Your Importance [Inactive]

"Yep. It's all my fault. I have a new ability, and that is shaking a cabin so I can annoy it's inhabitants." Laughing, he went inside to get dressed for the day.
She doesn't know why busy she bursts out laughing from Adarian's comment. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just think I'm getting a tad stir crazy and talking about abilities, what exactly can you do?" She leans against the wall crossing her arms infront of her chest.
Paiton sat down on the edge of his bed, leaning into the wall. They say that emotions are what link us to what we can do. So he himself was interested as well, earthquakes seemed to match Adarians personality quite well. Something destructive that doesn't think about the after math.
"Oh, well I can create force fields." He made a movement with his hand towards her. "It is unable to be seen from the outside so you will have to trust me." Before she could protest, he picked up a rock and threw it towards her. About a foot from her face, the rock ricocheted.
She curves her arm to cover her face then she smirks at him. "What else can you do? Or what else can your shields block?" She stands up and reaches out to touch the shield. Before she does she hardens her skinnot wanting to get shocked or hurt. From her finger tips down it's starts to look like crystals are forming over her body.
Paiton played with his bangs, listening to their conversation. He was surprised they all hadn't seen one another's powers or at least questioned them. In fact we didn't know much about each other. Heck, all they knew about Paiton was his silence nothing more.
She turned to look between the two boys then she walks over to her bed and sit on it with her back against the wall. She wasn't sure what Adarian had said about Paiton was being cruel or a pun of his powers. Why had she known these people for forever and never thought to ask to examine their gifts. She looked between the females that were here as we'll. what magic did they have to hide.
Paiton furrowed his brows, he was so ready to demonstrate by making him do something ridiculous. But instead he bluntly spoke in Adarians voice, "I mock people fairly well thank you." He cleared his throat with a look of pretend distaste as though Adarians voice coming out of him had a terrible after taste.
She stared at Paiton with really big eyes! "You don't have to be a fighter, because your camouflage and a distraction! Say something else!" She like practically crawls to th edge of the bed excited. "Can you mimic animals and sounds?" She smiles to him and pushes her black hair behind her ear.
Paiton leans back slightly embarrassed at finally saying something then being put on the spot. But still answers her question by opening his mouth enough to let out a small bird tune. Animals where easier to imitate then actual people. But once he heard a sound he could mock it right back.
He rolled his eyes. I'll have a cool ability soon... He checked the time, realizing they were late for training. And tonight was there first mission as a team. "Um, guys? What time were we supposed to go train?"
Sitting on her bed, and laughing along with everyone else as she watched with big eyes, Alice has totally forgotten about training. What training would she be able to do?
Paiton held up one finger before checking his wrist for the time. They had an hour to prepare for the long training. Today they would have three hours of individual training, then three more as a group.
"Oh... I swear it was at noon." He laid down on his bed to relax. He was too tired to leave, so he tried to catch up on some rest. However, he didn't get onto his bed. He accidentally got on Kai's bed.
Paiton almost rose his hand to stop Adarian, but wanted to wait and see how it would turn out.
Seeing Adarian lie on the wrong bed, Alice wanted to say something.

"Um sir...." She trailed off, hugging her knees. She somehow created a habit of calling people 'sir' and 'ma'am'.
"Um Ma'am?" He said, everyone acted as if he done something wrong. He looked to his side, looking for his book, but it wasn't there. "Oh..." He got up, embarrassed, and went to his bed and continued his book as if nothing happened.
Hiding a small smile behind her hand, Alice takes out her own book. She's always been very fantasized by all the wonders the story told. She made herself comfortable on the bunk and opened the book to the last page she had been on and began to read, playing with her nails as she read on.
Kai wemt to the bathroom to wash her face. She yawned as she turned on the water then splashed it in her face. Looking at herself in the mirror she gave half a smile then a smug smirk.

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Paiton ran a hand through his hair tiredly, he wasn't in the mood for one on one training. He was given the most difficult instructor, their tolerance level zero. And though he knew to most he was uptight, he wasn't nothing compared to his instructor. So he sat there enjoying each moment before training.
"So, does anyone know what we have to do during our mission anyway? I mean, it's got to be easy if it is our first day we get to use our abilities together. They wouldn't give us a task to hard for us to handle, would they?"
Paiton looked at Adarian dully, before writing in a notebook.

'Tomorrow training will be at seven, then at four they'll explain our mission.' He didn't stand and walk over to Adarian so he could read what he had written but simply held it up.
"7 in the morning?" Alice asked and then realized how dumb her question. "I mean... ignore me," She whispered, her hair creating a curtain between herself and the other souls in this room. She bit on one of her nails and stared at her legs.

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