Your Exaltation

Exalt Type?

  • Solar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sidereal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon-Blooded

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abyssal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alchemical

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


OK, so, such a poll has probably existed before, but I'll make a new one in any case.

If you, personally, were to Exalt, in the real world, and you had a choice in the matter, what type of Exalt would you choose to be? Say, a magic Genie who is a fan of Exalted, and thus will only let you wish on what type of Exalted to be.

For the purpose of this exercise, assume that all the other realms, (The Wyld, the Underworld, Yu-Shan, Malfeas, Elsewhere, etc.) still exist, but are basically empty. Yu-Shan is just a giant empty city, the Wyld barely touches our world, the Underworld is empty and the Neverborn are now deeply asleep, the Yozis and their Third Circle souls have been rendered catatonic somehow and all the other demons are dead, etc. So all these places exist, can be accessed, and, given that you would be Exalted, could be altered, but you don't get to start with any sort of support base.
I'm gonna say Lunar despite my Infernal fanboyism.

Because their stuff would be wickedly fun to have, and not come with the sort of crazy responsibility and drive say Solars have. I could save the world but wouldn't have to.
I'd say Dragonblooded. Probably Air aspect. For a number of reasons. One, there's likely to be a lot more others like me, who are more likely to understand what I'm going through. Further, it means there's a great deal smaller chance of massively outliving your own children. Add in that frankly elemental powers interest me more than many of the other types, and really, nothing I wouldn't want. So it means I'm somewhat lower power wise. Big deal. I can handle not being the top of the food chain. I'm still EXALTED...I think that's a pretty good deal.
Lunar for me too... solars are glorious and all, but I agree that lunars are just more fun, especially with the more interesting knacks and charms.
For me, I'd say Dragonblooded, Water aspected. For the Reasons that Ledaal Kajiri just spoke of, and when you look at our world, most of the surface area is water, just imagine being able to live in and utilize that! Not to mention all the shipwrecks and whatnot to be found, it'd be like a never ending scavenger hunt!

Plus not outliving one's own kids would be a big thing for me, from introspection I have too much maternal instinct to be ok with that at all for the other exalt types.
Solar. I love Dragonblooded, but if I get to pick which type of Exalt I'm gonna be, I'm gonna choose the most Exalted. Besides, with the right Caste, I can be a Solar with all the best stuff of the other Exalted too. And better.

What I wonder though is, how many Exalted players would choose not to Exalt.
I would probably be Sidereal. A Chosen of Journeys or Secrets if the caste needs to be picked. My approach to life and stuff fits the Sidereal modus operandi rather well (and I am aware how sad that is.)

And this is aside the fact that I am lucky enough to survive a nuclear bomb detonating in my face. Laws of nature kinda fail around me when that would be convenient.
Solar, Eclipse Caste.

All the good Craft Charms, those nifty making something out of nothing Lore Charms and being able to pick up all the nifty Charms from the other guys.

I'll be in my shop for the next millenia...

I would do this:

Hell, I gave one of my main NPCs in the game a Time Egg like the one from DBZ that made it where he could hop in and craft like mad, but on coming out only a day or so had passed.

It had a much larger inside than outside, just like the DBZ version, being only an eight foot tall egg on the outside, but larger than a factory cathedral on the inside and also had an altered version of Pressed Beyond the Veil of Time cast on it so that for every day that passes outside, a varying amount of time passes inside the Egg based on your permanent Essence. Essence 1 was a day, Essence 2 was a week, Essence 3 was a month, Essence 4 was a season, Essence 5 was a year, Essence 6 was a two years and every point of Essence beyond that added two years (so Essence 10 was a decade).

Inside the Egg was a perfect workshop with dozens of automaton helpers and a pocket of the Wyld to make exotic components with as well as accomadations for living beings.

And he had a Gem of Immortality.
Myself, I went with Infernal. I want to be a world-crafting mini-god-titan.

Also, a bit of a clarification, there wouldn't be any other Dragon Blooded... to start. However, any children you might have would possibly Exalt. So really, the only one of these choices that has the possibility of more exalts existing would be the Dragon Blooded.
I vote for Lunar. The ability to not only be an extreme badass, but to also be able to experience life as ANYTHING has too much appeal for me to pass up. Living for several millenia is a nice perk too.
Lunar, for the absolute freedom and experiencing just about anything when I want and how I want, and also because I think animal totems are cool !

I'd probably have a crazy kung fu monkey totem :roll:
Solar or more precisely night caste, you can still be a bad-ass solar only difference is your words are law which justifies your bad-assness.
Despite the fact that I didn't vote for them myself, I'm disappointed by the fact that nobody wants to be a Mesoamerican toga-wearing god-robot. :[
Quchu said:
Despite the fact that I didn't vote for them myself, I'm disappointed by the fact that nobody wants to be a Mesoamerican toga-wearing god-robot. :[
Well I think quite a few of us are attached to our fleshy bits, I know I certainly am. =P
Solar. Eclipse Caste. No question. Athletics, Melee, Lore, Performance and Presence favored.

No, I haven't thought about this. Why do you ask?
Take war instead of athletics, and you'll get all the training charms and you'll build yourself a nice nation of ubermensch... mens sana in corpore sano :mrgreen:
Hey all, my first post here!

Exalting the standard way I'd probably end up either a Fire-Aspected DB if terrestrial or a No-Moon caste lunar if I was celestial. Given the choice set out by this however, with the specific situation given...

Honestly, I'd have to pick Sidereal. You're giving me access to Yu-Shan, including the Loom of Fate, but there's noone else there to order me around? I'll get capping those demanses right away.
Solar Twillight.

Solar, because they are perfect. I'd also take the lore training charms so eventually I could train people to understand my brilliance.
Huh. Someone voted for Abyssal. I was pretty sure that nobody would vote Abyssal, since it isn't exactly a desirable lifestyle.
Why?.. they're specifically immortal compared to a lot of the others, and it's not like they have bosses to give them resonance anymore.. admittedly the charmset is rather geared to destruction which limits you
cyl said:
I can't believe people are actually choosing solars... perfection is so boring.
And I call bullshit on anyone who says "Infernal".

I mean, I'm all for the Solar uber-crafting monster and as a combat monster, Infernals are pretty high up there. And with no one to boss you around you get to run amuck as a demonic-Solar badass.
I call bullshit on anyone who says Solar, Lunar or Sidereal. Why? Because they are all cured to bring ruin/go bat shit insane to the world and Sidereals are destined to be forgotten by every one the cared about. Autos become giant machines/cities

Abyssals aren't cursed and the Neverborn aren't around to enforce Resonance, Infernals are free of Yozi control and DBs are hit that badly by the Great Curse. This, to me, makes them the only choices in this specific scenario. Where the Yozi/Neverborn still around, I would have to say DB. I choose Infernal over Abyssal because I'd rather be able to create AND destroy.

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