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YOU'RE ONE OF A THOUSAND VOICES. [ Plot with me? c: ]


"i'm the bastard child of best intentions."



Hello! Looking for a casual-to-detailed roleplay partner, though some sites I've come from also use the terms semi-advanced-to-advanced. I have cravings for certain genres and/or settings, some plot devices, and a few fanbases! Anything in
bold is something I'm probably looking for in particular. ^ ^'


- I'm a sixteen-year old girl with an affinity for animals, alternative/indie/rock in terms of music, and who gravitates more towards women rather than men. Currently living in the hot n' humid state of Texas, and silently hoping I can whisk myself away from this triple-H (hazy, hot, & humid) hell sometime soon.

- Typically active more so in the afternoon or at night (Central Time!), expect to find me online between the hours of 3PM and 2AM, if my body wills it either way. I've been known to get on at early times, such as actually
before noon, heaven forbid! or, if my body absolutely refuses to shut down, I pull 'all-nighters' a bit more frequently than I probably should and stay up until the unholy hours of 7-8AM. It's probably a school habit.

- I'm only typically comfortable taking the male role in any sort of roleplaying, but every now and then I
might give a girl a shot (though, this is usually in the form of a minor character). That being said, I also gravitate more towards M/M pairings than anything else, but will give M/F or F/F a fair chance if and only if I feel as if I'm capable. I dunno, I'm odd in that way.

- Also,
angst drives me. I'm not even kidding, something or somebody needs to be hurting. I mean, don't get me wrong, I live for fluff and cute stuff, where the characters are not hurting at all and are happy...but this typically follows a preceding bout of struggle and hurt in which they have to overcome. It's oddly strengthening, in that aspect? You know how teens get- how a sad story will just resonate with them, or at least, get them to lay back on their beds and stare at the ceiling for a good few hours contemplating the worth of a fictional character's life.

No? Juuuust me? Shit. Time to go back under.

- Don't run! I don't bite, I swear.
I just like mature, darker topics. I dunno. Struggle makes way to strength an' all that. Enough excuses!


- My replies vary from a paragraph, usually consistent of about five to nine sentences, to several paragraphs, depending on the setting, if anything needs to be set up, any character development/inner turmoil, etc., etc.. In the very least,
I'm only asking for a decent reciprocation! Really, all I'm looking for is no one-liners, and some effort being put forth. I understand bouts of muse loss and inspiration being at an all-time low, as well as real-life happenings and circumstance, though, so it's fine if it's every now and then!

- Activity is a must, really. At the very least, I would hope for a partner
who can post every other day. If you post even once a day, shoot, you'll make me happy. More than that? Ecstatic. A huge grin on my face. It keeps the roleplay flowing, it feels more constant, almost as if it's happening right then and there. I'm on pretty much everyday, so no worries on my end.

- Have an adequate grasp of
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and all of that. Mobile is almost a completely different territory, with spelling errors and such plentiful for some, but y'know how it goes. Just don't make it a constant! I will try and reciprocate as much as possible- hell, I go through and check often for errors. Some slip past me, as they may do you, because we're all human here.

- Keep to a perspective? If you're using first-person because you're used to that, then stick to it. Used to third-person? Do it. I'm really more used to third-person, myself, and will only ever refer to first-person if I'm using it as a modem for internal conflict. Other than that, you get the idea.

Let me know if you become disinterested and want to quit. I'm guilty of this myself, and will respectfully let you know if I feel disconnected from the roleplay. If you're simply becoming disinterested because you feel as if the plot is not going anywhere, let me know, and we might be able to save it somehow. Suggest things! Never stay quiet. Your plots are just as valuable as mine, but be ready to get a negative response here and there, if ever- in that sense, you're perfectly capable of shooting down an idea of my own if you don't think it'd fit to the situation. We're partners in this, we're equals. If you wanna let something go, at least give me a heads up? It saves more heartbreak for me, eheh. I can't really stress this one enough.






Now that that's out of the way! Here are some things I'm currently interested in making a reality (of sorts):


- HUGE interest in anything to do with Axis Powers: Hetalia, or APH for short. That being said, I have a few pairings, and you can just plot with me here. I typically only do canons, but I can squeeze in a canon/OC, or even an OC/OC if it's barking up the right tree!

- Other fandoms may include Steven Universe, RWBY, Attack on Titan, and Homestuck. Though, with these, I'm probably only willing to do OCs.

- I'm in other fandoms, such as Marvel, and I'm sllllooowwwly creeping into Supernatural, but I probably won't ever do anything roleplay-wise with them. ^^' Sorry!


- IIIII don't know what to call these. Plot devices? I've seen some call them 'originals'. I'll split these into two categories: Genres, and plot devices. You'll see what I mean when you see the list.

* - these would usually tie in together, for the most part, but who knows?


- Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Post-Apocalyptic Conditions (HUGELY inspired by The Last Of Us-universe!)

- Dystopian Societies and Civil Wars

- Murder mysteries, that kind of thing?

Historical Fiction and War Scenarios

- Modern-day stuff, everyday-life.*


+ Sibling romance.

+ Supernatual being (vampire, wolf, shapeshifter, demon, angel, witch, ghost, etc.)/Human

Supernatural being/Supernatural hunter. (demon/demon hunter, witch/witch hunter, etc.)

+ Royalty/peasant , royalty/knight

+ Criminal/Criminal, Criminal/Officer


Polar Opposites (demon/angel, murderer/detective, you get it!)

+ Addict/Addict , Addict/Positive influence (best friend, therapist, etc.)

I'll probably have more for those lists sometime soon. ^ ^ This is all I can dish out at the moment.

So, yeah! Just keep in mind what's in bold, especially before the fandoms and genres and all of that...I'll be waiting!

Yoooooo. You seem like a fun gal. I also live in central time, I'm turning fifteen in three days and 2 hours so I'm an antsy teenager as well, and I also keep the same hours you do. Imagine that! Well, I actually stay up till about four AM most nights but eh. It's a school thing. I'd be interested in roleplaying with you if you'd allow me. You see, I'm rather new to roleplaying. I just started last week. However, I find it fun and it's actually helping out my writing skills so that's a plus.
Oh, yeah, roleplaying helped my writing skills a bunch. I mean, it's in no means perfect, but it's waaayyy better than it used to be. I've been roleplaying since...I'd say, maybe 2011? But, it didn't deviate much from one-liners up until 2014, I'd say, is when I started to try and work on it for the sake of writing AP papers. Helped me in writing stories AND writing long essays, who would've thought?


Of course I'd allow you. Yeesh, that term sounds condescending. I'd love to start one with ya!

Anything catch your eye?
Hmmm... well, pretty much anything dark and/or supernatural catches my eye. I'll be honest with ya: I absolutely love magic and mythology. Throw some dark romance in there and we're all set!
You seem like a neat gal. I'm head over heels for mythology and history, oh, don't get me started. I'll go on a tangent. //is too much of a nerd to socialize properly//

Anything specific? I'm typically a 'catering' person - anybody suggests something, I'll jump on it. ^ ^ I don't typically go around suggesting things, eheh, I'm far too indecisive and socially inept for that kind of thing.
help me

If we're talking about who's the nerd here, I might top you on that one. You're talking to the girl who got all her hs science credits done as a freshman and will be taking three AP classes as a sophmore. Plus I've been coding shit since I was like... seven. So you can imagine, I found this site and I'm like whaaaaat? I get to practice my writing skills and my coding skills??? Score!

But that's besides the point. I'm an abstract idea type of person who's indecisive and stubborn. Basically I'm only good at developing plot if someone's asking me questions to focus my runaway mind. Point: the only rp I've created so far has knights, queens, magic, mythological creatures, rebels, assassins, and adventures. No focus on genre or plot there. So, not really anything specific. :/ But I kinda feel like doing something maybe paranormal? Or like... something with witches and ghosts.
Shit. I've been beat. I surrender to you. //bows

I mean, I've been made to take AP courses due to my school and its inner workings. Plus, it's a fine arts school, so I'm literally in a school
chock full of nerds. It's like a competition, phew. I guess it's just my interests that propel me towards being a nerd, at least to my peers. I tend to obsess over science, philosophy, and history- I get all jumpy when discussing it!

ALSO SAME. I AM THE MOST INDECISIVE. Well, this is going to be interesting...our personalities, I mean, haha! Something paranormal certainly catches my eye, and I've done some witchy things before. I vaguely remember something with ghosts, too, a plot involving a spirit and a human. The human, since they were small, would always visit the local cemetery to visit a friend they'd met. Found it normal, though he knew that as he grew up, no one else would get it, or could see him, either. The ghost could typically never leave that meadow, and it lead eventually to the human figuring out just how his dead friend passed, for it seemed to have been bothering him for the longest while, on top of being alone.

And then, of course, the one witch RP I did was in witch-hunting times. Pick your poison, madame.
Same here about the school chock full of nerds. We've got this place called central and It's basically a place where every nerdy middle schooler/high schooler in the city gets together to be in advanced and AP classes. Most kids only spend no more than half their school time there... I spend no more than one block at my regular highschool. And It's for chamber choir! Yay, singing!

Ahem. Anyways. How about since your last RP was historical witches, we do something with modern witches? In the... horror sense of the word. A HAUNTED HOUSE THAT BELONGED TO A DARK WITCH. Fear and chaos and ghosts, Oh My!
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okay yikes you have all of the awards

all of them here take them off my hands //throws

*Catches awards and does a dramatic bow* Why thank you kind sir. (I call everyone sir. Everyone.)

We could be two friends that go in on a dare and then freaky things start happening but we get locked inside the house until we find the witch and destroy her.
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...Now what do we do with the plan? Create a... rp? On the site? Or in a conversation?
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shoot man i dunno how this site works

i mean someone started rping with me in a convo but a thread is fine too??

whatever floats your goat
But my goat doesn't float. My goat gets sacrificed to Satan and sinks.

lol just kidding. I'll create a thread and tag you in it.
Yooo. I got a rp idea. It could just be a post-apocalypse zombie Idea or a Rp set in the last of us universe. You met my character after a swarm of zombies come in, and I help you out, by guiding you into my safehouse. The good news, you get in the safe house. The bad news? My safe house outer defenses fail, leaving the undead swarming just outside of the door . The first sort of arc could just be figuring out how to get out of our predicament, then we can go from there.
Double pistols and a wink!

<< Hello! Would you like to roleplay? My friend told me all about this site, and told me that I couldn't use private messaging. Mind PM-ing me if you're up for one? >>
Wait as second just WAIT A SECOND. OMG. I didn't get it until just now because i haven't listened to them in forever but I found they had a new album out. Hands Like Houses! :D
Hello there,

If you agree to play with a non-native speaker who cannot write text walls and does some mistakes, I am interested in some genres you listed.

Especially dystopian societies, human/androids things and angel/demon (or angel/human) things. And modern-everyday-stuff. I am not sure if you have precise ideas for these, or if there is one you would like to do more than others ? I am not sure if I should suggest plots and ideas or if you already have something in mind.

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