Your Importance [Inactive]

She watched Adarin move about and ask questions. Since he said the shower wasnt working she dropped the though of showering second.

"Asking to be useful. Thats not like you at all."

The first friend she ever made was with Adarian. The others followed after though it was against her will. She liked them , sort of. She had her doubts and her moments but they seemed ok.

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Opening his eye-lids, revealing his bright crimson gaze to the world, Silas awoke and used he was the last to awake today... Or at least that was what he thought to be the case. Bringing his chest to his knees, slowly getting on his two feet to look around he sighed. He had often trained the whole day through and that was hardly any fun on your alone, and the crick in his back was making the thought of training not sound good. "Humph. I need to take it easy or I'm-" Silas yelped, walking face first into the wall. His nose leaking blood, and screaming at the top of his lungs. "CURSE THIS WALL!!!"
Paiton looked up from his notebook which was covered in drawings and sentences. He noticed Silas had awoken only to run into the wall and chuckled into his hand though no sound came out. Before stepping over to him and mouthing, "you okay?"
"Well, looks like everyone is awake. Well, as far as I can tell." He decided not to make breakfast and leave it to someone else. He drew the bedroom's curtains, revealing a bright, shining light coming from the sun. "What a nice day! We all just skip training today. It's too great of a day." Even though, just about every day was like this.
Paiton looked up from Silas' nose over at Adarian in disbelief, yes he knew that he was considered the goody two shoes in their room. The person who always followed the rules, but it was the best way to not get punished.
"No takes anyone?" After what happened with the other cabin yesterday, he did not want to go anywhere near them. "So Paiton... What is on the Agenda for today? Get beat up by the others again?"
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"Your the only one who got beat up I think. I landed a few hits so I count by bout as a full fledge fight. "

She snickered as she crossed her arms and leaned against the walls.

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Paiton sighed taking his notebook out of his back pocket and showing him that days schedule resentfully. There day was like the others, full of training and normal protocol. But he pointed to the date of tomorrow, on the 17th they where going on their first night mission as a team. Paiton would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous for the type of wreckage their mission was going to turn into.
Adarian couldn't believe it. "Tomorrow? We aren't even close to being ready." Great job at building self-confidence. "Maybe we could all just leave, create our own life, make our own adventure!"
Paiton couldn't believe what he was hearing, no wonder they didn't get along. His quite clean personality with Adarians loud one just didn't mix, curiosity kills. Rebellion kills in the world they lived in, Paiton pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he nodded no. There was nothing to run to, not for him that is. His life was here, this was his life.
Rolling her eyes she turned toward the wall. " Will you talk to me?" She got up from her position and left the room. She needed some air from a room filled with people. Walking out of the cabin she strethed her limbs and bathed in the sun. Her cold body began to heat up and she was feeling much better.

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"I didn't mean to make you upset... Just, are you really happy here? Is anyone really happy here? I think we are only happy to have each other." Paiton just didn't understand. They had the same routine everyday, and he thought this it was normal? Adarian just looked in disbelief.
Paiton looked up his eyes pleading for him to just drop the topic, before writing in his notebook.

'I'm happy, I'm fine with being here. Sure they're strict but some of us would be dead without them.' His writing was light but rushed, he held the edges as he turned it to show Adarian.
Sitting down on the stairs of the porch , she closed her eyes. She crossed Adarian and Paiton off her list of having conversation with.

Letting the sun hit her she hummed a small tune.

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Getting up from her position, she crossed the room.

"I can tell you that I am not 100% happy here," She muttered to the two boys and then went out into the fresh morning air. She loved mornings, cold or warm she loved them.

Seeing Kai on the porch, she wasn't sure if she should communicate or not. Instead, she just leaned against a post, taking in all of the greenery and the shining sun.
Noticing he was scaring people out of the cabin, he climbed onto his bed and continued reading. After about 10 minutes, a loud crashing sound erupted throughout the cabin, alarming everyone. "What was that?"
Paiton looked up from his notebook startled, but instantly staring at Adarian for any information he had about what was going on.
She jumped up out of bed "what the heck what that!" She looked around the room seeing if anything was out of place. Then she looked between Paiton and Adarian, she grew up with Paiton and didn't want to hurt him but knew she was miserable with this day to day life. "Adarian I would give anything to form my own missions and life but this is what we have to deal with" then she stands up and goes outside to see of the loud sound had happened outside by any chance.
Paiton followed Astrid outside, wondering what had happened. Strands of his hair glowed bronze in the sunlight as he searched the horizon for some sort've answer.
Kai looked up toward the sound. Her ears twitched a little before she stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "The hell?"
Adarian walked all the way around the cabin several times, and there was nothing that could have caused it. However, it wasn't his imagination if everyone heard it, could it?
She turns to "Adarian I hope your not playing tricks sir?" She asked in a questioning tone then she looked to Paiton "at least we will have our first mission and a be the hell out of here!" She scruffed up his golden hair then returned back inside.

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