Your Average Everyday Lives (Anime)

Suzumaki Arakai







Relationship Status:


Occupation (Job):

School Status:


Opposite Skills:








In case I missed anything.

If there's a character you want to make on the side that you wont play very much but still need them for you RP, put them in Neutral Character! For example, the sister of your main character who visits every now and then...or even just once. Or the boss of your company, your girlfriend, child.
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Name: Suzumaki Arakai

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 4'5 feet

Weight: 68 Ibs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Suzumaki.gif.130838ec8a8c63b2aa9d58ebcd706b9c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Suzumaki.gif.130838ec8a8c63b2aa9d58ebcd706b9c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Doesn't really care.

Occupation (Job): Works in a nearby manga shop as the cashier and serves ramen in a four star ramen shop.

School: Drop out.


- Very fast runner

- Cooks the best ramen

- Fighting

Opposite Skills:

- Hiding

- Being quiet

- Drawing


* Ramen

* Sake

* Running


* Dogs

* Tall people

* Kids

Personality: Suzumaki is a crazy, party loving girl that can't get enough of some ramen. She'll talk your ear off like never before. Suzumaki is a fairly generous person but her temper is just off the wall horrible. She'll snap from the simplest of things.

Background: When Suzumaki was eight years-old her mother died, leaving her and her father, Shizuo Arakai, to live on their own. Due to Shizuo owning many bars throughout America, the two up and moved there for a while until one day Suzumaki decided she wanted to return to Japan. Of course, she ended up going by herself and began living with her cousin Motoharu Jushiro who turned out to be very abusive. Without anywhere else to go, Suzumaki put up with the pain and torture until one day she got a job and worked to earn up enough money for an apartment. It actually wasn't too long ago from now when she finally beat the boys ass and left to be on her own. She now lives in an apartment complex owned by some cranky old man.

Children: None

Guardian: Shizuo Arakai

Pets: None

Other: Nothing really...

Name: Uchida Momoi

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7 feet

Weight: 122 Lbs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33048051_UchidaMomoi.jpg.31597cd31d8f9029731acf379fb58916.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c33048051_UchidaMomoi.jpg.31597cd31d8f9029731acf379fb58916.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation (Job): Hairdresser

School Status: Graduated from High school and college


- Cutting Hair

- Doing people's make-up

- Drawing

Opposite Skills:

* Jokes

* Sports

* Lying


- Cutting hair

- Making people beautiful

- Sweets


* Bitter things

* Sad movies

* The dark

Personality: Momoi is a fairly quiet guy who enjoys smiling and making others smile. He doesn't like to be mean if he doesn't have to and he's very emotional towards sad movies; one tear drop on screen means a thousand for him.

Background: Momoi has grown up in Tousen all his life, he's never left Tousen and probably never will. When he was younger people always mistook him for a girl because of his long eye-lashes and gentle features. As he grew, he developed a natural talent for cutting hair and came to enjoy the way it caused a smile to grow on others faces. So now he works at a popular hair and make-up salon located in Tousen City, Japan.

Children: None

Guardian: Mother and Father


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Sugar.jpg.0a46304d47898f19f09845c7d264deb7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60426" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Sugar.jpg.0a46304d47898f19f09845c7d264deb7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

His pets name is Ashes.



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Name: Nishida Yoshiaga

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Height: 5''10

Weight: 175 lbs



Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): Detective

School Status: Done

Skills: Aiming, patience, organizing and anything with sport

Opposite Skills: Paying attention, socializing and cooking

Likes: His work, reading, drinking, gazing at the sky

Dislikes: Gaming, talking and easy criminals, nagging people.

Personality: Caring, cold, distant, childish and daring

Background: Nishida always wanted to be a astronaut, but when he entered school and learned a good crime anime from his friends, his mind was set on becoming a detective. He worked hard to complete school and his apprentice years and so entered the cops. He was seen as very talented and is now head detective. There is no single crime he didn't resolve.


Nishida met his wife at work, it was his partner in crime (Haha) normally he wouldn't talk to people, he liked to act in his own world, but he was of course forced to speak and communicate with his partner. The two got along very well and it ended in a romance. They married at the age of 26 and never got kids. They solved a lot of crimes together, till his wife was shot. Dead. Nishida got in a slumber and is taking a pause in his career now. Feeling like his life ended in a deep black hole.

Children: None

Guardian: Father and mother

Pets: He owns a black husky

Other: His wife was called Shimizu Yoko and his dog is called Ike
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Name: Kenichi Mitsurgi

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4

Weight: 180 lbs. (mostly muscle)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.218cb513266f2ea1aa5b32f8a9c1a0cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.218cb513266f2ea1aa5b32f8a9c1a0cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status:
Single like a pringle.

Sexuality: Doesn't care

Occupation (Job): Kendo Instructor

School Status: Bachelors for Physical Education


-Karate and Kendo

-Crafts (sewing, knitting, etc.)



Opposite Skills:

-Being quiet

-Crying, the man can be at a funeral and won't cry. He tries but tears just don't come out. He can mope like crazy though.



-His kendo sword






-Sitting down


-Not being able to cry

-Any vegetable that is green

Personality: When you first meet Kenichi he looks approachable and nice, which he is unless it's time to teach his Kendo class, then he'll beat you with his bamboo sword and start yelling at you to get your stance up. Kenichi isn't too strict of an instructor or a person, but he will push you to your limits. He's all about competition and teamwork and loves to practice with students or friends competitve sports. Other than the usually shouting and yelling he's pretty cool, funny, and very outgoing. He is there for his friends and soliders.

Background: Mitsurgi was a small fraile little boy. He was picked on a lot because of that. His parents never knew he was being picked on until his dad picked him up from school one day and saw boys picking on him at the door. Of course his father intervened but knew that he wasn't always going to be around. So he signed Kenichi up for karate. Kenichi enjoyed karate and strived to be the best in his class. At the age of sixteen he reached that goal and received his black belt as well as a spot into the competition. He and his team won the competition and he came home as a champion. When the bullies came back to pick on him again he kicked their sorry butts! Which lead him to be suspend for a week, but man was it worth it. After that the rest of his highschool year went great! He fell in love with gym once he began training in all the sports and became great at them all. But one sport in particular caught his attention. Kendo. He quit his karate class (saddening his sensei) and started learning Kendo. Since he was already good at Karate the movements and stances in Kendo came easy to him. The sword part was what gave him trouble. It wasn't until he graduated with Honor Roll grades that he finally mastered Kendo. Ever since then, you never saw him without a bamboo sword. He went to college to study to become a gym teacher. Before he got his bachelors degree in physical education, he was already working as an instructor at a Kendo dojo. Once he got his bachelors he didn't want to leave his job and his little soliders. So he continued on teaching Kendo to more and more little soldiers loving every minute of it.

Children: None

Guardian: Mother and Father (doesn't live with them though)

Pets: None


-When he talks it's pretty much shouting.

-He gives out nicknames to his students.

-Touch his Kendo stick, I dare ya.

-He loves giving advice to others

-He is a lightweight when it comes to drinking. So prepare to face stubborn child-like Kenichi

(I'm making another character! Just you wait)



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Name: Tatsuri Ogami

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8 feet

Weight: 135 Ibs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c331a1c58_OgarouTengen.png.e4ba2ee3d326590907b3c37d24e08015.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60479" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c331a1c58_OgarouTengen.png.e4ba2ee3d326590907b3c37d24e08015.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): None

School Status: 2nd Year of High School

Skills: Fighting...he sucks at pretty much everything.

Opposite Skills: Everything



-Causing Trouble

-Other people who like to fight





Personality: Oga is a hard-headed delinquent. He's always skipping school to go fight other kids who are pretty much doing the same as he is. His grades stay somewhat low but he's never failed, somehow...

He does have a soft spot for pretty women though, however, he has no clue on how to communicate with them.

Background: Oga grew up like a normal kid until he hit that rebellious thing you know he was getting suspended from school, coming home beat up, breaking things around town...he was just about to get sent off by his father until one day his mother decided to send him to live with his sister, Tatsuri Anna. This girl was as hardcore as ever and set Oga straight; as straight as a popsicle stick. He began going to school more often and eventually developed a interest in Kendo after seeing a man named, Mitsurigi Kenichi, practicing at a dojo.

Children: None...maybe

Guardian: Tatsuri Anna

Pets: Tatsuri Ogami...(Not really)

Other: Anna can be found in the Neutral characters.



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Name: Vaughn Ritter

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Weight: 140 lbs



Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): Student

School Status: Senior In High School


- Skateboarding

- Graffiti Artist and Cartoonist

- Accomplished Blunt Roller

- Learning

Opposite Skills:

- Following directions

- Singing

- Fighting of any kind

- Being punctual


- Nature

- Smoking weed and hanging out

- Exploring

- Drawing

- Cartoons and video games

- Pranks


- Authority figures

- Prudes/Shy people

- Math

- Darkness

- Social media/Mobile phones

- Awkward situations

Vaughn loves to explore, both physically and mentally. He tends to ask personal questions, and is relentless in doing so. He's a bit of a degenerate and hates following rules. He prefers to exploit systems and find logical loopholes, but he often ends up in trouble regardless. He's easy going and relaxed whether he's high or not. He's typically calm and tends to bottle his more negative emotions by making light of them, but he's prone to the occasional breakdown. He approaches life with a sense of humor, but he can be quite depressing in the rare moments when he's being serious.

His mother died shortly after his birth. He never really knew her, so it doesn't bother him. His father goes on business trips a lot, giving Vaughn quite a bit of alone time to figure himself out. He has a better understanding of himself and his needs than most children his age due to growing up independent. Though most people aren't aware, he's been doing well in school since he started receiving letter grades. His weakest subject is math, which he's usually prone to get a C in, or a B if he really applies himself. He wants to be an animator when he gets older, and plans on making video shorts over the summer after his last year in high school.


Thomas Ritter (Father)

A male husky named Quincy.


Name: Wulfgang Lichtenstein (Wulf for short)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

Weight: 185 lbs



Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): Police Cadet

School Status: Completed high school and police academy.


- Good with firearms

- Great driver, had a clean record since he got his license

- Deduction and finding the truth

- Communication

- Baking

Opposite Skills:

- Going by the book

- Sports of any kind

- Being authoritative

- Navigation, he gets lost all the time

- Dancing


- Being around people

- Being active and productive

- Helping others

- Flirting

- Drinking


- Having to arrest someone

- People who're just jerks but not criminals

- Going by the book

- Corruption of any kind

- Rich people

Wulf loves to help people. He loves to make a difference in the lives of people around him, however, he is not selfless. Wulf loves to receive rewards and recognition for his good deeds. He loves children, animals, and old people, or just vulnerable people in general. He considers himself to be a shield for them. Though he loves action, he prefers to give warnings to crimes that he considers to be "inconsequential" and almost never gives speeding tickets. He loves women and flirts with them any chance he gets. He's warm and jovial, and the type of drunk to tell people how much he loves and appreciates them. He's a bit of an ego maniac. He struggles with the gray areas of morality.

Wulf was born and raised in Germany until he was 15, when his parents moved to Tousen City. Since he was a child, he's always wanted to be a hero, so becoming a police officer was a natural choice for him. He went to the academy immediately out of high school and just recently graduated. His parents have since left Tousen City, but he decided to stay behind. He now "patrols" the streets with an ever watchful eye. He's decided to start looking for a wife because he wants to be a father, and has begun to hit on women with zero prejudice.


No longer requires one.


  • Name: Akako Tachibana

    Age: 14

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'4

    Weight: 103 lbs


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    Relationship Status: Single

    Sexuality: Undecided

    Occupation[job]: Babysitter

    School Status: 2nd year High school


    -Can cook

    -Can make crafts


    Opposite Skills:


    -Having a clear voice


    Likes: Eating, Warm Weather, Nights

    Dislikes: Loud Noises, Being judged, ignorance


    Akako is a very refined girl that is normally seen reading books. Her other hobbies includes ikebana, origami, and reading

    She acts mature and regal, but when it comes down to sexual, perverted moments and talking about boys, she acts like a shy, embarrassed girl. Akako is well-mannered, which can be seen that as she uses the
    san or kun-suffix (honorifics), even to her close friends and family.

    She is also very calm, but when she gets angry, she is a bull. She also seems to be that things quite nicely. She is also a very nice and generous person that is rarely seen being mad. Akako can also be considered to be very friendly and polite. She be annoyed by her mom, but she does love her.


    Akako was born the eldest out of three children, Her having the highest expectations than her siblings. Akako was always a not so social girl, never interacting with girls or any people her age. She was seen as the younger than the oldest for her looks like child. She was never the tallest but was always known to be baby faced just like her mother. Even though she looked young, she was the smartest, even skipping a grade when was in 5th grade to 7th grade. She was then officially the baby. Her twin siblings were probably most respected as a normal kid and the youngest at home. She was the oldest in someways, always knowing best and her birthdate but, when she had a growth spurt at age 10, Instead of 4'5, she was 5'1 and the tallest already. She was still baby like in some ways. Last year her father died in a car crash 5 months after the divorce of his mom. She always loved/didn't like him, him being Overprotective to her and her siblings but she still loves him. She had mourned him and whenever she someone with their dad, she tends to cry and run away sometimes. She has lived pretty normally though.

    Children: She is a kid...

    Guardian: Mei Lucas Tachibana

    Pets: Two Cats, A black cat named Luna and a Tabby named



    She can speak fluent English

    Akako is an anonymous singer on the Internet named "Red girl"

    She sometimes goes to Shady's to help around to earn money.
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Name: Daisuke Haruto

Age: 24 year old

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Weight: 165 lbs.



Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Model

School Status: Completed high school, and went to a modeling academy for awhile.


-a very good cook

-good with kids

-works well with others

-is very strong


Opposite Skills:

-is very absentminded

-is often oblivious to feelings

-is very emotional

-has anger issues

Likes: His little brother, swimming, competition, cooking, his job, men.

Dislikes: Death, pain, annoying people, tabloids, clingy fans.

Personality: Daisuke is a pretty dry person. He speaks his mind, is blunt, and doesn't really care what other people say. However, once he warms up to people, he can be kind, considerate, and nice to the people that he cares about. The main person that he cares about is his brother, because it's the only thing he has left. His parents died in a car crash, leaving him with Fumiko. He raised him well, and taught him the basic life skills he needs to know. He has since taken an interest in males, so he doesn't really appreciate any female attention any more.

Background: To be revealed...

Children: None

Pets: A small kitten named Jun.

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Name: Togu Anna

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2

Weight: 105 lbs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.ce1cc635d454192a52584ccf85eaefa3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.ce1cc635d454192a52584ccf85eaefa3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual

Occupation (Job): Part-Time Waitress at Rame Ramen Shop

School Status: Graduated





Opposite Skills:






-Her Garden


-Her sister





-Her sister

Personality: Anna is the stereotypical 'little miss perfect' girl. She's smart, pretty, and just perfect. But like anyone she has her issues. Anna has serious trust issues after the rape attempt by her previous boyfriend. She's also now more introverted and doesn't hang out much after school, she rather be alone.

Background: Anna lived a normal life just her, April, and their mother. Her father left after a week after she was born, claiming he had a business trip to go on but never returned from it. She grew up a good life. Her mother was American and was a well-known doctor for rich families so they lived in a mansion close to Tousen City. When Anna was thirteen she started dating a jock named Shinobou. They were the "perfect" couple. He was the captain of the football team, she was the perfect little student. Anna loved Shinobou, Shinobou not so much. As years in high school grew by, the couple grew as well. Anna grew to become a mature sixteen year old who wanted to be a flourist. Shinobou grew up becoming a pervert and a jerk. Anna was blinded by love she didn't think much about it. April tried to explain to Anna that he has changed but Anna didn't believe her. One day at a party, Shinobou took Anna up to a bedroom to do 'it' with her. Of course she refused, but Shinobou wasn't taking no for an answer. Fortunately for Anna, her sister was at the party and followed Anna and Shinobou and heard Anna's screams. Shinobou was arrested and things were never the same for Anna. To make things worst, her mom had fallen ill and died two months after the rape attempt. Anna suprisingly still kept her perfect smile but things were never the same for her or April.

Children: None

Guardian: April (Neutral character)

Pets: None


-Anna is only comfortable with plants now and sometimes her sister would catch her talking to her plants.



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Name: Fumiko Haruto

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6

Weight: 134 lbs.



Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Undetermined

Occupation: Works with dogs at a shelter.

School Status: 1st year in high school.


-good with animals

-is very smart


Opposite Skills

-fixing things

-being healthy

-cleaning up messes

Likes: Cooking, animals, his big brother, swimming, the quiet.

Dislikes: Mean people, math, crying, being sick.

Personality: Fumiko is very friendly. He can be outgoing, loud, and a complete social butterfly. Like his brother, he enjoys cooking a whole lot. His onii-chan taught him how to cook the way he does. He learned how to be overemotional and a crybaby from his brother as well. He is also very competitive. When he talks to others, he loves to tease them (in a friendly way) and brag about stuff he's done. He also really loves animals; he works at a shelter and is often seen cuddling them to death. He also can be kind and caring, and is very sensitive when it comes to family topics.

Background: Daisuke has been taking care of Fumiko since he was in grade school. His parents died a while back, and his older brother basically took on a "father" role, even though he was never really old enough to be a father. He was still raised well, and loves his brother nonetheless.

Children: He is a child himself.

Pets: A small kitten named Jun.

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Name: Kona Hanazawa

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5ft 11inch

Weight: 13st 11 pounds


Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation (Job): Owner of the best bakery shop at the center of town

School Status: Graduated





Listining to people's problems

Opposite Skills:

Anger issues

Can panic under high stress

Sometimes hide his true emotions




Talking to other people

Makeing people happy with his baking


Being called gay because he's a baker

people who bully other people

people who critic's his baking because thy want him to get angry

Personality: Kona is a sweet person always happy and cheery. He is also very fraindly and whenever people come to his shop he always say good morning and have a good day. Kona is surprisingly patient with people with him being a baker you need that patience when it comes to the industry He is also very humble about his position int he shop he doesn't use sign's to advertise that it's the best shop he allows the costumers to find out out here own. He also tend's to hide his emotions a lot when he is angry at the stress of it he hides it until the shift end's. He represses his anger and let's it all out at home.

Background: Kona Was born into a oveing house hold. His mother spent all her time with him whenever she can. His farther on the other hand didn't want anything to do with him. He was a man's man or so he said. And always told him a man shouldn't cry a man shouldn't hug. His primary school life was good he had a lot of friends and was respected. Along with his secondry school life was good he decided to take Cooking for a qualification. After school he went to Cooking school. Once he told his farther he thought he was gay. Of course Kona wasn't and he decided not to speak to his farther about it. He was atculy quite well at it especialy baking. His mother was proud of him when he passed cooking school. His farther wasn't he thought he was wasting his time. By the age of 17 he decided to work at a bakery. He was good at it makeing pastry's and evrything. That's when he met his Farther figure Mark. Mark was working at the shop he was at and he tought him evrything. How to make sponge cakes doughnut's Yum Yum's Cakes Weeding cakes Bannana cakes Chocolate Cakes Moose Chocolate mousse french toast evrything that he knew Kona had learnt. One day when he was 17 Mark told him he was retiaring. He decided to lend the bakery to him. Kona was shocked by this he knew how to handle prices and bills from him teaching him. He was so happy to have his own bakery. His mother was static but his farther of course called him a nansy. Kona then suddenly burst at him calling him the worst farther he could have had and left without saying anything. During that year he turned that simple bakery into a full fledged cafe. The reputation was massive people flocked all over town to try his pastry's. He was proud of himself but some where deep down inside him he knows his farther will never be proud of him.

Children: None but would like to have children someday

Guardian: Loveing mother and Neglectful farther

Pets: a pet raven named diablo

In case I missed anything.

Melody (Winter) Black






1,76 m


65 kg



Relationship Status:




Occupation (Job):

Writer in her free time


School Status:

Dropped out


- Writing

- Drawing

- Basketball

- Acting

Opposite Skills:

- Cleaning

- Tennis

- Soccer


- Cats

- Books

- Snow

- Rain


- Storms

- Thunder

- Waiting


Melody is kind of shy, mostly keeps to herself, but she's nice and cheerful once she opens up, she won't back down from a challenge or from a fight and she will never give up or back down. She's not easily angered, but you better run once that happens.


Melody left home at a rather early age and dropped out of school because she was getting nowhere and her grades were too low, but she made a few good books over the years and managed to buy a small mansion for herself, she also hired two maids two do the cleaning and she got asked for a role once in a comedy movie because the actress got sick and she looked the most like her, it went pretty well and so she made her career as an actress




Doesn't care what her parents say since she moved out of the house


Four kittens: Flare, Luna, Angel and Yami (in order of the pictures)




Other: Her books are all under the name Winter so she's staying safe from the media

Suzuki, Hotaru


"I don't care about the things everyone else does"


Hotaru Suzuki






165.1 cm


56.7 kg

Relationship Status





Occupation (Job)

Music store

School Status

First year of high school


- Plays multiple instruments

- Extremely smart

- Cooking

- Athletics

- Fighting

Opposite Skills

- Doesn't get motivated

- Clumsy

- Cleaning

- Hot headed


- Music

- Eating

- Reading

- Sleeping

- Training

- Sports


- Snobs

- Flirts

- Perverts

- Failing

- Cleaning



With a short-temper and an intolerance for disorder, Hotaru is easily the most volatile member of the Band Club. She tends to use vulgar language and speaks with masculine expressions in order to maintain a powerful appearance. Despite her rough edges, Hotaru is very considerate of her fellow club members; always looking out for everyone's best interests, and, though she doesn't like to show it, Hotaru greatly treasures her friends and would be willing to sacrifice her own happiness to keep the group together. When dealing with a problem, Inaba typically chooses to take a very direct approach to solve it, making it a challenge for her to deal with delicate situations. When you first meet Hotaru you are often met with a very hard glare that will make you want to apologize right away. Despite her rather tough and hard personality, she can actually be quite caring and emotional. Since she has strong trust issues she rarely opens up to anyone which leads to miscommunication. Since Hotaru keeps her true feelings to herself it often leads to her snapping at people for no reason. Rarely does one see her actually crying, laughing, or showing off any real emotions. Without showing many emotions she has a hard time socializing with people. This led to her antisocial and socially awkward personality around people. With brilliant grades and talents, she's often referred to as a model student, but due to her antisocial behavior towards others they don't get along with her very much. There are many things in Hotaru's life that are kept hidden which makes her almost impossible to fully understand.



Ever since Hotaru was born she was quite ill and could barely live outside of a hospital room. Having a weak body and immune system was the only thing she ever knew. No memories of being able to play with other children her age filled her mind. For years she traveled in and out of hospitals, hoping to finally get cured. With no signs of recovery, Hotaru began to keep herself secluded in her bedroom, only leaving it to go eat with her parents. Having no friends, pets, or social life, she developed a rather hard personality. With snarky remarks and death glares, she seemed to hate everybody. When she started going to public school for the first time she kept her mouth shut and just studied. She soon became a brilliant girl that never seemed to get enough out of learning. Hotaru always wanted to try new things, no matter what they were. That's when she discovered music. Music became an enjoyable hobby in junior high therefore it continued into high school. Another hobby she took up was sports, however this was unknown to her parents as she often forged their signatures. Her life was tough and often led to her getting in trouble, which is why she became a rather hotheaded girl that occasionally lashed out violently. Still being quite ill and maybe even dying, Hotaru is trying her best to live a normal life. Or at least what she sees as normal.



She's the only child in the family


Emiko Suzuki - Mother

Yuki Suzuki - Father

Yuno Suzuki - Grandmother


Can't have any pets.


She in the band club.

She lives in an apartment complex with her grandmother.


Name: Sung-Kang Park

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Weight: 150 lbs


Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation (Job): High School Teacher

School Status: Completed college with a degree in Chemistry


- Very intelligent

- Learned chemist, capable of making just about anything with the right ingredients

- Persuasion

- Deviously good at planning things.

Opposite Skills:

- Subtlety

- Terrible with finances

- Anything remotely artistic

- Teaching


- Women, Women, Women

- Inflicting physical/mental pain against others

- Science

- Comic books

- Saturdays


- Children

- Most men

- Anyone smarter than him in any given subject

- Mornings

- Commitment

Sung-Kang is a pervert. He is obsessed with the female form and enjoys casual sexual encounters every chance he gets. He tends to sweet talk women, disguising his normally cruel and cold nature until he decides that they've become too clingy. He hates rejection of any form and becomes very spiteful of people who deny him things. Despite being a man, he's quite the misandrist. He views men as more competition for women and typically doesn't keep them as friends unless he can manipulate them. Though uncaring, narcissistic, and sadistic, he's very vulnerable and doesn't like to have his own emotions played with.

Born in Korea, and raised in Japan, people have always told Sung-Kang that he's a genius. He grew up arrogant, and posh because his parents were quite wealthy and spoiled him rotten. This is why he despises the concept of being denied anything, and is likely to throw a fit if he doesn't get what he wants. He wanted to be a chemist in the military, with a focus on creating deadly nerve toxins, but he was kicked out after multiple complaints of sexual harassment. Cut off from his parents who have realized their errors in raising him, Sung-Kang was forced to settle as a teacher. His female students describe him as creepy, and his male students describe him as an asshole. He often gets a sick kick out of grading them harshly and assigning difficult assignments.

None, thank god.


He's found a way to kill every pet he's ever had within a month.


Reina Agpoon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Weight: 108 lbs



(damn that's a big ass picture!)

Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Questioning

Occupation (Job): Student

School Status: 2nd Year in High School


- Singing

- Playing piano

- Dancing

- Writing songs

Opposite Skills:

- Making friends

- Getting good grades

- Most sports, including Kendo

- Memorization


- Making music

- Kendo

- Teasing classmates

- Eating

- Shopping


- Rude people, ironically

- Most other musicians

- People getting more attention than her

- Bugs of any kind

- Cutesy girls

Reina is a bit of a pain. She craves attention and looks for it anyway she can. Luckily for her, she's quite the talented young musician and dancer. She often teases others to distract from her own shortcomings. She can go too far from time to time, and some people describe her as a bully. She's competitive and hates losing. She wants to be good at everything, regardless of her experience with it, and often becomes upset when she's performing poorly. Her bad grades infuriate her to no end, so she tries to conceal them from the rest of her classmates. She hates to show her soft side, but it's definitely there.

Reina is half Filipino, half Japanese. Her parents are divorced, and she chose to live in Japan with her mother, Satsuki Miyamoto. She visits the Philippines during breaks from school, but dislikes her father and his inability to provide for her younger siblings, who live with him. She started playing piano when she was four and hasn't stopped since. Her mother is very proud of her musical capabilities, but ashamed of her grades. Her mother forces her to spend less time practicing and more time studying. Reina wants to be a famous pop-star when she matures, but her mother thinks this is a pipe dream.

She is one

Guardian: Satsuki Miyamoto, mother

Pets: None


*:??? uchida mikan *:???

Basic Information



"my name? mikan uchida. everyone calls me mika, though."


"i'm twenty. prime of my youth, i think."


"if you check my pants, there's a little me and his two suitcases. touch him and he might perk up and say hi!"


"my last doctor's visit said i was 168 cm. not the tallest, i know."


"72 kg. we're getting a bit personal, don't you think?"

"i can't speak of myself too highly on the appearance scale. amber honey hair, chocolate eyes, milky skin. it's babyish, i think. my body's soft because of my heavy allergy to exercise, and i wear things that don't fit too well. i've got a piercing in my right ear, and i sorta want a tattoo, but i can't decide on one. my body isn't big, threatening, or imposing, and my younger sister is taller than me. i'm called cute a lot, though."

Personal Information

relationship status:

"painfully single. please date me."


"my sexual orientation is people. i like people."


"i work at a butler/maid cafe."

school status:

"graduated high school, now trying to earn a fine arts degree in college."


"well, lessee here...":



-public speaking


-cracking jokes at inappropriate times

"that about covers it!"

opposite skills:

"oh, boy. here we go.":





-reading the mood

"or,,, that's what people have told me, anyway."



+hanging out

+making people laugh





+small animals

+being warm









-r00d, dank booties

-prying into personal matters

-waking up before 11

-that dog that bit my ass and left a scar


"well, i'd like to think of myself as a comedian, and a pretty happy guy. i like painting smiles on people's faces and keeping them there, y'know? people call me lazy and too easygoing, but i think life is too short to be too much of a worrywart. i like making people happy, i like being happy, and i like enjoying things. easy enough, right? so what if i don't wanna move until it's absolutely necessary, or i may fall on my face at the wrong time, but hey. i'm a great guy, really."


"i'd rather i didn't reveal too much, if that's alright?"

Other Information


"i can't even get a date!"


"you must be talking about my gorgeous adopted parents. my mother, aizawa kana, and my father, nanba kei."


"oh!! i have two. one, a sweet li'l bun bun called mochi, and two, the single sassiest, fattest cockatoo on earth: ?ji."





Mamoru Minori








177 Ibs




"Listen to me... Do you really think that i'm in the mood to be messed with?"

Relationship Status:




Occupation (Job):

Detective at the Tousen Police Department

School Status:



-Natural BS Detector


-Hand to Hand Combat

-Strong Minded

Opposite Skills:


-Easily provoked

-Ruthlessness(To some degree)



-Bad Jokes

-Movies(In General)




-'Beating around the bush'



Mamoru is the type of Person who you really don't want to mess with, get on his bad side, and you WILL regret it. He goes by the Motto 'The Ends Justify the means' and therefor, is willing to do highly unethical things to accomplish anything regarding his Job. That aside; Mamoru is an oddly understanding Person, even with criminals, and rarely judges someone for whatever they did.


Mamoru's been through a lot of hardship in his life, starting with the Death of his father at an early Age,(17) which was most likely the reason for his sudden interest in Law enforcement. He had a few Love relationships here and there, but has never really found someone he could've spended the rest of his life with. The man lived most of his life in Tokio, and has been transfered over to the Tousen Police Department a few years ago.




His Father is unfortunatly deceased, but he does have a good relationship with his mother.


He has a little Goldfish, called Makoto.


-He is a smoker

-He does not have a Driver's License

-He is fluent in English

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? N?hime Aoi ?




E-everything is c-cute.
Aoi N?hime

Basic Information

? Age: ?


? Gender: ?


? Height: ?

156 cm or 5'1"

? Weight: ?

97 lbs.

? Appearance: ?


Personal Information

? Relationship Status: ?


? Sexuality: ?


? Occupation: ?

Maid at Maid/Butler Cafe

? School Status: ?

1st Year of Highshool

? Skills: ?

"B-b-basically the p-perfect housewi-wife, I've been to-told..."

- Cleaning

- Decoration

- Cooking

- Gardening

- Studying

- Sewing/Knitting

- Organizing

- Patience

? Opposite Skills: ?

- Dancing

- Proper Speech

- Swimming

- Holding Conversations


- Drawing

? Likes: ?

- Reading

- Tea

- Helping Others

- Cooking

- The Quiet

- Seeing others doing things they like

? Dislikes: ?

- Darkness

- Loud noises

- Being useless

- Failing

- Irrational People

- Police
(They scare her)

? Personality: ?

A kind and friendly girl who cares a lot for her friends, she makes friends efficiently and is shown to be idealistic with a love for being a good housewife. Aoi is slow in catching up to love and romantic feelings from others. She is shown to be highly creative, always composing recipes in her spare time. She is rather eccentric, mostly because of her slight obsession with becoming a perfect housewife. She doesn't appear to think very ahead into her future and doesn't have much rich desires, comfortable with settling in a life in a cozy house or apartment. However, she is generally acceptable to change in contrast to her father's traditional values. This acceptance to change is present so as long as she is happy and familiar with her surroundings that are memorable to her. Aoi is a very determined lady, often over working ehrself to achieve her daily quota and over.

? Background: ?

"A-a bit.. u-uhm... p-personal? D-don't you thi-think?"


Other Information

? Children: ?


? Guardian: ?

Izumi N?hime

Jiro N?hime

? Pets: ?


? Other: ?

Aoi has pink rimmed read glasses

She has a O blood type

She occasionally falls asleep on accident, mostly from her over-working herself and not getting enough sleep.


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Name: Tyler James

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 185

Appearance: see attachment (Will post on my phone. can't from my computer haha give me a minute)

Relationship Status: Single


Occupation (Job):
Professional MMA fighter. Moved over from America.

School Status: none

Skills: Fighting, Talking to the press.

Opposite Skills: No sense of direction

Likes: Fighting, music, fashion, money

Dislikes: Lines, Bullies

Personality: Overly nice outside in the public. Always willing to sign autographs and take pictures. Very humble. Yet in the gym and cage/ring he is a monster.

Background: Tyler just moved to Japan for MMA. He's a professional fighter and one of the top up fighters in the middleweight class. He is 11-0. He lives in a decent apartment by himself. Trying to learn the city, yet he gets lost so easily.

Children: none

Guardian: none

Pets: none yet

Other: He has a couple tattoos. One his back is "Never Back Down" written in Kanji. As well as flames on his forearms.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.495951931e74d1f481ea1cb70455fc32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.495951931e74d1f481ea1cb70455fc32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
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Name: Kaoru Yanagi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1 feet

Weight: 103 lbs



Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation (Job): Student

School Status: 2nd Year High School Student



-Hair & Makeup


Opposite Skills:







-The band room when it's empty



-Shy people



Kaoru Yanagi is a sociable, bright girl who loves to be at the center of attention. Her love of social interactions really prevents her from being empathetic with shy or deviant students, whom she'll try to avoid. She is constantly worried about her image around her peers, especially around the freshmen. Often, she goes out shopping for the latest trends and music so that she can impress her friends. Despite her seemingly shallow and vain personality, Kaoru has a true passion for rock music. When she is not chatting with her big group of girl friends, Kaoru will most likely be found in the band room practicing her guitar skills. Ironically, she started playing guitar just to join the "visual kei" and "girl band" fad in junior high school, but began to genuinely love the instrument through out the years. Her guitar skills are questionable albeit the effort and time she invests into practicing. Fearing humiliation, she practices guitar in the band room only when all her friends have gone home.


Kaoru was born in a small countryside town far away from Tousen. There, with her pretty face and slender build, Kaoru was the dubbed "Princess" by her classmates. She spent her years of elementary and junior high school reveling in the praise of girls and the confessions of boys. However, upon moving to Tousen, she discovered that there were girls much prettier and much more popular that she was. Unaccustomed to the plain treatment she started receiving, Kaoru became increasingly engrossed with fashions, makeups and celebrities in attempt maintain a place in the popularity spectrum.

Children: None

Guardian: Yoshiro Yanagi, her uncle, who takes care of her in place of her parents who are still in the countryside.

Pets: None


-Her grades are average, but she gets particularly low marks in math and science.

-She wants to create her personal band but due to a lack of skill and courage, she can't start one. Instead she writes about a hypothetical band on her cell phone novel, incorporating various characters based off real classmates that she would enlist had she had the courage.

-She watches the school band from time to time.
Name: Makoto Kishima

Age: 15

Gender: ???

Height: 182 cm / 5'11.5"

Weight: 64 kg / 141 lbs



Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Interested in girls

Occupation (Job): Student

School Status: 1st Year High School Student


- Fast learner

- Understanding people

- Cooking

- Video gaming

- Jokes

Opposite Skills:

- Sports

- Socializing

- Dancing


- Being lazy

- Food

- Video games

- Hanging out with friends



- Most people

- Insects

- Swimming


Makoto is a simple person on the outside, but a rather complex individual on the inside. Makoto is quiet, and acts indifferent with both acquaintances and friends, but that doesn't mean that Makoto isn't a warm person. Most people, especially friends, will get help from Makoto if they have problems.

Makoto is usually unfocused, and doesn't pay attention to less important things.


Makoto has always been living a normal, simple life. At the age of 14, the whole family moved to another city. Makoto finished the previous grade without any "true" friends, but that wasn't too much of a problem, since Makoto never really had friends before. At the previous school, people didn't really appreciate Makoto's type, and because of that, the teenager was ignored, and sometimes bullied. However, none of these matter to Makoto anymore, and the teenager is now willing to start over again and make some friends.


Guardian: Makoto's parents: Shinjiro Kishima and Yuuki Kishima

Pets: None

Other: Makoto is extremely afraid of insects since childhood, and it's quite a problem. Makoto can't stay in the same room with one, and in extreme cases, Makoto can pass out.

Sato, Kairi


? No matter how many thousand times I cry, my heart is still soaked in the rain. ?

  • large.jpg


    Is this a required thing??

    Kairi Sato


    I'm not a child anymore?



    That's kind of offensive?



    I suppose that I'm tall...?

    170.18 cm


    No filter at all?

    58.96 kg

  • [/media]



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Takumi Higurashi


No one suspects a cute little boy!
Takumi Higurashi

Basic Information






144 cm or 4'8"


71 lbs.



Personal Information

Relationship Status:






School Status:

2nd Year of Highshool


- Thievery

- Escaping

- Tricking Others

Opposite Skills:

- Doesn't work well with a team

- Stubborn

- Too sensitive


- Sweets

- Cute things

- His stuffed animal


- Feeling Worthless

- Being Bored

- Police (Obviously)


Although he often appears dimwitted, Takumi is actually highly intelligent and clever. Despite his generally positive nature, he angers easily when others don't agree with his thoughts/opinions or are rude to him or anyone he cares about. Since his bloodtype is AB, most believe that he has a split personality (i.e. Dark/Nice Takumi.) Some of his positive traits are imagination, kindness, compassion, intuition, sensitivity and selflessness; the negative traits being escapism, idealism, a weak will, over-sensitivity, pessimism and indolence.


"That, kind sir, is classified."


Other Information


Katsu... Kind of. Not biologically, of course.


Biological? Unknown

Kodoma, basically.




Takumi has a stuffed animal he named "Sai-chan"


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Name: "Katsu Masumi, if you will."

Age: "I'm ten years old, I know, hard to believe."

Gender: "I'm a boy, you know, male."

Height: "I'm 4'9, I am just a little boy."

Weight: "I weigh around 77 pounds."



Relationship Status: "I'm ten..."

Sexuality: "Yet again, I am ten."

Occupation: Criminal/Thief

School Status: "I'm in my last year of grade school!"


-he's smart

-he's a great liar

-he's very quick

-he's a great actor

Opposite Skills:


-masking his emotions

-telling the truth


-sweet foods






-his parents

-spicy things

-getting caught

-getting in trouble


Personality: Katsu's looks may just deceive you. He looks quite adorable, after all, he is only ten years old. He really is working with a criminal mastermind as an apprentice, and is in progress of learning how to become sneaky and deceitful. He absolutely loves to play the lost little boy who needs help getting home. He is really good at snatching things from people when they aren't looking, and then pretending to be completely innocent. He really likes to help Takumi-chan, which is who he works for. No one would ever suspect a tiny, innocent looking ten year old to be a master thief. He can be nice though, but only to the people he chooses.

Background: "I come from quite a troubled home. Takumi-chan was my only friend, and he basically taught me everything I need to know! I like being around him, he's really nice and really, really smart. I'd rather hang out with him then even go home."

Children: "I'm way too young to have kids, silly!"




Takumi (Not biological)

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my only crime is my overabundance of love!
kodoma naruko

Basic Information


"i'm a youthful twenty-two! still ripe for the taking, no?"


"i have the god-given gift of insemination and the ability to urinate standing up. is that any indication?"


"a perfect 178 cm. not horrifically tall, not horrifically short..."


"74 kg. i like to keep a healthy body image. is my weight not pleasing?"



"attractive, yes? salmon hair, violet eyes, a slim, comforting frame... i do try my best to keep my image aesthetically pleasing. my muscles are only a gentle ripple beneath an expanse of peachy skin, and i've been told my broad shoulders give me the air of a king. my smile is said to be warm, and my complexion devoid of any blemishes... i believe it is nice, though i suppose i could change a bit, if it appeals to you."

Personal Information

relationship status:

"one can never go horribly long without a lover, i believe, though perhaps i have reached my dry spell?"


"i love all people, all at once."

(panromantic polysexual//polyromantic pansexual)


"not a conventional career, truly. simply a model."

(he's also a criminal ayo wassup)

school status:

"i've graduated all levels of school, i assure you."


"only the best, i assure you."




+high intelligence


+languages; multilingual

+agile; flexible

opposite skills:

"...these, i am not so proud of."

-holding romantic relationships

-overly flirtatious


-not prone to speaking thoughts

-lies to everyone

-trust issues







+the idea of romance

+beauty; aesthetic

+perfumes and colognes

+looking nice




-unattractive things


-the police

-loneliness; neglection


"i'm frequently referred to with the words 'womanizer,' 'manwhore,' and 'incubus,' though i believe they do a rather cruel disservice to me. i'm a romantic, a gentleman. i try my very best to be equally kind to all those i meet, and my aspirations always involve those around me. yes, i am rather talkative, and perhaps i'm too fond of humans and their nature. i have some decent traits, though, i do believe. i'm reasonably intelligent, and i'm well-read. admittedly, i don't always tell the whole truth, but i believe that is typical human nature. i'm generally well-meaning, and i find myself polite. do tell me if you find fault, though! i shall rectify myself."


"i believe if i told you, you'd think of me differently..."


Other Information


"katsu, takumi... not biological, i don't think."


"not sure, sadly."


"didn't i say already? katsu, takumi... i'm kidding!"


-he speaks all the romance languages, english, korean, mandarin...

-quite good at gymnastics

-he's a foreigner; his real name is luc, so sometimes, he is called "luca"


Name: Tomio Takahashi

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 155lbs



Relationship Status:

Sexuality: Doesn't care


Occupation (Job): Owner of the Maid/Butler café

School Status: Graduated high school, but is a college drop out


  • Cooking
  • Playing the piano and guitar
  • Singing, dancing and acting
  • Painting

Opposite Skills:

  • Hopeless at cleaning anything other than his café
  • Being quiet
  • Can be very oblivious and childish



  • To perform
  • Making people smile and laugh
  • Acting like a complete goof ball
  • Cuddling, hugs and anything intimate
  • Flowers
  • Anything colourful


  • Cats (They scare him)
  • Rude and judgmental people
  • Cleaning
  • Not getting his own way

Personality: Nothing much can be said here; the man is worse than music nowadays. His attitude can change within the click of a finger; one minute he could be flirting with a customer, the next he would be throwing a chair out the door. Thinking about it, it's probably due to his acting... Anyways, for the majority of the time, he's an adorkable loser with a massive heart.

Charming is his middle name, and boy does he know he's good looking. A lot of the time, it works well for him, so be on your guard if he's flirting. You'll most likely be his next target, no matter the gender. But, if you're not comfortable with that, he'll immediately back down. After all, Tomio respects others people's feelings more than anything in the world, so if he's upset you, it'll upset him in return. Instead of being a flirt, he'll just be friendly and beam you a smile.

Background: WIP~


Guardian: Look below

Pets: Sakura - African grey parrot

Other: His dream is to become a performer; whether it's singing, dancing or acting, he doesn't mind

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