Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Name: Rikka Sezaki






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ZdvQgb0XSqk.jpg.50fd1921e5bf18a995de03368cbc296f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/ZdvQgb0XSqk.jpg.50fd1921e5bf18a995de03368cbc296f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status:

Not interested

Occupation (Job):
Intern at the local Tousen Hospital

School Status:
College Sophomore

: Biology - Math - Medicine

Opposite Skills:
Humor - Making Friends

Likes: Reading -
Practicing Medicine - Studying - Shopping


Rikka Sezaki is the granddaughter of business icon, Uruhara Sezaki. She has the grace and beauty of classic Hollywood actresses but idolizes strong, powerful women. Rikka is a driven woman who is used to getting what she desires by any means necessary.

Rikka was given up for adoption by her mother and father at the age of 3 and stayed in foster care until she turned 8. She was tracked down and adopted by her biological grandfather Uruhara Sezaki, she has lived with him since. Rikka is to inherit her grandfathers multi-million dollar American company; though she aims to be the head of the Tousen Oncology Dept.


Uruhara Sezaki (Previous)




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Name: Kagami Taiga

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2 feet

Weight: 143 pounds


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c337689e0_KagamiTaiga.jpg.9814c9bb982de6b7fcec689d25e355bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60721" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c337689e0_KagamiTaiga.jpg.9814c9bb982de6b7fcec689d25e355bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): None

School Status: First Year - High School

Skills: Basketball, fighting, running, anything sport related

Opposite Skills: Staying calm, being quiet, cooking

Likes: basketball

Dislikes: dogs, weak people

Personality: Kagami is your average hot-headed basketball player, he's quick to jump to conclusions and start fighting. The boy loves to play basketball; his brother taught him how and it's just about the only time you'll see him having fun. He's somewhat goofy and a little clumsy outside of the gym though so..

Background: Kagami grew up in Narita-shi then one day moved to America for a while to learn better basketball. After a while, he decided to move back but his parent didn't want to so they sent his brother there as well to look after him. Now, the two boys live in an apartment complex by themselves in Tousen City.

Children: None

Guardian: Older Brother - Kagami Dai (Neutral Characters)

Pets: None

Other: Kagami Taiga shares many of the same traits as his brother, they look very similar...and their eyebrows are natural. One difference between the two is that Dai wears glasses.



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Name: Hiro Toma

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0

Weight: 100 lbs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.48069163c8b26124cf2a67b2d548a34f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.48069163c8b26124cf2a67b2d548a34f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Heterosexual, but can be persuaded to change

Occupation (Job): Cashier and Clean-up at Tousen Cinema (PM worker)

School Status: First-year of high school student



-Tripping and Falling



Opposite Skills:

-Anything physical except Gymnastics

-Keeping her mouth shut

-Hiding her feelings




-Movies (any kind really)









Personality: Hiro is a clumsy, perverted girl. Don't let her appearance fool you because she isn't really that smart. She gets B's and C's but dosn't really care, all that matters to her is passing enough that she can go to college. She blushes easily and her emotions can be read like a book. Her face shows it all. She is a huge fangirl of movies and their actors and actresses. Hiro isn't really shy but awkward and is that strange friend who just sits and stares at everyone.

Background: Hiro lives a nice life in the city of Tousen. Her past isn't at all exciting, except when she was thirteen and was introduced to Hengai. The girl instantly fell in love with the anime porn and till this day has a secret stash hidden in her bedroom. Other than her frequent visits to the Manga store and her job at the movie theater Hiro is just a regular girl.

Children: None

Guardian: Mitaso Toma and Chito Toma

Pets: A hedgehog named Sonic


-Big fan of Winter

-Loves to sneak into movies at work

-If she sees someone that she thinks is attractive, she starts imagining them naked. She starts to blush and smiles like an idiot when she does.

-She skips school sometimes just to hang out in the Manga Shop to read Hentai and other mangas.

-Her glasses are fake.

-Her father forces her to go to Kendo lessons so that she'll be more athletic. Hiro despises these lessons, but, they aren't too bad since the teacher is hot.



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Ione Aelia

(IE-o-nee, Aeh-lee-uh)

"Violet Flower", "Sun"




Female - Looks Female


On Ione's feet, she stands at 5'2" (Roughly 154 cm.). Normally, she's an inch taller or so. She's taller with the shoes she wears.


125 lbs. (Roughly 57 kg)


Ione has big, round, almond shaped violet eyes with pink specks dotting in random places. She has natural, rich, strawberry blonde hair that reaches just above her belly button. It is almost always messy. Having super thick hair that's hard to manage does that. The girl usually allows her hair to flow free, but sometimes she wears a headband or a beanie to keep it out of her face when it starts to annoy her. She has an oval/heart shaped face and warm, freckled, sun kissed skin. Ione has a small build, skinny arms, skinny waist, skinny everything. She looks like she could barely pick up a piece of paper. She has surprisingly straight and white teeth that show how much she cares for dental hygiene.

Relationship Status:





Maid at a Maid and Butler Café

School Status:

Ione has finished everything from elementary school - high school.


Ione is book smart and truly believes that she can never learn enough. She has an extremely good poker-face. She is very active and confident in herself. She is genuine in her kindness, and can always find a silver lining in any situation. She is constantly finding reasons to be happy.

Opposite Skills:

Her confidence waivers when it comes to other people she is not sure of. Ione is a very unassertive person. She often lets people walk over her, and doesn't speak up when she has a problem with something. She is very indecisive person, too. She often finds herself stuck on little things because of this.


Ione enjoys blouses. She finds them cute, even if the color schemes aren't. She's quite likes sewing and making her own clothes as well as any sort of sweet food such as candy or fruit. The girl really likes hugs and cuddles, anything that has to do with holding onto someone, she likes. Overly friendly and energetic people are the type of people she absolutely adores.


Ione dreads being late to anything, it bugs her so much. People who whine about things they haven't tried or aren't willing to try annoys her, though she wouldn't say it does. She gets a bit displeased when she's misunderstood, only because she doesn't think it's nice to correct someone, so she would just nod to whatever they though she said. Being so damn sexy it hurts. (Huehue, just kidding.)


Ione is a down-to-earth person and fun to be around. She is always smiling and she is an optimist to the fullest extent. If she sees someone hurting, she will stop everything she is doing to help. She loves to do projects, and is always working on or reading something. She thinks that she gets along with everyone and is a trusting person. She ends up being quite oblivious if someone's being mean to her. She normally thinks that they're joking or that they're being sarcastic.


Ione was born in Trikala, Greece and raised by a family of two. Her grandparents to be specific. Her mother and father were never really around because of the jobs that they had. The elderly couple didn't want to girl to be dragged around from place to place, never really knowing what it's like to stay in one place, so Ione was put into their hands while the two travelled around. Her grandparents raised her to be polite and kind, making sure she didn't have a mean bone in her body, which succeeded quite well. When the little girl attended school, she was liked by mostly everyone. Her teachers enjoyed her energetic presence and her pupils loved her optimistic point of view. There were the few people that were mean, but everyone has those. That was the whole ordeal from elementary school all throughout high school. During those times, though, nothing really happened, at least nothing really important. When she graduated, she had always wanted to explore the Earth and found Japan particularly interesting, and so she moved there, leaving her homeland and deciding to like in an unknown place.


None, she hasn't found anyone that she's liked enough.


Nikolas Adinos - Fatherly Figure/Grandparent - 68

Elios Adinos - Motherly Figure/Grandparent - 63




Ione can speak fluent Japanese, she studied it in high school.
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Name: Tanaka Ryuzaki

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5

Weight: 134 Ibs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Cute.gif.03cec620df3febb043e95ec8273bf699.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Cute.gif.03cec620df3febb043e95ec8273bf699.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3390a4fa_TanakaRyuzaki.gif.21f36fa65a378346cd4accb808433135.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60768" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c3390a4fa_TanakaRyuzaki.gif.21f36fa65a378346cd4accb808433135.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Doesn't care

Occupation (Job): Cashier and Brewer at HR Café

School Status: Third year - High school

Skills: Basketball - Making coffee - Pissing people off

Opposite Skills: Being nice - Cheering people up - Apologizing

Likes: Basketball - Smoking

Dislikes: People who piss him off

Personality: Ryuzaki is basically a stuck-up asshole who doesn't put up with people's shit. He says what he feels and that's that...nothing else to it. He's not afraid of any kind of trouble he might, or does, get into. He's just a careless douche bag.

Background: Ryuzaki grew up watching his mother get beat by his father; he made attempts to stop him and ended up taking the beating instead, which caused even greater pain to his mother. Eventually it got to the point where he couldn't stand it anymore so he fought back to his dad and faced dire consequences. The boy was sent of for an entire 11 months to a punishment camp; down there he got in fights, stole things from teachers offices, smoked rolled cigarettes and all kinds of different things. When the boy returned, he was ready to kill his father but...he arrived too late. Come to find out, Ryuzaki's mother had fallen into a coma and now lies in Tousen Local Hospital due to being beaten by her husband and thrown into a table in which she hit her head. Ryuzaki's father is now contained in the city prison for four years.

Children: None...maybe

Guardian: None

Pets: None

Other: Ryuzaki lives is an apartment building by himself.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Cutie.gif.57b225eb3397f1d1e09ffcaf8fbc4de3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60772" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Cutie.gif.57b225eb3397f1d1e09ffcaf8fbc4de3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Yumi Narusaki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: Just about 5'3

Weight: 104lbs


Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Pansexual. She isn't really fussed with what gender you are; love is love in her eyes, and she's open for anything.

Occupation: Currently looking for a job

School Status: Third year - High school


  • Helping others/Cheering people up
  • Horse back riding
  • Playing the violin
  • Natural leader

Opposite Skills:

  • Dancing
  • Overly emotional at times
  • Math and science
  • Running


  • Animals
  • Singing
  • Studying
  • Helping people out
  • Drawing
  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Making people achieve the best they possibly can


  • Spiders
  • Science
  • Math
  • Bullies and rude people
  • People getting up in her personal space
  • People who don't take school seriously

Pure as the driven snow, Yumi is one of the kindest girls you'll ever met. A giggle is never far from her lips, and she welcomes all with open arms. However, this doesn't mean she's all sunshine and rainbows; instead, she actually has a rather hard exterior. She pushes others to do their best, and isn't afraid to lash out at anyonewho abuses her, or others, verbally, physically, or emotionally. In fact, she's actually make a fantastic class rep with her stubborn attitude. But, really, she can be sweet if you're nice to her. Heck, she has a huge motherly quality! But don't question her too much about things she adores. Or call her out on things too much; she's a real softie, after all, and if things get too hard she'll cry, much to her annoyance.

Yumi had a relatively normal life growing up. Two parents who loved her, a little brother who she played with and bickered with and a family dog. Honestly, nothing really bad happened. The onlyhorrific experience she went through would be getting bullied by a very close friend of her. They were only seven at the time, and it all happened out of the blue. He began to tease her, push her around and just be littled her every day. It was like a living hell... It was from this experience that Yumi put up her guard wall and forced herself to toughen up. The family moved (not before she could beat the crap out of her 'friend' first though) and she's been happy ever since.

Children: None

Guardian: Mother/Father - Nanami/Haruto - 40/45

Pets: None at the moment

Other: She's the most easily pleased and embarrassed person in the world. Also, she's a huge geek and adores gaming and anything to do with cosplay.
Name: Zoe Chester

Age: 12

Gender: female

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 97 lbs.

Appearance: (see profile pic)

Relationship Status: single

Sexuality: bisexual

Occupation (Job): n/a

School Status: first year jr. High

Skills: singing, acting

Opposite Skills: singing, has anger issues

Likes: food, dancing, science

Dislikes: math, disrespectful people, being hot

Personality: Zoe gets annoyed pretty easly that's why she has a hard time making friends. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and tell you what she thinks. Yet she is still and social butterfly.

Background: Zoe was raised by her older brother. She grew up with her younger brother and sister. Her parents had died when they went on vacation. Her brother taught them everything her knew and did his best to make they grew well.

Children: n/a

Guardian: Marcel Chester (older brother)

Pets: n/a

Name: Hikaru 'Hikki' Ayasegawa

"Hikki's the name. You won't forget it, I assure you."

Age: 21

"Young enough to live, old enough to live."

Gender: Female

"Surprising, I know."

Height: 6'1"

"Taller than Shu, that's for sure!"

Weight: 67 kg

"I'm a small girl. Sue me."

Appearance: Hikaru possesses an androgynous appearance (nearly flat chest, literally zero curves), with a slender physique and light peach skin. She has short blue hair and bright green eyes. As with her look, she tends to dress gender-neutrally, sometimes with a seductive flair. Regardless, her favorite piece of clothing is the skirt.

"Like what you see?"

Relationship Status: "Single", shares a flat with and infatuated to Shuhei Sonozaki

"It's actually more complicated than what I let on, but point is, I'll date you."

Sexuality: Pansexual biromantic

"What do all these words even mean?"

Occupation (Job): Actress

"Gonna make it big one day, mark my words."

School Status: High School graduate

"Who needs college?"

Strengths: Acting, flirting and mischief

"Obviously I'm a master at these."

Weaknesses: Cooking, holding her drink and chores that require dexterity and hand-eye coordination, like stitching

"Can't get the hang of these things..."

Likes: Bubble tea, cats, street food (takoyaki especially), alcohol, playing pranks and J-Rock. (She likes other things, too, but I won't state them here.)

"I just wanna die choking on these!"

Dislikes: Having to wake up early, vegetables, rigorous physical activities and moments where Shuhei goes ballistic on her

"Kill me if I have to see these..."

Personality: Hikki is your typical fun-loving gal, always one for the varying pleasures life has to give. She stands out as being extremely flirtatious among women. And men. Around any attractive, I should say. She is also very self-conscious about her appearance and takes very great care of it. She is an actress, after all. Another prominent trait of hers is her promiscuity. Often times (almost every other night, in fact), she'll bring home someone or multiple someones she'd successfully seduced know what'll happen, I'll not explain it to you. Apparently, she is aware that her lifestyle is destructive, but she keeps at it anyway. Despite this...habit of casual sex, her heart cries only for one man; Shuhei. Even though she loves to piss him off now and then, there's something in him that she can't find anywhere else and it drives her crazy.

"Maybe it's because he'll care for me no matter how much I get on his nerves..?"

Background: Hikaru grew up normally, for lack of a better world, in a high-class family in Tousen city. As a teenager, she had always been the apple of many people's eyes and at first she was confused as to why. Then she found out that it was all about her good looks. Since then, her attitude changed to resemble that of a budding diva. She took much greater care of her appearance and her flirtatiousness took roots.

After high school, her efforts didn't go unnoticed by a talent scout for some 'acting agency'. With little persuasion on the scout's part, Hikki's acting career began. It was around this time that she moved into a quaint apartment complex and met Shuhei Sonozaki, a mangaka with great potential and her future love interest. At first, it was just acting as stunt doubles for other actresses (or actors), she consistently proved her worth and rose through the ranks. By her 21st birthday, she had already garnered a respectable reputation in the industry. Her career branched out to acting in dramas and stage plays as well.

"Turbulent? I guess so. Exciting? You bet."

Family: Mother and father, Hisana and Sakurakoji, and one younger brother named Yumiya (age 17)

"My parents were surprised when I told them I didn't have a child yet. It was a joke, of course, though maybe I'll get careless one day...."

Guardian: Shuhei Sonozaki

"He takes care of me, unconditionally. And I love him for it."

Pets: None

"I wanted a boa constrictor, but Shu said it was too dangerous to keep..."


  • Her blood type is A positive
  • Her favorite subject is Biology and her least favorite subject is English
  • In her apartment, she is the one who always sleeps in the bed, because Shuhei prefers sleeping on the floor or the couch
  • She is allergic to nuts
  • She calls Shuhei Shu-senpai or just Shu
  • Her favorite spirit is a stirred martini




Name: Shuhei Sonozaki

"Nice to meet you, I guess."

Age: 25 and a half

"I'm not that old, I'm just mature."

Gender: Male

"As if I need to tell you."

Height: 5'7"

"I will beat you up if you call me a midget."

Weight: 71 kg

"When was the last time I checked my weight?"

Appearance: Shuhei is a relatively short male with a subtly fit and well-toned physique and weathered fair skin. He has brown eyes and his equally brown hair is kept short and he rarely keeps his bangs down unless he feels stressed out or just doesn't care about things. Shuhei tends to dress monotone, hardly ever straying far from his usual brandeis blue dress shirt and navy blue tie as well as long black trousers.

"Simple and clean is my style. Just like my art."

Relationship Status: Single and uninterested, in a love-hate friendship with his flatmate Hikaru Ayasegawa

"Let's not get into relationships and focus on me, shall we?"

Sexuality: Heterosexual

"Not interested, so back off."

Occupation (Job): Independent illustrator/mangaka

"And a good one, at that."

School Status: College graduate

"I'd like to thank the Academy for making all this possible."

Strengths: Drawing, graphic design, cooking, rapping, shooting hoops and ping pong

"My fortes."

Weaknesses: Coloring, logic and math problems, detecting lies and romance

"Not my fortes."

Likes: Bacon, blue hair, online games, well-done art, all manner of music and mornings

"Just because I like blue hair doesn't mean I like you, Hikaru, shut up!"

Dislikes: Loud noises, distractions, reckless drivers, alcohol (except sake) and nights when Hikaru brings home people

"If you could just get these away from me, that'd be great."

Personality: A down-to-earth man with clear and strong morals, Shuhei is unusually mature and wise for his age. He takes no nonsense and will rarely joke around or act recklessly. This is not to say he is completely cold to everyone. To his friends (except Hikaru when she gets really unbearably), he's a very easy-going and warm guy. He has a bit of a violent side, but is usually limited to short bouts of head-smacking. Shuhei is also very dedicated and determined when it comes to his work. All he ever wants to do is create the best works he can and push the absolute limits of his artistic ability. And if anything should distract him from that goal, he'll just smack whatever is distracting him in the head. Though he will never admit it, Shuhei also has one prominent quality: concern for his friends. He would much rather have himself suffer than watch his friends suffer. No matter how unbearable his friends can be (*cough* Hikaru *cough*), count on him to care for them 24/7.

"Why am I telling you all this..."

Background: Shuhei had humble origins. Born into a middle-class family in Osaka, he first discovered his penchant for manga in middle school. Since then, art had been his life and focused on making the best he could make. In high school, he took a daring plunge and started his career as a freelance mangaka. He never made it big, but he never expected to, as it was merely for experience. After high school, he furthered his studies into an art college in Tousen city and after graduating from that, he finally made it as a properly respected mangaka in the area.

"In west Osaka, born and raised."

Family: Mother and father, Narukami Kotoishi and Shunsui Sonozaki, and one younger sister, Sakura Sonozaki (15 years old)

"My family is weird, but I love them anyway."

Pets: None

"No pets in the apartment."


  • His blood type is AB
  • He co-owns the apartment he and Hikki live on and as such, he upholds the house rules.
  • His drawing style has been described as a 'just-right mix of the new and old manga, with all the simplicity of the current-age art-style combined with the grace of ukiyo-e of old"
  • He is the leader of a personal five-man 'gang' of assistants, mostly friends and volunteers he'd made over the past few years
  • He doesn't sleep in the sole bedroom his apartment has to offer, instead he sleeps in the couch. Or in front of his drawing board
  • Shuhei personally made the walls of Hikaru's room sound-proof


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Name: Jethro Sato


Gender: Male

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 170

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-8-11.png.96930d36f25c877b19d277fbde5efd4f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-8-11.png.96930d36f25c877b19d277fbde5efd4f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-10-55.png.e89dc060f4d86a4b9068024d6ec0431c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60926" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-10-55.png.e89dc060f4d86a4b9068024d6ec0431c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation (Job): None yet.

School Status: Third year - High school

Skills: Playing sports, coding, racing, parkour, martial arts, extreme sports, skateboarding, fixing things, and flying planes.

Opposite Skills: Understanding romance and all that “fluffy stuff”, staying safe, and procrastinating.


Relaxing, pulling pranks, games, reading, surprising people, going on adventures, learning new things, and practicing his skills.

Dislikes: Boredom, being unproductive, disrespectful people, negativity, and illnesses.

Personality: Jethro is an easygoing guy. He really doesn’t mind just going with the flow. The teen is also daring, adventurous, curious, hardheaded, and courageous which usually causes him to get into trouble. Despite the image you may have created in your mind of him by now, Jethro has a thoughtful and overprotective side that comes out quite often. He tends to hide his smart and geeky side so that no one will persuade him to become some boring scientist or something.


Background: As the son of a chief of police and a lawyer, Jethro was enrolled in several diverse programs in order to enhance his skills in fields that his parents thought were useful. His seemingly tame upbringing couldn’t satisfy his curiosities though. Since his parents were usually away, Jethro explored the outside world on his own. He got into some fights here and there, and became pretty slick with authoritative figures after deciphering his parents’ procedures. Unfortunately, Jet found out that his father was cheating on his mother. As a result, Jet was forced to tone down his behavior for the sake of making life a bit easier for his mom.

Jethro’s parents’ sudden death made a massive impact on his life. This event caused him and Hazel to be put under his brother’s care and move to Tousen. With knowledge that Ryu had enough burdens deriving from him and Hazel, Jethro offered to move into a separate apartment in order to alleviate some weight from Ryu’s responsibilities.

Children: None

Guardian: Ryu Sato

Pets: None

Other:Jet has an older brother and a younger sister.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-9-51.png.7df9690e3bb1edb849d7360319c300f6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-9-51.png.7df9690e3bb1edb849d7360319c300f6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ryu Sato

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 175

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-14-35.png.6da54a29760fc16156379fe600df4538.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-14-35.png.6da54a29760fc16156379fe600df4538.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-15-9.png.747cb49a671995254ada1262f26dd284.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-15-9.png.747cb49a671995254ada1262f26dd284.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation (Job): Marketing head at Tousen Studio and Criminal/Thief

School Status: Graduated high school and college.

Skills: Martial arts, picking locks, pick pocketing, hotwiring, fixing things, parkour, advertising, stealing, tricking, and negotiating.

Opposite Skills: Talking non-stop, getting caught, and understanding limits.


Likes: Making money, stealing, winning people over, and his siblings.

Dislikes: Getting caught, the police, and straight up goody two shoes people.

Personality: Ryu is usually indifferent about everything. This seemingly unemotional guy, actually has a soft spot for his loved ones. He is an enigmatic and courageous individual due to his complex history that he keeps hidden away from many people. Surprisingly, Ryu is in the process of transitioning from his old life style to a new one, and using his workaholic trait for the better.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-16-59.png.94dc011a9ba7a52d55ffe9f778b7d19d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-16-59.png.94dc011a9ba7a52d55ffe9f778b7d19d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Being the child of a chief of police and a lawyer, was pretty dumb for Ryu. He knew his father’s clean and dirty work before anyone else knew. That’s right, Ryu was aware that his father had been cheating on his mother since the beginning. Ryu didn’t want his family to be broken up. As a result, he decided to keep everything in. Bottling it up wasn’t as easy as he expected though. He began to develop a rebellious nature and take part in everything his father was against. Before Ryu even knew it, he was the head of one of the gangs in his area.

It wasn’t too long ago since Ryu’s parents died in a car crash. He was only twenty years old when he had to take on the role of a father figure for his siblings, Jet and Hazel. With this sudden responsibility and a near death experience, Ryu forced himself to change for the better. In order to completely turn a new leaf, Ryu decided to move to Tousen with his siblings. Ryu still has difficulties transitioning and taking care of his younger sister. He finds joy in getting drunk to relieve his stress. Recently, Ryu has been getting calls from some random woman saying that he impregnated her some time ago. He doesn’t quite remember that one night stand though. The guy basically keeps half of his life a secret from everyone else.

Children: Nico Nishimoto

Guardian: None

Pets: None

Other:Ryu has a younger brother and a younger sister.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-16-45.png.67f468d58f618c192b738dd6c5587909.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60930" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-7_12-16-45.png.67f468d58f618c192b738dd6c5587909.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Nana Takane

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Weight: 66 KG

"I have short white hair and golden eyes! And no I am not a male."

Relationship Status: Singlepringle

Sexuality: I love both sides"

Occupation (Job): "Aaaartist!"

School Status: Graduated from Art school and that other stuff."

Skills: Drawing





Opposite Skills:

Being silent







Being alone

Meeting people




People without motivation


Personality: "I am a very happy person, I take life as it is and try to accept the negatives sides while I form it into a good thing. I love to make other believe that Life is a good thing and I like to enjoy it! Like skydiving or something! I just like to experiment with life, which can get me in weird situations, huehue. Well and I am told that it is never boring around me"

Background: "Nothinf special"

Children: "N-NO"

Guardian: "My parents"

Pets: "they stink"

Other: "Nope nope nope just happy"
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Name: Akiyama Togouro (Alias: "Buster")

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 230



Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): Enforcer for Lords of Tousen

School Status: Dropped out of Middle School


- Interrogation via intimidation and or torture

- Fist fighting and martial arts

- Wielding nunchaku

- High pain tolerance

- Knitting

Opposite Skills:

- Putting people at ease/comforting people

- Functioning as a normal human being in normal situations

- Writing

- Forgiveness

- Wielding firearms


- Anything related to martial arts, including films

- Beating people to a pulp

- Any and all sports

- Alcohol

- Making sweaters for animals


- Sports that don't involve fighting

- Cowards

- Being bored

- Losing or failing in any way

- Being ridiculed

Personality: Togouro seems pretty normal to most people. Though his size can be imposing and he radiates a threatening aura, he's calm and level headed under most situations. When he is angry, he won't make it apparent, he'll maintain his typically stoic nature. But man, when he reveals how pissed you've made him, you'll be on the floor. Togouro does not talk things out if he finds you to be unreasonable. You don't enter a disagreement with him without at least having a punch thrown at you, unless you're in public. Many people have taken to confronting him in public places only to be assaulted at a later date. He's brutal when he's fighting, as his inner demons tend to take a hold of him. Despite his violent nature, he's serene, and even soft spoken. He has a childlike affinity for cute things, loves animals, sweets, and children, and is loyal to the end if he deems you worthy.

Background: Togouro was raised in an abusive home. His parents were both affiliated with the Yakuza, and he was beat and occasionally molested throughout his young life. He grew up bitter and confused, and when he was twelve, he snapped and killed both of his parents while they were sleeping. He ran away and found solace in an old dojo, where his sensei took him in and raised him. He stayed there for eight years until the untimely passing of his martial arts instructor and father figure. He moved to Tousen, but he possessed very few skills, except for fighting. Unemployed and homeless, he joined the Lords of Tousen. His brutality and the general fear he was capable of inciting in others earned him a high rank in the organization. He lives in an apartment alone, his undercover job being a knitter for pets.


"Master Lord", the unknown leader of the Lords of Tousen.



Maki Noriko








122 lbs.



Relationship Status:





Maid at the Maid Café (he prefers girly clothes, he feels better in them)

School Status:

3rd year in high school


-being cute



-being polite

Opposite Skills:

-staying up straight

-looking like a boy


-keeping his emotions bottled up


-girl clothes

-his friends



-girly things in general

-sweet foods


-people misgendering him

-people making fun of him

-rude people

-salty foods


-being strict

-being forced to do things


Maki is an over-all sweet person. He's kind, sweet, and just a little bit overbearing when it comes to taking care of others. This is how he received the nickname "Mama-Maki" from all of his friends. He's very sensitive, so please watch what you say to the poor boy. He is a worrier, and is always making sure that his friends are okay. He is also a huge team player; he has great leadership skills, and is constantly showing them off. He is also super friendly, and welcomes any new people that wish to be friends with them. He loves to play tennis, and is always trying his best despite his asthma. He gets anxious for other's well-being, and is constantly warning other people about danger of a situation. He tries not to kill anyone's fun, but he always stands up for his friends when their in need of his services.


(Too personal for him to share.)




Mother and Father


A Pomeranian named Addison



Name: Takeo Maki

Age: 15

Gender: male

Height: 5'3

Weight: 110 lbs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/hig.png.8d8471cc55011f20a38b96247c220908.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61112" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/hig.png.8d8471cc55011f20a38b96247c220908.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status: single

Sexuality: straight

Occupation (Job): part-time cashier at Manga Range

School Status: First year of high school



-fast runner


Opposite Skills:



-paying attention






-awkward situations




Takeo will either act two ways, depending on the situation. If he is around people he is comfortable with he is outgoing, friendly, and enjoys making conversation and interacting with people. He will engage in heated arguments if he disagrees with someone’s position. However, when he is in a less familiar environment, he becomes very anxious and quiet. He won’t speak unless spoken to, and gives very short answers.


Takeo is the oldest child in a family of six. He lives with both of his parents, and his three other siblings. Takeo is often overlooked at home, and when he does interact with his family it usually just ends in arguments. As a result, he doesn’t feel much attachment to them. The only person who he really gets along with in his house is his dog, who he has grown very attached to over the years.

Children: he is a child

Guardian: mom: Aiko

dad: Alex

Pets: a dog named Haruka


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Name: Usagi Maki

Age: 10

Gender: female

Height: 54 inches

Weight: 72 lbs.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/imagesEUR9Z3UO.jpg.714e11e358b8dec93542c12f6d444b07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61168" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/imagesEUR9Z3UO.jpg.714e11e358b8dec93542c12f6d444b07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status: single

Sexuality: straight

Occupation (Job): school

School Status: sixth year- elementary school




-very fast

Opposite Skills:

-staying quiet



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/usagidrop01.jpg.8785581ddf23a26fd934c8e8d4e4e67a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/usagidrop01.jpg.8785581ddf23a26fd934c8e8d4e4e67a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





~sunny days


-spicy food

-walking in very heavy rain

-dark chocolate

Personality: Usagi is a sweet little girl that loves to play and be happy. She's very adventurous and out going. She is super kind, but can be disrespectful at times. She cant stand staying dirty, if she goes on an adventure she must bathe when she gets home. when she isn't adventuring she is drawing, acting, or singing.

Background: Usagi was raised in a household of six, her parents and three siblings. Her family has recently moved so she doesn't have any friends, btu she

Children: she is a child

Guardian: mom: Aiko

dad: Alex

Pets: a dog named Haruka

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Name: Riika kagome

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (optional): Straight

Appearance (anime):

Personality: Riika may not look like it, but she is quite the delinquent. She is social but selfish and values her alone time. Although she doesn't have friends in school, she has a lot outside school. She has a lot of confidence and this may be seen as something negative too, it makes her naive and careless. The only thing she really cares for is her cat Sid and her Game console.

Background: Riika lived a simple life, she was the kid everybody could get along with. She just let it happen and didn't really care. She has a bit matured now and her parents gave her Sid to learn to care for something. Her mother owns a Book store which she is going to take over after she is graduated. So she doesn't really study or something, because she knows she is going to be okay.

The one thing Riika likes next to herself, cat and gaming is fighting. Be it with words or fists, she loves the feeling a fight can give and is not afraid to start one. Although she wouldn't harm someone without reason. Riika is the kind of person who wants to live a carefree life, but doesn't mind some action here and there to keep life a game. She gets along with boys and girls, as she looks like a girl on the outside, she has the hobbies of a boy. Riika may not easily care for something, she is still social and likes to be with her friends.

The reason why Riika likes fight is because of her father who kept telling her: 'If someone hits you, hit that person back. Ten times harder.'' She just kinda grew along with it and developed a like to fighting. Giving her the feeling she makes her dad proud.

Likes: Scent of books, gaming, her cat, herself, fighting and action. (Food)

Dislikes: School, reading, dogs and chickens.

Occupation: Working in the bookstore of her mother. (one day she will take it over)

Other: She has a scar on her left cheek from some fight she got in.


Makoto Fujimoto








137 Ibs


Relationship Status:




Occupation (Job):


School Status:


(High School)




(isn't too open about it)

-Good Reflexes


Opposite Skills:



-Terrible cook




-The Rain


-Candle light




(Especially in Musicals)



Makoto is a Kind, and cheerful Person, a Social Butterfly all the way. Rarely will you see him get upset about something, or someone, but if that actually happens, the reason for it most likely was: 1. Someone he conciders Close, lied to him. Since Makoto is such a bad liar, he mostly tries to avoid dishonesty in General. That said, he expects the People he trusts to be as honest to him, as he is to them. 2. He is being pressured. Makoto does not handle stress too well, although it does depend on what Kind of stress we're talking about, for example, it just completely ticks him off when he's being rushed.


Until now, Makoto has lived a pretty normal life, not really Special in any way. Both of his Parents work at a local Kindergarten, his mom as a Teacher, and his Dad basically takes care of the Buraucracy involved in it. They've always been easy-going type of People, and never tried to force him into anything, be it Religion, or his future occupation. Makoto has a 10 year old Brother, called Hiroyuki, with whom he is pretty Close.




His Parents; Ryu, and Kyoko Fujimoto.




-He is allergic to Cats

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