Yozis, Demon Princes, Oh My!


New Member
Hello O wise and fickle Exalted Gods!

    I currently in the initial stages of research for an online play-by-post Exalted game which will feature (primarily) Solar Exalted vs Demons. The problem is that I have very limited information on the Demon Princes, Yozis and the Primordials which they once were.

Any information/help on this?

    As a side note information doesn’t have to be cannon as I have been  trying to use the some information from the old World of Darkness Wraith supplements to fill in holes. I am looking for any information, motivations, cool ideas or even cool pictures!
The first place I'd suggest you try to look is in the book 'Games of Divinity'.  It talks about how the Primordials get bound, that the 3rd circle demons are actually component souls of the larger critters, and write ups of some of the Gods.  There is a half dozen or so 3rd circle demons described but not written out.  The general impression is that they are as powerful as the ST needs them to be.  There are several lesser demons described and detailed out.

Anoter book to look at for demon info is 'Savant and Sorcerer'.  Demons have long held the fun job of being a sorcerers house-bitch to do a ton of mundane shit the big guy doesn't want to.  Most sorcerers use demons over elementals because the elementals report to the celestial breaucracy and there can be some backlash on you if you mistreat them.  Demons dont' have that problem.  This book talks about the relationship between the summoner and the demon, and the kinds of things you can get the summonded to do.

Also, in the Players Guide, there is a demon charm discussed that can convert a person to becoming Akuma, or a demon-Exalt.  Solars are mentioned, but by implication, any of the Exalted types can be corrupted and put to work furthering the goals of the Yozis.

Any book that lists a spirit or god can be used to make a demon.  Just tweak the powers here and there, and change the special effect some, and poof!  ya got yourself a demon.  As far as power level goes, a typical circle should have little problem dispatching a first circle demon, unless they attack in a group.  A second circle is more of a challenge, being able to hold its own against the circle.  A third circle would make mincemeat of them unless they are serious bad-asses with major league weapons, spells, artifacts, Hearthstones, and Essence level.  Remember, those critters are what the First Age Solars and their armies went up against, and millions died in the war.

Hopefully that helps out with some ideas and materials to look at.
Sherwood said:
The first place I'd suggest you try to look is in the book 'Games of Divinity'.  It talks about how the Primordials get bound, that the 3rd circle demons are actually component souls of the larger critters, and write ups of some of the Gods.  There is a half dozen or so 3rd circle demons described but not written out.  The general impression is that they are as powerful as the ST needs them to be.  There are several lesser demons described and detailed out.
Anoter book to look at for demon info is 'Savant and Sorcerer'.  Demons have long held the fun job of being a sorcerers house-bitch to do a ton of mundane shit the big guy doesn't want to.  Most sorcerers use demons over elementals because the elementals report to the celestial breaucracy and there can be some backlash on you if you mistreat them.  Demons dont' have that problem.  This book talks about the relationship between the summoner and the demon, and the kinds of things you can get the summonded to do.

Also, in the Players Guide, there is a demon charm discussed that can convert a person to becoming Akuma, or a demon-Exalt.  Solars are mentioned, but by implication, any of the Exalted types can be corrupted and put to work furthering the goals of the Yozis.

Any book that lists a spirit or god can be used to make a demon.  Just tweak the powers here and there, and change the special effect some, and poof!  ya got yourself a demon.  As far as power level goes, a typical circle should have little problem dispatching a first circle demon, unless they attack in a group.  A second circle is more of a challenge, being able to hold its own against the circle.  A third circle would make mincemeat of them unless they are serious bad-asses with major league weapons, spells, artifacts, Hearthstones, and Essence level.  Remember, those critters are what the First Age Solars and their armies went up against, and millions died in the war.

Hopefully that helps out with some ideas and materials to look at.
Millions of mortals died in that war. As per canon most solar exalted in that war were under essence 6 unless it took a seriously long time (which nowhere is mentioned) and they did not have the mass of hearthstones or artifacts that they had in the high first age. I think a circle of essence 4-5 solars with mortal support should be able to go toe to toe with a third circle demon and come out as winner. not every third circle demon of course, but most.
I had read A Day as Dark as Night!

It was an excellent read. I loved Harmonious Jade in this book and the relationship between her, Dace and his Dragon-Blooded Officer. Forgot her name!

Thanks for the help!

I remember the Games of Divinity -was- the book that had all the godly stuff. I have to check that out and see if I could get one cheap and quick from ebay. . .hmmm

this is great help!

Thanks guys!

Any plot ideas? I of course have my own I am just probing for other interesting situations that players may want to explore.
Another place to look is the Exalted Wiki. It lists all the canon demons and gives a whole lot of other, player created demons as well. It's a nice resource, particularly if your players know all the canon material. Even if they don't, it's a good source for material.
Any plot ideas?
Not from me :cry: I am terrified to use the Yozi in my games.  I just don't have a grasp of how the pact that keep the demons in Malfeas works, or how deeply it still binds.  I keep reading stuff about diplomatic immunity and I really don't want to screw over my group (or have them screw me over either).  I'm just starting to collect all the first ed stuff and it's kinda overwhelming.  

The tapestry is so pretty, sometimes I'm afraid to unravel it.
I use the the Taxonomy of Madness on the unofficial Exalted wiki all the time. It is a hierarchy of all Yozis and their component souls (and their soul's souls, etc.), both official (with references) and fan made. For example, here is the Ebon Dragon
Thanks, Wordman. That's the site I was thinking of when I posted my link. Now I know better......

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