Video Games Your first video game?

How old were you when you played it? O:
I discovered it when I was about 12! And I got so obsessed with it, my Mom would be yelling at me to take out the trash and I'd just be like "uh-huh" while trying to glitch Link out of the map for no reason XD
"Mixed-up Mother Goose"

It's on old DOS game that is probably older than most of you guys. It's about wandering around and fixing nursery rhymes that have lost some critical component. (Jack-be-Nimble lost his candlestick, Little Bo Peep lost her shepard's crook... that sort of thing)

I was really too young to appreciate this, but Super Paper Mario on Wii was my first video game - as a backseat gamer. Our older cousin was baby sitting and my brother and I were kinda just watching the game unfold. We would just kinda point where we wanted to go on the TV. We tried to press the buttons, but never really got to figuring out the mechanics until later on. It’s really the first game we learned to play.
Ocarina of Time was my first game, technically, on the Nintendo 64. Though all I really did was sit in my mom’s lap and try to steal the controller from her.
Hmm. I'll have to go back for this. Far back. I recall playing the original Donkey Kong arcade machine in a pizza/pasta parlor in the early 80s.
on console- devil may cry hd collection on xbox 360

on pc.... I can't remember but probably wizard101 or free realms
Ms. Pac Man on the arcade. Not the stand-up arcade. It was flat like a table, and you controlled Ms. Pac-man's movement with a palm sized ball (the same concept for OG computer mice).

I couldn't have been older than 4 or 5 at the time.
Oh god, it took me forever to find the name, but the first video game I ever played was either Golden Axe or Rampage. I can't say which because I was like... four, and the cousins and I would play one of those two all the time since they were co-op.

I remembered Golden Axe, like the playstyle, but for the life of me, I could not freaking find the name of the game. Just spent like fifteen minutes googling it and being like, 'No google! It wasn't gauntlet!' But we played it all the time and we had designated roles. Charles played the Barbarian, I always played the Dwarf and we forced Aj, the youngest, to play the Valkyrie woman. As he was the youngest, so of course, had to play the girl character [Although, I admit to, looking back, being jealous and wanting to play her but not wanting to seem 'uncool' because, look, she got to ride a freaking fire breathing raptor and her ultimate was summoning a massive dragon to burn the entire battlefield.]

For Rampage, it was Lizard [Me, cause Godzilla], Wolf [Charles] and Monke [Aj]. I also remember playing the crap out of the Jurassic Park: Rampage but I do believe that was after those two.
Sonic Heroes, it was actually my brother’s game that he got when our BlockBuster closed down but I was really the only one that played it. It launched me headfirst into the franchise and I was obsessed. I still have my collection of Sonic games that I built up since then (I was 5, I’m 22 now!)
The first I remember playing was the PS1 game for A Bug's Life. I think I got it for Christmas when I was six. It's still one of my favorite games - it's got an amazing soundtrack.

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