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Fandom Young justice: original characters only

Lil Shirou

Ask me about current roleplays i might be doing.
RP Preferences


1. Orignal characters only. By that i mean you can be robin or super boy but you have to have your own origin and alias.

2. Post atleast once a week if not more. If you need to go temporary leave say so. Same if you leave

3. I dont really care for rules on lenght of post. Just try to avoid one liners.

4. I am the one in charge. What i say goes?

Cs template:










Personality traits:

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Name: Blake Snider

Alias: Shadow

Powers: He has the ability to turn into a shadow. In this form he cannot effect the world around him and it cannot effect him. He also is a trained theif, and can break into almost anything. He is a skilled fighter.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 pounds

Relationship: PM me

Likes: exploring, Sneaking, fighting, classical music, a challenge

Dislikes: Staying in one place, those who would hurt others, people telling him what to do


-he can't affect his surroundings in Shadow form

-regular abilities besides shadow form

-Shadow form more noticebly in ligt

Personality traits: Blake is an ex-thief, so he trusts no one. He can be somewhat talkative, but when he gets something in mind he will be utterly silent. He finds it diffucult to confide in others, and has a tendency to keep secrets. He either likes a person or he doesn't and he is not afraid to let them know if he doesn't like them.


Blake was raised a single parent, his father. A inherited gift, Blake's father taught Blake how to use his shadow form and the ways of a thief. When Blake was 15 his father was killed by a fellow thief. Every since, Blake has decided to leave the life of a thief behind and become a hero.

He started his ventures small, only stopping small crimes by himself. As he continues though, His black cloak and white opera mask have become better know as he travels the world, bringing down criminal organizations.
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Name:Giovanna Zatara

Alias: Arcana

Powers: Ability to minipulate magic though the casting of spells

Weakness: Spells require knowledge of both casting words and movements, some spells,like telekinesis, are memorised though other require her grimoire for reference. Lack of book may limit her spells and can't cast if silenced or bound. Finally some of the larger spellets require time to cast leaving her vulnerable and may drain her physically.

Height: 5ft 8in

Weight: 55kg

Relationship: open


  • Magic
  • Performing
  • Banter
  • Going out
  • Cats


  • Being guilted into things
  • People messing with her grimoire
  • Not being allowed to show off.

Personality traits: She is a show woman through in through enjoying preforming her spells in front of others and can come of as arrogant. She can flirty and energetic always taking part in banter with others and have fun overall. She might appear at time as a reluctant hero like she doesn't want to help but is forced to but she is very caring to those close to her.

Biography: Estranged daughter of Zatanna and known street magician.
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Lil Shirou] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24162-hellfire/ said:
Wouldnt light be a weakeness as well in your shadow form
Good point, a black mass would be noticable in the light.
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Name: Vivi Vail

Alias: Doctor fate/ Nabu

Powers: magic lots and lots of magic

Weakness: you see the helmet get rid of that and she has next to no powers also she can't counter already cast spells.

Height: 5 foot 7 inches

Weight: 170 pounds

Relationship: single


  • magic
  • helping others
  • relaxing
  • heroes


  • Nabu
  • fighting
  • villains

Personality traits: Vivi is mercurial after becoming Dr fate as a result of Nabu her moods can change rapidly so much she can seemingly be another person from one moment to the next. She is genrally a shy cowardly person but when she id Dr fate Nabu gives her courage and conviction however he often tries to take control.

Nabu is and ancient being from an alien race of order therefore he is rather obsessed with combating what he drams chaos and sadly most things end up being chaos. He will often battle with the wearer of the helm for control over their body so that he can peruse his agenda. The shift between him and the wearer can be noted in the eyes as he will make their eyes golden.

Biography: Vivi was completely normal , well as normal as you get in a world of super heroes and villains, but she was nothing special at least. School and friends were just about what mattered to her no getting caught up in complicated plots that could end the world.

That changed when she found a golden helm that she felt compelled to put on, she didn't know that this was the helm of nabu and it was his spirit compelling her to do so. When she did she became Dr fate, with Nabu in control. He quickly guided her body back into the combat that had disposed of his previous host and killed the villain before returning to his tower.

It was only at this point that Vivi managed to reassert herself and she was over come with excitement and fear, mostly fear when the helm started talking to her and it explained what it was and what she would be doing now. Vivi didn't really want to be a hero but now she had the power and Nabu was a likely using some mind tricks to make her but in the end she accepted this though she often clashes with Nabu over the use of her body.


Name: Mikayla Richardson

Alias: new red arrow/ speedy

Powers: archery, trick arrows, keen eyesight and accuracy. Martial arts- karate, judo, and some ninjutsu

Weakness: no super powers. Only carriers a certain number of arrows and trick arrows ( varies on the mission)

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 132lbs

Relationship: single (avaliable )

Likes: archery, motorcycles, the color red, training and crime fighting

Dislikes: guns, crime, cockyness of metahuman

Personality traits: born leader, tatical awared, knowledgeably, quite and reserved

Biography: a star city resident when she was younger. She followed green arrow and speedy through the news paper. She was inspired by their heroism and wanted to be like them. She took martial art classes and began her archery training at the age of 12. By 15 she beat even the best experts in tournaments.

Later that same year her father was killed by gangsters on his way home from star labs. Her mother went into a depression barely able to to care for herself and mikayla. Mikayla learn fast to take care of herself. During the day she go to school but at night she patrol the city as the new speedy. With roy harper no longer using the name. She was free to use it herself.

After a month of patrol oliver green came to her and ask her to retire. Him not wanting her to fall into the same problems as others would be heroes. when Mikayla refused, oliver offer to train her and gave her a new bow and access to his wide range of trick arrows. She recieve training from oliver increasing her accuracy and hand to hand training from black canary aka laurel Lance.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Speedy_Dearden.jpg.b23b7e0ce9dcebf8a4ef702df0731698.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Speedy_Dearden.jpg.b23b7e0ce9dcebf8a4ef702df0731698.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images.jpg.6c00d1a4d16507f1b7f703f43362ca82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/images.jpg.6c00d1a4d16507f1b7f703f43362ca82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Powers: Creates bruning hand-to-hand weaponry. Can only conjure one at a time and it deteriorates completely within 2 minutes if he loses contact with it. The larger the weapon, the longer it takes to conjure, but once conjured it stays until morphed into another weapon (still a time consuming process) or it deteriorates.

Burn's weapons feel light to him (almost weightless) which allows him to use them to startling efficiency.

Due to his time spent in both Hell and as a (somewhat) magic user, he has an almost complete shielding from it in it's purer of forms.


·Fear of drowning.

·Ranged weapons have a serious advantage over him.

·His weapons are still only weapons: they can't topple buildings with a single blow or destroy another metahuman with ease.


Weight: 100kg










Personality traits: Combatant, superior strength and reflexes, skill, persistent and driven.

Biography:Born to Demonologist parents, Furnace was brought up to be a conduit for the forces of Hell. As time progressed and he grew older, Furnace fought against his parents wishes and, using his limited yet potent magical abilities, carved himself a private section of Hell.

After years of training in solitude, Furnace has been able to control his chaotic magics and focus them into a single piece of magically burning weaponry.

Fueled by his hate of Hell, Furnace hopes to earn himself a place in whatever alternatives there are to Hell in the afterlife.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8032f294_ScreenShot2016-02-22at13.04.10.png.f0afa730acaffae153c77c5af24d596e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8032f294_ScreenShot2016-02-22at13.04.10.png.f0afa730acaffae153c77c5af24d596e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Jenna Belle

Alias: Rai

Powers: Rai is non-living. What used to be just the normal normal was now something… new? In her journies through hell she’d learned more uses of magic, obtained a demon mount (a demon horse that is contained in a glass figurine. Break it to summon it and dismount to dispel it back to a figurine again.) learned more brutal hand to hand abilities and lost her human status. She is now a demon. This being said she can use demon magic and summon dual sythes, control hellfire and she dosnt "see" people she sees their souls. She usually doesn't use her own vocal system to speak rather than projecting it and human blood acts as a catalyst to her power.


List of things that will kill Rai:

Holy water

Copper blades


Rituals and light magic being used against her

Things that will immobilize Rai:

A ring of salt around her feet

Chains of copper

Simply saying “Begone demon” (Wont paralyze her, but she will be unable to attack).

Height: 5ft 5

Weight: 130


Likes: Animals, living things, looking 'livly'

Dislikes: The fact that she can't feel anything anymore (like pain, hunger, thirst or cold), People fearing her for he deadly appearance, rats!

Personality traits:Rai is a pretty blank slate. Bits and pieces of her personality remain from life, but she is kind of blank. This will change throught the roleplay as the team helps her remember who she once was. She is very literal and perceive things how they are said rather than seeing the figure of speech.

Biography: Rai met an untimely end three months ago in a building fire at the high school. She managed to help 6 kids get out before her but on her last trip out, the building collapsed. She died instantly... but our story doesn't end there. She managed to escape the afterlife and due to her violent death, she is now a hellishly strong demon with the ability to stay on earth as long as she like.

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That kinda what i mean if she a demon what compels her to be good. I ghink it to simuliar to cap ireland character
Yea but etragan was given instrutions to prevent him from doing bad things and jason blood being the human half of him.

I still find it oddly familiar to someone elses character on this rp
I just kinda assume since most people refer to those who came back from the dead as demons. maybe I should put her background something that actually would have sent her to hell
this is dc there are like 10 diffrent after lives gods are real and there are quite a few undead heroes

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