New Member
Welcome back to the second issue of your thoughts!
Today's tittle is something a little less serious but it sure is something that bothers me.
Firstly, I myself am British, which is why I come here to Rant aswell, so, be prepared! Yes, I like tea, yes, I have a "posh" and British accent, yes, I enjoy playing sports which originate here, NO I don't have a damn monocle and cane, and always wear a tophat! I mean, come on, is everyone who thinks that idiots?! It's dumb, in every way! I love being British, but, britain is less British, and more diverse and forein, nowadays, so the fact that if someone mentioned they live in Britain, after moving, but they're, lets say, Spanish, it doesn't take a brain surgen to work out that they're not British, and just because they live here it gives them all the crap nonsence-filled stereotypes!!! Secondly, I am a girl, who HATES Pink, and loves Green, HATES going out shopping, or for the reasons to just waste money on clothing I'll never wear, I don't hate football, but, It's not a sport I'd play prefessionally, however, I DO play it! I mean c'mon, you sexist slobs out there, go and get some Damn common-sense and knowledge; cause you clearly don't have any!!!