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Multiple Settings You've never seen this store before. You have the time... right?


New Member
As you press open the door with its patterned glass window and hear a soft, cheery bell echo within the depth of the store. To the left and right bookshelves loom upwards to the ceiling, filled with heavy-looking tomes bound in a curious assortment of leathers and cloth. The windows, you could see, were covered in heavy red cloth to protect the tomes but a few errant shards of light managed to sneak in.

A quick glance at the titles show that most aren't in a language you understand, though your fingers inch to heft one and look through it.

"Oh my oh my, a customer. Can I help you?" A sweet voice speaks up from just behind your shoulder, causing you to startle and nearly topple over a heaping tower of books. A robed limb reaches out with a negligent hand and, with a soft chuckle, steadies the tower. A robed figure, diminutive and slight with a hood pulled forward to cowl it's face stood before you. The voice was feminine but neither young nor old.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. Come."

You feel uncertain about this curious figure but feel no malice from her so you tentatively follow her deeper into this store. A book store.

As you venture deeper, following the swaying steps of the robed figure, you look around. A shelf of potions rises behind a steaming cauldron, its contents glittering. In the corner lays a console, it's gleaming futuristic lights beckoning one to come closer and touch. All sort of oddments hide themselves among the massive shelves, weapons and armor, taxidermy beasts of unknown origins, crystals that glow and glimmer faintly in the dim light. A set of jewelry in a glass case, a horned skull with a dagger piercing it's forehead, a gun of gleaming gold and brilliant red rubies.

The robed figure alights behind a massive desk, stepping up onto a platform and waving her hand at a large lamp. Faelight begins to glow inside the bubbled glass, shifting from one color to the next. The woman settled upon a stool and leaned her arms on the counter and you got the odd impression she was looking you over, "Now. What story would you like to tell?"

"Huh? I thought this was... some sort of book store?"

You could hear the smile in her voice, "It is, but a very unique one. Your heart writes the story, it springs from somewhere deep in here..." She touched her chest for a moment, her head tilting as she continues, "I assist, in my own way." Her hand was suddenly brandishing a fountain pen as her other hand splayed on the parchment of a new book. The first page, as pale and untouched as the first snow.

"Now... what kind of story would you like to tell?"


Thank you for reading past that entire introduction!

Seriously, thank you. Now let's get down to the nitty gritty, please excuse me for covering the unpleasant points first.

1. I only RP 18+ characters and expect the same from those I RP with.

2. I would prefer to RP with people who are 20+.

3. I avoid overt religious tones with my characters and themes except for in worlds/fandoms where it makes sense. (Like a Warhammer 40k overt religion would be fine)

4. I don't mind spelling mistakes, no one is perfect. I don't expect paragraphs upon paragraphs especially when conversation is flowing between two characters but I do like to have my writing efforts returned. Low effort posts make me sad. :(

5. I am not interested in roleplay about real people or anything live action.

6. I have a hard limit on things I deem depressing. I won't budge on them, I'm sorry. (Stuff like animal abuse is a hard no.)

7. I play Females 100% of the time and would prefer a partner that plays Males.


Still here? Awesome! Let's talk about the kind of stuff I like to do.

I'm into pretty much all RPG video game fandoms. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy (all of them)? Cool~! That sounds awesome.
How about stuff like Overwatch or Fallout? Also awesome!
Books? Heck yeah.
Movies? Some!
Anime and Manga? Maybe?
How about making our old world and plots with bits and pieces of other stuff thrown in? That's my absolute favorite.

Tl;dr: Canon x OC + OC x OC = ❤️

Please contact me with any questions regarding my interests!

I like soft, sweet and fluffy things just as much as I like mature, dark and horror-themed things. If you want to do a sweet romance RP I'm all for it. You want to do a scary Dead Space necromorph-infested splatterhaunt I'm all for that too. My likes are pretty varied so, again, please feel free to message me regarding any ideas/questions.

๖ۣۜζ͜͡- Thank you for reading!

The Library Owner Morrigan
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Haha, thank you for your interest you guys. Please direct a convo my way regarding your interests and we’ll see if we can’t get something started.

Thank you again!

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