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You're leaving? (A 1x1 with Lexxy)

"Well, that's good, I'm more than glad to hear you say that." He says cheerfully. He could already see her normal self coming back, a new and improved Ashley.
"Yeah. I like my new lung." Ashley told him as she laughed and then held his hand. "I'm myself again. I like this." She told him with a smile. She honestly was happy to be herself again.
"We all are Hun." He says gripping her hand tighter. "It's good to have you back." He was being honest but for the most part he was relieved. Relieved she was okay and relieved she was happy again. It had been a long time since he had seen her this happy.
"It's good to be back love." Ashley said with a smiled and then kissed his hand. "I love you so much." She said and then laughed softly. She missed this. Her being her. It had been far to long.
Clay stuck with her through everything, through her week of being hospitalized, through her therapy and most importantly through her gradual progression back into a normal life. It was by far the scariest thing he ever had to see her go through, there were many times he wished it was him instead of her but she pulled through and now he knew he wasn't going to lose her. He fixed what her parents couldn't or either didn't want to, he hadn't decided just how cruel they were. Nothing else mattered as long as she was okay.
Ashley was awoken by the kids. It was 7 months after her big operation. She smiled softly as she felt her husbands hand still holding her hand. She smiled as she saw his face and slowly leaned in to kiss him. Thankfully she didn't have a class today so she didn't have to go into work.
Clay opened his eyes at the touch of her lips against his and smiled. He pulled her closer and kissed her in return. "Good morning." He whispers with a smile. Ashley was back, that's all he could ask for.
"Morning love." Ashley said with a smile. It was good to be back as her energetic self. She hated being sick and dying. She squeezed his hand and then said, "I should go get the kids ready for school." She then kissed her husband again and got up the went to make sure the kids were dressed and fed.
Clay let out a content sigh and soon followed after her. Things were back to the way things should be. He hugged each of the kids good morning and went to the counter to make his coffee.
Ashley hugged all the kids and then made Clay his breakfast while the kids ate. When they finished, Ashley got the keys and said, "Alright load up critters." They laughed at her and then gave their dad one last hug and went to the car. Ashley walked over and kissed Clay softly. "I'll be back." She told him and smiled softly.
Clay but his lip and nodded towards his wife before he kissed her in return. "I'll be here." Once she left he cleaned the kitchen so she wouldn't have to worry about it and then went upstairs to shower and get dressed.
When Ashley left the kids she went back home and then laid on the couch. "I'm home." Ashley called out and smiled softly. She yawned but she didn't need sleep.
Clay ran down the staid at the sound of her voice and smiled when he saw her. He leaned over and kissed her. "Did they already wear you out?" He ask with a laugh only teasing.
Ashley laughed and said, "They all have games tonight remember. We have to be there." She missed a lot of their games because of therapy and she was utterly sorry. They understood however.
Clay nodded in agreement. "Of course." He says cheerfully taking the seat beside her. "I'm sure the kids will love to hear that." He knew they would be thrilled their mom was coming.
"Yeah. Therapy was so exhausting." She whispered and smiled. "I'm so glad it's all over now." She added and then leaned in to kiss Clay softly.
"Me too honey, me too." Clay says kissing her again and taking her hand. He was more than glad that all of that was over and she didn't have to go through that anymore.
"I love you Clay Waters." Ashley whispered and smiled softly. "I really do love you." She added and squeezed his hand tight.
"I love you more." He whispers getting up from the couch and taking her hand. "Now come on," he says taking her hand and grabbing the truck keys.
"Where are we going?" She asked him and got up to follow him. She didn't know what her husband had in mind for them.
"What Wouk be the fun in that if I told you where we were going?" He asks with a teasing laugh pulling out of the driveway . First he took her to the mall to go shopping but once the time got closer he headed to the actual destination. When they arrived he handed her the tickets to the Yankees game.
Ashley honestly had no clue to what Clay was doing but she just played along with it. She looked at him and then the tickets and she squealed with excitement. "Oh my god. Clay when? When did you but these tickets?" She asked and hugged him close.
"Don't worry about it." He says embracing the hug. "Consider it your I survived hell gift." He says with a laugh taking her hand and leading her inside. He thought her excitement was adorable.
"Oh my god. I love you Clay Waters." She told him and walked into the stadium with him. She was so excited right now. "Jeter!" She said referring to Derek Jeter out in the outfield warming up. This was perfect.
"You're about to love me even more." He replies with a smirk taking her hand and walking up to the security. They knew he was coming. The lady handed then passes and led them onto the field. Clay laughed at her confusion."Don't forget how to breathe," he whispered as the team walked up to her.

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