your gem

Name: Yuki Modo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gem Color: Black (like a dark brown)

Transformation: Eyes turn red and a mark appears on his neck (nothing super special)

How the gem was obtained: When Yuki was 12 he went into a cave and found the gem
LyraDark said:
There will be a part two someday.
Well 1for3 is a good friend of mine (not on this site) so maybe I can get him to release part 2 early if im lucky...
ThatLolGuy said:
Well 1for3 is a good friend of mine (not on this site) so maybe I can get him to release part 2 early if im lucky...
He wants to finish writting chapter 2 of the gems of power before doing the part two of your gem (Hatena haiku something like that??)
LyraDark said:
He wants to finish writting chapter 2 of the gems of power before doing the part two of your gem (Hatena haiku something like that??)
(Yeah im his friend on Haiku....)

Well ill just have to wait then :3

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