Zero Tolerance [RP]


Dragon Knight

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The moon shone over the massive city Utonia, even it showed some damage from the Cyber Wars long ago. The city seemed peaceful as the wind blew some trash across the streets. It seemed like the perfect haven for those afraid of the past and the outside. The barren wastelands where no plants grew, no water flowed and no life survived it's desert like conditions with a thick smog you could feel burn your lungs, the only things that lived out there were the Trojans, the monsters. But they were legends now, no one had seen a Trojan attack in almost a century.

The darkness of the streets were pierced by red lights shining along the ground, the lights came from the single red eye of the Blades that patrolled the streets. The common Blade had a thin machine frame with purple armouring to cover up wires and important parts. They had no faces, only a single red glowing eye for identifying enemies. The regulars ones carried blasters, but some of the enhanced ones were worse. The regulars ones were simple Patrol men in the street, Patrollers who even carried an electrified baton for close combat. They use to be a simple of protection, safety, Lord Xi's utopia. Now they represented fear as the citizens hid in their homes, behind their windows, locked their doors and dared not venture out for fear of being labelled a Trojan and being caught by the Blades.

They continued to walk down the streets marching in perfect unison looking for any Rebels that might have infiltrated the city and were causing trouble...

Wolf Finished bringing his Vibro blade up through the back of the Blade. He kicked it as it fell to the ground splitting it in half. He sighed. "Now just a million more to go" He brushed his hand trough his hair and pulled his visor down onto his face. His vision became green like night vision but what most people didn't though was it allowed him to see through the walls. He saw several figures he wasn't sure how many. He stepped into the shadows and flipped up his visor. When they walked past the building he noticed their Shining red lights and purple armour. He dragged the nearest one into him and released his knife cutting straight through to stick out the other side. He dropped the body and it made a large thump. Which of course put all attention on his position. He pulled out his Vibro blade and stood in a defensive position he didnt need to use his Silenced SMG just yet.
Circuit voice began echoing in Wolf's ear coming through his comm's systems as heard the static and then the scientist's voice coming through clearly and right into his hear.

"Wolf, please don't forget this meant to be a recon mission. Don't get carried away, we don't want garner attention. Just see if you can spot anything interesting and head back to base, I don't want anyone getting hurt, especially you. Please be careful..."
The scientist's voice sounded worried, he was always worried about all the Rebels. Although the Rebels had no official leader, most saw Circuit as the one to guide them with his genius and kind attitude. He would never want to be leader, but people couldn't help see him that way, especially with out he watched out for every member of the Rebellion and invented all the cool stuff for them. He fixed them and often worried about them more than a leader should...
"I think that may be a little too late Circuit " Wolf said into his ear piece just as two of the Blades ran at him. He did a wide arc cutting both of the straight across the chest causing them to detach from the legs and fall to the ground lifeless. He wasn't even sure how many were left but he ran around to the other side of them grabbing the nearest one and slicing it through the neck. He stopped running as more turned the corner. He sighed should he run or not I couldn't see any advanced blades so he might as well. He put his Vibro sword in his right hand and His pistol in the left. He fired of 3 bullets taking down two of the blades and one fell to the floor as the bullet pierced through its leg before getting back up and charging at him smashing him into the wall. The impact knocked all the air out of him making him gasp for air before placing the pistol on the blades forehead and firing. Which went straight through its head and into the next ones chest. He sighed. How many where there Wolf Though to himself.
Wolf was cutting down the Blades with incredible speed, but he managed to miss one as it stayed back. Suddenly it began releasing a loud and horrible ringing noise like a fire alarm as it began to ring through the city.

Circuit called to Wolf via Comms:

"Wolf, I'm reading that an alarm has been trigger in your sector. You need to get out of there right away, hurry and return to HQ! Quick, before they catch you! I'll auto-guide your Hover Bike to your current location as quick as possible, you'll need to try meet up with and get out of Utonia's borders as fast as you can."
Wolf could already the whirr of Hover Jets taking off and heading in his directions, who knows what they would send his way. His mission had been compromised and he would need to get out of here before it was too late.
"Alright I'll see what I can do until the jet gets here" He boomed into his Comms system over the jets. He raised his pistol at the balde that sounded the alarm and put a bullet through its head before stepping into the shadows as a group of Blades walked into the alley. One was larger and was wearing a visor like him. It reached his hand into where he was and grabbed him by the throat flinging him into the wall. He gasped and pulled out his Sub machine gun. Firing off a short 4 round burst at the large blade to find the bullet pinged off of him. He got up and shot the ones around him before running. But to his suprise the large blade was much faster than him and was jumping wall to wall until it landed infront of him and punched him in the gut making him double over before bringing its metalic knee to his face, making him fall to the ground with a large thud. It grabbed his right wrist so he realsed his knife piercing it through the blades hand and trying to punch it in the face before getting has hand grabbed and two more of the same type of blades pushed both his arms behind his back and pushing him to the floor. He hoped the Jet got here soon or he was dead, well atleast he hoped he'd been dead rather than made prisoner.
(Sorry meant to say your Hover Bike :P My bad. Hover Jets belong to Utonia... Also as said in rules, I'll handle introducing advanced Blades. You may only kill Blades)

The Hover Bike suddenly came crashing in last moment as it ran over a Blade and stopped not far from Wolf as more Blades were coming, sounding the same alarm that echoed through the streets. Everyone nearby could hear in their homes and apartments but they dare not do anything about it. They knew to stay out of it and stay hidden, otherwise they might suffer the same fate.

Wolf could hear Utonia's Hover Jets coming closer to his location, he better hurry. Otherwise he might have to deal with more than just Patrol Blades...
(Oh sorry :S )

Wolf ran onto the bike and speeded off down the streets. He took several turns down alleys until arriving back at the spot for the entrance to the facility. He put the bike back in its hiding spot and entered the facility dumping his weapons onto his allocated rack before going to sleeping area to go get a drink of water. He slumped down on a onto a chair sipping at the water. He sighed, that had gone bad real fast he thought to himself. He brushed his hands through his hair and sighed. He slumped lower down into the chair looking up at the ceiling.
Circuit came rushing down the hallways as people ducked out of the way knowing his reputation, as he skidded down a turn he suddenly tripped as his legs gave way and crossed sending all that he was carrying flying out of his hands a shower of varied items as he slammed into the ground and skidded along the dirty ground of the Rebel Base.

The Rebel Base was made of rusted metal and mismatching panels. It was built out of leftovers and whatever the rebels could find or steal. It didn't look like much and wasn't as advanced as the city, but it was the best they had... Refugees could been seen filling it's hall, some who looked just as bad as the walls. Left with nothing and driven from their homes, having escaped from prisons or running away before it was too late. Many only had the clothes on their backs as they seemed torn and weathered.

It could be seen in their eyes they didn't have much left with dirt on their faces and scars still healing, it was not an easy life being a rebel and living outside Xi's rule, but some didn't have a choice.

Circuit mumbled in pain with his chin on the floor.

"This is bad.... this is really bad..."
Wolf stepped out into the hall way after hearing a thud and saw circuit on the floor. He helped lift him up and asked "Whats the rush circuit?" He asked genuinely interested. He had always been interested in circuit's work. He was a miracle worker. In-fact he was the one who made his foot steps 55 or 65% Muffled. Wolf classed him as a technological genius. He helped pick up his files and handing them back to him. He looked around at the refugees and sighed. Christ he thought How many people will be crushed by Xi tyranny.
Circuit got up off his knees adjusting his visor like a pair of glasses as he accepted Wolf's help and grabbed some of his fallen items. He started to speak in a worried voice.

"We had hope that the signal was just coming from you and your Hover Cycle, however...."

He started rushing to Communications Rooms.

"What could have any energy signature that big..."

He wondered to himself as he spoke out loud, sound more concerned than ever as he clumsily dodged more and more people on his way.
"Wait so your saying something followed me?" Wolf said whilst walking along with circuit to the communications room. "What is it Blades or worse?" He sighed he hadn't realised something had followed him. Circuit seemed concerned more than usual and that's never a good thing. He scratched the back of his neck and looked at circuit. It seemed like he known him for years but infact it was only atleast 1 year hes known him. Wolf had put all of his trust into circuit he didn't trust many people.
"It appears they have sent something after you and something may be the right word, it's energy signature is far too big to be a Blade..."

He ran into Communications room, a spherical room built with screens and panels all around it. In it were three operators with visors of their own and headsets with mics, they sat in chairs that floated around the room, connected by simple intersecting bars as they spoke to other Rebels and kept an eye on communications, radar and general goings on in and around the Rebel Base. If Circuit was the brain, this place and these three girls were it's eyes, ears and voice.

Their eyes were covered, but one girl had long flowing blonde hair, one had red hair in ponytails and the third had short dark brown hair with a little beret on her head. These three were known as Phoebe, Luna & Selene respectively. They seemed hard at work, spinning around each speaking and communicating to different sources.
James Drake flicks off his camoflague, observing as yet another blade was destroyed by a small rebel squad. He knew he couldn't take them on alone, and since he was on a recon mission, not an assault, he decided to leave them be and report his findings back to the generals. He took a mental note of the squad's vague appearance, hopped onto hisUtonian issue hovercycle and sped away.
Drake soon arrived in the lower levels of Lord Xi's fortress where two Guard Blades were standing. They each held huge shields and were brownish in comparison to the usual purple Blades. Their shields were massive and and rectangular with a small slot for their eyes to see through.

They saw him approach and after scanning him, let him through. Being a Utonian Lieutenant gave him access to the lower levels of the fortress. However the upper levels were not so easy. He soon came up to a Messenger Blade, these were light blue and were like original Blades except they seemed more faded and some had their armour stripped. They were mostly for messages.

"Lieutenant Drake, what is your report?"

It spoke in a robotic tone.
James Drake turns to the messenger blade, a slightly disapproving look on his face. "Am I not permitted to speak to the generals directly anymore? Ah, anyway. A group of insurgents were destroying several standard blades to the south of the city. They appeared to be taking something from them, perhaps their storage units. They could've been trying to collect information about Utonian plans."
"The Generals have other matters to attend."

The Blade listened as Drake spoke, not moving an inch. Doing nothing but standing as it's red eye focused on him. He nodded when Drake was done.

"A new mission has been order. The new weapon is being sent out to the desert in the direction the Rebels fled before their tracks were lost. You are to follow after it and watch it's progress. You are not to interfere. Only watch discreetly and remain incognito. The co-ordinates are being sent to your CyberSuit during this debriefing."

He nodded walking away as a Hover Jet was being prepared to drop Drake to the co-ordinates and he would have to make the rest of the journey himself so as not to attract attention.
Drake sits in the hover jet, impatiently assembling and disassembling his rifle. He calls up a hologram of a map of the area, with his destination labelled. He nods to himself. A small beep and a mechanical voice alerts him that he is approaching the drop off point. He stands up quickly, as the whirr of the hover engines changes in pitch. Another beep is followed by yet another mechanical voice "Drop off point reached, prepare for exit". There is a puff of air as the airtight door pops open. Drake hops out into the desert, bringing up a small navigational tool built into his suit. He looks in the direction of the coordinates, then sets off at a light jog.
Zink walked quickly down the hallways of the rebel base, dodging people hurrying to whereever they had to be. The whole place was in a tizzy, they'd just recieved word that scans were picking up a energy signature approaching the base; something unidentified was coming and for a secret rebel base that wasn't good. Zink spotted one of the scientists coming up the hallway in the opposite direction and grabbed his arm to get his attention before he could rush past her.

"Have you seen Circuit anyway?" Zink wanted to find their undeclared leader and talk to him herself about what was happening. The scientist wasn't happy about being stopped but he understood the situation and told her he'd last seen Circuit hurring towards the communications room.

Zink thanked the man and headed off in that direction. On her way she passed the hall; it was bustling with refugees clearing up their things, getting ready in case they had to evacuate althouh where they would go was a mystery. The base here was the only thing many of them had, without it they'd be stuck wandering the desert. Even more determined to stop whatever was happening, Zink increased her pace. When she arrived at the communications room, she found Circuit inside with the three Operators and another rebel fighter Zink knew to be Wolf, although she thought he had been sent out on reconnaisance.

"Circuit, what's happening?"
Circuit turned around to see another one of the Rebel Fighters arrive, Zink. Her abilities had always been useful for taking down some of Utonia's large operating facilities.

"We aren't sure... the readings aren't like anything we have ever seen before. I fear the only way to find out what is going is to get a visual. I do not believe they know where the base is, but that thing might be following a trail or some energy signature. If it isn't stopped it may very well find the base.

On the other hand sending out someone would be insane, not only do we have no idea what is out there, but if they are spotted and followed or tracked, the entire base could be compromised."

He said looking at a screen intently, watching the energy signature as it beeped ever closer towards them...
James arrives at the coordinates, but finds it to be just plain, barren desert. Nothing else to be seen, except for a few bushes. He shrugs and crouches in a shrub, turning on his camoflague and awaiting the arrival of... well, anything.
"It might be risky, but we need to find out what it is. We can't wait for it to reach us, Circuit." Zink thought about everyone that was in the base; if it turned out they had to evacuate the base, they'd need as much time as they could get meaning they had to found out exactly what was heading their way.

"Prehaps if we travelled away from the base first, then doubled back behind it," Zink suggested. If they headed out in a different direction and then looped back around behind whatever was approaching, not only should they not see them coming but if they did, they might be able to lead them the other way.

"Do we have anything that could hide our energy signals and lower the chances of being detected?"
"I can try send out a blocking signal, but there is no guarantee. Utonia has very advanced signals, but we are running out of time. It's heading this way, it will be within scanning range within a few minutes. It can't be allowed to get any closer or we will be found. We will never have enough time to evacuate anyone."

Circuit and the other Operators began preparations for setting up stronger jamming signals and barriers. They had to concentrate on this and would not be able to notice anyone slipping out to try and stop whatever was coming...
"I'll just go out there" Wolf told Circuit "Me and three volunteers. They must be experienced fighters. We cant beat utonian signal transmissions and can easily bypass our signal scramblers. We should just send me and three others out and see what if it is. If its serious we will tell you via comms to evacuate and we can do our best to divert it and then join up with you lot." Jack finished and rubbed his head. He didn't see any other way of doing it. He certainly wasn't a man of science but he sure knew the utonains had much better technology either with circuit on our side they still had a better technological advantage.
"Four is too big a group, I can't risk it. I suggest 2 rather, besides many fighters are still out on missions in city and other operations. Zink if your willing to go with him, I suggest you two head to the Transport Room and exit via the main gate. You need to hurry..."

Circuit warned them as he went back to the operators, he would keep in tabs with the duo over comms.

Meanwhile in the desert, Drake still had not seen any sign of Utonia's weapon. However these were definitely the correct co-ordinates. The Hover Jet had dropped him and were now circling around waiting for his signal to come pick him up when he was done.

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