your gem [Inactive]

(Hahahahaha! I found how to kill Aryhann. Let's kill her xD Anyways... Nobody will care xD )
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Lucas had a final vision. It was time to end it. He rushed to find everyone, but he saw it in the sky already. It was over, the city would be completely destroyed. No-one could possibly survive this gem powered nuke. He began to run.

"Just yesterday was this town destroyed. No-one knows why currently. We will bring you more as it continues. "

"Still no survivors found. I think this will remain a mystery for awhile. "

"The destroyed town will remain a mystery as everyone has given up."

So now that it's over, does anyone want to talk about it?
I hate the ending!!!! *Is seriously crying* 
And seriously??? Seriously??? A GEM-POWERED NUKE!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
(Lawl... You and your questions xD )

Some time after the explosion.

"Aryhann! Aryhann can you hear me!" Elis yelled.

After the nuke explosion, Elis beggined searching for Aryhann. For now, she found nothing. Nothing, no sign of Aryhann. Elis even looked in the other worlds, she found nothing. Elis cried. She had been searching over all the demolished city, Aryhann was defenetively not there.

"Aryhann! I will find you! Even if I have to go in the other worlds, I'll find you!" Elis yelled.

-My little end... Aryhann might or might not be dead... It's up to your imagination now...-
(because I feel the need to)

Leroy had turned into a villain, a villain who's thoughts had been manipulated as he dreamt better days for Eliza...

They said the most evil gem user would be granted a special power. Thinking about it, he imagined this power would be the ability to open and contort the gates of Hell. On his off-screen adventures he had committed countless sins that inevitably consumed his very being and resulted in his demise.

A power gem ended the world. He never saw it though. He never knew that his actions were all but in vain. And perhaps even a catalyst for the world's end.
Okay... Well, the gems might not exist anymore but since it was a gem powered nuke, the power of their gems are now in them, like they don't need to have a gem anymore. Is that good?
I was thinking that the gems are just cracked. Perhaps everyone is rescued by the god of their gem?
And they wouldn't remember anything of what hapenned. They don't remember that they had this gem so... They don't know about their power...
Guys guys we need to end the rp right like this

Jackson transformed and magically stabbed every one including himself


Anyway mates it was fun. It was great and what not and hopefully we meet agin.

@LyraDark I will post in the adventure time rp here soon I been busy with some others so be ready for that

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