Yurihama Girl's Academy


Zombie Exterminator



Orientation: (must be bisexual or lesbian, obviously.)






Positive Traits:

Character Flaws:

Background: Your character's past

Character's clubs: Up to three from kendo, swimming, ballet, art, tea ceremonies, culture, softball, judo, knitting, creative writing, journalism, gardening, fitness, horseback riding, and if you wish to add one not on the list, write it down.

Character's house of choice.: Windsong or Fireglow
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I've seen Sakura Trick before! Such a cute anime~ <3

Name: Miyuki Akahana

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Orientation: Bisexual



Grade/year: 10th

Height: 152cm

Weight: 41kg

Race: Japanese

Personality: Miyuki is a kind girl, though tends to be forgotten about by everybody due to how quiet and shy she is. She has no friends, which makes her constantly feeling lonely.

Positive Traits: Cute

Character Flaws: Clumsy, Sensitive, Easily Scared

Background: Miyuki grew up in a small house, practically by herself. Her parents were constantly working, leaving no time to really take care of her after she was six. She never really left the house aside from to go to school and come right back after, so she never got to know what it was like to really talk with other people and have friends. On her thirteenth birthday, her parents were supposed to come home and spend all day with her, but instead, they went overseas, leaving her all alone. She now lives by herself, her parents never even calling to see if she's doing okay. Her past has caused her to become shy, not knowing what to do around others.

Characters clubs: She isn't in any clubs.

Characters house of choice: Fireglow, though would be fine with Windsong as well.
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Ein Shutzhancer














English, Austrian


Someone who genuinely tries to look out for others and understand where they are coming from, she is a careful listener and compassionate friend.

Revolving much around being polite and tactful, she is a little awkward in terms of making friends and approaching others; she lacks in both charisma and presence. Ein endeavours to keep her mind open for others but has led quite a sheltered life, lacking knowledge on how to deal with the real world. Prone to looking up to others for guidance, her confidence is a little less than most. As much as she enjoys compliments, she is still unsure of how to accept them.

More recently, she's been feeling her own shortcomings. Her lack of strength makes for delicate self-esteem and difficulty feeling safe without the support of others -- perhaps it's just teenage naivety, but it's hit her harder than ever that she might just need a thicker skin.

Positive Traits:




Character Flaws:






Most of the girls life has been forgotton sadly after an expirience which has plagued her with memory loss. Ein though after this occurring a year ago has been blessed with the fortunate thing of having a rather un eventful year in the negative category. For her parents ever since the incident have been fairly protective and conservative with the girl and homeschooled her for many months but after coming to the realization that they weren't truly helping their daughter they made the decision to enrol her in the all girls academy. Each month at least three times she needs to go to a class to remind her of what has occurred in the recent time months for due to her permanent injury she loses memories regularly.

Characters clubs:

Ballet, Journalism, whatever else may peak her interest through out the rp.

Characters house of choice:

Fire glow



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Name: Zaen Ryuuken [Last name translated: Strong Dragon.]

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Orientation: lesbian

Grade/year: fourth

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 155

Race: Caucasian/American

Personality: Charming and polite at first glance, Zaen is the epitome of the stereotypical Prince persona. While she struggles to maintain average grades, the senior excels in Kendo, swimming, and judo; and due to both her good looks and sports prowess, has managed to become quite the heart throb within the school's walls. If one gets to know Zaen well, though, the polite mask she wears will fade away gradually. In reality she is a bit of a pervert, hiding it well; also her humor is sarcastic, dry and witty. She struggles with her gender identity, feeling as if she should have been born male due to her father's treatment.

Positive Traits: athletic, brave, charismatic, good looking.

Character Flaws: struggles in academics, can get overly cocky, and has some well hidden self-esteem issues.

Background: Zaen, while born in Japan, had moved to America during early childhood. She grew up there, attending school but practically living at her father's kendo studio. Her father had always wanted a son, and when she had come out a female, he seemed to dismiss it and raised her practically as a boy instead. She trained daily, becoming quite the name in the American circuit, due to her father's constant pressure. When she reached fifteen, her father decided that he could teach her no more, and without a moments notice, sent her to Yurihama Academy where a master swordswoman teaches the sport.

Character's clubs: Kendo, judo, swimming.

Character's house of choice.: Fireglow
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Miko Yamata





Orientation: (must be bisexual or lesbian, obviously.)



3rd year







Personality: Miko is seems polite and quiet at first but, one you get to know her she is actually rather nice and talks more then she usually does. She loves art and is very creative. She sometimes can get clingy especially with whoever she is dating. She keeps up good grades and is active with the art, horseback riding club, and tea ceremony club. She is very well mannered and is always willing to

Positive Traits:




Character Flaws:




Background: Born in Kyoto. Miko is the 3rd youngest child of 6 kids (she has 2 sisters and three brothers). She tried her hardest to stand out from her siblings but, was always in the shadow of them. She was always shy and never really talked much since, no one really cared to listen. She always was grouped together with her siblings. She hated that but, since it was how it always was she got used to it. When her parents noticed her good grades and interest in art they sent her Yurihama academy so she could live up to her potential. She is a very skilled artist and even has a few paintings at a local museum although she goes by her pen name Jun because, she wants her own identity besides one of the Yamata sisters or the Yamata girl that is good at art.

Character's clubs:art, tea ceremonies, horseback riding,

Character's house of choice.: Windsong
Name: Anette Dietrich


Age: 16

Sex: Female

Orientation: Lesbian

Grade/year: 3rd year

Height: 5'6

Weight: 117

Nationality: She's a sexy/mysterious exchange student from Germany. Gah, so hot!

Personality: Anette is a flirty and social girl, always looking to make a lot of friends. She is charismatic and loves to be in the company of other people. Even though her Japanese isn't perfect, she does her best to be fluent, though this sometimes results in her being blunt. She likes to make memories and throw cute little tea parties. She is also notably childish at times and likes to have fun a bit too much...

Positive Traits:


-Rather kind

-Loves people

-Good at making friends

-Descent at school

-Physically fit

Character Flaws:

-A bit blunt

-Struggles with the language at times

-Way too childish

-Gets over excited easily

-A tad bit spoiled

Background: Anette was born to an extremely wealthy family in Berlin Germany. She spent much of her time taking interest in Japan, in it's culture and media, especially anime. She had always dreamt of going to visit, or maybe even living there. She had seen pictures and she loved the atmosphere, so she began to beg her parents to allow her to exchange and get a feel what it was like there, but also to make some foreign friends. Her parents finally give in and allowed her to go and she was sent on a little exchange program that would last 4 months. Ecstatic and happy, Anette looks forward to many happy days at Yurihama Girl's Academy.

Character's clubs: Tea ceremonies, Swimming and Softball

Character's house of choice: Windsong
Name: Laura Honsan


Age: 17

Sex: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Grade/year: 4th

Height: 5'7

Weight: 124



Personality: Laura is a very shy and secretive person who would like nothing more than to be left alone. She is very cautious and will avoid most people and situations. Laura is very mature and dislikes those who acts childish. She can be very snobby at times even though she does not mean to act like that. Laura is a rebel by heart and refuses to listen to authority figures. She is very defensive when it comes to her friends and will usually do anything for them just to keep them as friends.

Positive Traits:

Very intelligent





Character Flaws:

Somewhat snobby

physically unfit

a lone wolf

very cautious


Background: Laura Was born during very hard times. She had to live by herself every once and awhile, Laura also had to take care of her younger brothers. At around the age of 6 Laura began to get in trouble with the law to steal food for her younger brothers. Eventually she was arrested and her brothers were put in foster care. Laura found a home with some very wealthy people and they took her in. She is now being sent away to Yurihama for an exchange program against her will and she is not happy at all. Since Laura has a past with authority figures she will probably have trouble fitting in at Yurihama.

Character's clubs: Gardening-Tea ceremonies-Photography

Character's house of choice.: Fireglow



Toni Aravelo












113 pounds




Toni is a very ditzy, bubbly and airheaded person. To everyone including her it's a complete mystery how she passes at the top of all her classes. She is friendly and rarely sees anyone's flaws, people will often take advantage of her inability to see flaws or someones motives to get to know her. Is basically blind to insults and doesn't care what others think of her. She does unknowingly hurt people's feelings but she never means to. She doesn't have very many people smarts. When is comes to sport she is talented and extremely competitive.

Positive Traits:

Is practically a genius





Character Flaws:



Talks a little too much

Thinks to hard sometimes

Practically no people smarts



She grew up in a middle class family that consisted of her, her mother and her older brother after her father and mother got divorced after his father was caught cheating. After the divorce Toni saw a pamphlet for the school and practically begged her mum to send her there, also because she got hassled since she was a lesbian not that it ever affected her cheery personality or hurt her feelings.

Character's clubs:

Kendo, Softball, Swimming

Character's house of choice.:





Mitsuki Madotsuki










5' 11"






Mitsuki is very, very loyal to her friends. She also likes having someone to hold or cling to. She's very confident in everything she does, (including hitting on others girls), and refuses to take no for an answer. She's hard get rid of once she decides to hang around with you. Mitsuki is not subtle at all when it comes to her crushes on other girls.

Positive Traits:

~ Loyal

~ (overly) Friendly

~ Honest

~ Easily excitable

~ Positive

Character Flaws:

~ Perverted

~ Clingy

~ Easily jealous


Mitsuki was always an odd girl; just a tad too clingy, a little too close. As she grew older and embraced her sexuality, her friends began to reject her for it. This made Mitsuki a little sad but she wasn't too unhappy. She was sent to the school by her mother, who insisted that Mitsuki needed a good school and better friends.

Character's clubs:


Creative writing


Character's house of choice:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.b326e877a373b12562468596e4d68410.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.b326e877a373b12562468596e4d68410.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Anna Johnson

Age: 15

Sex: female

Orientation: bisexual

Grade/year: 1st

Height: 5,4


Race: American

Personality: Anna is very fun go be around. She loves going out and always having a good time. She is loyal to get friends. She is nice to everyone unless you do something that pisses her off

Positive Traits:






Character Flaws:

Not the smartest

Can be very competitive

Background: Anna grew up in a rich American family. She was popular and had lots of friends at school. Her mother had gone to yurihama and Anna always wanted to come here.

Character's clubs: horseback riding, softball, swimming

Character's house of choice.: Windsong



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::Quick announcement!:: Every rp'er is permitted to have TWO characters. Just make sure you specify in the post who it is that you are using, and don't try taking on two if you are truly a novice. That is all. :D
I'm actually playing seven characters in one roleplay, so I think I can handle two here, if I'm needed to.
Miyuki said:
I'm actually playing seven characters in one roleplay, so I think I can handle two here, if I'm needed to.
xD Well, you may be good at character juggling, but some people just can't do it.
True, true. I'd rate myself halfway between intermediate and advanced, to be honest. Also, I'm going to create Miyuki's twin sister. She'll be the one that got to go everywhere with their parents, became a famous idol, and is the most friendly and hyperactive girl you've ever seen ;p

Name: Fleur Bries

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Orientation: lesbian

Grade/year: 1st

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 130

Race: French

Personality: Fleur is, for lack of a better phrase, not the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact, the very idea that she had been accepted into Yurihama Academy nearly caused her mother to faint, as well as Fleur herself. While she may lack common sense and a filter, the girl makes up for it with her uncanny ability to draw and paint; she had won the regional art show in seventh grade (even though high schoolers participated as well.). This was the reason she had been accepted into the school. When it comes to interacting with others, Fleur is usually thoughtful and random, has a silly sense of humor, and is for the most part a sweet and genteel individual. While she is good at talking with people, meeting new ones was tricky. ((Basically, think of Brittany in Glee who draws.
xD ))

Positive Traits: Artistic, genial, funny

Character Flaws: Spacey, vapid.

Background: Fleur was raised in a small town near Versailles along with three brothers. Her life, until discovering her artistic flair was quite uneventful. After winning the regional art contest with a self portrait, Fleur was contacted by a board member of Yurihama, and asked to apply. She was accepted, and is very nervous to start in a whole new place.

Character's clubs: Art Club, Creative Writing, Tea Ceremonies.

Here she is! Miyuki's twin sister~ ?

She has the same hair style as Miyuki as well c:

Name: Hibiki Akahana

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Orientation: Bisexual




Grade/year: 1st Year of Attending Yurihama

Height: 152cm

Weight: 41kg

Race: Japanese

Personality: Hibiki's an outgoing girl, the most friendly and hyperactive person on the planet. She'll almost never decline somebody's request to be their friend, and loves every single one of them, like family.

Positive Traits: Friendly, Outgoing, Playful

Character Flaws: Overly Hyper (By A Lot)

Background: Hibiki's the twin sister of Miyuki. Unlike Miyuki, Hibiki was always travelling around with their parents, getting everything she wanted, and meeting lots of people. On her eleventh birthday, her parents took her overseas to start her dream of becoming an idol. She returned to Japan at age thirteen, her parents then leaving after spending an entire day to celebrate Hibiki's birthday, forgetting all about Miyuki upon leaving to go back overseas. In these last three years, Hibiki went from famous in America, to famous all over the world, Japan's number one idol. She'd been thinking of her sister the whole time, so when she found out where her sister was, she immediately sprang at the chance, so she choose to go and attend Yurihama, and meet Miyuki there as soon as she could, not even notifying Miyuki beforehand.

Clubs: None Yet

House of Choice: Fireglow (Staalking her sister :3)
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Name: Atsuko Kurogane

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Grade/year: 11th grade

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: 120 lbs

Race: Japanese

Personality: Atsuko has the presence of an ojou-sama, being graceful and mature. She almost always has a smile on her face which can calm down many a person. However, she is moderately strict and while she doesn’t go and yell at people, she won’t hesitate to criticize something that’s incorrect or improper and if needed, help the person in question through it. She’s most strict on herself and keeps thinking that there’s always room to improve. She is intelligent and thinks of school as easy but is not above studying a little. On the inside though, she’s not all that confident and often relies on her twin brother Takeshi to help her or to encourage her.

Positive Traits: Intelligent, Kendo Expert, Kind

Character Flaws: Strict (mainly on herself), reliant on her twin brother,

Background: She was born as a twin in Japan and grew up alongside her brother, she being the younger of the two by a couple of minutes. At first, she was extremely timid, only really talking to Takeshi. Starting middle school, she gained some confidence and started making friends on her own. This is also when her ojou-sama persona started coming out, winning the hearts of a lot of the boys, most of which were hit away by Takeshi when they tried to do anything perverted to her and such. When she found out she was going to Yurihama Academy and was going to be in a different school than Takeshi for once, she broke down. Takeshi was able to convince her to go and forge her own identity. But if there were any troubles, she could call him. She uses a hands free phone so she won’t have to keep holding it when calling him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/c7dee638aabd68a04c9a22c5e49b2eab1404937564_full.jpg.ac0280180f00d66a9976e9ad3106f9b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/c7dee638aabd68a04c9a22c5e49b2eab1404937564_full.jpg.ac0280180f00d66a9976e9ad3106f9b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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If you are still accepting, I would like to make a submission.



Name: Haruka Mori






110 lbs



She is a distanced girl that has a hard time paying attention to anything for too long. She is quiet, stating things quite bluntly at times, usually forgetting how it will affect people's emotions. This makes it difficult to make friends along with her inability to fully trust people. She keeps up an emotionless facade, sometimes scaring people away or leading them to believe she thinks she's better than all of them. Despite all of these turn-offs, people seem to trust her with their darkest secrets, not really knowing the reason themselves. She is also loyal and trustworthy, never turning her back on those her need her. Because she is quiet and is very observant, noticing things other people brush off. If she puts her mind to something, she is not easily deterred. Sometimes, she can be a bit boring, spending the majority of her time lost in thought, observing, or reading. Because she always has a book on her, she tends to use it as a blunt weapon when people are being idiots or right before a fight gets too physical. She has a certain weakness for helpless animals and often times stops to help them (they always seem to trust her). Haruka is multi-talented, learning quickly. She is an average student, though she could be top in her class if she tried (same with athletics).​

Positive Traits:
Trustworthy, Honest, Observant, Intelligent

Character Flaws:
Distant, Cold, Aimless, Unmotivated

Because she was born into a wealthy family, Haruka was always guaranteed a good life. However, she was always a very strange child. She was quiet and never cried. People rarely ever noticed when she needed something. Her parents later had another, more normal child. Haruka would've fallen into the background if her sister, Miyoko, didn't always pull her into things. Miyoko tried to make Haruka more normal, but she always avoided people and preferred books. Miyoko actually became afraid that she had broken her sister. Over time, Haruka started to try and blend in. She got good grades, made "friends", and acted normal, while she was screaming in her head all the while. Eventually, she was accepted to Yurihama, where everything was new. Because she didn't have Miyoko to pull her out of her shell, she receded back into it, becoming a girl most don't even realize is there.

Character's clubs:
Ballet, Creative Writing, Tea Ceremonies

Character's house of choice.:

C-can Miyuki... join the tea party...? (Still in character for the two roleplays...)
Just to ask about my character Atsuko's reliance on her brother through the phone. Mind if Takeshi is part of the conversations once in a while via the communication device? I guess he's part of this either way. The first guy introduced in the series!

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