Experiences Your least liked and favourite part of a Character Sheet to do?

Side note: I'm tired of making CS's cuz RPs die so fast. A huge CS is a huge turnoff unless I know the gm is a gem.

As an additional side note, this is a huge reason why I don't do detailed and extensive worldbuilding in my RP's anymore. I'd rather save that effort for my personal projects as most RP's die so quickly. For RP's I mostly stick to already existing fandom universes (but with OC's) or the real world (sometimes with slight alterations if I'm playing in a fantasy or sci-fi setting).
My RP group does freeform character sheets, and I like to write a character's resume or in-universe equivalent. Putting things into businessy language can add some humor - mucking stalls = "Maintained sanitation of therapy animals’ living spaces ". It helps me make sure I know how the character got their skills, about how old they are, and what life experience they would have had.

The most recent one I did actually starts with an email to his mom that implies she's been badgering him to change jobs, and he explains why he can't but sends an updated resume anyway.

I also like to have lists related to a character quirk. Nikki had the CDs in her truck, Sammy has the goofy patterns on his scrubs.

The people I RP with fill out some really basic stuff like height, weight and eye color, and I don't like having to figure out what my character weighs and stuff.
Those ideas are genius! They sound really fun.
I love everything except personality, likes & dislikes.

Personality is hard for me because someway, somehow, I feel like I end up writing the same personality for my characters over and over again. I think I'm also just my own worst critic so sometimes I worry when it comes to personality if I'm overdoing it. I'll worry they come off too nice, too mean, there's no balance, etc. I've had characters where the personality I intended them to have shifted as the roleplay progressed. Which I guess is just character development in real time. But then I feel like everything I worked for them to have it just meaningless now lol.

Likes & dislikes are just hard because I feel like 90% of the time they don't really come up in the rp. And sometimes it takes getting a few replies in with the plot to go "Oh they don't like that". If it's required, or if a partner really wants to know, I'll pull up a list of really common character likes and dislikes and pick a few I think fit the character.

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