Your Importance [Inactive]

Paiton stared over at Alice, they had grown so far apart. Their conversations scarce, it was as if they where strangers. He just felt guilty for losing his own voice, as if it was his fault they couldn't have real conversations again. As the thought creeped into him he muster ed up what he had and stood and sat down beside her writing, 'hi..' He felt awkward.
Feeling sudden weight beside her, Alice turned her head to find Paiton there. She smiled, the corners of her mouth turning up in unison. Reading his paper, her smile widened a little. "Hello," She replied, her voice quiet. After all these years, they had grown farther apart, their friendship seeming to become more awkward and forced. "How was your... morning?" She asks him.
Paiton shrugged but still leaned over his paper and writing, 'you know, the usual. You?' He looked up to see her smiling, he loved it.
He made a force field around Paiton, grabbed a book, and threw it at him to startle him. It was pretty hilarious, seeing his reaction. After he stopped laughing. "I'm bored."
Paiton stood up immediately, he wanted to yell at him but when he tried only silence came from him. This was what he hated about others, the constant need for them to have all eyes on them. His eyebrows where furrowed, why would anyone wonder why he didn't like the presence of Adarian. They where polar opposites.
"Didn't mean to scare you." He didn't take down the force field though. He was just going to walk away to make him angry, but he decided to pick up the force field, making him float in thin air. "Hey, maybe my powers can come in handy." He heard snickering coming from the others. He smiled with pleasure, and then, "Ok, fine. I was just trying to make a joke. Some of us need to have fun once in a while." Adarian set Paiton down, and released the barrier.
She stands up and looks at the clock and sighs. " guys it's just about one time to suit up." She walks over and grabs a workout uniform that changed with her skin. She pulls her long black hair into a pony tail that sits on the top of her head. Her green eyes were strong but it probably had to do with her serious facial features.
Slipping off the bunk, she turned to Pation. "It was lovely talking to you again," She faked a smile, wishing that she could just go back to how she used to be with Paiton. Carefree, joyous, happy. But now, it's all changed.
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