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oh ho! This looks right up my alley! :D

Are you still open for rp's? I'd love to come up with something together!

I've been looking for more 1x1 partner and was wondering if you're still open up for partners.. ^^;
You seem to be having quite a bit of rp's going on at the moment, but if you're still free for another, I'd love to roleplay with you. Throw me a message!


Oh, and PS. I just had to click this. Clever butt.
Considering the plot ideas you've suggested, I'm guessing you'd refuse to engage in a slice-of-life sort of roleplay, right?
Of course, of course. This is just the theme I'll suggest, but you can tell me what's on your mind too.

I have this blurry idea of an editor-in-chief of a book publishing company who stumbles upon a young woman on the street, and after the turmoil of her dropping papers and collecting them from the floor, he keeps one she forgot. The woman happened to be a writer, and the editor found the piece she wrote quite promising. He somehow finds a way to contact her and offer a place as a writer he'll be in charge of. Thoughts?

Again, this is just something that's been in my mind for a while. I'll accept any ideas you'd like to suggest. I'll get into whatever I find exciting.
Are you still interested in roleplays and such?

I would love a fantasy roleplay!
You've gotten a lot of responses, so I get it if you're done looking for partners! If you are, then congratulations!

But PM me if you're still interested.

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