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Fantasy YSHS Reboot

Caleb Sakurami headed to his room for right now. He went to unlock his door and caught a glimpse of psychic insight. Something had been here. In his flashback he had seen something unlock his door from the inside. They hadn't stolen anything, not that he SAW at least. He sensed that nobody had come into the room after them, so if this was a set up for somebody ELSE to rob him blind, they hadn't come yet at least.

He hadn't seen WHO had unlocked the doors, his powers weren't that great yet. But he could still sense their energy signature in here. He would find out who it was sooner or later. He could find them. He stored their psionic 'scent' in the back of his mind for later. Right now he tried to think about what to do.

He didn't know the right magics yet, so he couldn't set up any traps. He thought about setting up cameras in his room. Maybe later. Right now he had no cameras. He would need to get some or something. Theoretically, he could just take use powers and have a teacher help him catch the guy. But he didn't want to do that. He wasn't the type to act on impulses like that. He wanted to know why. If not to steal stuff, why. He always wanted to know why before acting. Maybe they had a good reason to. And until he knew, no use in overreacting.

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First hour is now over. The passing period will last fifteen minutes to allow characters to interact, then second hour will begin.

Constantine Patterson

Constantine frowned to himself as he heard the bell ring. He looked up at the ringing bell, disappointed that he hadn’t completed anything during the class period he had skipped. “Waste of time...” he muttered to himself, leaning against the wall and pouting. His dampened spirit didn’t last long however, as when people went back to their dorms for the passing period, he began to hear yelling. At first he was confused, forgetting what he did. He remembered soon, however, and a grin appeared on his face as he began to teleport to the dorms.

He soon got there, rushing in his excitement. Even though he had gone all the way across the school, he wasn’t exerted at all, due to his teleporting not taking much energy. He leaned against the hall and watched as people realized some things were missing from their dorms, and that they had things in their dorms they never had before. Constantine grinned a bit, watching. He saw one person getting pinned against a wall, the assailant having assumed the person now against the drywall with his eyes bugging out had stolen something from his dorm. Now this is what I wanted... Constantine thought to himself. He floated up to the roof, so as to make himself somewhat safer from people who might get angry at him. xpstitch xpstitch

Mei Rinsaku
Mei looked up as the bell rang, sighing quietly. The same metal bars that had created a cage mask for him extended seemingly out of nowhere again, moving his materials into his bag as he finished the final bits of his drawing. He looked towards the man he had been sitting next to for the period nodding towards him as he completed the last detail of his drawing. The metal bars retracted, the last one to retreat bringing his bag into his hand before sweeping back into the dark cloth covering Mei’s mask. He handed the drawing to the teacher on his way out, nodding towards her.

Mei walked idly across the school grounds, watching other people as they either hurried to their dormitory, to head to class early, or to find their friends or partner. He sat down on a small wooden bench, leaning his head back and taking a deep breath. He shot his gaze around the various peoples of the school, learning about all of them. In this sense, it was somewhat surprising Mei didn’t talk to people that much. He could know just about everything about everyone, if he wanted. He really could blackmail almost anyone, or befriend them, with his knowledge. He felt, however, it was a horrible thing to do, to use his power this way. He had been given these powers through horrifying means, and intended not to use them in such ways.

Mei heard people yelling angrily in the dorms. He cocked his head towards them, and was somewhat intrigued. While he fancied avoiding conflict rather than becoming entangled within it, he felt intrigued at what was happening. He got up and meandered over to the dorms, walking in and ducking a textbook being furiously thrown towards the door. He looked around, noticing that almost everyone’s dorm room was open. Mei was somewhat confused, considering most people kept their rooms closed. He went to his room, and noticed the door was open. He looked in, but it didn’t really matter, as he didn’t put anything in their. He didn’t carry much except his bag, and he already had that with him. He sat against the wall next to his door, watching the mayhem quietly.

Constantine is currently interacting w/ Caleb. Mei is in the dormitories, but is open for interaction.
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Caleb recapped into the psionic scent trails, picking out the sneak's out of all the different ones that were useless to him. He began to follow where the trail leads. At some point he followed it and came across a particular place and paused.

He noticed others had been broken into as well. He had been sensing the perpetrator's presence all over these halls as he searched. It had been a difficult search, seeing as he had gone all over the place. Caleb had needed to sense which scent areas were old and which where more recent. He didn't want to just burst into every room with the guy's presence signature in it only to find nobody there. If he did that, somebody might even think HE had done this.

Some places had been looted, others like his own had not. The angered dorm residents could attest to that. He followed the trail of the guy's presence until it led to the roof. He could sense the trail growing more and more new. It was telling him how recent he had been here. Very recent.

He was no longer in possession of his sneaking magics or skills. He could no longer blend into the shadows or disappear like magic. He no longer had the same ninja skills of professional assassins. He had 15 year old ninja sneaking capabilities. That is to say, little. Every kid snuck around when they were little. Everyone knew how to sneak. Even if none of his previous sneaking powers had translated into this life, he still walked silently as he made his way onto the roof where Constantine was. He was almost there.

He hoped the guy would not run or teleport away. He was not angry. So much as curious. He wanted to know why. And he wanted to see what the person looked like. This person who did this.
Constantine Patterson
Constantine floated slightly above the roof, his arms behind his head and his legs crossed, listening to the chaos beneath him. He sighed and smiled to himself, listening. He would watch in the halls, but he figured it best not to be in there. He figured that he might end up getting hurt, with some of the spectacles he had seen when he walked in.

Constantine opened his eyes, sensing something was wrong. He couldn’t quite tell what it was. It wasn’t the incessant fighting going on below him. It couldn’t be. It was something else, for sure. Unsure of what was happening, Constantine floated higher, almost ten feet above the roof. Then, he turned quickly, looking down to catch a general overview.

He saw what he felt was wrong. There was a man walking on the roof, assumedly to where he had been. He cocked his head, curious. He had no doubt it was someone who’s room he had infiltrated. However, he wondered how he knew it was Constantine who had done it. Or, even if he did know.

Constantine slowly floated back down to the roof. As he came closer, he became upright, so as to land on his feet when he reached the concrete. He looked at the man that had gotten on the roof, curious. He stopped for a moment then grinned, teleporting behind him and floating just above his shoulder. “Hiya!” Constantine said vibrantly, grinning wildly. He quickly teleported back to where he had been, however now he was only floating about three feet in the air, upside down. “Can I help you?” He said, somewhat mockingly. He smiled and stuck his tongue out childishly, as was his nature.

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Caleb couldn't help but looking a bit wowed by how cute Constantine was.

He had predicted he would teleport behind him but had made no move for combat. He knew they guy wasn't going to strike. So he made no move to defend himself.

The boy didn't seem startled by his disappearing and reappearing act as most would. His muscles didn't even seem tensed for a fight. He seemed unfazed by the act and only blushed a little bit for some reason.

Caleb knew that despite how cute this thief was, he couldn't get distracted. He shook his wowedness aside in order to think about what it was that he had wanted.

"Hmmmm..." He said, rubbing his chin as if he was thinking bout what he DID want.

Caleb didn't know how he should go about this exactly. He wasn't sure. He didn't want to reveal his knowledge of what Constantine had done, and he didn't want the boy to run away like he knew he could. He needed to keep him around him so they could talk. He didn't want to seem like an interrogator. And he didn't want to seem like he was mad or would tattle on him. He needed a way that would get him the answers he needed.

Caleb seemed to think about this for a small while before answering.

"Let's go out on a date" he said sweetly, his demeanor being cute and blushey and excited, as if he really did want a date with Constantine.

He looked like he genuinely did want to go on a date with Constantine. He didn't look mad and he didn't look like he had come here with any specific goal in mind. From his behavior alone, Constantine could not tell if he knew anything or not. He seemed to be blissfully unaware of what had happened. He seemed unworried about it. He didn't suspect anything, it seemed. He looked like he just spontaneously wanted to ask Constantine out on a date.
Constantine Patterson
Constantine laughed lightly when Caleb asked him out on a date. “Oh, yeah? You sure you can handle me? I can cause a lot of trouble you know,” he said, winking and pointing down, referring to the yelling in the dorms. To Constantine, it didn’t seem like Caleb knew what he had done. But, with Constantine’s rash behavior at times, he couldn’t help but be proud of the mayhem he had created.

“Although I suppose you don’t, hm? I don’t think I’ve ever met you...” Constantine said cocking his head as if he was contemplating this. He laughed lightly, teleporting in front of him again, upside down, putting his face right in front of his. “I’m a lot to deal with. Big things come in small packages, you know!” He laughed, teleporting back about two feet. He landed finally on the solid ground, looking up at Caleb.

“Surely, asking me out wasn’t all you wanted.” Constantine asked, staring at him, a small smile on his face. Of course, Constantine didn’t really know if it was all he wanted or not, but he had his doubts. It would’ve been a huge coincidence for Caleb to have happened onto the roof where Constantine just happened to be, to conveniently ask him on a date. “I’m sure I’m cute enough that you’d want to, but popular? There’s no way you could’ve heard of me before,” Constantine concluded, looking at Caleb and waiting for an explanation.

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Arian shifted into his true form and began to pad around the school halls, everyone had been yelling, screaming, blaming one another for the stolen possessions but Arian's stuff hadn't been stolen, cause he had just unpacked. This happened much earlier. He strode his way down the long halls and turned. Mei. It was Mei. He padded over and sat down by his feet and looked out at all the people. So, it didn't appear Mei's belongings were stolen either. Arian looked up at Mei and whined, perhaps he would like to go somewhere else? Walk and stretch their legs? Sure Arian needed sleep, but he would much rather prefer to be in the company of Mei than sleep nearly half his day away. Arian then stood up placing a paw onto Mei's shoulder gently.

Soon after Arian was half running- half walking away from Mei, his black tail swishing back and forth, nose low to the ground as he was off to find the delicious scent that was wafting up to the dormitories. Lunch? No. Breakfast! Mmm bacon served with hot pancakes and butter with maple syrup and fresh farm eggs. His maw was beginning to water and it drool began to collect at his chin which he made sure to lick up with his tongue as to not seem like a pig when it came to food. He was a well-mannered Church Grim and good dog. His previous master Father Jacobs said so.

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Mei Rinsaku
Mei looked down at the dog that was now to the right of him. He blinked for a moment, confused. He hadn’t seen any dogs before, and he certainly hadn’t interacted with any before(that he remembered). He scanned the dog, before realizing it was Arian. “Oh...” Mei said quietly, chuckling a bit. He hadn’t thought about it before, but it made much more sense now. He made note of it in the government database, before looking back down at Arian.

He cocked his head slightly when Arian whined. He couldn’t tell if something was wrong, or if he just wanted to leave. Mei was somewhat surprised when Arian managed to stand and put a paw on his shoulder. Even when he was a dog, he was still a tad bit taller than Mei. He contemplated this for a moment, before following Arian as he trotted away.

Mei didn’t quite know what Arian was walking towards, before he saw him drooling a bit, then realized. He laughed quietly to himself at Arian’s response to smelling the food. Mei ate occasionally, however, he didn’t need to for prolonged amounts of time due to the physical enhancements of his mask.

PastelBeauty PastelBeauty
When they got to the cafeteria Arian stopped and sat down right next to Mei's foot. The "heel" command as Father Jacobs called it. Arian looked up at Mei and huffed at him, a soft bark was released shortly afterwards. Arian looked back up at the servers waiting for them to give Mei the food.

"Mei. Food. Good boy. I was good. I found you. I was a good boy. Food." Arian thought in his head then barked spinning around in circle before sitting once more by his foot in the heel command.

Arian's tail was going a mile a minute as he looked at the food then his golden eyes flicked back at Mei. Arian knew better than to jump up on people, after all he was still human. It was...sometimes harder to remember that though when natural instincts took over to guide his actions. Like serving people and protecting people. Mei was his human. A...masked human, but none the less Mei was his human now. The lunch ladies smiled at Mei and said what a good dog he had, they were completely unaware that the dog they saw was actually a student at this school. Arian wasn't as big as the usual shape shifters here in the school so he looked like a normal dog except for the luminescent golden eyes.

Arian needed to become a familiar to a mage...he didn't want to though. He wanted to stay by Mei's side. He liked Mei. Mei was a good person and friend. Arian trotted off to find a table and once he found one right by a window he hopped up onto his hind legs and placed his front paws onto the bench seat that was near the table.

"Mei! This table. I found table for you to sit at to give me food! You share your food right? I was a good dog so of course you share." Arian barked over and over alerting Mei to his spot that he found then sat on his haunches again and waited for him by the table so that they could eat breakfast together.

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Bingo. I think I got part of the answer at least, he thought. He smirked as the boy's cute antics happened about him.

"I think I'll see if if I got everything I wanted AFTER you go on that date with me" he said with a flirty grin, his face showing sexy charm he wasn't used to showing in this life. Imapeople000 Imapeople000

He hadn't realized the possible interpreted implications of what he said until after he had said them. He hadn't meant it that way but his past lives were showing a little in his demeanor. If one took it a certain way, it could be interpreted as something really naughty. Oops. He hadn't meant it like that.

He blushed after he said that, wanting to correct what he said so that he didn't seem like a pervert. He didn't want Constantine to dislike him due to his past self's perversions. Unless Constantine was also a pervert but yeah.

"I mean!- I didn't mean it like-" he blurted, only now seeing the way that sentence could be taken.

"Unless you want to but I mean-" he said, trying to correct his mistake in his own cute babbling way, trying to fit all he wanted to say in, seeming to contradict himself with his dual personality a little bit.

He opened his mouth to try to correct himself again and paused before letting out a sigh.

"I'll just shut up now..." He said defeatedly, hoping Constantine didn't dislike him and think him an idiotic pervert now.

I mean, yes. He WOULD like it if he and Constantine were to do it. But that didn't mean that's all he wanted from Constantine. He wasn't just a simple pervert who only wanted to get sex out of him. He kind of wanted to be with Constantine like a boyfriend would. Even if he WAS a bit of a thief....
Mei Rinsaku
Mei looked down at Arian, with a small smile(although it was still covered by his mask.). He thought it was quite funny how excitable he was in his canine form, a vast difference from what he had seen earlier. Mei took the food from the servers and giggled slightly, when they said he had a good dog, He covered his already covered mouth with the back of his hand and nodded towards them, looking back towards Arian.

Mei saw Arian at the table, and laughed a bit louder. He wasn’t quite used to seeing a dog act so human-like, or at least so intelligently. He regained his composure as he walked over, ending his laughter and sitting down. He moved the plate of food to Arian and nodded, beginning to write on another piece of paper.

I don’t tend to eat much. You can have it

Mei didn’t know if he could actually read it currently, but he preferred to be able to write what he wanted to say rather than actually saying it.

Mei unpinned the cloth from his mask and unscrewed the valves that made it look like a gas mask, revealing the cage like metal intricacies of his mask(https://www.rpnation.com/attachment...0/?temp_hash=a305869a7ecf96edce2416b033def2ce). While he didn’t usually take the cloth exterior off in public, he figured he could do some general maintenance and diagnostic checks while Arian ate. He was able to strip almost all of the mask off except a few tubes and the metal outline, however, that wasn’t necessary for the checks he was doing to make sure everything was running as it should. PastelBeauty PastelBeauty

Constantine Patterson
Constantine’s mouth was agape for a moment, almost in sort of a shock from what Caleb had said. Soon after he recovered, however, he broke into a roarous laughter. “Well god damn, I didn’t realize you were that into me!” Constantine laughed, almost doubling over. He could barely contain his laughter to even speak. “Dear me, at least you said after the date!” Constantine said, laughing more.

Constantine grinned maniacally at Caleb once his laughing had mostly subsided, with the exception of small giggles here and there. “If I had to give you one tip, try and drop subtler hints, hm?” Constantine chuckled, smiling deviously at Caleb. “Not that it made me automatically deny, but still...” Constantine had to suppress more laughter, his hand held up to his mouth as he giggled.

Constantine teleported back over to Caleb, almost directly in front of him. “Guess I was right about the date not being the only thing you wanted, hm?” Constantine giggled, taunting Caleb more for his poor wording. He got closer, until they were almost directly against each other, his hand placed on his chest. “Although I must apologize, I’m not that easy,” Constantine whispered to him, teleporting a couple feet away again.

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Arian watched with bated breath as he slid over the plate of food, but wait! Mei was writing something, he got up onto the bench and looked over Mei's shoulder. His nose was close to Mei's ear and he huffed and read it. In excitement he wiggled and hopped off the bench to eat the plate of food. Yes, it was true that in this form he was much more excitable and uncaring with his emotions and how he behaved. In his human form he was more reserved and quiet. Sure, Arian smiled and laughed in his human form but he didn't really open up to much besides pleasantries. Arian gobbled the food down in a few bites and licked at the plate till it was clean from any morsel. He wagged his tail and laid his massive black head on Mei's thigh while he worked on his mask. His ears twitched every time Mei tinkered with the wires, tubes or dials, even as a dog he was highly focused and trained to watch everything that was going on. He placed his nose up to the mask and breathed in deeply committing to memory the scent of Mei.

Arian hadn't heard Mei laugh or giggle in class. Mei seemed like the guy to be quiet even if someone was telling a joke. However, Mei opened up and relaxed more while Arian was in his true Church Grim form. His human form was just a fairy guise to make the humans comfortable around him, but his true form was that of an apparition dog. Arian liked it when Mei laughed, this was a different side of the Mei he had seen in class and it was really nice. However, the laughter soon ended and Mei was focused on his task at hand and if Mei was focused so would Arian. He pressed his nose right up to the metal covering of the mask and looked over all the dials and tubes with his golden eyes.

"Mei watches it. I watch it to. He focus. I focus too. See? ... ... ... Mei what we focus on?"

Arian whined quietly as the minutes passed by and looked at Mei out of the corner of his eye while Mei was checking the diagnostics and general maintenance of his mask. Arian scolded himself for losing focus and looked back at the mask and flicked his ears forward in alertness his tail laid still by his side. He had to be good and focus. Do his job ... What was his job again? Right! Focus. Arian's eyes drooped and his head tilted to the side on Mei's thigh while he worked. Shortly after Arian was asleep and his head became a solid, constant, warmth on Mei's thigh whilst he worked, Arian's ears and nose would occasionally twitch and flick as he dreamed.

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Mei Rinsaku
Mei watched Arian idly as he tinkered on his mask. Due to his mask being connected to several vital organs, including his brain, his lungs, his kidneys, and several others, he had to tinker with it on his face. While he could take most of it off, it would take more time and a screwdriver, as well as time to let certain parts decompress to be safely removed, so he left the majority of it on. Of course, his mask was looking pretty alright. It would be a bit disconcerting if he hadn’t been able to tell before, considering he would have most likely had problems with breathing or his senses.

He looked down at Arian when he laid his head down on his leg. He tried to keep himself thinking about the fact that he was a dog right now, however he couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that Arian also had a human form. A slight blush spread across his face as he continued to work, partially viewable due to the fact that the cloth was no longer covering his face.

Mei only blushed worse when Arian began to sniff at the various tubes and bars on his mask. Again, he kept trying to think about the fact that he technically was a dog right now, but he just couldn’t. He looked at Arian’s golden eyes, noticing they were now somewhat similar to his own. He blushed more and focused on working on his mask, near the end of his tests. While he found them tedious, he kind of needed to do it, considering that if something went wrong, he could quite possibly die.

When Mei finished working on his mask, he looked down and noticed Arian asleep on his leg. He chuckled quietly to himself, watching him sleep. He still thought it quite odd, as he couldn’t stop about thinking that Arian had a human form, but he was getting somewhat used to it. At least, more than he was a couple of moments ago. He watched Arian a moment, before putting the cloth cover and valves into his pocket, before laying his head down at the table. He wasn’t exhausted, but running the diagnostic tests did take energy from him, and could tend to drain him a bit. He laid his hand on Arian’s back, before closing his eyes. The last thing he thought before falling asleep himself was, I hope he doesn’t become a human again. That would look quite awkward... PastelBeauty PastelBeauty
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Caleb got real embarrased and blushed wildly at his answers.

"Do you want to or not?" He huffed in cute embarrassment at the predicament he had found himself in.

"If you don't then you can at least answer as to why you decided to break into everyone's dormitories?" He huffed in blushing embarrassment, wanting Constantine to just say yes or no already.

That's what Caleb had wanted to know most of all. THAT's that other thing he wanted. The sex part was just a slip up. Once he knew that, he would have everything he came up here for. Originally that is. Now he had a few extra bonus goals he wanted to get done. The sex and the date were included in those obviously.

Caleb hoped he would say yes. He'd hate it if it was just teasing. Why would he put his hands on his chest like that? It better NOT just be teasing.

Caleb knew the guy's tendency to teleport so he knew he had to get answers quickly before he could teleport away. He knew taking his time and beating around the bush would take valuable time away from finding out what he needed to find out. Though, whether he was more concerned about yes or no status of the date, or the question of his reasoning for breaking into the dorm rooms, was no longer clear.
Constantine Patterson
Constantine giggled at Caleb’s exasperation. “I’m certainly considering it,” he giggled, looking up at him innocently. “Ah, so it was for the dorms, hm? Dunno. Just wanted to see what would happen.” Constantine said, shrugging. “I certainly got a reaction worthy of my time.”

Constantine looked up at him for a moment. He actually was considering the date. He certainly wasn’t a bad looking guy, and there was something about him. Constantine could feel some sort of power he had. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but certainly was intrigued by it. However, he wanted to taunt him a bit more before answering,

He teleported back over to Caleb and grinned mischievously, inches away from him. He walked around him, looking at him. “So, sex, dates, and stealing... interesting. You certainly want a lot...” he said, coming back around to stand in front of him. He ran his hand across Caleb’s chin, landing back onto his chest. “Suppose I can’t say no to the date... if you can find me,” Caleb said, grinning and jumping off the roof. Of course, Constantine simply floated down to the ground, before teleporting away. He took one look back at the roof, laughing maniacally, before running off into the school. He went to the gym, figuring he could probably hide there.
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Caleb huffed angrily at the games Constantine was trying to play.

Maybe he was just too sensitive. But he didn't like his feelings being toyed with. Constantine didn't seem to want to give him a straight answer. Which means he doesn't really want him. It hurt. But he was used to it. Things hurt all the time. It didn't matter. Constantine was cute, but he wasn't worth all that chase. If he didn't want to go out, then he should just say so, he thought sullenly.

Caleb frowned defeatedly before turning away and walking back down off the roof. He ignored his challenge and instead headed towards the library. He always liked going there. If Constantine didn't want to date him, that was fine. He would just go learn all he could in the library where they had all the knowledge the school had to offer.

One could see the miserable state he was in. His face showed a frown and his back was hunched in miserable defeat.

(Open for anyone I suppose)
Constantine Patterson
Constantine floated around the gym. He was expecting Caleb to come and find him. However, as time passed, he noticed a distinct lack of person. He huffed and floated upside down, whistling as he waited. He was quite confused that Caleb hadn’t come. “Maybe I came off the wrong way...” Constantine muttered to himself. He had planned on going out with him, but it obviously went awry.

Constantine waited another minute or so in the gym before going to find Caleb. He didn’t know if Caleb was looking for him or had given up, but he felt like it wouldn’t have taken this long for him to find him. He frowned as he looked around, somewhat disappointed.

Constantine went around to the cafeteria. He saw a couple people, including one boy sleeping with a dog on his leg. Odd, but not who he was looking for. He went back out and looked around the common grounds. Still didn’t see him. He even went to the dormitories, through the mayhem. Not even there.

Constantine sighed. He was beginning to wonder if Caleb did actually want to go out with him, or not. I suppose it might’ve been my fault...Constantine thought to himself. He decided to float around outside in the open for a bit, in case Caleb was still looking for him. xpstitch xpstitch (or anyone else, currently.)

Second hour is about to begin. After about three or four more posts, second hour will start.
Along the sides of his consciousness he could feel the source of his heartbreak and cringed away from it. He didn't need to look through the library window to know it was Constantine floating by. Imapeople000 Imapeople000

He didn't even look up at Constantine. He just kept looking sadly at his book.

He had sat in the library reading books about philosophy for that time, trying to keep his mind off Constantine. He had succeeded in getting some partial comfort from the books, laughing sadly at the jokes and witticisms in the books. But anyone could see his face was a down turned miserable emotion in action. The books distracted him. But they didn't expel the negative sadness that the perceived rejection gave to him. He would get over this but it would take some time. He always DID after all....
Constantine Patterson
Constantine slowly turned in place, looking to see if he could find Caleb. Not seeing him anywhere, he sighed, his spirit slightly dampened from his prior triumph of making people angry in the dorms.

He turned around for a bit, before settling. He felt like something was wrong again. Oddly enough, this made him perk up. He had noticed the same feeling the when Caleb walked behind him on the roof. He waited, not noticing anything change. When he turned around, the feeling disappeared. Confused, he turned back the way he had been before. He felt it again. Strange... he thought. He focused in on where he was looking. The library. Alright, somewhere. He concentrated more, and actually looked through the window. Sitting there reading, was Caleb. Constantine was elated, but also slightly sad he hadn’t been looking for him. He teleported around until he got into part of the library across from Caleb.

Constantine watched him for a moment. He cocked his head, still wondering if he had done something wrong, or if Caleb didn’t really want to go out with him. After a couple moments, he began to walk over and sat down across from him. A bit intruding, but now he was the one who wanted an answer.

“That wasn’t a no, you know,” Constantine said, staring at Caleb. “Quite contrary, really.” He watched Caleb, waiting for a response. He really did want to go out with Caleb, he just liked to play around a lot. He pouted slightly, looking at him as he read, waiting for a response. “At least, for the date. The sex... we’d have to see after the date,” Constantine giggled, lightening up a bit.

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Caleb smiled slightly through his frowny face. It was Constantine. Back to play around more. His face slightly looking a bit less miserable at Constantine's mentioning of it being quite the contrary.

He looked only slightly embarrassed by the sex reminder. He seemed to open his mouth a few times as if to consider what to to say and feel for a bit. Then finally, after a small while he let his resolution out with painful smile. He didn't seem to want to say what he was about to say, like he knew he wanted to say something else. Really badly. But he seemed like he had resolved himself to say these next painful words.

"Thanks for the reassurances but I think I'll just make do with being single" he said, head tilting in acceptance of his own heart's burial. Imapeople000 Imapeople000

"You're really sweet Constantine" he admitted with a sad looking blush.

"And you really are quite cute" he admitted smiling a bit with huge blush and finally looking up at him.

"But you have such a playful demeanor" he told him honestly.

"My heart isn't strong enough for all this playful teasing" he admitted sadly.

Caleb knew he would hate himself for giving up and turning Constantine away like that. He really wanted to say yes to Constantine and take him out on a date. But he knew Constantine liked to play around a lot. As was shown just now, Caleb got hurt and offended easily when it came to the heart. With Constantine's teasing and playing around, Caleb could end up getting really hurt. He didn't like being teased like that. To him Constantine didn't seem to take his feelings very seriously. He was a playful guy and there was no blaming him for that. It was just in his nature. Caleb found it quite cute actually. But it made his heart hurt. Constantine just didn't seem to consider how it might hurt Caleb, this teasing and playing around.
Constantine Patterson
Constantine was quite surprised by Caleb’s response. He leaned back in his seat, staring at Caleb in somewhat amazement. Most people refused to give up on him that quickly. Most people ended up dating him for a bit, before being unable to deal with his flirtatious tendencies. Constantine was somewhat awed at Caleb’s ability to see through to the logic.

“I... well..” Constantine said, amazed. He stared for a few more moments, before getting up and walking away. He was used to people denying his advances. That wasn’t unusual. However, someone who had already shown interest in him, but still managed to deny him? He was at an absolute loss for words. He wasn’t even that hurt, as he was surprised.

As Constantine walked out of the library, he looked up towards the bell as it rang. “Well... that was... interesting...” Constantine said to himself. He had Phys Ed next, one of the few classes he actually attended. “Well, mark it down and keep going, I suppose,” Constantine said, trotting off towards the gym. He was used to having to give people up quickly, so he wasn’t too horribly fazed.

xpstitch xpstitch

Second hour has now started. Students should commence to class, or it should be stated that they’re skipping in your writing.

Also, should we skip to the end of the day after Second hour? Yay or nay in your next post.
Imapeople000 Imapeople000

He looked sadly at Constantine's walking away. He half expected him to just TELEPORT away. After all, he did do that a lot. But he knew it was probably for the best. Trying to get Constantine to care about him wasn't likely a wise use of time. In all likelyness, he would probably end up getting hurt real badly for it. Constantine was never serious enough for Caleb it seemed. He didn't take Caleb's FEELINGS seriously and he probably would go out with other people just for the fun of it. He tried to shake such assumptions away but they lingered as he stewed and tried to figure out what he wanted to do with his time now that the bell had rung.

Realistically, he could skip and do whatever he wanted. The teachers here don't seem to care all that much. He could go to a class he didn't even have scheduled if he wanted. But where to go?

He tried to shake away thoughts of the possibilities he stupidly missed out on (or safely avoided) with Constantine.

(Okay, I'm not sure WHERE to go or whether to skip forward or not. Bunny Hop Bunny Hop are you open? Where are you? How about the rest of you? Imapeople000 Imapeople000 PastelBeauty PastelBeauty Phoenix Dixon Phoenix Dixon
Juleus Calcous Dixon

I handed in my half cloudy sky have stars sky drawing into the teacher. I walked toward the door to collect another ice pack when I heard yelling, screaming and saw objects being thrown. I froze...
I raced down the hallways toward my room. Relieved to see nothing immediately missing I sat down on my bed... the air-con I installed that ran on my electricity was still there and from what I could tell nothing was missing...
'Thank fucking god nothing went missing... if something did I would have done something terrible...'
I shuddered at the thought of the things I would do if I got angry...

I looked down, my ice pack slowly sliding down my head.
'I need a new one...'
I walked over to my mini fridge I hid under my bed so I could store my icepacks away.
'I need to start coping with heat more... even though it'll end badly...'
I looked at the air-con and turned it on. Cool air immediately spilled out of the air-con
"I think I might just skip second hour so I can rest"
I moved onto the bed and moved the ice pack to my forehead.
Mei Rinsaku
Mei woke up with a small start as he heard the bell ring. He looked around, stretching his arms as he began to wake up. He reached into his left pocket and pulled out the fake valves and the covering cloth, screwing on the valves and and pinning the cloth back on. He was about to get up before he forgot that he kinda had a dog laying his head down on his leg.

Mei looked down and blinked, having forgotten that Arian was there. He cocked his head at him and looked around, not sure what to do. On one hand, it seemed a bit rude to wake him up. On the other, he kinda needed to go to class. Well, okay, not really needed, but he usually just went to classes instead of skipping.

Mei watched Arian as he slept for a moment, then looked around again. Pretty much everyone else had left for classes. Mei figured they could probably just piss off without reprimand, if they wanted. Mei looked back at Arian as he slept. He figured if Arian woke up, they’d head off to classes. If not, they could stay here until third hour. PastelBeauty PastelBeauty
Arian opened one golden eye to look up at Mei who was staring down at him while he slept. He stretched his legs and back, his butt going up and his tail curling before he yawned and wagged his tail, the bell had rung which meant it was time to go to class. Arian didn't have a class to go to till AP English 2 which was third period. Arian stood up and bounced a bit up and down on his paws. Mei had to go to class. Arian licked Mei's hand to let him know that they could leave whenever they wanted too. Arian couldn't help but remember how sweet Mei looked when he blushed, the rosy cheeks, the soft look in his golden eyes that mirrored Arian's gold one's. Now he just looked a bit dazed and sleepy which was equally just as adorable. Arian licked his hand once more before turning to walk Mei down the long halls to his classroom.

"Would Arian Takedo come down to the main office to begin his search for a mage. Appointments between potential familiars and Magi can then begin as soon as possible."

Arian whined and lowered his ears. Father Jacobs had said that when he was comfortable Arian would find someone to make a contract with. After all, becoming a familiar was ultimately his choice and if he didn't want to become one that was his choice, but this school really seemed to be driving him towards making a decision. He supposed that they just wanted to secure his future as well as the future of a mage who was struggling. Arian made a choice. He made his choice. Now to only have the right time to make the pact, next thing on the list would be to let the office know that he had made his choice and he would be waiting to make the contract official when the time was right.

Imapeople000 Imapeople000

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