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Colosseum ZeroVsErika

The Death Arena


The deadly games at the world's most risky place had begun. The winner of the battle would achieve lots of gold. These games had been banned but people still played them at a secret place at the back of the mountains. A passage opened up through a waterfall which lead to a huge arena, where people came to watch and play from all over the world.

These games had been banned because of the high rate of deaths that had resulted through these games in the past. Yet people continue to play them and it's the time of the year when the games have begun. Whenever a contestant wins a match they are given a money as a prize. Today there was another match between two contestants, the referee who was a fat man with a bald head made the announcement, he called the two contestants up onto the stage. The crowd cheered waiting for the contestants to make their appearance.
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It was a rather sunny day. The sun was shining brightly with a few patches of clouds in the sky. Akane sat on a tree branch, her legs dangling. She was humming to herself, as some of the birds surrounded her she began to play her flute. Than she remembered and her flute dropped out of her hands onto the ground, she jumped off the tree and picked it up. She lightly hit her head against the tree as she had forgotten about the tournament. How could she forget? She needed money and winning even a single battle would get her money. She was supposed to fight a fire style user though she didn't remember the name. After rushing towards the place of the tournament she finally reached.

She was out of breath, she finally looked up at the place she was at. It was a rather strange battle ground.

It was after she entered that she saw the real arena. The referee was calling her name just as she reached she rushed up to the surface and after stumbling on the stairs. She reached the top and fell over a stone clumsily, she quickly got up embarrassed and wondered when her opponent will get there.
From the dark entrance of the lower tier of the arena there appeared a young male called raven gritting his teeth he walked towards the battle plate form , his nasod arms heating up with the dark red energy flowing through them. There was a huge grin across his face when he was walking towards the stairs to get to the top tier of the battle arena. Upon he reaching the stairs he first thought of climbing the stairs to reach the top platform but then he though it was too much of a drag for him to do all the climbing.

"man... these stairs are too long"

He said while thinking about something then he got an idea. He put his arms on his side while the palms facing down towards the ground suddenly a blast of flames started to get projected from the exhaust in the centre of the palm of his nasod arms that were used as propellers which enabled him to jump real high in the air till he reached the top step on the stairs. The ground where he ejected his flames had melted.

"whew I am hot "

A catch phrase got out from his mouth when he reached the top platform. He faced straight towards the opponent. "so you are the unlucky one that had pitched up against me well no worries i will make it quick i promise"
Akane looked at the male who had just appeared before her. She smiled rather cheerfully at him, "it's too early to start assuming things." She felt rather annoyed at his attitude though he did seem rather strong but she was going to defeat him and get the money she had come for. She looked intently at the referee waiting for him to blow the whistle.

As soon as the referee blew his whistle she smiled cheerfully at him as a few flower petals raised her a little above the ground, with that she swayed her hand and played a tune on her flute

The ground below them began to move and she quickened the tune on her flute and spikes emerged from the ground, surrounding the boy from all directions and possibly making scratches all over his body unless he comes up with something.
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As she started to play the flute , in bored expression he waited for something to happen while standing on on leg swaying his mechanical arm Which is called the nasod arm. Soon he felt the earth beneath his feet moving "Huh...." he was a bit surprised at this movement but he didn't flinch a bit. A spike emerged from the ground in front of him incidently he moved his upper body backwards abit and the spike passed by from the front side of his body scratching off a little of his hair.


Followed by that spike another emerged from his back side scratching a bit of his back , "Damn" gritting his teeth he let the spike tear through his long jacket from behind. "Ah sheesh i spent a lot of gold buying this long jacket" after saying this he jumped up before more of the spikes would rise from the ground , raising his nasod arm in mid air which started to heat up he smashed the ground which on impact blasted a hole through the platform while causing an explosion.

He jumped backwards after doing his move "You aren't half bad "

A smug appeared across his face , with that he directed his palm towards the girl and the slit in the arm stared to glow and heat beam would emerge through the slit which made its way quickly through his while melting the ground while traversing through the air since the distance between the beam and ground were little if the beam is not dodged ( you don't want to imagine what will happen )
She saw the red fire light emerge from the beam, she quickly placed her hand on the ground saying the words, "Earth Barrier", a huge wall made out of Earth emerged a few distance away from her for the ground. As soon as the first emerged another one appeared behind it and another one behind that one. She stood behind the 3 walls which were very thick, but somehow the blast broke down the walls. When a Crack appeared in the last wall which was now the only barrier between her and the beam, in the little time she got she was able to make a shield that was made from vines.

The beam collided with her shield and soon her shield was also broken but the impact of the beam had been slowed down a lot. The beam collided with her arm where the shield had been, she was shocked and she gasped as it burnt her arm. Dew to the walls and the shield the impact had been lowered so that it only burned her left arm. She bit her lip and looked at the burn that covered half of her arm up to her elbow.

She was sweating and she knew it'd be hard to fight in her normal form. She brought her flute to her lips and a melody came out, a golden light covered up her body as two purple circles appeared around her. Soon she changed into her earth spirit form in about 5 seconds. Her flute had turned into a wand that was joined to the end of the flute. She moved the wings that had appeared on her back with a smile. She waved her wand through the air and played a melody, a few sparrows surrounded her. She changed the melody and the sparrows grew in size, soon they were a lot bigger than her. She made boulders out from the ground, the sparrows tossed the boulders at the young boy from all directions. Akane stood there sweating, she moved her wand saying, "flower dance" a few petals surrounded her. She had done the sparrow boulder combo as a distraction, she expected him to not lose from just boulders. She continued on making the flowers rotate around her and wondering how her opponent would react to this.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67b1ca08_file(5).jpeg.f7fd6564808ced68df277b3fd3a817be.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67b1ca08_file(5).jpeg.f7fd6564808ced68df277b3fd3a817be.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The boy looked at the girl who transformed into some kind of fairy now and now she played her flute that was attached on her wand that made the sparrows which had gathered around her grow big in size but it didn't even impressed hot blooded raven.

Soon the boulders that were broken apart from the surface of the ground were picked up by the sparrows and they started to throw those boulders at raven.

"hah is that "

saying this he stepped back and first of the boulders fell in front of him as he dodged it , he jumped on the boulder and kicked the boulder hard heading towards a sparrow that threw a another boulder at him.

boulder at him <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67b25504_file(1).png.701a5f9490d8a2083a855459da21db52.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c67b25504_file(1).png.701a5f9490d8a2083a855459da21db52.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Motioning his left arm which wasn't that big as his other mechanical nasod arm reaching for hilt of his glaive like blade which was huge , pulling it out he went straight for the boulder slicing it from in between and the two splitted parts of the boulders were exploded which boosted his speed to much extent for him to reach the sparrow instantly , raising his nasod arm which now started to glow , clenched the iron hand he packed a huge punch and smashed it in the face of sparrow launching it towards the girl.

She stopped rotating the fire petals and played her flute which turned the sparrow back to normal size she grabbed it in a flower petal. After that she closed her eyes and the flower petals went with such a speed that they seemed as if they had disappeared for a second there.

The flower petals soared through the air with unimaginable speed and attacked raven from behind surrounding him in a tornado made out of petals. They continued getting nearer to him as one of the flower petals collided with his jacket and tore off a piece of it. The petals were razor sharp and they continued to surround and get near to raven. If he didn't somehow get out from the tornado he'd turn into shreds. The petals continued towards him with super speed.
The flower petals upon reaching near the body of raven started to cripple and soon they were burned since nasod arms of raven always emitted heat which occasionally burnt the flower petals that were meant to attack raven.


He stretched his nasod arm and contracted it with a force and fire started enveloped raven's body which burned the rest of the flower petals as since a flower petal had scratched his face as the heat emitted by the nasod arms werent able to block all of the petals.

"you need a lot more than that"


he pointed his nasod arm towards the girl and it started to give off high temperature and steam started to eject from the slits at forearms with high speed soon from the palm of the hand the a fireball appeared which got suspended in the air in front of the palm of his hand , the fire ball started to grow larger in size until it was in twelve meter in diameter and since raven was in the air the round ball almost reached the ground from there the ground started to melt.

After the ball has been created from the its front side a huge beam of heat energy emerged which had a diameter of 9 meters and covered almost the whole platform, it made its way towards the fairy girl with high speed , the temperature around the atmosphere greatly rose as the huge beam traversed through the air towards the girl , it was as if the sun had come down .
The moment raven started to build a fire ball, and it continued growing, Akane put her hands in the air and started making a gigantic ball made out of Earth. It also continued to grow but since it had been made after raven's ball it was smaller than his. Akane continued to make it grow and when raven threw his fire ball and the heat was getting really hard to endure. She threw her Earth ball at his fire ball which created a giant explosion in the entire arena.

The explosion spread outwards and just before the 2 balls had collided, Akane had covered herself up in an armor made out of Earth. Still the explosion sent her flying backwards. The collusion had created a giant explosion which caused a blast to be emitted in the entire arena, everywhere. Akane landed on her back with burns on her, she got up with a little difficulty and looked around to see what had happened to raven. The entire arena had a giant hole in it where the collision had happened.
He clenched his fist and the circle that was made on the back of his nasod arm hand started to glow with red light after she created the earth ball and fired it towards the his fireball creating a huge explosion as a result. Since the explosion doesn't affect raven at all he stood in his place as the shock wave got nearer. The nasod arm created a shield to protect his face it was a bit of a counter measure shown by him. Raven stood the explosive shock wave his clothes on left arm got burned off.

His hair crippled a little from the side of his left shoulder. Luckily his bandanna didnt get burn due to the sudden counter measure. There were a few burns on the lower jaw line of his face which didn't bother him since this wasn't the first time he got burnt and besides explosions have no affect on his body

Raven saw the girl falling on the ground he raised his sword held in his left hand shadow step saying this his eyes glowed a little as he disappeared from the sight of his audience leaving a fading red light behind at the place from where he disappeared . He was just moving too fast for the people to spot him.

He made his way towards the fairy girl who got up with a bit of difficulty on the other hand raven was only getting started. And there was one thing the more he fights the more he gets more powerful. Due to his active ability of "heat of the battle".
She saw a red flash where her opponent had been and closed her eyes instead of trying to spot him. She closed her eyes and listened for any signs of movement while clutching her wand tightly.

As she stood there with her eyes closed and listening for any sign of movement a few vines covered in spikes were emerging from the ground behind her. Though the vines didn't attack raven, they moved around while lightly getting covered with a red aura. She kept her ears open for any sign of movement and her wand held I'm her hand like a sword, since the wand was as strong as any sword.

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