Yuhi no Kuni (Rules and Sign up)


Black Market Witch
Info: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/2924-Yuhi-no-Kuni-(Storyline-and-Info)?p=90400#post90400


  • No Godmodding.
  • No Bunnying.
  • Swearing is allowed but we are not sailors. Have some dignity.
  • You can make up your own power but they must fall within your clan's limits and be approved by me first.
  • I don't oppose romances or friendships between clans, in fact, I encourage it. But remember that in the beginning, you have been taught by your families and masters to hate the other clans, so you should have a bad impression of them.
  • No purely OOC posts. If you want to ask a question, try to have an rp post as well or ask it in the link above.
  • Limit of 3 characters
  • This isn't much of a rule but me asking you. You cannot have white hair. This is explained later on, but if white hair is a must for you, pm me and we'll see what we can do.

If you read the rules, put your clan name in their color. Red for Kokorohashi, green for Hanatsuki, and Blue for Ibarabara.

As to weapons, you can be creative like a whip sword or your own version of a light saber or something.

Also, just as you know, classes are not separated by age. This is the school's first year so all the ages are combined into the same classes.

Character Skeleton:


Age: (14-19)

Gender: (male? female? . . . other?)

Clan: (Kokorohashi, Hanatsuki, Ibarabara)

Appearance: (pic or description. I don't care.)

Personality: (optional)

Primary Weapon: (one)

Secondary Weapon: (up to 2)

Abilities: (up to 3)

History: (optional)

Other: (Anything you'd like us to know?)

My Characters:

Name: Shira Hibari

Age: 15

Gender: female

Clan: Ibarabara


View attachment 4710View attachment 5442She has lapis lazuli blue eyes, white skin and black hair. She usually wears her deep blue Chinese-style dress with black trim and accessories.

Personality: Shira is a loner with little to no regard for the well being of others. A proud girl, she hates listening to others, being tied down, or being indepted to someone. She's sadistic, cold, sarcastic, and violent. But she has a soft spot for animals and small children. She also has a respect for anyone she deems a worthy ally.

Primary Weapon: bo staff

Secondary Weapon: tonfa and rosary (a really long string of black beads with a cross at the end)

Abilities: She can manipulate water (usually as ice), turn cloth into a weapon, and summon "spirits" from papers with seals placed on them.

History: Before becoming a monk, Shira worked as a performer for a circus owned by a cruel and greedy ringmaster. She danced, performed acrobatics, played music and sang. A bit after she turned ten, she was resced by a passing monk who gladly took her under his wing. Her time at the circus is a secret.

Other: She can play the violin and piano.

Name: Ikuto Yamamoto





View attachment 4711View attachment 5443He has black hair and wears the color red a lot. I don't know why I can never get him right.

Ikuto is arrogant and a bit superficial, he hates to look bad. Not that bright, he often says the first thing that pops into his head without even understanding how people can be offended by it. Still, he is disciplined and hard working, willing to do whatever it takes to get stronger.

Primary Weapon:

Secondary Weapon:
whip sword (kinda like Renji's sword from Bleach)

He can turn his blood into poison, usually putting it on his sword to make a deadly attack.

History: Ikuto was born into a wealthy Lucifenian family. As per custom, he was raised as a girl to keep evil spirits away. He hated this and the only times he enjoyed were his kendo lessons with his instructor. One day while traveling, his family's carriage was attacked by bandits. All he'll tell people is that he lost his mother and instructor that day. He'll only reveal other details to those he truly trusts.

Other: He is surprisingly good at sewing and flower arrangement.

Name: Natsuki "Natsu" Gokudera

Age: 14

Gender: male

Clan: Hanatsuki


View attachment 5444View attachment 4712

Personality: Natsu is rather intelligent given his age. He is calm, sweet and a bit shy. Even when he gets angry, he is adorable. An optimist, he never wants to give up. But he also gets attached to people easily and can be a bit clingy due to his past.

Primary Weapon: flute

Secondary Weapon: piano wire and small explosives

Abilities: With his flute, he can create elaborate illusions or hypnotize people to have a strong urge to dance.

History: Natsu's family was murdered by a gang when he was little. Forced to be a street orphan and stillin shock, he tried his best to survive, often only barely. His suffering ended when he was adopted by someone of the Hanatsuki clan.

Other: He has an odd fascination with explosives.

Thank you so much for this amdreams! It means so much!

Name: Hatsumomo Nita

Age: 17

Gender: female

Clan: Sorry I'm doing this from my kindle so I cant make it red. Kokorohashi

Appearanance: View attachment 4713

Personality: Siyuri was raised to be a very kind girl with poise and elegance. Although she still held a burning hatred for the other clans. She always tried to be very nice to those people but it was always frowned upon by her family and friends. Now she is a beautiful girl caught between the hatred of her family and her kind self that she was raised to be.

Primary Weapon: Bladed geisha fan

Secondary Weapon: a pair of sai

Abilities: She has an unnatural ability to be very graceful and she is also a contortionist

History: raised like most in her clan

Other: N/A
Name: Kaii Sin.

Age: 17.

Gender: Male.

Clan: Hanatsuki

Appearance: Ignore the wording across the image.


Personality: Kaii is both dark and mysterious; he likes to hide from his own emotions whilst he fights to complete goals and missions admirably. Although most would see Kaii as sadistic and uncaring, he is in fact very protective of those he grows to care for. Other than that, Kaii is very creative and extremely clever when it comes to battle, using his Ki to create heavy illusions and get into the mind of the enemy.

Primary Weapon: Windmill Shuriken

Secondary Weapon: Throwing Shuriken and Razor Wires.

Abilities: Kaii’s abilities in the illusionary technique are extremely powerful for someone his age, so far to say that some of his strongest illusions can actually deal physical damage without an illusionary trick working behind the illusion.

History: Kaii, being born into a poor family, was quickly forced to adopt to the streets by himself. Leaving his family for a few years, Kaii found himself learning at a small Ninja Dojo that opened a free service to the outside world. When the Dojo was forced to shut, as it was deemed, dishonourable, Kaii ran back to his family alongside his mentor. Finding only their graves, his mentor took him on until he turned 17 and left him in the direction of the Yuhi Academy, expecting great things of him.

Other: Kaii’s personality derives from his families death and his mentor’s cruel view on life, that it was merely one more thing to complete before he would be allowed his own death, an idea his students quickly adopted.
Accepted. I'll probably start the rp tomorrow or tonight. If others want to join, they can at anytime.
Name: Vandower "Jack" Chambers

Age: 18

Gende: Ibarabara (Sorry don't know how to change colors. )

Appearance: Skinny, White hair, Red eyes. wears black jeans, black shoes, and a red plain tight shirt. you know hes a monk cause he sewed his Lily symbol-ed headband on the right sleeve of his shirt. there's also a giant scroll on his back and a leather pouch on the left side of his pants.

Personality: Very to himself, Jack will only speak when necessary. He finds that his opinion does not matter to others or his feelings. His smiles are rare but warm when seen. He is very loyal when trust is built between another person.

Primary Weapon: Gloves that channel the beam like ki for a style of hand to hand combat literally using just his hands to fight.

Secondary Weapon: A scroll that takes a blood toll to summon an ancient dragon of Air named Akiano. and a small dagger made out of silver. the hilt is made of flint and can detach from the blade for starting fires.

Abilities: Can sense the auras of other people through colors. and can negate all illusion attacks using the ki within himself.

Element: Fire.

History: Born in a very strict very wealthy house, jack was very hateful of his father and was taught everything he knows through violence and abuse. He was made clear that to an untrustworthy world he was to never reveal his real name given to him by the dragon Akiano when he was ten at the ceremony of dragons. His name was to only be given to his most trusted friend. His family died in a horrible fire. with no home he traveled for a new start and came across a school.

Other: he enjoys listening to any kind of classical music preferably on a piano or flute. he hates over crowded places and noisy people. and hes good with animals.
It's okay about the color thing, as long as you let me know you read the rules. But before accepting your character, I'm going to have to ask you a few things.

One, by your element being fire, does that mean you can manipulate fire? If so, you should put it as an ability.

Two, I don't get the whole sense people's auras through colors thing. I don't get how that would work, could you elaborate?

Three, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disapprove the power to dispel illusions. This is because all 3 clans work on different spectrums of power. The Hanatsuki, the illusion makers, work on a mental level, while the Ibarabara work on a spiritual one. Though you can have a power that allows you to be able to sense that it is an illusion, making it lose some power, you'd still be able to see the illusions.

Other than that, your character looks good and I'd be happy to accept once we straighten these things out.
I've read the rules but i have no idea what Godmodding is and bunnying?

About the fire, sure i can put it as an ability. Yes i can manipulate it but to only a certain extent I'm very weak when using fire cause i don't know much about it. Since there has to be fire already around to be able to manipulate it, its why i have the knife.

The Aura thing. Well its like every single person has a small glowing light surrounding them which he can see because hes from the ibarabara can. basically its like each person has a mood-ring effect around that tells him what they are feeling to a certain extent. He can't read minds and hes terrible at guessing whats going on, but he has a general idea of what there feeling at that moment. He can't read his own Aura.

As for the illusions. I'm completely ok with that. Then ill use the aura ability to sense that a person is in an illusion. Since on a generic mood ring chart Green is a Neutral Reading i could use that color as an indication that there in an illusion going on since when trapped in ones mind your not really feeling anything outside your body. Unless even if your trapped in your mind your feelings within the illusions are still seen then i can have the colors changing faster then a normal person would. how about that? :) you can choose which one works the best for you.
Godmodding is when your character can do anything and everything and is invincible. Obviously this is annoying to others.

Bunnying is when you control other people's characters. If you look at the rules of the site, it'll explain both of these better.

Also, I guess the aura thing is acceptable. Power approved.

And as for the illusion thing, I'd choose the last option because emotions are a function of the mind, so they'd still show.

Anyway, character approved. Jump right in.
Name: Shinju Rin

Age: 16

Gender: female


View attachment 5278Personality: Shinju is a quiet well spoken girl who struggles with the restraints put upon her by her family. Her path as a Ninja has shown her the true difficulties of life. Because her family has disowned her she does not fight for honor like some other ninjas. She fights to protect the weak and make things better. She has seen the hardships of those around her and the prejudice and restraints it produces. Her life has produced a hatred for those who do not understand the power and ease that comes with having money. Or those who have simpler easier life in general.

Primary Weapon: Shijun is an amazing Yabusame archer (mounted archery)

Secondary Weapon: A kaiken (dagger) and throwing stars/

Abilities: She speaks with animals and the plants. When she speaks with the plants they can project images of those who have been around and can find people in heavily wooded area by sending messages through the trees. She can also manipulate plants making them grow and die and move in ways they would never do on their own.

History: Shijun comes from a family who believes that the place of a woman is in the house taking care of her husband's needs. She has now been disowned from her family because of the path she has chosen as a Ninja. Her family did not pay for her to work with or be trained by the Masters she had to earn their instruction in ways that have made her very jaded. They took advantage of her innocence and longing for education until the Sensei heard of it. This discovery led to great dishonor being brought upon many ninjas and many hate Shijun for it. The families of those who have been dishonored blame for Shijun for their problems; they call her a snitch and a liar in hopes of hiding the truth.

Other: This is her mare Kuro: http://www.blackarabs.com/Triton8582.jpg
[MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] Your character seems in good shape but I'd like to clear up a few things.

One, the Kokorohashi's abilities are very physical powers, having to do with manipulating their bodies or blades. Your powers seem very mental. If you can explain how they would work physically, then I guess I can accept it, but for now I'll have to disapprove it.

Bows and arrows are weapons more associated with the Hanatsuki but I guess I can let it slide as long as you can't shoot things from great distances.

When you say your "tribe" isn't accepting you, do you mean your family? Because the Kokorohashi clan is very proud of their martial arts, so in general, being a samurai has a lot of honor in it. So your family can disown you but not the entire clan.

And third, it's just a reminder, but makes sure that even though you disapprove of the Kokorohashi's arrogance, you also hold some of the prejudices of the clan. One of the main themes of this rp is prejudice and the tension between the clans. If it makes you feel better, all the clans are stuck up in a way.

But yeah, other than that, your character looks good and once we have everything cleared up, I'd be happy to have you aboard.
Okay. Accepted. Jump right in. All I ask is that you read the first few posts where Nana explains how the school works because I really don't want to explain all that again.
Name: Ashlee

Age: (14-19): 18

Gender: (male? female? . . . other?):Female

Clan: (Kokorohashi, Hanatsuki, Ibarabara)

Appearance: (pic or description. I don't care.): brown eyes, purple long hair with a white bow, a white outfit.

Personality: (optional): goes for what she believes in, isn't afraid of anything or anyone

Primary Weapon: (one): The broad Sword

Secondary Weapon: (up to 2): Fire sword

Abilities: (up to 3): can make enemies freeze or go into a slow motion

History: (optional): my father died from the Ibarabara so now I'm back to get my revenge.

Other: (Anything you'd like us to know?)
Just a few things about your character.

1. Swords tend to be the chosen weapon for the Kokorohashi. The Hanatsuki tend to use either ranged weapons or really close weapons, like knives.

2. As for powers, could you tell me how the freezing one would work? Because ninjas use powers of a mental or psychic nature. So do you do like hypnotize them and they get paralyzed or something? Also, I'd like to refrain from time based powers. If you were a Kokorhashi, you could have enhanced speed if that would be okay.

Other than that, everything seems okay.
Name: Keiko Hagana

Age: 14

Gender: Female


Appearance: She has dark brown hair that falls to her waist. She has dark brown eyes that are very deep, but there seems to be nothing spectacular about them. Her light beige skin is very pretty, or so they say.

Personality: She isn't one to speak much. She is one who submits easily to a direct order, given that she agrees with it. She is good with words, so she can talk her way out of many things, but not everything. She is kind to those she trusts, but comes off as hostile to others.

Primary Weapon: She uses a scythe as her primary blade, and she is learning to infuse it with electricity.

Secondary Weapon: She is also good with swords and throwing knives.

Abilities: Again, she is learning to infuse her scythe with electricity, so I suppose that's one... and then she also enhance her strength with a bit of focus.

History: She is one of the rare few that was taken under a samurai's wing for free. She came from a simple family, but they threw her out at the age of thirteen when they found out she could fight like a man. They were a caring family at first, but they were simply disgusted that she was capable of such a thing. They just hated it, which resulted in them hating her. She wandered the streets, looking for someone to take her in. Fortunately, a samurai family was caring enough to take her. She treats them as her real family.

She can play the piano.
[MENTION=2855]Zephora[/MENTION] Accepted. Just pop right on in and join the rest of the class in the training grounds.
Name: Andrea Marcz

Age: 16

Gender: female

Clan: Hanatsuki


View attachment 5628

Personality: Slightly distant. Hot headed at times. Mostly she gives off a lazy relaxed feeling.

Primary Weapon:

View attachment 5629

Secondary Weapon: Throwing Knives, Poisons

Abilities: Astro/mental projection(same thing)- The ability to send your astrol/mental self out of your body. She would use this in the case of hiding her body, and her mental body coming out to use other abilities so she does not get hurt physically. However, she would be forced back into her body if her mental body(which looks like an almost clear vapor, like steam) is struck.

Psychometry or psychoscopy(same thing)- The ability to gain information about an object or person. Some things she can see easily as in your age, name, clan, and sometimes power. It's rare if she looks into a person or an object past
maybe looking into your power because she usually looks too deep unintentionally and passes out for an unknown amount of time, though usually quickly. This is because she sees every thought, emotion, second of your life and it's too much for her brain. When she wakes up, she usually has no memory of the experience or moments prior.

Dowsing- The ability to locate objects. This usually makes it easy for her to find her target but also leaves her vulnerable. She has to concentrate and remain completely motionless until her brain locates the object. The farther away, the longer it takes. Something across the room, seconds. Something across an average house, a few minutes. Miles away, thirty minutes or above. By that time she usually forgets about it so she doesn't use this power often for longer than a few minutes.

History: Andrea has a single mother who dabbles in prostitution accompanied by several jobs just to keep her and Andrea above water. Her clan is not the wealthiest clan and she is even on the lower end of that. She can't complain though, knowing that she has it better than some. She was often picked on by the people who were doing slightly better than her and she's gotten into many fights, regardless if she's a girl or not. Chivalry is dead. But imagine her suprise when one of the most picked on and looked down on was selected to join an acadamy for the best. She didn't want to leave her mother but decided that it would be better for her mother if she left. One less mouth to feed would be just what she need to keep her out of her more risque jobs.

Other: Has strong prejudices against the other clans, thinking they're all stuck up rich kids who fight as a hobby.
Sigh. Why does no one want to be a monk? They get to control an element. Oh Well.

@Cindy360 Accepted. Here is the link to the rp: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3061-Yuhi-no-Kuni

Just come to the training grounds for class as if you were in class yesterday. I only ask that you read post #7 to see some information about the school. Welcome. :) Also, keep in mind that the Ibarabara stereotype is a spineless weakling. They can be poor as well.

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