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No Weakness
Do you like, card games? Do you like, children's' card games? I don't either and the current season of the show just doesn't cut it for me. So here's some ideas I put together while thinking about it:

I'm neither picky nor judgmental.

Player Characters:
Play whoever you want. Yugioh gets pretty silly with its characters especially with earlier seasons anyway. If you can't think of anything, generic schoolkid is perfectly acceptable. Though with the disappearing people plot, a duelist cop would probably put you right in the middle of the action pretty quickly.

Haʻalele ʻia'wahi is an island over a hundred miles north of Hawaii. Its most prominent feature is a tall, extinct volcano which makes up the majority of the island's 50 sq miles. Most sides of the island are covered in shear cliff face, the exception being the South Western side where the beach is. The island has one city, Haʻalele ʻia'wahi City, with a rough population of 800 with an economy supported primarily by tourism. It has a very nice museum built out of a former US naval base. The volcano has a single path carved into it, just wide enough for two cars to drive up. At the top of the mountain, on the South side, is a hot spring resort open to tourists. On the North side is an archeological dig site where only authorized personnel, mostly archeologists, are allowed.

Haʻalele ʻia'wahi, though obscure is known for its numerous ghost sightings, but with the introduction of Duel Monsters, their true nature has been revealed. These are not mere ghosts, but duel spirits. Though they previously lived out of the way from the inhabitants and tourists of the island, the spirits have gotten restless as of late. Some people even report being harassed by the spirits. On top of that, there have been cases of people disappearing,

RP Rules:
I don't like being a stickler. Just follow site policy. Try to resolve your issues like adults. If something is bothering you though, I am fairly open to most problems, just don't go to me for personal issues unrelated to the RP, I am not your therapist.

I like Dueling Book, but play how ever you like. Do it all in text if you want. Otherwise, the rules will all be the same.

Cards in the RP:
Will be as they are in the original anime.

Play whatever you want within the game rules. See below for more details.

I haven't actually played this game in a while. Make your deck with whatever you like. If I see it's too powerful, I'll make it known and then write it down so people know that it's documented for future reference. Use your intuition when deck building.

Custom Cards:
I like these and I really like seeing these. I'll probably allow up to 15 at the start so people can get creative and play nearly fully custom decks should they so choose. Same with banlist, if I think it's too powerful I'll make it known.
Not too many biters, it appears; though I guess that's to be expected. If I can get 2 maybe 3 more people I'll throw up an OOC.

In the meantime, Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Andrita Andrita do you two have any ideas for the plot, the setting, or your characters? Any input is good input, I think.
I think you know the character better than I do. I don't think I'd be able to do it justice, but I'll see what I can do over the course of the RP.
Yeah I think it's still accepting. I've only started the thread yesterday. I promised I'd get an OOC if 2 more people joined though, so I guess I'll have that up by Friday. Oh wait, tomorrow's Friday.
It's under Hyperlinks. Lemme put the actual link up.

At what point does it stop being amorphages? Any two dragons technically gives you goliath, so I should probably throw that on the banlist. But I'll wait and see.
Why would you ban Goliath lol
Why would I ban the walking Vanity's Emptiness lol
Because outing a Goliath entails either a normal summon by blowing 2 tributes, or a usually a Darkness Metal Dragon. Summoning it with Elpy is a no-go because Elpy is banned, and summoning it with Pisty means it'd need to be milled first. Also needs to be timed because Goliath can lock you out of your own plays. It's literally a worse Vanity's Ruler. Goliath is only playable because of its dragon synergy.

Also, you should probably ban Agarpain instead of Pisty, because Agarpain can easily pull Borrelend out of deck for free. If you want to nerf dragon link, I understand Pisty but leaving Agarpain open is kind of counterintuitive.

Graceful Charity is at 3, which makes every deck hilariously consistent. Bonus for any deck that used GY.

I see Supreme King Starving Venom on the list, and I guess that's because you don't want to see Pendulum FTK, but Tyrant Neptune is legal and at 3, so the Tyrant Neptune + Nightingale is totally fair game.

Maxx C is also banned on the actual list because drawing it is basically a free win as it forces opponent to pass or let you gain ungodly card advantage. I suggest just using the traditional banlist with some adjustments. Some cards are illegal for a reason and the custom banlist has too many oversights.
Alright i'm interested, I actually play modern yu gi oh, so this should be fun lol.
I'm pretty interested, I've loved playing Yugioh before it got rather expensive to maintain, and I like the idea of making custom cards and decks in all honesty.
Where'd all you people come from? OOC and characters is already up, if you hadn't noticed, by the by.
Where'd all you people come from? OOC and characters is already up, if you hadn't noticed, by the by.
You want a real answer, or a joke answer? Either way, here's both.
Real answer, California.
Joke answer, I willed myself into existence.
Because outing a Goliath entails either a normal summon by blowing 2 tributes, or a usually a Darkness Metal Dragon. Summoning it with Elpy is a no-go because Elpy is banned, and summoning it with Pisty means it'd need to be milled first. Also needs to be timed because Goliath can lock you out of your own plays. It's literally a worse Vanity's Ruler. Goliath is only playable because of its dragon synergy.

Also, you should probably ban Agarpain instead of Pisty, because Agarpain can easily pull Borrelend out of deck for free. If you want to nerf dragon link, I understand Pisty but leaving Agarpain open is kind of counterintuitive.

Graceful Charity is at 3, which makes every deck hilariously consistent. Bonus for any deck that used GY.

I see Supreme King Starving Venom on the list, and I guess that's because you don't want to see Pendulum FTK, but Tyrant Neptune is legal and at 3, so the Tyrant Neptune + Nightingale is totally fair game.

Maxx C is also banned on the actual list because drawing it is basically a free win as it forces opponent to pass or let you gain ungodly card advantage. I suggest just using the traditional banlist with some adjustments. Some cards are illegal for a reason and the custom banlist has too many oversights.

I'm a bit of an idiot, I hope you can forgive me. I'll add those to the list when I can.

You want a real answer, or a joke answer? Either way, here's both.
Real answer, California.
Joke answer, I willed myself into existence.

I meant how you found this thread as I just started the OOC, though maybe that's where the interest came from. Either way I'm glad you're all here. I wouldn't know what I'd do if I didn't get any attention at all.

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