen,some say some kinde of fish causes it wen ingested but the people are unsure of the source

But this aswell effects normal fishes in the water,somtimes people get to fish Oversize Tunas the size of sharks and sardines the size of Marlines,because of this they are known to be the only onces that are known to trade Masive aquatic Fishes.


The people of Pure water are Known to trade mostly any kinde of fish and aswell Oversize ones of common speacies,aswell any other water orrigin Product,other than that they are known to trade Relics and aswell accient artifacts from the nearby Ruins.

The people of pure water have 2 Large temples dedicated to Epochi and Alati but inbetween those 2 there is a large temple for Ola and Demetri as most worship theas 4 in same way


The giants Feast=Each 5 years the people of pure water gather at the island of "Centro del sol" a island located beside "Rica

agua" there people would dance and Throw Different tipes of foods in the water were the Giant Oversize Creatures of the deep would begine there feast,well known by most and some travel from far away lands to see this beutifull show of the giants dancing,but the star of the show is "Silver beard" a Masive Blue whale that has gain the "La Grande" Diseases and has Grown at Unimaginable size,and every time the masive blue whale is always there to put on a show with the rest of the giant,s.

The Blue sun Watch=A very special day that happens Exacly each year in december 31,with the cold and aswell the blue oceon people gather in the island of "Puesto,centro and Salida Del sol" were they would see the sun blue for the rest of the day till dawn to dusk,those at "Puesto del sol" would see the begining as the sun slowli rises from the Horizon,Those at "Centro del sol" see wen the sun is up high in the sky,and last those at "salida del sol" would see the sun wen it hides,this event is special as the island are perfect position to see the sun in blue because of the cold weather and reflection of the fast Blue sea.Its unacle to be seen in any location but the 3 sun islands.

Sardine fiesta=Fun for the whole family! sardine week is a Fun carnival for all ages selebrated on Jun 25 to July 6 were the people of pure water set on the quest to catch the LARGEST sardine posible!befor it begines all those who will partisipate will pray for Alati for permission to fish for theas days and thank her for the sea,wen done they would set of and begine Fishing! from 25 to 6 Fishers would need to come back with there sardines show them off to be evaluated and aswell theas days the children would get to play in masses in rivers were oddly (and true) some sardines go down and start there quest to catch them for fun,the winner would reasive a Fishing rod made out of Pure solid Gold and would keep the Largest sardine for them,once done people would gather and begine to eat the sardines they had fish like a Family and once done throw the bones to the sea were they would begine a new...and then thank Alati for her sardines...Yum!

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Consulo Kingdom


The Consulo Kingdom was once a powerful force of defense. They stood firm deep in the Vrochi Forest, their shield an impenetrable force. They never fought against other armies, however, they were never taken over either. Despite having such great defenses, they were a pretty lazy race. At anytime of the day, any visitor could see any Carbuncle sleeping.

They were particularly sleepy during the noon, when the sun passed through the trees, onto the flat roofs of their homes, where they could be seen resting in droves.

It was some time that they began to decline as people began to realize that their young weren't as well trained as the elders. Able to unsettle their emotions, Hunters began attacking the young and stealing their Gems to be given to the highest bidder.

Nearly a thousand years ago, they were almost completely hunted to extinction because of this. To prevent any further interaction with other people. The Carbuncle leaders formed a massive shield to protect their home. Then they went into a permanent sleep, their bodies keeping the shield up for many many years.

Even after all this time, the shield has only recently vanished, letting a single Carbuncle Egg hatch, giving birth to the last Carbuncle.

Known Diseases

When the Carbuncle were still around, they didn't have many diseases, though one was quite deadly. Gem Rot was a serious illness. It would slowly corrode a Carbuncle's gem like acid. To a Carbuncle, losing their gem is the worse possible thing. They'd rather die then lose it.


The Carbuncle were known by more than their defense capabilities. Their kingdom rested on the only source of Kelpa Berries in the entire Vrochi Forest. Kelpa Berries posses a strange quality, capable of enhancing the natural senses of anyone who eats them. These were highly prized by those who naturally held the weakest senses. Eating these berries would give senses close to that of any feline or canine species.


Shielding Song: Every year, the Carbuncle, as a whole, would sing a beautifully haunting song as the created a shield. This shield would radiate with many colors and was a truly amazing sight to behold. Many would travel for weeks to see this event.

The Carbuncle is a symbol of luck and many believed that if you were there to witness and hear this event, you would be granted good luck until the next singing.


The Carbuncle is said to have been created by the Goddess of the Dead Thana to represent her ability to save and prolong life. They also symbolize the protection she offers the dead as their ability to shield naturally activates while they sleep, the closest point to death as one can be.

The Carbuncle never actually worshiped her though. They saw her more as a mother figure and, not many know of this, this is were the Shielding Song came from, a song to Thana, thanking her for the life they were given and their protective abilities.

It is said that their Gems are a direct link to Thana herself and when they die, the gems turn to dust, symbolizing the fact that they no longer need this connection.


Gi̱ ti̱s Parádosi̱s



Paradosis is a small kingdom that only consists of a few villages towards the base of the Aurum Mountain Range. The villages are connected by a series of long stretched out roads and bridges that cross through the mountains ranges lower mountains. Mostly inhabited by ancestors of the original nomadic tribes, the Zoa of Paradosis are peaceful and focus more on improving their own personal knowledge and spiritual tranquility. Because of their peacefulness, they are very often targeted by more hostile groups of marauders and thieves. However, due to the rise in numbers afflicted with the Fennu Fever, those who attempt to enter the villages of Paradosis should be weary.

Known Diseases

Paradosis is a relatively secluded place and thus does not have many known illnesses. However because of their long standing traditions of marrying withing breeds, there has arisen a mental illness over the past generations that the people have come to call Fennu Fever. The mental status of those who are not marked by an animal is impaired during fits of emotional stress and loose control to their animalistic side. However once the individual has been subdued they are rendered harmless and return to their normal state.


One of the main sources of import and export in Paradosis is the wool from the Giant Mountain Sheep that some have come to farm on the tops of the mountains. These sheep create a very fragile wool that has extraordinary properties such as breath ability and if conditioned properly, fire retardant. But the sheep can only be raised on the side and grassy meadows of mountains that are at a specific altitude, thus farming them take a great deal of patience and knowledge to what you are doing.


The Zoa of Paradosis are extremely traditional. Their greatest tradition is that families should be kept within breeds and cross breeding is frowned upon. Though some may shy away from this tradition, it is still passed down by the generations since the first nomads settled Paradosis. Another great tradition of Paradosis is their religious deities. There is at least one shrine for Soi and Sofian in every village. They a revered as the most honorable and wise of the gods and are taught to each young Zoa as the gods to pray to.

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"Voknau dovahdaan do dii usliik in, daar Zu'u vaat:

Gol fen kos nahpok voth sos do dii paal, niist qeth ont geyol yolos do dii unahzaal mir wah un wahliik. Dii tuz los hin, ol los hin los dii. Pogaan fen meyz gein. Gein fen meyz pogaan. Faan dii zeymah ahrk briinah tol ahk prokuz tol morokei sul lost mu los finally stin nol nebendein kolos mu ful desperately saraan savend.

Daar los dii heeding do Faal Laat Keiz."

("Upon the blades of my former masters, this I swear:

The earth will be stained with the blood of my foes, their bones used to kindle the flames of my eternal allegiance to our creators. My blade is your, as is yours is mine. Many will become one. One will become many. Calling my brothers and sisters that also anticipate that glorious day were we are finally freed from the dungeons where we so desperately await salvation.

This is my heeding of The Final Revolution.")



Long ago, after the great war had ended. A lone boy wandered the tundra for his animal. His heart and mind were set on a large, fearsome predator. He had been walking for days yet luck wasn’t on his behalf. Nearing a large cliff side the tired, hungry and freezing child stopped and peered over the edge. As he assumed the drop to be endless with no way down the sheer face of the mountain, he turned to continue his hopeless trek.

It was about an hour later when a light snow began to fall. The delicate white flakes seeming to disappear among the pristine white drifts. The boy, so young to be out in this wasteland on his own, sat down in the cold mess and began to weep. His sobs echoing off the large glaciers and off the large rocky hills that formed this mountainous range. The child wanted his mother and father, his aunts and uncles. His various other friends and family. He then soon, drifted into what could have been, his last fatal slumber. Yet, a curious arctic fox had stumbled to where he lay. The snow had already been falling for quite some time, and the child was buried quite deeply. Burrowing into the drift that had formed, she finally found the center. Shifting paw full after paw full of snow, the fox’s interest growing with every step. She then finally found the child’s face. She noticed that something wrong, then proceeded to lick his face as would a dog. His eyes fluttered, for only a moment yet that was all the time needed. The fox met his short gaze, and then the transformation began.

A while later, the boy awake with a start. He was covered with thick white fur, a bushy tail to match attached to his arse. This filled him with a burning hate. A fierce rage. The one change he had at a new, perfect life. Stolen. Taken. The fox who had just woken up as well, gave him a friendly bark along with a wag of her tail. Normally the child would then proceed to learn from the animal or follow as it led them to the nearest tribe or clan. But a mist clouded the boy's mind. The smog that descended was so filled with fury and disappointment of getting a different animal that he wasn't thinking clearly. He grabbed the fox, burst from the snow and headed towards the cliff. As he held the young creature by the scruff above the seemingly endless drop, his breath grew ragged. She began to whimper, the thought of death previously a whisper now clogging her thoughts. The child looked into her fearful eyes, his dominated by a cold, hard furry. He was about to drop the animal when he felt a presence behind him. Turning, the snarl in his throat disappearing when his eyes lay on what was behind him. A gargantuan male polar bear stood in an eerie silence. Due to the graying 'round his muzzle he looked to be about 50 years of age. Then, he slowly shifted. The creak of ancient bones, muscle and tissues showing signs of age. "Child. She had done no wrong." His thunderous voice echoing off the surrounding mountains. The child then replied in a snarl, the tone was quite odd because his voice hadn't dropped yet "She just took everything from me" and with that he let go. The cries of the fox fading to a faint echo as she fell. The old bear bowed his head and sighed as the boy then ran.

Over the course of the next few years, he found others like himself who felt cheated. And before long, when he was at the age of 25, Nahuatl had formed. Their main goal is to right the wrong that was committed so long ago. Retrieve what was taken from their grasp. If you were to ask one about them, they would blow it off as a myth. A tale told to children to frighten them. But those among their ranks, rumor has it that they are so very close to their goal. And with this in mind, they will fight to gain was was stolen from them. No matter the cost.


Animal sacrifice - the killing of a non-member done at least once a month to appease the goddess of death and envy. Certain steps are taken before the victim is killed and the hunt for new people to sacrifice is seen as a sport.

The Final Revolution- an ideal, and a near religion, that anyone opposed to Nahuatl will eventually fall. Since its foundation, Nahuatl has plotted for the usurpation of all outside authority and it's members believe that the best way of taking down their opponents... is by assassinations of the ruler. Of course, it is never easy, so teams are often made are trained to have a perfect set of skills that will make attempts seamless, even if they fail, they'll know how to get away without a trace. Anyone that follows is immediately killed.

Rahnd Viilut (Passage Rights) - There are many rumors about that tall how to enter. They are all false and the ritual is usually much more simple than that yet also a closely guarded secret. But there is a change that a note was left for an unsuspecting reader in an ancient tome.

Known Diseases

Though there are many outsiders have yet to discover, one known trademark of theirs is Liivordro Krasnovaar or Rot's Disease. The symptoms begin with the breakdown of the Intestinal system, and is soon proceeded by kidney failure, and thought deterioration. Hallucinations, loss of balance, and in severe cases, coma. If symptoms persist, death will come knocking on your door.


Almost no contact is made with Nahuatl and the outside world. Their location among the vast swamps are unknown and it is very difficult to reach without actually being a member of the cult. If that is the case, you'll know short, safe routes to the campgrounds. Information and materials are all kept secret and no negotiations have been made with any other kingdom of the outside world. Trades are usually made with the main center of operations, watch towers, temporary camps and other branches of the cult.

(More is being written as I type this. Also you many not make a character that is already involved. We will be deciding who gets in or out. If you make a character that all of a sudden is ripping through books or randomly starts hating their animal (If its development wise then that's different. As in if find that one of their parents was prey of your characters current animal) you have a low chance of being picked. If you are, one of us will PM you the details)

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Hochklana, (pronounced 'Hohc-klarn-ah'), is an affluent and expansive town located on the south-western border of the Vrochi forest. The oldest part of the town is easy to spot due to its more ornate architecture and typically larger dwellings. Commonly this part of Hochklana is known as The Old Town and houses some of the area’s oldest families. The newer areas tend to favour a more simplistic design, aiming to address the needs for rapid expansion while maintaining ease of access and structural integrity. That is to say, Hochklana is not plagued by slums formed of tight alleys and hidden corners that are present in some of its neighbours.

The people of Hocklana are a mix of many different species and nations, the town is something of a paradise for families of mixed species as the town is open to everyone and very accepting. Among the native populace inter-species marriage is common with around 40% of marriages each year being of this nature. The town also has a large Amfivio population due in part to the towns close proximity to the Vrochi forest, Erpon and Lycos Zaonian also make up a large number of the population.

  • While Hochklana is not dependant on the tourist trade the area still manages to pull in significant crowds. Most tourists, when they visit Hochklana, take in the sights of the towns many squares and pay their respects to the Gods at any number of the temples. Of particular note are;

    The Temple on the Hill: A large and old temple dedicated to the worship of all the Gods. The temple itself was made, it is estimated, around 200 years after the towns founding. It is in considerably good condition given its age but it should be noted that the roof is mostly collapsed and part of the floor near the rear of the building is unstable.

    Dandridge House: A good sized house once home to Mario Trasticus, the renowned botanist. The house is now a museum of sorts given over to the celebration of his life and work. It also serves to educate and inform the next generation of botanists.

    Moon View Manner: A large and expansive manor house that has turned from a private residence to a guest house with a pleasant café. Guided tours of the house are also held periodically throughout the year except in winter when the house is closed for maintenance.

    The Temple of Creation: Dedicated to Ola and Demetri, the temple is immaculate and in working use. It is a place of peace and quiet reflection that is often a place of pilgrimage for the people of the town. The annual Festival of Joy is held here.

Anemoi Tribe

Chorto Grassland

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The Anemoi Tribe is ruled by the Elders who not only pass down law, but tradition and culture to all who inhabit the village. It is not a very large village, never reaching more than 50 people in the village at one time. It is a very close-knit community, and not only does everyone know everyone else- they all take part in raising children, gathering food and other necessities, and they all take part in the building and tearing down of huts when it is time to find a place to stay or move on. Everyone has a role to fulfill and it is never even considered not doing your full job to fulfill that role.

Known Diseases

There was a time when Pox went around the village, halving the number of the tribe within weeks of the first outbreak. Thankfully, the survivors of the tribe is now immune to the disease, but people from outside the tribe are still liable to catch it if they come into contact with blood from one of the tribe members. Great measures are taken to protect visitors to the tribe, but it is possible to become sick from the disease and since the only cure is surviving it through strength of will, then either you make it through or you die.

Pox can be found when rows of welts appear on the body, small and red but not painful. A day or two after discovering the bumps, the person who became sick will begin to feel lethargic and easily exhausted. They will lose the will to eat, drink, and in many ways survive- the main reasons for death from Pox. If they can make it through one week of the welts and the lethargy, their chance of survival grows rapidly- they have made it through the worst of the disease. After the disease is gone, there is no trace of the welts or any sort of mark that show one has had it. When no one is sick with the disease it can only be passed by the transferral of blood to those who haven't had pox, and badly treated food/water. When someone is sick with Pox, the disease becomes airborne and attacks anyone who has not suffered the disease.

The Elders believe the Disease originated from Kyna- the Goddess had grown angry with the tribe because it had grown lazy, and so had cursed them to either allow themselves to die out or to be 'reborn' and rebuild their tribe anew.

It has become a tradition for the right of passage in the tribe to be surviving the disease, which the Elder's will force contaminate the younglings with when they obtain their animal. Only one has died from the tradition so far, the majority of the younglings being full of the desire to survive and continue living. The one that died has been forgotten, name lost through time because they were not strong enough to be apart of the Anemoi tribe.


The Anemoi Tribe trades charms that are a mixture of woven grass and herbs that do such things like 'protect the owner' or 'bring good dreams', beads made of stone found in the hills near Chorto, animal teeth necklaces, and a variety of bone tools and weapons.


Initiation- There is no set day for this. This happens whenever a youngling finds their animal. It may sound like a brutish and primitive tradition, forcing a disease upon someone else... but those who are in the tribe are just expected to survive the ordeal. It's not terrible, there's no real torture- it's just a chance to prove to the tribe that the youngling has the will to survive. Like mentioned before, there has only been one death since this initiation began, and it's spanned over many years so although it is dangerous to actually die to the disease is fairly unthinkable unless it's an outsider who came into the tribe and became sick.

Tournament- There are two for each year, one at the beginning of summer and one at the end of fall. It's a test of sorts to see who are the strongest, who are the fastest, and who are the quickest of mind. There are no real trophies to be won or titles to be given- the man prize is boasting rights that you were able to defeat the whole village at something. There is also the added benefit of earned respect from those in the village. The tournament consists of many activities, all of which don't have to be joined but it is required for anyone under the age of Elder to participate in at least one activity. There are things like races, wrestling, obstacle courses, and traps to be escaped. For many, Tournament day is something to train for and look forward too. There are few who dislike the day, and those who do tend to be those who have never won in an event.

In the Summer, the tournament is held only within the tribe. In the Fall, a great number of the tribes come together to show off their strongest, fastest, and smartest. Even in the Fall, there are no real trophies and those who win and those who lose still laugh and eat at the same table at the end of the day. It is tradition to bring enough food to feed at least your village so that no one goes hungry when at the Tournament (though when their are hard years, the rules of food bringing are a little more lenient).

Dances/Celebrations- Certain days have special rites the Elder's perform and other days are specific to dances. What days go to which is privy to the tribe, and only very special outsiders get to see the ceremonial dances and celebrations. That being said, the Anemoi tribe is one that enjoys a good dance every now and then for the joy of dancing and will often invite neighbors to partake in merriment-as long as they bring their own food, of course.

A Settling- Every now and then a dispute will break out that the Elders cannot handle on their own. This can be between tribe members and with other tribes. The way they solve it is to have the two offenders battle it out with one another. No weapons are allowed and killing is absolutely frowned upon. The winner of the battle has power over the loser for the entirety of one week. In that week, no harm is to befall the loser- they are merely to follow the professional wishes of the winner. This could be taking part in a hunt, Helping build Huts, or pointless labor like moving a rock back and forth between two locations. This is always done with honor, and if the victor takes advantage of the loser in any way, shape, or form, they themselves are rightfully punished and the loser will be set free early.

Day of Giving- Bonds of kinship must be close and well cared for. In the Day of Giving, each tribe will go around and bestow gifts to other tribes that are close and of importance to them. This can be food, wares, clothing, weapons- anything that may be useful or appreciated is brought to the other tribes. This forges bonds, especially in time of hardship, so that between the tribes war does not often break out.

Day of Kyna- Other people, other places, celebrate the person who is born on their birth day. The tribe of Anemoi have a slightly different tradition. Though everyone is, of course, glad to have the people that have been born they do not celebrate their birth. They actually don't get a chance to even acknowledge it.

On the Day that each Anemoi came into the world, that tribe member will spend a full day of worshipping the Goddess Kyna who was responsible for bringing them safely into the world- allowing their mothers to safely birth them.

To worship, the tribe member must rise with the sun and go on a lone hunt. This hunt is to capture/take down a beast that is to be given to Kyna in thanks and honor her accordingly. This hunt cannot be done with usual weaponry, and one is not allowed to use their animal counterparts abilities. It is a human in a beast's world, and they must defeat that beast with skill and wit alone. The only weapons one may use are weapons they find/build on the day of that hunt. At the end of the day, the beast that has been racked and defeated is laid to rest in an open area while a prayer is said to Kyna. During prayer, the animal is also honored and thanks is given to it for having such a strong life annd for giving that life and strength to Kyna. Any weapons made in that day will be left next to the hunted animal when the tribe member leaves.

When food is scarce and animals are hard to find, it is traditional to leave the best of the meat for Kyna and take the remainer of the animal home to the tribe.

If, for any reason, the tribe member is unable to take down a beast in the hunt on Day of Kyna, that tribe member must fast for one week to pay penance for failure.


It is believed that Kyna is the Goddess that watches over the village.

It is said that back in times where humans and animals were at war, the Anemoi- or people of the wind- were one of the many tribes that fought tooth and nail with the animals for no other reason then they believed the monstrosities should be wiped from existence.

On the day of Change it is believed that Kyna came to the Elders of Anemoi and warned them that today would not be a day like all the others and if they were to treat the animals poorly, they would pay dearly. Of course, the younger of the tribe, when told this, laughed. They only wanted to shed blood and feel glory. When they continued to fight, against Kyna's will, they, themselves, turned into the animals and were slaughtered by their kin.

The Elders, the last left of the tribe, wept that it would be the end of them. The last of their young lay in a pile thanks to their disbelief of the Goddess' words.

Kyna took pity on the tribe and extended each woman's life long enough to bare and raise one more child. These children were raised to respect the animals, and when Zaonianism became more common, those who were honored with the gift were greatly respected.

Today, Kyna is the main Goddess, loved and respected by all in the village and though the village remain few in number their child birth rates are above all other tribes and they have never had to consider the end of their time.

Those who bond with an animal and make it through Pox are highly regarded in the village. Not, perhaps, so highly as an Elder but they are respected and properly cared for.


The Elders are the sole force that makes any serious decisions like the days they should leave an area and when to break alliances with other tribes. All those who are of the age of 'old' are considered an Elder and added to the council until such time the Elder has proved themselves unworthy. Those who are unworthy of making wise decisions on the council are not only removed from council, but from the Village itself. All troublemakers are, in fact. The tribe only keeps those who are strong, sensible, and above all use their head and their heart when making decisions.

The Elders are also the only ones who know how to pass on the Pox disease and they are the ones to assign chores and bless the 'Two Become One' ceremonies (marriage).

If there is ever any honest dispute with the Elder's ruling, any village member and step up and make their case. If it is valid, logical, and passionate the Elder's will step back and reconsider their actions. If it is full of anger, unthought out, and overall chaotic, the Elders will ignore the suggestion, warn the chaos bringer, and be on their merry way.

For someone to be forcefully removed from the society, they have to have committed a wrong in the Elder's eyes. This could be creating disharmony (convincing people not to follow in the way of the tribe, causing trouble or making mischief, being unloyal or troublesome to the tribe on multiple accounts.) Unless the Crime is an Unforgiveable, Elders will warn the trouble maker and give them one more chance in the tribe. If the trouble persists, the Elders will remove them by force. (This really doesn't happen often but every now and then there is a bratty, untameable kid born. That kid is left in places like a market where they have a chance to make their own way, and they are no longer the tribe's problem).


Killing a Zaonian

(doesn't matter if you have a reason or not, if you have a problem with someone take it to the Elders.)

Killing an Animal for Fun

(Yes, we must kill animals to survive but every part of the animal is to be used and under no circumstances may an animal be killed when not on the hunt unless they are sick or avidly attacking you or the village)

Injuring another Maliciously

(Hurting someone on purpose, whether it be a small cut or a lost limb. Evil is not tolerated)

Wronging Another Tribe

(This is a bit on a gray scale... Sometimes there is tension between tribes and untruths are told to break bonds. However, one is never allowed to steal, to damage, or to kill anyone in a tribe that has ties to Anemoi)



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Chioni Wolf Pack



Chioni wolf pack resides in the Howling mountain, named due to their large tribe being heard throughout the mountains. The wolf pack has recently been taken over by a younger generation due to the death of the previous alpha dying in battle against the Feouran Bear Tribe. There has been much blood shed due to the twenty year long war.

Known Diseases:

Mallia is the disease of hair loss, usually causing death if not covered enough by another source of warmth. Sometimes this can be cured by a remedy that you bath in

Polla is a disease that is similar to the rabies, but just causes death instead.This disease causes the skin to develop rashes and then lose of hair in spots. This soon causes them to stop eating to the point of starvation.


The pack prefers to stay to themselves, but it was said at one point they use to trade with the other creatures around the mountain. Megima has attempted to trade herbs with the Pack. Pageou fruit is one of the odd fruits that grow in the mountains. It appears like a peach, but is a bluish color with a cooling outer shell and warm center. Louloudi is a flower that grows in the mountains similar to a forget me not.


Marriage- In it a common tradition for Alphas to marry alphas, betas can marry either gamma or beta, but the beta has the power to choose. There is a ceremony in the Spring that brings young wolves together to find their future mate. The ceremony is called "The Calling of Hearts."

Alpha Life- Alphas, at the age of 13, go on their first hunt and at 15 they lead their first hunting party.

New Moon- The strongest Alpha is given leadership and there is a yearly event that has young alphas and old fight to prove their worth. This even happens in the end of Summer when a strong leadership is needed.The call this the "Nea Selini" or "New Moon"

Beta life- Betas are the second in charge, being gathers and teachers to the young. They do hunt and fight as well, but are normally not as skilled as the alphas.

Gamma Life- The Gammas are the healers and nurses that help bring in new life. They are the least likely to mate, sometimes dedicating themselves to their duty as a healer. They do not fight unless they have to.

Ranks- There is a leader, the most skilled, in each of the areas. Male and Female counter parts for all three ranks that are proficient in what they do. Usually these two are the ones to mate together.


The Lost Wolf Cub- Soi is said to most often take the form of a Lycos especially a wolf. It was said that Soi was born a wolf cub that had lost his home, but was found by Ola. Seeing the need for a home, Ola raised the cub, giving him the ability to transform into human form just like Ola. Soi developed a strong devotion to the idea of home and tradition since he had lost all that. He begged Ola to be of assistance so she sent him on a quest. He was to find an example in each species that home and tradition was important. It took him seventy years and he was on the verge of death. All he wanted now was to return to his home with Ola. He had forgot that he had always had a home and in realizing this was granted eternal life and a position as God of Home and traditions.

Years ago, it was said that an Alpha dared to mate with a Beta and the cubs were born blind. They all died during the winter and the pack was cursed with bad blood. They were exiled and in doing so the curse was lifted.

Before the war, Bears and wolves coexisted, even shared what they collected. One day, it was reported that the present Alphas daughter had been seen sneaking out lately. It was never publicly said why, but most assumed she was betraying her pack to the bears when they noticed the scent of bear there as well. They confronted her and locked her in, but she was kidnapped, so it says by the bears and no one saw her again. In outrage, the wolves blame the bears who hold equal hatred back.

Current Leaders:

Alpha Male


Alpha Female


Beta Male


Beta Female


Gamma Male


Gamma Female

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Aaraba Kingdom

Ruled by the Cheetahs, in the Cilada Desert

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/oasis_by_jonathandufresne-d5slzqy.jpg.2e3026a8e580c51519defc8a6da17e58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57898" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/oasis_by_jonathandufresne-d5slzqy.jpg.2e3026a8e580c51519defc8a6da17e58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In the Aaraba kingdom, Cheetah's are found to be the most sacred of animals. Though other Gata, and a few other Zaonians are allowed to take residence in this great paradise found in the middle of an oasis, the ruling family must always have Cheetah in their blood and as their animal partners. Usually it is a Male Gata Cheetah that sits on the thrown, but after the death of the Sultan and the disappearance of the prince, the Sultan's favorite woman took over as Sultana. The people were ready to go into uproar when this first came around but the Sultana's hand has been very kind and has brought Aaraba into new prosperity. The people are in no hurry for her son, Shen, to take over as ruler (and neither is Shen).

Known Diseases

Thanks to the hot, dry weather there isn't much in the way of odd diseases that can be found in Aaaraba. In fact, whenever the kingdom falls ill, it can almost certainly be blamed on an outsider coming into the kingdom. The only known Aaraba diseases, unique to the kingdom, have not been seen in over a millenia. You have more worries in dehydrating in this land, then becoming sick.


Aaraba is known for it's finest silks woven from silk worm and spider's threads. The clothing is perfect for the exceptionally hot weather.

The Kingdom is also known for it's beautifully lush dyes that come in many vibrant colors, ground from flowers that are cultivated in the oasis.

It is also a great retreat for the Zaonian Gatas. Most other Zaonians are not heartily welcomed into the area.


One day a year there is a great celebration with parades, fireworks, and dancing all in honor of the Cheetahs. The odd thing is the Kingdom wasn't even founded by a Cheetah, and deserts are not the Cheetah's natural home. Yet the Cheetahs are celebrated and it's customary to bring the ruling Sultan lavish gifts on this day.


It's said that Aaraba was founded by a Cobra Zaonian, a man who had been kicked out from his home town and left to die in the desert. Luckily for him, he came across this oasis that travelers would stop at occasionally to take a break from the desert. Wanting to give others a home he no longer had (and wanting to make a couple bucks on the side), the Zaonian, who's name has been lost in history, built upon and built upon and built upon the oasis until he had a small paradise. The more he built, the more people came to settle into the wonderland in the desert.

Then disaster struck. The serpents who had meant for him to die discovered that not only had he survived but he was prospering. They led an army against the Cobra and the oasis would have perished if it weren't for a strong band of Cheetahs that had been residing in the paradise at the time. They stepped up to the oncoming army, outnumbered 3 to 1, and dispatched the serpents with few casualties.

The town, grateful to be saved from perishing, began to worship the Cheetah's as saviors sent by the Gods themselves. This is why Cheetah's are so loved in Aaraba today, the kingdom's name coming from the name of the leader of the Cheetah Clan Lianna Aaraba. The Cheetahs did not take the kingdom from the Cobra Zaonian, but when the Cobra passed away from old age for he was well into his later years by then, the Kingdom's people begged the Cheetahs to take rule and they kindly obliged. They both lead and
protected the kingdom, and the people were so in love with them that they made the rule that the Cheetah's should be the only ones to ever rule their fine kingdom.

Over the years, things have become a little less noble and there have been some terrible leaders but Raja is attempting to pull things back together. She wants to remind the people why they loved the Cheetahs in the centuries past. She plans on bringing a whole new light to the kingdom, despite what's going on throughout the rest of the world.

Sultana - Raja

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She came into Rule because of the Sultan's death and at first the people immediately demanded to put another man on the throne, any man who was a Cheetah but at the time Shen hadn't bonded with Shehira yet and Raja had first say over the sons of the other harem women. She convinced the people to let her take over just until they found a reasonable replacement...and when she showed them that she was very capable of leading them, the people's urgency in finding another Sultan slowed. She's a rather beloved leader and takes good care of her people. Raja is at the top of the top, she makes all the decisions- mainly on her own though she does have a few advisers.

Since Raja had no need for a Cheetah Harem, she's actually made the women into some of the finer warriors and dancers in Aaraba. There was a point in time where the serpents attempted to cease control of Aaraba for their own, but the Cheetah women held their own and the serpents had to run or be destroyed. To show off her proud Cheetah lineage, Raja doesn't tend to walk around in her more human form.

Prince - Shen

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Shen grew up in the lap of luxury but he didn't really let that affect him too much. He's only a spoiled pampered prince in the way were he has a very fine taste in clothing, and expensive taste in everything else. He does know a hard days work, thanks to Don and Sif, and though vain he is reasonably understanding and observant of others.

Shen has been groomed to take over the thrown since birth, but he didn't want the responsibility of a whole Kingdom. He didn't even like his Cheetah heritage- he had wanted to bond with a bird, something that would give him wings. And on top of that, his animal partner was a moody, independent Cheetah. Doesn't leave a good taste in his mouth so he ran from the Kingdom.

It's been a few years but he's back now. Apparently his mother came down with some new, unknown disease and Shen isn't heartless. He's gone back to the kingdom to take care of his mother while Don is on his grand adventure, exploring the world. Needless to say, Shen is very jealous.



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Feouran Bear Tribe


Overwiew: The Bear tribe resides on the left side of the howling mountains, opposite of the wolves. The live in a complex cave that is the size of a small town and keeps them from the winter cold. They even have a running stream where the water is always like ice. The Bear tribe does not appreciate wolves, but is more open to other Zaonians. They do not find companions outside their tribe, being strict with the bear with bear.

Known Diseases:

Mad Bear- This is caused by the eating of contaminated meat causing the person to go insane as if infected with rabies. It is hard to contain and the person has to be confined in a small cell that is reinforced so they can not get out. If they can not cure it fast enough, they send the infected out into the cold in hopes they may return, but they usually die.


The Bears have the finest ointments that they make from crushed berries and a unique snow bee that lives in the mountains. The snow bees are highly deadly, but these people are built to survive their attacks so they can manage to harvest the blue, creamy liquid that they produce. It is called Snow honey and it can make many things, but since they are the only ones that can harvest it, most desire trade. Since the fight with the wolves, though, they do not do trades with outside world.


Are you a hunter or a gather- At the age of 8, the child must discover who they are. They are put through a serious of test and depending on their final score, determines what their job will be from that moment on. Both hunters and gathers learn to fight, but hunters are always front line. Hunters can become chief, gathers can became Shaman.

Spiritual bonding- The tribe believes deeply on soul mates and being destined. As long a Demetri and Omar accept their love then two can be together. There is a trail of love that the two must endure, but if they succeed it is said they remain together forever. The tribe does not worry about procreation and believes in harmony so same sex couples is always welcome.

Spring Gathering- A celebration given to show their support of the Gathers of the tribe. Their are many foods, music, and dancing. The hunters get to see how the gathers work and show their respect for their arts. Children are meant to make things to give to their favorite gather as a thank you for all their hard work. They also prey to Epochi

High Hunt- A celebration during the first of Autumn when the hunters become the main source of finding food. There is a wild celebration that gives thanks to them and Kyna for another good season of hunting. Children are shown the ways of hunting by their favorite hunter before the hunters leave on their biggest hunt of the year.


The Tribe worship many Gods and Goddesses and have much lore tied to them.

Love is not by gender- At one point the tribe was a strict male to female tribe until a shaman woman turned to love a female hunter. The tribe was confused, deeming it wrong, but shaman was willing to do anything to prove her love was just as worthy as theirs. She went out to seek out approval for her love from Demetri. At the time the soul bonding wasn't a thing. When her hunter lover returned, she noticed she was missing and went out looking for her. The tribe felt guilty for pushing her to such extremes and all joined the huntress. They soon found the shaman a day later, frozen. The huntress cried and begged to be taken with her. A beautiful man approached them and gazed into the huntresses eyes. Seeing the truth and love, he touched the frozen woman and thawed her body. The tribe rejoiced and asked for forgiveness which the shaman smiled never being angry with them. The man then disappeared having been Demetri the whole time. From that moment on they had the soul bonding and the acceptance of same gender companions because if you can get through all that then you deserve to be together.

Bear and wolf war- Similar to what the wolves think, the bears had watched one of their own sneak out. They assumed for the better though and thought it was friendship until their own disappeared and accusations came forth. Due to pride, the bears reject the wolves and fight with them til this day.





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Hidden City

Hidden, but not Forgotten

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/bde5627d4d8481a93191fd637c90bc5a.jpg.963f6a8761aabc66f29d09966e373379.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/bde5627d4d8481a93191fd637c90bc5a.jpg.963f6a8761aabc66f29d09966e373379.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hidden City is a whole society built into the trees above the Valtos swamp. Most of the inhabitants work as guides throughout the swamp, knowing the dangers and how to avoid death and sickness. But there is another, less known side to Hidden City... one that few have uncovered, and those who have have been put to death in the swamp.

Known Diseases:

The swamp is full of diseases from a sickness that covers the victim in purple splotches before killing them to diseases that put themselves in such a state of Euphoria that they kill themselves. It's dangerous to those who haven't grown up in the swamp, and those who don't know how to cure the diseases. That's where Hidden City comes in. There are few diseases they don't know how to cure, including ones from the outside world. Those absolutely desperate for a cure will make a trek to Hidden City to see if they have medication that will help.


Hidden City does more service then trade, offering guides through the swamp in exchange for goods that they cannot supply in the swamp.


Swamp Tour- When the Hidden City children reach their fifth year in the Swamp, they are guided around the area in about a 3 mile radius. Ever month after that, all the children are taken by different guides to explore more and more of the swamp until the children have it memorized and know it like the back of their hands. This way, they will never get lost and any of them can take up the job of Swamp Guide.

Festival of Flies- Once every year, Fly spawning envelopes the swamp so that there are flies everywhere. There are so many that it's like a dense, black fog takes over the swamp. For some Zaonian's, this would be miserable, but for most in Hidden City it's an all you can eat buffet. Most look forward to this day, even fasting a week in advance to prepare for the gorging. Most outsiders without an appetite for flies avoid the swamps during this time, and those who do take special trips in. After about 3 days, the swarms are demolished and 'peace' comes back to the swamp.

Stars in the City- A few times a year, the fireflies while light up the city so beautifully that it will seem like the stars fell to Earth. The colored gases of the swamps, usually disliked, make the fireflies change colors which adds to the beauty of it all. Dancing and some feasts, as well as firefly catching are the usual activities on days like that day.


There isn't much belief in Gods in Hidden City. If there are people who believe, they believe in them separately from the rest of the city.

It is believed that those who were cursed and those who wouldn't obey the gods were banished into the Swamps to die, the gods believing that no normal creature would be able to survive in the harsh environment. Against the God's wishes, there were survivors- creatures that adapted to survive on the swamps. Hidden City was founded by many of these creatures coming together and building a city in the trees.

Envy of the rest of the world, blessed and loved by the Gods in Hidden City's eyes, was felt by the majority of the populace and that's when inhabitants of the swamps began to try and infiltrate into these societies. At first it was to destroy them from the inside out, but after awhile Hidden City realized that these places had the potential of being useful to the swamp and instead moved back to keep an eye on the world, instead of attempting to destroy it. Now Hidden City attempts to keep a semi peace by killing off bad rulers, when they're able to, and pushing better rules to take over.


Whaoi - Head of Council, Leader of Hidden City

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/frog_shaman_by_whiteoxygen-d5ttaok.jpg.6b59824e489f6fd4f11200f9cea512e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58093" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/frog_shaman_by_whiteoxygen-d5ttaok.jpg.6b59824e489f6fd4f11200f9cea512e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Timoann- Whaoi's right hand Man

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The Rest of the Council

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