Your first RP character

My first rp character was a girl named Tashina Vegara....she was for Tales of Symphonia....she was a Mary Sue from heck back when I first created her XD

Since then, however, I changed her up a bit & now she's a pretty decent character in my book series.
We will call him "Bob". Bob was some sort of dark knight (Very similar to death knights from World of wacraft for those who know about it) who used magic but only to empower his sword with different effects. He obviously was an edgelord and had a past similar to a greek tragedy. The GM didnt like it and asked me to change the personality/story of the guy so this time he was more laid back, doing stuff like telling people how dangerous and evil he was before helping the merchant move his cart when no one is watching. I was new to this rp group and didnt want to piss anyone off so for good measure I asked the GM and 2 other people if there were anymore problems with Bob now and they said "Nah, its fine".

Started the rp, went to sleep after my second post, wake up and find that I recieved a PM 5 hours ago from a close friend of the GM telling me that we should kill Bob to demonstrate how powerful the villain is (The GM's rp character, what a surprise). Checked the thread and 4 hours ago the other rps found the villain next to my dead body which was then burned. Close to twelve posts followed after this one so I couldnt just go and say "No, this doesnt count!" so I just cried and never logged in again.

Tl:dr - Made a rp char, reworked him a bit, was proud of him, other rps had him killed after 2 posts to inflate the GM and his rp char's ego. Rest in peace Bob.
My first character was a young kid (who was the same age as me at the time) with heterochromia that was sooper dooper quirky and wore goggles for no reason. A la Ed, from Cowboy Bepop, except completely unoriginal. 

I don't talk about it anymore. 


Even if he was a marty-stu, that's terrible that they did that to poor Bob. Killing other people's characters without permission is no bueno, even if you're the GM. Extreme cases here and there, but man, I'd be peeved. 
Oh boy. I'm still roleplaying with my first RP character, come February it'll be a fourth year anniversary! Or third, I lose track of time.

Over on star wars the old republic, a young Jedi by the name of Matdor Bain, guy in my profile pic as a matter of fact. Die hard star wars fan here, but back then I was a bit clueless so I laugh looking back on his first iterations. But he's turned out as quite the badass despite the fact he's starting to push through middle age. He's seen some shit man. PTSD intensifies. #rememberlantillies

I'm far too attached to the character at this point, but I suppose that comes with developing them for so long, from a young and hopeless initiate to courageous Battlemaster to a middle aged grizzled Jedi exile. Hate to use the term grey Jedi but I suppose he technically is one now; fighting to protect his family as he tries to find purpose and redemption once more in a changing galaxy. Had some great stories with him, and hope to continue to into the foreseeable future. Provided he can still stay alive. It's a miracle he's lasted this long with his luck.

Oh boy. I'm still roleplaying with my first RP character, come February it'll be a fourth year anniversary! Or third, I lose track of time.

Over on star wars the old republic, a young Jedi by the name of Matdor Bain, guy in my profile pic as a matter of fact. Die hard star wars fan here, but back then I was a bit clueless so I laugh looking back on his first iterations. But he's turned out as quite the badass despite the fact he's starting to push through middle age. He's seen some shit man. PTSD intensifies. #rememberlantillies

I'm far too attached to the character at this point, but I suppose that comes with developing them for so long, from a young and hopeless initiate to courageous Battlemaster to a middle aged grizzled Jedi exile. Hate to use the term grey Jedi but I suppose he technically is one now; fighting to protect his family as he tries to find purpose and redemption once more in a changing galaxy. Had some great stories with him, and hope to continue to into the foreseeable future. Provided he can still stay alive. It's a miracle he's lasted this long with his luck.

DARKSIDE or Bust! >xD
I was surprised to find this out but after digging through my post archives it turns out my first RP character would be Amelia Townsend.

Amelia was for a Vietnam + supernatural elements rp that started with zombies and saw the cast slowly mutating into vampires and being possessed by demons and junk as they fell further down the rabbit hole. Amelia started off a bit bland but gradually settled into the role of sarcastic team mom, her thing was packing extra medical supplies and snarking off whenever somebody turned into a werewolf or something. My responses were way shorter than I would write in that rp but Amelia herself was a fun character. Despite being the one of the more normal characters she got a lot of attention because she actually reacted to other people's over the top antics instead of being all nonchalant and dismissive.
Gawd, I'm looking back and realizing that my first RP character was actually not on this site and I've failed to resurrect him in any form as of yet, must remedy that soon.  Anyways, I made up Corain Slade somewhere about 6 years ago I think(?) with a group of friends on a play-by-post RP over Facebook Messenger of all things. He actually started out as Edgelord Supreme, controlling shadows and having world-destroying powers of darkness and evil, fighting against my two just-as-edgy friends for the luls, Lan the Badass Rageknight and Aenix the Shapeshifting Mage. I actually let him get beaten after their first massive battle and the story went on for something like 3 years after that, during which he reformed and became Ultra Lawful Justice Paladin, got married to an angelic valkyrie, had a kid, became best friends with the two warriors who defeated him the first time, swore a blood-brother pact with Lan, and pretty much lived to save the day in every way possible. I remember him fondly because he actually aged over the course of the story, he started out as some young punk mage who fixed himself up after seeing he was just an edgy jerkwad, and he actually grew older and more mature with each encounter. The last time we played out that story, he was actually an old man nearing his life's end after a few hundred years (the other two friends had practically achieved immortality through various means that they never shared XP), alone and having lost his wife, who previously sacrificed herself to stop basically  demongeddon. The last scene was him sitting there at his wife's grave and reliving his life and wondering if he had done everything he could to make the world a better place. He had stopped wars and slain monsters and helped innocents, and at the very end, his two friends arrived to console him. Lan challenged him to one final duel "to relive the glory days", they fought for a long time, no punches pulled, no holds barred, all out battle. When they finally stopped to rest, Corain knelt down to catch his breath as Lan stood next to him, and died right there, his sword in his hand, a smile on his face, and his wife's name on his lips. 

 Dang, I've missed this character, I need to go write him up again like right now XD
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My very first RP character was a Halfling in D&D named Tarna (yeah, yeah, I'm a Heavy Metal fan.) 

She got lost in a bag of holding for two full games (the result of a Crit 1 on a pickpocket) ... and got nearly eaten by a dragon. To be fair, the dragon was just an egg when he got stuffed into it. >.>

(This was 2nd AD&D before they put limitations on Bags of Holding. Damn you, 3.5.)
First character I remember was probably edgelord Judas something or other. His father ran an academy for twins/triplets, but his brother and sister had died young, then his mother died in a car crash when he was illegally driving her to the hospital. (She had cancer or some shit and woulda died anyways, but he blamed himself.) Total emo loner type, but I was technically gm, so he got into angsty conversations with everyone. 

Or the blind kid in a supernatural rp that magically regained his sight. (I may have forgotten that he was blind)

Or the two or three shapeshifting characters I played in another rp that were heavily romantic with the other people's characters. (I think there were two other people with a character or two each at the start) but it frequently turned into fade to blacks. Lol. 

All these on another site, when I was 13. Starting around the same time so I don't remember who came first. 
First RP character ever was a penguin autobot.

First RP character on this site was an edgy teenager weaboo in a zombie-alien apocalypse
My very first character was for a simple Magic School RP

I don't remember his name, since the RP died fairly quickly, but I do know he had an aura around him where he could control time inside that aura. He also had a demon child as a "slave", but he treated her as a companion, an equal who was immune to the effects of his spell and could shapeshift
Mine was this bunny baby. Made her when I was nine. I still use her today. She's an annoying Mary-sue 14 thru 18 year old who's main purpose was to throw all of my anxieties into. But strangely through that she became the most beloved of the group, being almost self-aware and hyper aware of certain characters future soul mates ("NO SHE'S SUPPOSED TO FUCK HIM!!!!"), issues and grievances. Her constant need to resolve issues was actually just her wanting attention and love, though she didn't go about it in the manner you might think.

She actually advocated for underage sex, smoking, and drinking, because she thinks drama is apart of what makes a truly good teen hood. Then, whatever huge problems would arise, she would solve through her aforementioned Mary-sue knowledge of her friends and their emotions, so you could always tag on "sweet" to even the most bitter memories.

She herself never drank, smoke, or had sex and mainly just acted like she was the shit and knew it all, and would demand affection after solving problems. So basically the annoying pre teen of the group but they all knew she really only had good intentions so it was ok. Plus without her none of them would have had an eventful teenhood anyways. (And yes, she was hot and totally unaware, though she would feign having the courage to be flirty and promiscuous)
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Nosferatu in a Laws of the Night Larp.   

That character was my first, second, and third RP character.   I think my favorite iteration of her was the second time.  I played a young gullible Nosferatu warren architect.  She was suppose to be embraced by a Toreador, but the Nosferatu got to her first.  I ended up as Harpy somehow and getting involved with the Tremere.  I told the Tremere player out of character to use my character as a puppet. I wanted to learn how to play the political game and decided to start as the puppet.

It was good times.  
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My first character was for the Harry Potter fandom. Her name was Ivy Malfoy and she was Malfoy's little sister but she was a Gryffindor. She was also a shape shifter, and her eyes were rainbow colored, and she spent a lot of her time as a pink cat. She was also the top of her year, of course. And the prettiest. Can you tell I was 12 when I made this character? 
Oh gawd don't make me think back to...HIM. My very first RP character. I think his name was Haru.

My very first character was for a MxM with someone. I can't seem to remember his username. Bless him, though, he was an amazing RPer and I was a steaming pile of shit. My character was that super edgy type that smokes and drinks and can't be with you because...he's too DANGEROUS. xD I never gave my poor partner anything more then, like, 10 words and he gave me beautifully written paragraphs a story to work with. Bless his soul. I will forever be in his debt for being so kind to me.
The first character I can remember when roleplaying was probably a stuffed animal. I had a teddy bear that I would give a personality, voice, and history to in my childhood.

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