You've got your short, sad, life left, (that's what I'm counting on)


Gone in space
Well, this is a cyberpunk(Later son, later), Slice of Life roleplay!

This is a roleplay about gamers, and gamer addiction, what voids it fills for us.

You live in NOW! Games or on the rise and you are a gamer. And that's all I can say for the premise, everything else is totally user made, you could be addicted to games, the world could hate you, you could even be the 8-year old teabagger, but let me explain, you are solitary in this roleplay, all those could, well they're in your eyes. You have never bonded with anyone, you're not active, you're sad and depressing to the world around you, because of one reason: It doesn't let you think. Schools force you to learn mindless concepts, and games let us use tangential learning. You could learn so many things and everyone around you would deem it useless, but games let you think. Games encourage you to not just sit there and listen. They tell you to go out and explore, to think in multiple ways, to truly love life, and yet you don't... you and your friends all play on this great MMORPG called Eden Eternal, and you base practically your whole life on it.


1:Site rules apply, THAT MEANS DON'T GODMOD!

2:Your character, it isn't going to be beautiful, at best it'll look acceptable, no flashing anime boys, just people.

3:Guys, you are my best buddies, but I have to put some restrictions on history, you're `addicted` to games because of the voids it fills, ahem get ready for caps lock... ready?... ACT LIKE IT!

4:No, you will never, ever, ever, for the love of God (whether he exists or not is for debate (I'm on the fro side)) just be cured. You will never ever do that. If you do, it'll be because of the most tragic event ever, and once that happens, you're basically devoid from the RP.

5: Guys, search up Eden Eternal, it's useful to know, once I plot twist my way to cyberpunk

6:Super most important rule of all, if you become `normal` you leave, and one by one we'll all leave until this RP gets shutdown, or until the last person becomes a zombie forever







Personality(It's useful later):

How addicted are they?(1-10 please!):

Do they know they're addicted/try to stop?:

So my charrie!

Name: Justin Chen

Age: 19

Nationality: Parents are from Vietnam, lives in America


Bio: Justin Chen is a depressing child, if you were to hear him for more than two seconds you would call him arrogant, but at gaming he's unmatched. See, when he was ten his parents divorced, and while it was a deep wound for Chen, it wasn't the deepest, soon his mother was drinking like a maniac and being generally embarrassing and depressing so he turned to games, where his ideas and his determination for efficiency was accepted. Slowly he became more consumed in video games until he stopped turning in work, instead learning off an immense library of youtube videos, he knew more than some graduates and yet he had mediocre grades. The problem was, his mother never payed much attention, she acted all nice and heroic, but the bitter truth was, she was naive and totally untrustworthy, soon video games where his true life.

Personality:He's really nice and formal on the outside to strangers, but to friends he is arrogant and sways through, on his computer, there's not a single moment of missed opportunity to be in your face about being better than you.

How addicted are they:11/10

Have they tried to stop: No, and he hopes to never do so.

Kozu Amane


Nationality: AJpanese but lives in America

Looks: short unbrushed hair dyed purple, grey eyes,
fairly short

Bio:Never really cared about anything, her parents would often nag her about poor quality work. She kept to her self so people thought she was condescending. She started cutting after she figured out her crush only asked her out as a dare. Her parents couldn't handle her passive aggresive ways so they sent her to live with her sister who was studying abroad in New York. She stopped talking to people because she thought it would just make them hate her. She turned to technology for comfort. She could lie aboutwho she was in the gamer world, no one had to know who she was.

Personality: keeps to herself. Now if she has to interact with people, she does it via email. She hates herself and the world.

How addicted are they?: 8.5, she can draw herself away from it but she doesn't do anything.

Do they know they're addicted/try to stop?: She knows but she doesn't care.

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