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Fandom Your Hero Academia OC thread

Ghosty Boi

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Quirk Weaknesses or Drawbacks:
Power moves and Special Techniques:
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Name: Kim Yun
Nickname: Glass, Delinquent, Yuniku
Hero name: Fragile
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 181cm (5'11" ft)

Quirk: Si Sonata
Quirk Description: Yun can control and extend her sense's through a variety of silicon-based materials via a frequency-based signal her body can both emit and detect. The range appears limited by sound with control deteriorating as the distance increasing, though it may be somewhat circumvented via the use of a "signal boosting" structure of sufficiently pure material. A side effect of her quirk is Yun also possesses an exceptional level of hearing, this is both a benefit and a detriment.

It is difficult to pin down Yun's exact personality or beliefs for a multitude of reasons, though mostly due to it being difficult to tell when she is being truthful combined with her difficulty forming meaningful connections. Though the latter has often been a result of initial failed attempts ending poorly combined with the circumstances of her early life leading to a naturally poor reputation that she seemed intent on living up to after a time. A wild child with a strong independent streak and somewhat theatrical nature at times, she holds a wilful determination that is sometimes indistinguishable from stubbornness, and a variety of personality quirks that have it believed she may be somewhat unstable.

Exact diagnoses have yet to be unsuccessful due to her uncooperativeness on the matter, turning questions around and making light of the situation, though it has revealed rare glimpses of a cunning intelligence to the more observant. One particular quirk of hers for example was uttering the phrase "...Baraya, Baraya, Agabaraya..." often before performing actions or when in quiet thought. The words were believed to be in a foreign tongue by her carers, though when questioned she would grin and say it doesn't mean anything, with the following questions causing further confusion to the point the adults or children would quickly give up on pushing the matter further.

Believed to be Korean-born, she was recovered as a young child by a Japanese fishing vessel off the coast of the country though no record of her appeared to exist when contacting the relevant government. As a result, she was placed into the Japanese foster system, which she has remained within for much of her life well passed the point of normal adoption. Due to her foreign status, it was natural that there had also been difficulty integrating, combined with a stigma placed upon them by her carers with the belief she would end up in no place good.

Living up to the belief she would often spend her time getting into trouble on the streets, and while she was caught for minor offences the end result is believed to be she simply became more adept at doing so subtly rather than ceasing such. This was one of the reasons it came as a surprise to the carers that not only had she applied to a hero course, having not seen any inclination towards such previously, but they were actually accepted.

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Name: Alice Schwarzschild
Nickname(s): N/a
Chosen Hero Name: Blast
Age: 15
Assigned Sex At Birth: Male
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: 1-A
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: yellow
Skin tone: White
Scars: None
Other: Alice is technically genetically male, but purposefully prefers to express herself as a female, and passes well for a girl if not deeply examined.

Personality:Alice superficially appears to be an extremely intelligent and creative, but otherwise, normal girl, who, from a distance, is extremely friendly, kind, and overall wants to make everyone's day better.
Anyone who looks closer however, will find a tortured soul that is constantly suffering. Alice isn't biologically female, possessing XY chromosomes, and did not realize that they wanted to be a girl until around age 16. However the feeling and desire had always been present. Due to the cost of hormonal therapy and surgery, Alice has been unable to realize their true self, and has delved into the deep waters of tearfully accepting that they'll probably never be satisfied with their body. Alice hides their instability, depression, and dysphoria behind a mask, instead
acting like “just the obligatory cute American exchange student who likes to wear skirts, has a starry-eyed view of Japanese culture, and eats lunch with a stuffed animal that she carries everywhere.”
Quirk Name: Dynamo
Quirk Description: Dynamo allows Alice to freely manipulate the kinetic
And after its awakening, potential
energy in any object she physically touches with either of her hands. This is not just limited to non-living objects, and can affect living objects as well, although Alice says that she doesn’t have good enough control over her quirk to use it on people without rather grisly results. Using her quirk, even something as small as a metal bolt can become a deadly weapon. The fairly simple yet powerful mechanics of Dynamo give it a wide range of applications just waiting to be unlocked.
Quirk Weaknesses or Drawbacks: Alice is limited to only things that she can touch with her hands, and once they leave her hand she loses the ability to manipulate their kinetic energy. This however means that they will possess the same kinetic energy they left her hands at, and, more importantly, will not be acted on by outside kinetic forces while she is touching them.
Power moves and Special Techniques: None, yet.
Backstory: Born Alexander Schwarzschild (Please do not deadname her!) Alice Schwarzchild struggled with fitting in with her peers, both due to her long standing dysphoria, and her cyclical depression. From a young age, she would be plagued by extreme lows and highs, and she found that she could only really take solace in art. As she grew older, she began to open up more, in particular, she wanted to build herself up as inspired by the trials and tribulations of the hero Miss Midnight. After graduating from High-School in America, she transferred in an exchange program, applying to UA.
- Because she comes from America she is considerably wealthy.
- Alice learned how to speak Japanese from a combination of online extracurriculars and watching Anime. She is noted by the other members of class 1-A to have a weird accent and an overly showy way of speaking, as such, some of her lines are directly quoted from famous anime.
Though on a deeper level this is implied to be part of her farcical personality to hide her inner struggles.
- Along with Pony Tsunotori, Hiryu Rin, and Yuga Aoyama, Alice is one of the only students confirmed to be a foreigner.
- Alice's height is stated in promotional material as being 152Cm tall, making her the same height as fellow class 1-A student Kyoka Jirou
- Her first name "Alice" is a form of the Old French name Alis (older Alais), short form of Adelais, which is derived from the Old High German Adalhaidis (see Adelaide), from the Proto-Germanic words *aþala-, meaning "noble" and *haidu-, meaning "appearance; kind" (compare German Adel "nobility", edel "noble", nominalizing suffix -heit "-hood"), hence "of noble character or rank, of nobility"
- Her last name, Schwarzchild is a German surname meaning "black sign" or "black shield". However, it has been stated in official material that her last name is a reference to the "Schwarzchild Radius" the gravitational radius is a physical parameter in the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein's field equations that corresponds to the radius defining the event horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole.
- Alice is the youngest of the class, her 15th birthday having taken place in the school-year break just before the series begins. This is explained in official materials as being due to her taking accelerated learning classes and graduating from middle-school a year early.
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Name: Shiiyuu Mashima
Nickname(s): Akuma, Majin
Chosen Hero Name: Devil Darlin'
Age: (However old all the class 1A students are)
Assigned Sex At Birth: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Class: 1A
Appearance: Effeminate
Eye color: Red Pupils and Black Sclera
Hair color: White
Skin Tone: Dark Grey
Scars: His right eye is missing, covered by his hair
Other: His teeth are slightly sharper, He has two horns coming out of his head and hair, slightly clawed hands, and a forked tail
Personality: Shiiyuu is incredibly shy, introverted, and quiet. It takes him a while to open up to someone but once he does he can pretty easily begin to admire them and be increasingly friendly.
Quirk Name: Hellion Power
Quirk Description: Shiiyuu's quick has two parts. First is that he can create flat shapes and fire beams using the energy in his body. The second part is that he can drain the energy from others, but only if he touches them with his hands or tail. He can only drain someone until the brink of consciousness.
Quirk Weaknesses or Drawbacks: The first part of Shiiyuu's quick quickly drains his energy, making him more and more tired the less he has. He can only use his quirk overall to a certain extent. Exceeding this limit will cause him migraines that get worse the more he overextends
Power moves and Special Techniques: Sinful Syphon: Shiiyuu drains the energy from his opponent before unleashing one of two attacks: Devil's Gambit or Summoning burst. Devil's Gambit creates four large rectangles that he throws at the enemy to trap them, while Summoning Burst creates a large circle on the ground that erupts into a beam of energy
Backstory: Shiiyuu was always picked on for the form his quirk gave him, to the point that kids bullied and beat him up. One day he develops a crush on a girl at his school, a girl his main bully also had a crush on. Soon after, Shiiyuu works up the courage to go up to talk to the girl. He succeeds and the two become friends, but not before the bully finds out. The next day he was assaulted by the bully and many others who dumped "Holy water" and beans on him, calling him a demon or a devil. His father comes to pick him up after this accident and decides to take Shiiyuu out for a fun day to make up for the events at school. On the way home, there's a villain attack, where the rampaging villain causes a car crash that kills Shiiyuu's father and takes out his eye. Shiiyuu now works to be a horror to stop villains so that no one has to go through what he went through, as well as show that even people who look different or bad can be good people.
Name: Q Ito
Nickname(s): Q-tsie (Given to them by their mom.)
Chosen Hero Name: QT Angel
Age: 16
Assigned Sex At Birth: Male(?)
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Class: 1A
Appearance: (See image for details)
Eye color: An Electric blue with dark blue "power spots" for pupils.
Hair color: A dark turquoise that almost looks black.
Skin tone: Porcelain white!
Image: (apologies for the unfinished doodle, its a] hasily drawn bc i just wanted to get their gist down first and b] probably not their final design? again just gist n vibes.)


Personality: Q is a bit of a clutz, well-meaning, but a clutz, and a bit tonally deaf or naive at times. (They're a bit of an open book.) They're very eager to please, and their mood can be severely dampened by failure or harsh words, but its rare, if impossible, to get them to cry, they bounce back easily. They're quick to get attached to people who show them even the bare minimum of kindness and can be manipulated pretty easily because of this. They're kinda like a dog in that way. In school, they try to be the perfect example of a student, follows the rules 100%, always focusing during lessons (Or, at least, trying to. It's hard for them to focus on certain things. It's the undiagnosed ADHD.) and tries to be a top student! Anything less and, well, it's not a pretty sight. But it's a soght nobody else has to see!
Quirk Name: Plugin
Quirk Description: The user can "plug" themselves into any type of electronic device and take complete control over it! Pretty simple ability. This also has the weird benefit of giving them an inherit knowledge about computers and other technology.
Quirk Weaknesses or Drawbacks: Whenever Q "plugs" themself in, their consciousness almost goes inside the machine, leaving their body vulnerable to attack since they can't see or control whats going inside of it anymore. Also, depending on the amount of data flow in an electronic, certain pieces of tech may be harder for them to control due to the sheer information/sensory overload.
Power moves and Special Techniques: Virus - Q can plugs themself into various electronics, splitting their mind into each one. This requires an immense amount of focus from them, and if they spread themself through a large amount of electronics, it's even harder.
Backstory: Q doesn't have a good memory of his life up until he was around 6, everything before that was a blur. All they know is that, around that time, they got adopted by their very loving mother, Ana Ito, a small-time hero who didn't have the time for a relationship, but wanted to raise a kid anyways. For a long time, Q was actually a handful of a child, loud, destructive, and sometimes even violent, but eventually they "mellowed" out into just a hyperactive kid. Again, nobody knows why they were like this, even Q themselves, but their mother thinks that they may have had some sort of traumatic event happen to them whilst growing up that they don't remember, but Q highly doubts that idea. They we're just a bad little kid! Eventually, Q was getting close to highschool, so they decided to become a hero just like their mom!
Name: Rai Hayami

Nickname(s): Spark

Chosen Hero Name: Raiju

Age: 16

Assigned Sex At Birth: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Straight, so far

Class: 1-A


Eye color: Blue

Hair color: White

Skin tone: Light

Scars: A burn scar on the right side of his chest.

Other: He pierced one of his ears.

Image: ebea6920a8353418dfeec5cd03b3cd89.jpg

Personality: Rai is, honestly, not the most energetic person ever. He seems to be sleeping or about to fall asleep pretty often. Indeed, he tries to act as if he doesn't worry about things too much. But that attitude has rubbed others the wrong way, and even if he is aware of it, and troubles him at times. But once he gets going, he becomes daring and more obviously confident than the mellow guy he presents himself as. It's hard to tell, but he works hard in being a proper hero. He is a bit too casual over his own pain.

Quirk Name: Lightning Trail

Quirk Description: His legs possess metal plates that produce electricity. Activating them allows him to run at surprising speeds, jump longer distances or stick to vertical surfaces if applied properly. Using it causes a lightning trail to form behind him.

Quirk Weaknesses or Drawbacks: Pushing his Quirk too far will cause him electric burns, using it underwater is hazardous and it tends to burn through his shoes unless they are specially made. Also, he still runs, jumps and kicks with his Quirk, so messing up a step won't be good for his leg muscles.

Power moves and Special Techniques:
Hell Thunder Wheel: A series of flying kicks after a running start.
0-100 Dash: Taking a moment to stay still to charge, he waits until the last second to dash at a higher speed.
Spark Shot: Kicking a piece of metal charged with electricity.

Backstory: Rai is the son of former Pro-Hero Taiga Hayami, who retired after crippling one of his legs in action. Rai was initially very serious, pushing himself further to become stronger. But an incident that ended with him getting scarred changed him, and he doesn't seem to have the same attitude as before. Even if there is a desire to be a hero, he needs to recover the drive he used to have. Perhaps he can find what's beyond speed.
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