Your favorite character of someone else's?


Messiah of the New Night

Has there been a character someone else played that you just enjoyed so much? For me, there are a few like that.. Off of RPNation, I rp'd with this girl, her character's name was Aria Miyahara. I could describe her as an American with Japanese parents, as well as being accompanied by Espers of varying abilities. Despite that setup she was a flawed character in her own rite. She suffered from Fibromyalgia, and ended up as a liability in combat more than a few times.. she also gets sick really often, and was hemophobic (afraid of blood.) The way she was played though.. I thought it was phenomenal. My favorite scene with her was when she spoke to the other adventurers on a chariot about the world she came from: the U.S.A. the social interaction and exposition really brought her caring and easily pleased personality to light.

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Hm. My friend has a succubus OC called Sly of Rogues who's a ton of fun. If you look at their skillset (teleportation, near-immortality, a boatload of elemental spells, transformation, hypnosis...) they seem OP as hell but they've also got a fair set of weaknesses and they mostly use their powers for petty stuff anyways (like hypnotizing the ice cream man so they don't have to pay for ice cream). Tbh Sly could probably kill anyone any second they wanted to but instead they sit in crates full of marshmallows and join up with another succubus to tease the living hell out of one of my very-easily-flustered characters for kicks ahaha Plus their "default" appearance is really cute. 10/10 very kissable demon, would date for sure.
Well two that stand out are actually from this site @CJWrites characters Morgan and Alex are really interesting. Morgan is a bit more developed and she's actually a super fun character with all kinds of backstories and adventures. I'm kind of sad the roleplay with her in it never got off the ground. Alex is a bit of a newer character but he's really nuanced. Not just solidly one thing or another but layered with a lot of really intriguing backstory.
Haha! Thanks @nerdyfangirl

I tend to overthink my characters =P I'm always scared they turn into Mary Sues because they do so many different (often jerky) things. Alex and his supporting characters are actually based off of public figures. I'm wondering if/when you figure out who it is ;)

On the other hand, I really like Rae's character, Savannah, which is RPing with Alex right now. Her personal motivations are really interesting and it's amazing how similar the two are but yet how they disagree. Her personality is also different from almost all the other characters we've done together which is refreshing.

lol don't ruin the magic. i totally thought alex was an original idea all from your head. ;-)

but hey i find the thought you put into your characters fascinating. they're really interesting people and i think exploring their motivations are fun. especially since most of the OCs in the superhero genre are either A. copies of X canon ; B. designed solely to win X conflict of plot ; or C. self inserts.

Nothing wrong with all that but it is refreshing to get characters were you can ask complex questions about their motivations and at least have some idea of an answer.
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My friend had this autistic genius (which goes without saying) hacker whose speech was very stilted and unnatural, but when speaking through the internet (I can't remember the game, but the internet was where people linked mentally), he sounded 'normal.' When another character/player commented about it, the autistic character replied, "I always sound like this." There were a lot of different scenes that were done that were just hilarious, but that character always stuck with me.

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