No Weakness

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Important Info
Yu-Gi-Oh! DFD takes place in an alternate parallel universe from the original series, one which will allow all sorts of new ideas to be introduced meanwhile still allowing us to build upon what was already established. The events of the RP begin a decade after the conclusion of GX. Technology has changed to reflect this, though duel disks remain largely the same.- I don't like being a stickler. Just follow site policy. Try to resolve your issues like adults. If something is bothering you though, I am fairly open to most problems, just don't go to me for personal issues unrelated to the RP, I am not your therapist.
For now, I'll stick with one character per player. If things get slow, I might consider allowing players to create a second character if a player wishes to do so. - Duels play out with the same rules as they do in the TCG. How you actually play; what simulator you use, if you use one at all, it up to you the player. Preferably, if a simulator is used, the actions should be transcribed into the forum so that the players can actually roleplay. I, and if I decide to take a mini GM the mini GM, will check the duel in text for rule violations before checking replays.
Duels will be done in singles format.
Though lifepoints are at 8000 now, this might be lowered to 4000 depending on how quickly duels go in RP. - Character Sheet Repository
Main/In Character
RP Info
- Haʻalele ʻia'wahi is an island over a hundred miles north of Hawaii. Its most prominent feature is a tall, extinct volcano which makes up the majority of the island's 50 sq miles. Most sides of the island are covered in shear cliff face, the exception being the South Western side where the beach is. The island has one city, Haʻalele ʻia'wahi City, with a rough population of 800 with an economy supported primarily by tourism. It has a very nice museum built out of a former US naval base. The volcano has a single path carved into it, just wide enough for two cars to drive up. At the top of the mountain, on the South side, is a hot spring resort open to tourists. On the North side is an archeological dig site where only authorized personnel, mostly archeologists, are allowed.
- People have gone missing, a mysterious cult has appeared on the island, and the spirits of the island have been growing restless.
For the past year, there have been sporadic cases of missing persons, such cases becoming more frequent with each passing month. The police of the island have not been able to track any single perpetrator and there seems to be little to no connection between the victims. Then one day, the cases slowed down, only for there to be new reports of an obscure cult operating within the island. Police have reason to believe the two instances to be connected, but with no leads on either issue, it's difficult to know for certain what's going on. - Nothing here yet. Once play starts, this will be updated and act as a brief summary of where the plot currently is.
- Note 1: This is not in addition to the TCG/OCG banlist.
Note 2: We will be using TCG legal cards only, unless someone gives a good reason for otherwise.
Note 3: Things will be added or removed from the list depending on usage data in RP.
Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos
Block Dragon
Cyber Stein
Crystron Halqifibrax
Danger!? Jackalope?
Danger! Nessie!
Djinn Releaser of Rituals
Fairy Tail - Snow
Majespecter Unicorn – Kirin
Magical Scientist
Master Peace, the True Dracoslaying King
Mind Master
Numeron Network
Orcust Harp Horror
Performage Plushfire
Performapal Monkeyboard
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis
Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
Samsara Lotus
SPYRAL Master Plan
Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
Tyrant Neptune
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom
Thunder Dragon Colossus
Firewall Dragon
Guardragon Elpy
Knightmare Mermaid
Summon Sorceress
Topologic Gumblar Dragon
Lavalval Chain
Number 39: Utopia Double
Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk
Number 86: Heroic Champion – Rhongomyniad
Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon
Salamangreat Miragestallio
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
Butterfly Dagger – Elma
Chain Strike
Change of Heart
Cold Wave
Delinquent Duo
Dimension Fusion
Dragonic Diagram
Giant Trunade
Graceful Charity
Last Will
Magical Explosion
Mass Driver
Mirage of Nightmare
Painful Choice
Premature Burial
Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force
Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!
Snatch Steal
Soul Charge
Spellbook of Judgment
The Forceful Sentry
Last Turn
Return from the Different Dimension
Royal Oppression
Self-Destruct Button
Sixth Sense
Time Seal
Trap Dustshoot
Ultimate Offering
Vanity’s Emptiness
Zoodiac ComboKozmo Farmgirl
Trickstar Lycoris
Zoodiac Drident
Draco Face-off
Harpie’s Feather Duster
Kozmo Town
Mind Control
Monster Reborn
Pot of Greed
Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones
Sky Striker Mecha Modules – Multirole
Zoodiac Barrage
True King’s ReturnDestiny HERO – Malicious
Zoodiac Ratpier
Zoodiac Whiptail
Upstart Goblin - Any card in the anime that would be anachronistic or one-of-a-kind in the anime and therefore wouldn't make sense to be available to the players should not be used by the players. For instance, the Egyptian Gods are all gone by the end of the original series, therefore the players should not be able to have it. There are two exceptions: Pendulum cards, because it's a whole mechanic; and cyberse cards, because it's a whole type; neither of which seem like they should be restricted. Treat them like any other card you would find in game.
- Note: Dies to removal is not an argument.
At the start, each player has the ability to create up to 15 custom cards so that players can have fully, or near fully custom archetypes should they so choose. You may not have many opportunities to do so after character creation, so use this wisely. I suggest just making your character's ace and being satisfied with that. Duelingbook is preferred because of what it offers in this regard, but use whatever format or creator you like as long as it's legible.
When making something, assume that it'll be at 3, even if it only makes sense story-wise to exist at 1. Be careful that when you make something, that it's not too close in function to something on the banlist. Don't go too far in breaking the conventions of the game, and if you do, please try to do so artistically. (Quick Effect) is a property of monsters only. At the same time, don't worry too much about card grammar; I also think it's overcomplicated and if there are rules discrepancies I'll try to go over it with you the player hopefully at character creation. - Each player starts with up to 90 cards (60 main deck, 15 side deck, 15 extra deck). For the trajectory planned, I would suggest against making something too xenophobic. Though there will not be siding, the side deck can be used between duels should the player want to change cards within their deck between duels. Any additional cards acquired over the course of the RP should be marked down on the character sheet for easy book keeping.
- The primary method of acquiring new cards should be by story reasons within the RP itself. Good roleplaying, active playing, and character interaction will be rewarded with new cards, usually something unique (custom). There will be cards that will be granted to players who participate in the plot, and they should be given out fairly regularly.
Player characters giving one another cards, or trading cards is highly encouraged. I might have a way in the future to reward players for doing so, but I haven't decided on one yet. Let me know if you have suggestions.
Though it would make sense for player characters to be able to acquire cards from packs, I don't have a way to do this reliably. If the player wants TCG cards that can't be acquired in some way (trade, gift, ante) from another player, then the player might be able to message me and we'll see what can be done. Please don't do this before you've had at least one duel in game, and try not to do this too frequently.
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