Your Importance [Inactive]


Sir Sky, A Knight of RpNations Kingdom
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(@asolonynka293 , @SilentWhisper , @Music Maniac , @Goddess , @Nizrindane You may post)

Paiton opened his eyes slowly, revealing his dull hazel hued gaze He heard the faint breathing of each of his team members, as he awkwardly brought his knees up to his chest for warmth. They had later training today, but he wasn't able to stay asleep for any longer. The constant energy which ran through his blood stream kept him awake, along with his constant nightmares. The screams still echoing in his mind.

Paiton pushed the dreams out of his mind, as he tucked his body into a tighter ball under his thin blanket. His brown hair was a fluffy mess against his pillow, small strands falling over his eyes as he wearily tried to blink the sleep away. The stillness of the room was calming, no yelling voices or hitched breathing to disrupt it. But he knew better then to think it would last.
Astrid stretched then laid flat on her back her hands crossed over her stomach. She smiled to the silence of the room. She looked down at her arm where skin had looked as if crystals lay on top of it. She would give anything to be able to remember what it felt like to have the warmth or at least the touch of someone on her skin. She rolls to her side and notices paiton is wake she waves to him.
Paiton lifted his gaze at Astrid and smiled small wrinkles appearing at the edges of his eyes as he waved back silently. His hand was freezing at the feeling of the cool air brushing past it and quickly brought it back under the blanket. The palms of both his hands where pinched in the middle of his thighs as he was hoping it'd provide more heat. He wanted to ask her if he had woken her up but knew he couldn't as he looked down at the wooden floor.
Her eyes opening, Alice stared at the ceiling. Her breathing was quiet, not yet roused up by her night's sleep. Running a hand through her tangled mane, she turned on her side, staring at the rest of her team members, scrutinizing their body postures. The room was silent. For Alice, silence was golden. She loved silence, it just calmed her down. She begins to pick at her nails, an ancient habit of hers, waiting for others to awaken.
The cold air didn't really bother her. She was sound asleep with her hand under her head and her body laid sideways. Her eyes were closed and her mouth cracked open. She had a thing were breathing through her nose was hard for her , so she breathed through her mouth most of the time. Despite her boyish ways she had a soft snore. It was like air slipping through a window. You could say this was the calmest she ever was. Slowly her chest moved out then in. She slept sloundly with her dreams scattered about.

Not a thing could wake her at this time. Especially the cupckae that was in her dream. It was dressed in an orange dress with a lace hoodie. It did odd dances before diving into a pool of cake.

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She stands up and pulls her blanket over to him and covers him with it she sits next to him. Then she looks down at him. "don't worry I'm not cold I don't feel it actually..." She looks straight forward to her other teams mates " I hope to god you guys have better powers than I...." She sighs then lays back deciding she should sleep a tad longer till the training starts.
Paiton sat up once he felt the heavier wait of Astrids blanket on him, the coldness of the room pounded into his back as he fiddled with the dge of her blanket until his fingers pinched it and held it back out to her. He knew she was unable to feel the cold but still felt guilty.
Adarian was reading a book, as usual. With the book light shining across the pages, emitting light through his thin blanket, he felt blood trickle down and onto the clean pages. He cursed, but quietly in case he woke someone. His busted lip kept opening after the fight with a former friend, where he learned his second ability. He was a late comer to those kind of things, since he never used them anyway.
She smiled to paiton "no really it's useless on me." She looks to the others and waves "so how does this work do we fight each other or are we allies?" She looks across the floor to Alice then to Adarian.
Realizing someone was speaking to him, his uncovered the blanket, revealing his scarred face. "Well, apparently we aren't all allies." His eyes adjusted to the early morning glow of light portrayed by the sun seeping in through the windows.
She turned her head to face Astrid. She sat up, balancing her weight on her elbow. She looked down at her nails and began to bite one of her nails. "What do you mean we aren't all allies?" She wondered out aloud.
Paiton turned his gaze to Adarian his eyebrows furrowing, they where all allies. They where a team which was brought together because of their powers and their uses. They where all on the side weren't they? Paion dropped the blanket back onto his lap as he continued to look at Adarian for an explanation.
A ray of sunlight had hit her face. Smiling a little she moved her head a little to get more comfortable. Hitting a foot she opened her eyes and rubbed them. Yawning as she sat up, she looked around. It took her a while to collect everything that was going on around her. Turning her head to see the others, she gave a short wave before covering her mouth while she yawned.

"Good morning."

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"Well, look at my face. I am pretty sure that just about sums it up." Stretching, he got out of bed. "Anyone mind if I take the first shower?" He asked before heading to the bathroom, making sure to take his book with him.
Paiton watched Adarian leave irritably, they just didn't blend well together. Once he left Paiton ran his fingers through his brown locks before noticing Kaitlin had awoken and waved good morning to her. His fingers pinched the edges of his blanket as he pulled them around his shoulders and sat criss crossed, when Kai awoke he knew he wouldn't be able to lay down and enjoy his silence.
Squinting her eyes she groaned. She was never a morning person. She didn't like the light or how early it was.

"I call next."

She got up and slowly walked down the hall. She drug her head against the wall as she leaned against it for support

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Grabbing her notebook that sat at the end if her bed. She wrote the night before and felt like she need to write again. Writing helped Alice relieve stress. She sat curled up, her back touching the wall. Her white notebook balanced on her knees, creating a makeshift table. "I'll go whenever," She mumbles beginning to scribble comprehensible words.
As he turned the knob, no water came out. Just what I need to start the morning. He tried the sink, and washed his face with the ice-cold water.

He wasn't used to this cabin, as he would much rather be alone. Heading back, Paiton gave him a look in which he shouldn't help but smile. "Water is messed up. I swear to god it isn't my fault."
Paiton stared over at Alice, amazed at how much she had grown since they where children. He missed their conversations, their laughter mixing with one another. But looked away when Adarian entered the room, he rolled his eyes and mouthed 'really?' as he stood up his blanket falling off his shoulders. Then walked towards the bathroom to check for himself.
"So, anyone hungry? I feel like making myself useful today." Whether it was to make Paiton mad, or just a random act of kindness, he waited for a response as everyone seemed to be a little shocked that he wanted to do something for them. He did read somewhere that making other people happy is the first step to making yourself happy. Whether this was true or not, he needed a change in his life.
She looks around and rolls her eyes she uses her sleeve to kind of run some of the dust of her cheeks. "How long do we have till training I'm itching to stand up and move and run around" she looks up to adarian, "I still blame you...." She giggles she wasn't worried about fighting or anything like that, her father has trained her since she first discovered her non-penetrating skin.
Paiton gripped the knob of the shower turning it in both directions, not even a drop of water falling. He bit his lower lip concerned as he turned and tried to turn on the sinks water, but as well nothing came through the pipes. Paiton hung his head in defeat his hand still on the knob as he stared at the counter.
She looks over to Paiton "don't worry during training or whatever I'll find us some water, okay?" She watched Adarian not sure if trust was the first word that came to mind while she was analyzing his movements. Then she spoke up "I could eat"
Paiton walked out of the bathroom sighing before grabbing his notebook and writing a sentence in it as he made his way back to Astrid. Once finished he flipped the notebook and held it so Astrid could read what he had written, 'Training will start at 1, we have a couple hours.'
Writing the last sentence, Alice closed her notebook and set it beside her. She stretched her arms around her knees and set her chin on top of her knees. Alice observed everyone, her emerald eyes switching back and forth through everyone, resting a few moments on her somewhat distant friend Paiton. They used to be quite close, sharing laughter, conversations and whatever they thought about together.

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