Young Timelords (1x1) [Inactive]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Full Name: Elissa Denim

Race: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 21

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 145 lbs

Hair: Brunette, long and straight, falls to the small of her back.

Eyes: Sapphire blue

Appearance: In her dressier clothing Elissa looks more like a flower child of the 60’s or 70’s.

Clothes: Jeans and light blue T shirt or BDU’s, Grey cloak

Jewelry and Tattoos: Militarized Caduceus over left breast

Career and Education: Never formally trained as a Healer, but received some medical training at Academy of Horn. Trained as a master fencer by the Baroness of Horn and was top of her class.

Abilities: Empathy, psionic healing (minor), insanely enhanced senses (outside human ranges), danger sense, intuitive, gifted voice

Skills: Diagnosis, First Aid, Veterinarian, Naturalist, Fencing (dual), Knife (dual), blind fighting, Pistol

Personality: Tomboyish, despite growing up in a male dominated society where the role of the woman was in the home, Elissa grew up a feminist. Few things annoy her more than male chauvinism. She is an explorer at heart. She can’t help but be generous with her healing abilities. But make no mistake, she is a deadly warrior when she has to be.


Survival Knife, pair

BDU pants, a black shirt, black combat boots, and a brown cloak

Rapier, pair


Mess kit



Full Name: Sly

Race: Human mutant

Sex: Female

Age: 20

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 145 lbs

Hair: Copper, long and straight (sentient, painful to cut)

Eyes: Emerald green

Appearance: Slender, lithe, graceful … built like a hardbody volleyball champ. Her hair reacts to her moods, clinging to her when afraid or withdrawn.

Clothes: Soft tanned leather bikini,

Jewelry and Tattoos: Subject to change

Career and Education: Trained as a huntress, specializing in the bow.

Abilities: Enhanced vision (extremely acute, telescopic, night, polarized), combat reflexes, flexible, running speed doubled (abt 40 mph), extreme temperature tolerance, chameleon

Skills: Zen Archery, Blind fighting, Tracking, Survival, Stealth

History: Sly was born and raised in the wilderness. She feels ill at ease in villes and only goes there for some sort of human contact or to buy either something useful – or some bauble. She is a true Outlander and is more at home in the wilderness.


Compound hunting bow (Quarrel with 20 arrows)

Hunting Knife

Mess Kit

Small pouch of a powdered plant, (reserved for use on Elissa).


Full Name: Eric Blackwell

Gender: Male

Age: (18+) 17

Appearance (and/or image)

6’2” Long black hair, blue eyes

Personality and interests

Eric is something of an alpha male. He gets along with everyone. It has always been a norm for him to have at least one or two babes trying to hang around him daily - and they know about each other. In addition to chicks, he loves his motorcycle. He loved mechanics.

Eric is also big into martial arts. He is no bully. In fact just the opposite. He detests bullies. On the downside he has always been viewed by parents and authority figures as a juvenile delinquent - trouble waiting for a place to happen.


Needle Rifle

Needle Pistol

Hunting knife

Small Tool kit (each tool wrapped in plastic)

Guitar, classical


Full Name: Alaena

Nickname(s): Princess

Gender: Female

Age: (18+) 17

Appearance. 6’2” Fiery red hair, Green eyes. Built like an Amazon.

Personality and interests

Alaena is accustomed to seeing men as stupid beasts. Eric was the first male to change her opinion - most of the time .. well, maybe half the time. Her real interest is Archaeology. But she was trained as a warrior and leader.


Needle Rifle

Needle Pistol

Hunting knife


Full Name: Ed "Eddie" Mundice

Alias(es): Edmund

Gender: Male

Age (18+): 23

Education: Master's Degree in Computer Science; Bachelor's Degree in Advanced Mathamatics; almost got a degree in Human Psychology, but dropped out too soon.

Profession: Does contracts for other companies. Programming spreadsheets, creating websites, making data matrices (no, not THOSE matrices), etc. Makes a comfortable living.

Personality and interests:

He is a slightly eccentric person, who - though having a moderately large house - is still a bachelor who rarely has any guests or friends come over. To those who do come, he may seem strange and even slightly sociopathical, as he is quick to usher them to the door - even minutes after entering - , with seemingly no heed to the guests wishes. This is because he is in fact an introvert, one of the reasons why he has almost no guests in the first place. His personal interests include: Creating an AI using his experience in programming and (slight) knowledge in psychology, and then connecting many of his electrical appliances (phone, computer, stove, etc.) to it; Somehow improving his false leg (support strength, joint controls, etc.); and a more recent interest in hacking, though he is still hesitant about doing anything serious.

Skills: Fluent in multiple computer languages, including: JavaScript, Java, Python, HTML, Ruby, (a little bit in) Binary, and (somewhat) PASCAL; knowledge of most advanced mathematical principles; A strong willpower/ work ethic when concerning working on projects of his own design (see interests).

Gear(Updated!): A completely useless cellphone; Empty coffee cup ("#1 Bachelor"); Doggy Bag of half eaten Chinese food; Frizzled computer tower w/ monitor that has a cracked screen; The Matrix; Paper... lots of paper; Pens, Sharpies, Pencils, etc.;Half-Life 3 disk inside disk drive (wishful thinking); Wallet w/ $104.37 total + credit cards (2); duct tape; normal tape; cork board;



In the wake of his first jump, Edmund Mundice - once he had recovered from trying to puke his guts out and something he would eventually learn was called matrix lag - found himself looking at a calm river with grass and reeds growing on either side. There was a palm tree not far off, it silhouette visible against the night sky. The temperatures of the region felt almost tropical. He was still sitting in the corner of his home office. Well, it was more like the remains of his office. It was as though the corner of the room had been ice cream scooped out and dropped in some unknown land.

Of course it was still dark out, but it looked as though it might be sunrise in a couple hours. A full moon cast its dim light across the river, lighting up the sky to a deep azure.


Elissa, Sly, Eric and Alaena marched along in the dim light. Elissa led the way having the best senses of the three, followed closely by Sly. Eric and Alaena could see where they were going well enough but this had become standard procedure. Every now and then the two would grumble at each other. Elissa let them bicker so long as it didn’t get out of hand. Eric was always trying to push Alaena’s buttons.

“Let’s try again,” Elissa commanded as she stepped away.

Eric nodded. He pulled out his Matrix and concentrated, sending out a pulse of whatever energy the damned thing used. He nodded his head due west. “That way. Not far off either.”

Sly hardly ever spoke when she was working. But this was important enough for her to break from her usual routine. “This side of the river?”

Eric and Elissa looked at each other and nodded. Eric responded. “Probably.”

“Then we better hurry.” Sly looked at Elissa. “Should I scout ahead?”

Elissa nodded. She understood exactly what Sly was concerned about. Predators. The side of a river was a bad place to be this time of the morning. “Be careful.” the warning was really a waste of breath. Sly was always cautious. And she was better at handling herself in the wilderness than any of them.


It did not take long for Sly to locate the corner of a building where Edmund had arrived. She had blended into the terrain almost perfectly. Only her bow and leather bikini was visible. She kept her bow low, and used the terrain to conceal as much of herself as she could manage.

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Edmund looks around in a state of shock. What the hell? he wonders, Wasn't I in my office, like... 20 seconds ago? He engages in a poor effort to get up off of his chair, only to fall to his knees at the conclusion of his movement. After throwing up again- now due to shock -, Edmund sprawls on the ground, and promptly faints.

When Edmund wakes up (just 2 minutes and 34 seconds later), he feels different. He gets off the ground, and then he realizes what happened. I feel no emotion, he thinks to himself, no stress, nothing. What happened is that under great stress, a body had to react to preserve itself. In Edmund's case, he starts thinking in a list of priorities (AKA, like a robot). He is basically drained of all stress and emotion, followed by a period of time when he achieves "true logic". (With no emotion or stress to muck up his mind, he can focus on tr... well, you get the point.)

It was now that Edmund enters this state. He starts subconsciously checking his his body for injuries, while simultaneously salvaging what he can from what the remains of his office. After his search is complete (see "gear (updated!)"), he turns to examining his surrounding environment. He looks around the entire perimeter of the office "scoop", before being overwhelmed by a sudden weariness once again(Staying in this state is very tiring), and collapses - for the final time - on the ground. He sleeps.
Edmund had already awakened the first time, searched and collapsed again by the time Sly even started forward. He had been out for about 30 minutes before they even got close and Sly moved forward on her scouting run. Once she spotted the scene she spoke up in a low tone aimed back toward the rest of the group. The only person that would be able to hear her would be Elissa.

“Single target, human male. It is definitely one of us. Might be a first jump. Regular jump. Civilian. One leg. No predators yet - except me.” She assumed a civilian out of habit - a bad habit.

Elissa noticed the mistake, but there was no way to warn Sly. But then Sly was almost paranoid in her caution. Of course, the part about being a predator wasn’t good. Male? She hoped Sly wasn’t going to go and get careless.

By the time the rest of the group had caught up Sly had made a half circle search around Edmund’s ‘camp’ to make certain there were no predators about to eat the guy. She avoided the one direction she wanted to search out - the river side. But that was mainly to avoid going upwind of him.

Eric wanted to go in with rifle at ready along with Alaena. But the decision was Elissa’s. She didn’t want to spook the guy. And it didn’t look as though he was especially well armed. She smelled no gun oils. The smell of burnt wiring was harsh. In the end though, caution won out. She nodded to Eric and signalled him forward along with Alaena. Sly she placed on sniper duty.

The rifles that Eric and Alaena carried were from an alternate timeline they had visited where gunpowder had never been developed and Britain still controlled America. The technology had been a little steampunk but also relied partly on magic. While the rifles were nowhere near as effective as they were in a magic bearing world, they still made for formidable weapons. Best of all the weapons were relatively quiet. Of course, they all knew that eventually the weapons would become useless.

They made a cursory search around Edmund for his Matrix, but found nothing. This was no big surprise. Finally Eric prodded Edmund with the business end on his leg - the real leg. Alaena frowned and pushed Eric back to take over. She repeated the process, this time choosing a somewhat more sensitive area to prod - the family jewels. Eric winced empathically, hoping she hadn’t prodded too hard.

(OOC: If Edmund doesn’t awaken with that, Eric will wave Elissa forward to pick Edmund up and place him in the chair. Then she will awaken him by direct neural stimulation.)
(OOC: Well in that case...)

Edmund awoke with a start. As he moaned and tried to recollect the memories of the last hour, he suddenly became aware of being surrounded by other people. "Where am I?" he said, all weariness gone from his voice, "Who the f-", he stopped himself, "Who are you?"

(OOC: Umm... I know I shouldn't end it soon, but how can I continue without bunnying your characters?)
(OOC: Well, I’ll work with it, but you could have added what he was thinking, feeling. Maybe he could speak a little bit more, ask more questions.)

Eric couldn’t help himself. “Who we ARE, Remo, are the people who have you by the balls.” He was, of course, quoting Remo Williams. His friends just glanced at him quizzically, having no idea what he was talking about.

Alaena ask the question they were all wondering. “You know this guy?”

Eric winced. He should have expected that. He laughed. “Nooo, sorry, just being stupid.”

“Again,” Alaena muttered.

Elissa sighed. “Enough, both of you.” She had never really shifted her focus off Edmund. “Edmund Mundice, I am Elissa Denim. The clown is Eric Blackwell. And my Amazon friend is Alaena. You have just traveled in time and space. We can tell by the way you arrived - in a 3 meter radius sphere of material that does not match the local terrain. We are fellow travellers. We arrived here shortly before you. That nausea you felt was what we call Matrix Lag. It usually only lasts several seconds. But it gets a lot worse if you try to jump too soon.

“To answer some of the questions you are bound to ask: No, we do not know how to get you home. We have been trying to return Alaena to her home, but with no success. The jumps are simply too random. How did you get here? By any chance do you have a 20 sided object in your possession? I know for a fact you do.” She looked past him to the remnants of Edmund’s desk. “There, behind you. It just reappeared. They phase out when they sense the possibility of being stolen. It is probably a security feature. The downside of the feature is that the Matrix won’t recharge while it is being used.

“Yes, time jumping drains the Matrix - another reason we don’t jump right away. It will feel cool to the touch while recharging. So we usually explore a bit before jumping out. Apparently the Matrix also teaches us the local predominant language. I also know that the Matrix sterilizes us of all disease or bacteria - probably another safety measure. Yes, it can be used to cure an illness intentionally. The Matrix detects energy sources - such as the use of another Matrix in the area - which is how we found you.

“Now then, if you have more questions by all means ask. We were planning to follow the river to the nearest village. Hopefully we can trade for food. Eric, Alaena, any idea where we are?”

Eric shrugged. “I have no idea. We could be anywhere. But a large river, in a tropical zone .. sandy further up. If I didn’t know better I would guess the Middle East. Southern Egypt? That’s a wild guess though. It’s really just the only place I can think of like this.”

Elissa nodded. “Huh … so the other side of the planet. Well Edmund, if you wish to join us, you will probably need a wide platform for you other leg. Does it come modified with a shoe?”
Edmund paused. He didn't know how to react after being told all that. He barely understood half of it, but the part he understood sounded interesting, if slightly unbelievable. "Umm.. Yeah," he answered, "why?" As Edmund got up, he wondered whether they were lying, but a quick look around near completely confirmed there story. He turned around and saw that the dice was in fact there, and he put it in his pocket.

As he took one last look around the remains of his office, he noticed that the desk was cleared of ceiling tile debris. On it was a pile of his belongings, looking as if they had been salvaged after the "jump" (or whatever they called it). He took a doggy bag that was half full of the Chinese "food" he ate last night, along with some duct tape and a handful of pencils with a stack of paper. Almost as an after-thought, he took the coffee cup, too (It was inscribed: "#1 Bachelor!").

He was about to wonder where he would put all this, when he saw his empty backpack on the floor, next to his desk. He nonchalantly dumped these in the backpack, before putting it on his back. He instinctively looked around for his laptop, then realized that it had probably been out of the radius of the "jump". It's for the better, He thought, If it hadn't been out of the radius, it probably would have ended up like my computer tower. "Well... thanks for getting my stuff together, guys. That was nice of you," Edmund said to the group. After an awkward pause, he added, "I think I've got all my things together, so uhh.. lead the way!"

(OOC: Edmund doesn't remember anything that happens while he's in his Vulcan Logic state. It's a good thing that it only comes when he's under an extreme amount of stress.)
(OOC: I am going to assume Edmund’s prosthetic is designed with a foot attachment to fit in a shoe. Most do these days.)

Once the situation had calmed down Sly finally entered the camp. She observed Edmund with distaste, a clear distrust of his prosthetic limb. Then she turned to sift through the rest of the remains. The first thing she started doing was to tear apart the walls of the house for the wiring, carefully wound onto a stick to be stripped down later for the copper. She looked for anything hard and round. She would have been tickled to death to find large steel ball bearings, but she wasn’t so lucky. She tore apart the damaged speakers for the magnets. She was a scavenger.

Eric asked for one of the magnets briefly. He searched for some white out in the desk - or a sharpie pen. Then he located a staple or paper clip and tested the magnet. He colored one end and tested for magnetic North - or South. “Well, that is our moon. I see Northern Hemisphere constellations. The Big Dipper looks low. Sooo … I think I may be right … for a change. I think this really IS the Nile. The question is when. But if we follow the river we’ll have plenty of food and should eventually find people. North would be .. that way,” he pointed.

Sly kept sifting through the other ‘junk’. Elissa joined her in looking at the covers of various games, At one point they both laughed at a cover wondering who in their right mind would use the oversized sword in the guy’s hand. They stopped to look almost homesick at another cover. Then they got into a discussion about a picture of hypersonic plane. Sly shook her head. She still didn’t see how anything like that could actually fly.

Elissa merely smiled. Eric looked at Edmund who he was sure understood technology every bit as well as he did - or better. Then he looked back at Sly. “Really? Wanna bet?” He pulled a sheet of paper.

Sly looked stubborn.

(OOC: Feel free to respond to this section. If Edmund wants to prove the point, Eric won’t mind a bit. Sly is a little on the low tech side. Alaena grew up in a post holocaust world, but not so far in the future that all tech had been lost. But access to most of the world was very limited. Elissa grew up in the same setting as Sly, which was also post holocaust, but she grew up in a town. Only Eric grew up in a 21st century setting like Edmund.)


Not long after sunrise the group spotted an ancient city in the distance. It was no tiny village, but one filled with a handful of temples as well as a monument to Akhenaten III.

Eric frowned. “Looks like I am right, but I have no idea which city. some of this area would have been flooded by my time. I am guessing, but we could be near Memphis or Bubastis. Any signs of cats - like LOTS of cats? It would depend on the dynasty. Bubastis was founded somewhere in the 4th dynasty - when the Great Pyramid was built. That would be 2600 to 2400 BC. But Bubastis didn’t become important until about the 19th Dynasty, or about 1300 to 1100 BC. I’m not sure the exact dates, but it was after all the really famous rulers like King Tut. I think that was around 1330 BC.”

Elissa nodded. The dates were meaningless, but the point was clear. “If we see lots of cats, we love cats and would love to pay our respects to whatever goddess is big about cats.”

“Bast. Bubastis became the center of her religion. This whole region gets flood after the construction of a dam in the 20th century AD.”

Alaena stared at Eric. “You really have read a book before.”

Elissa looked at Edmund. “The Matrix doesn’t translate written stuff, just verbal.” The looked over at Eric. “If we are going in armed, we need a story and Edmund will need a weapon.”

Eric handed over a needle pistol and a couple spare clips. “Don’t use it you don’t need to. It isn’t worth risking your life for, so if it falls into some ravine, don’t cry over it. These advanced weapons probably won’t work for too many more jumps. I say we go in armed. Thing is if we all go armed, that isn’t going to look right. We could explain some of us as bodyguards.”

Elissa smiled. “We are on our way to pay homage to their goddess? We still have plenty of treasure, right?”

Eric smiled even though Alaena frowned as did Sly. “Guys, every jump is slowly degrading the gems. We may as well make count. Thing is, we need a reason to be travelling so far from some distant lands.”
Edmund searched through the disks that were abandoned by Sly and Elissa, but it was a lost cause. Even if I found one that wasn't broken, he thought, where would I use it? It'd probably break in the next jump anyway. He still took one, though. Just to see if it'll break, he thought to himself.

Suddenly he heard an argument break out. "I don't think it'll fly." said Sly. Eric looked at Edmund, who just shrugged and motioned for him to take the honor. "Really?" Eric said, "Wanna bet?" Edmund tuned them out for the rest of the debate. He already knew how planes flew, and about the air pressure creating lift. He just wanted to go already.


"Umm... guys?" Eric said, "We've each got weapons that are WAY ahead of there time, I've got a prosthetic leg, and something tells me that they've never seen a white guy in their lives. I doubt 'visitors from another land' will cut it." After a brief pause, Eric added, "We could send in two people who look the closest to them, instead of sending in a large, suspicious group. Each could take a needle pistol, which they could hide somewhere so that they have a weapon if things go wrong."
Elissa thought about Edmund’s suggestions about skin color. Even in the world she had grown up in skin color sometimes made a huge difference. But for the most part it was meaningless. It was still something to consider. She looked at Eric. Despite the way he clowned around a lot, he had a head on his shoulders and used it when it was needed.

Eric shrugged. “He’s right. Fact is our skin would just support our story. The fact that there are just a few of us, not some invading army would probably suggest diplomacy to these people. The 18th dynasty was a peaceful one.”

Elissa nodded thoughtfully. “It looks like they have a strong agricultural community. The farms look pretty healthy from here. We are low on food and water.”

Eric nodded back. “And you said you needed herbs. Egypt was pretty advanced in medical science. Pity we can’t dye Edmund’s face green. He looks just a little like a young version of Ptah. He was always depicted in artwork with Bast. I’m serious. One thing he was known for was his beard. Same basic shape on the sides, just longer on the chin.”

Elissa made her decision. “Sly? The city. In or out?”

Sly frowned. She hated cities. “In I think. If we have an emergency, I’d rather be there with you guys - just in case we have to jump.”

Elissa nodded. “No emergency jumps. And we need to agree on where we want to go next. For now, let us just agree to some place where we can get good medical attention. If we find what we need here peacefully we can change that. Remember the 3 meter rule.”

“Maybe some place with more weapons like the needlers?” Eric suggested.


The group’s approach on foot barely raised notice. Certainly they got some strange looks because of their skin color. There were curious looks at their weapons, but noone seemed to care about them. Oh certainly there were some suspicious glances. But Eric had been right about the diplomacy. The group was even pointed in the direction of the Temple of Bast. Their luck wasn’t absolute though. They were told by guards that weapons would be forbidden in the Temple, that to bear arm in the presence of Bast was punishable by death.

Elissa had decided that once they had established a story it was best to follow through. When they arrived at the Temple, Elissa suggested that she and Edmund should make the first visit, leaving weapons with the others - all weapons. She seemed reluctant to part with her own weapons, but she admitted she sensed only mild hostility - distrust. And the very act of disarming was helping with that.

“Edmund, you don’t have to enter.” Elissa said. “I’m an empath though. I don’t sense a serious threat. I think we will be okay.”

Edmund listened to the conversation he had created. Though he wasn't exactly sure it would be safe for him to go, he trusted Eric's knowledge of the 18th dynasty. He was going to ditch, but when he heard there would be food, he immediately agreed. He was extremely hungry from travelling, and having already eaten the leftovers, was searching for some other nourishment to recover from the journey. He hoped they would leave this time period soon; he already hated the heat.


As he walked through the city, he couldn't help but notice the looks they were getting. Although some where suspicious looks, he was happy to note that a majority of them where merely curious ones, and that none where openly hostile. He studied the weapon as they walked. It looked quite curious and out of place in this ancient city, but then again, so did he.

When they were within 30 feet of the temple, Elissa reminded him of the established story. Right, thought Edmund, still doubting if they'd believe it. He looked up to see guards coming towards them. "You are in the presence of the sacred temple," they said, "you must remove your weapons before entering." Edmund saw that Elissa seemed reluctant to be parted from her gun, but in the end, they both gave them over to the guards. At the entrance, Elissa said to Edmund, "Edmund, you don't have to enter. I'm an empath, though. I don't sense a serious threat. I think we will be okay."

"Does that mean you only sense a moderately-high threat?" Edmund replied with a grin, before going in.
While the time travellers were preparing to go in and pay their “respects” to the local goddess, Bast, the human guards of the temple were reporting to the goddess Herself. As the commander if the guards approached he covered the lower half of his face with a cloth, then bowed deeply with reverence and waited for her to speak. He could remember his terror as a young boy when he first met two of her Guardians, the large panther and spotted leopard. He had been surrounded by a pack of jackals and the great Guardians had interposed themselves on his behalf. Neither left his side. He could only guess that the Goddess had seen through their eyes for she had arrived - in person to pick him up and take him back to the Temple to tend his wounds. From that day forward he had vowed to serve the Goddess.

“Yes Bakari. Does something trouble you?” Bast asked. She stood tall and proud. Her form was anthropomorphic, like a human, her fur of midnight hue. Her tail twitched with curiosity tempered by wisdom. She already knew of Bakari’s concerns.

“Strangers, Goddess. The come from the East. They bear strange weapons and wear strange clothes.” Bakari did NOT like the idea of such strangers in Bast’s presence.

“Yes, I know. Even now two of them are leaving their weapons with their friends in preparation to meet me. Send them in. All of them - weapons and all.”

“Goddess!” Bakari started to object.

“Bakari. Do you truly believe they could harm me. Surely you recall the stories of the last test? I will be fine.” Bast tried to be patient. Her jaw dropped in amusement as he backed away. “Oh … and do not forget to make sure they cover their mouths. They come in peace. I especially want to see the one with fur on his face. He is interesting. They will NOT bow in my presence - most especially Him - the one they call Edmund.” She didn’t want to mistake a human smile for a challenge and forget all her training in dealing with humans. It was unlikely she would, especially after all her experience, but it was protocol. And she did not think it wise to force a human wearing a very primitive prosthetic to kneel or bow.


Commander Bakari arrived with a priestess as the group was just about ready to make their way in. He studied them for a moment and nodded to the priestess to hand out the veils to cover the lower half of their faces.

“The Goddess has commanded me to bring all of you. You will wear these veils covering the lower half of your faces at all times in her presence. You need not leave your things behind.” He glanced at the priestess. “It was Her will. That one,” he pointed at Edmund, “especially.”


When the group was brought before Bast, it was done with great reverence. When they were done with the ceremonies, Bast dismissed her servants - including Bakari - who clearly objected. “Commander Bakari, I will be fine. But there are matters I must discuss with these strangers that are are for their ears alone.” She gestured to her Guardians. “And surely you of all people remember how formidable my Guardians are.”

Once Bast and the group were alone the feline sank into her throne wearily. “Please,” she gestured to the many large pillows, “make yourselves comfortable. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lieutenant Bubasta M’tara, medtech 2nd class. I crashed on your world 127 revolutions ago and found myself mistaken for the local deity.” She kept looking at Edmund, especially toward his leg.

(OOC: BTW, I am assuming Edmund wears normal pants over his prosthetic. No reason he couldn’t. But clearly she is aware of it. And based on her admission to being an interstellar traveller that should come as no shock.)
Just as Edmund stepped through the doorway, he was approached by a guard. He stopped and waited until they caught up. “The Goddess has commanded me to bring all of you." He said, "You will wear these veils covering the lower half of your faces at all times in her presence. You need not leave your things behind." Edmund was about to take his weapon back, when the man continued to speak. He glanced at the priestess. “It was Her will. That one,” he pointed at Edmund (much to his surprise), “especially.”


It was once the ceremonies were over, and the servants were dismissed, that Bast addressed the group. “Please,” she gestured to the many large pillows, “make yourselves comfortable." Edmund sat down without hesitation, the walk here had been exhausting, and he hadn't realized until mid-ceremony how much his feet hurt. Bast continued, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lieutenant Bubasta M’tara, medtech 2nd class. I crashed on your world 127 revolutions ago and found myself mistaken for the local deity.”

This came as quite a surprise to Edmund, as he had never expected that these people actually thought of her as the deity. He had always assumed that they thought of her as just the deity's ambassador. He was about to say something, when he noticed her looking at his false leg. "Umm.. Why are you looking at my artificial leg?" he asked, before realizing that this was probably not the way one should phrase a question to someone who is worshiped as a local deity.
Bast leaned forward in her seat. “I apologize if my staring offends you. But your prosthetic is a thousand years beyond anything the humans of this planet are capable of - in material science and mechanical precision. This means one of two things. Either you are not of this world or you are from its future. As I said I am a medtech. But my people are masters of cybernetics. So the progress of your race in this regard is of some interest to me.

Now for MY question. Why are YOU here? I know what you have told the other humans here. The wealth you planned to impart is nice. But you had a reason for coming here.”

Elissa nodded her head forward. “Supplies. We hoped to barter peacefully.”

“And making nice with the local religion seemed the best course of action. Prident. the humans of this time are very superstitious.”
"Well.. you see," Edmund added, "I actually didn't want to go here, but I ended up coming any way." He didn't know why he said that, but it felt right that Bast should know his story also. He looked at Elissa with a look that basically said, "Are we allowed to tell her about the matrices?"

(OOC: I'm sorry that I have to do this again, but I seriously cannot make up 2.5 paragraphs that are devoted entirely to Edm\u

nds thoughts and feelings. On a different note... Lieutenant Bubasta M’tara. I see what you did there.)
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