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Fantasy You There! Let's Write a Story.


the emperor of ice-cream
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I'm looking for someone interested in fantasy adventure plots strictly with original characters.
I almost prefer platonic roleplays to romantic ones, but I don't mind if a romance naturally happens between our characters. All pairings are fine with me.
M, NB, and F characters are all welcome, but all my characters are male.

Quick Facts​

About Me:
- I'm 22, and I would prefer a writing partner who is 18+!
- I'm in the CST time zone (GMT-6), most active in the mornings and at night.
- I average about two posts per day (2 posts per week guaranteed when I'm busy)
- My average post length is 400 words. I'm not stringent about your reply length or time— just no one-liners, please.

About You:
- You're 18+!
- You hate to send one-liners.
- You give a heads up before you ghost— something simple like "I've lost interest in this roleplay" will suffice. (No hard feelings!)
- You're ready for an adventure in text form!

The fight for the blankets is *easily* won by [PP], as Choco was both too cold to really put up much fight and too taken aback by [PP] asking him his name. As far as he knew, he hadn't shared his name with [PP], in accordance with Fae law— because knowledge of one's name is akin to knowledge of a target to curse, blah blah... but judging from [PP]'s recklessness and disregard for, well, everything... Choco doubted that he possessed the means or wherewithal to curse him.

Still, he reflexively and robotically states he is Sir Anfaera, but this time stops himself from spouting out the lofty accolades attached to his (mother's) name.

"It's not like it really matters anymore." Choco says under his breath. He was hiding from the Cyf and the fae folk and everyone, cursed without any feeling in his frozen hands, a sorry swordless and horseless Sir Knight. "My name is Ch.." His own name dies on his tongue the first time— "Choco."

He's quiet for a moment, flinching internally. He'd broken a core tenet of fae law, and in that instant he expected Hell to freeze over and a flaming meteor to come through the shrine roofs to melt him into a bunny-eared stain, a fitting punishment for a fitting fugitive... but nothing happened.
There was nothing but silence shared between the knight and the cheeky wanderer. Silence, and the chill that crept in from the drafty window.
Why the hell was it so cold? Colder nights have graced the port and the shrine's been able to keep it nice and toasty, but not tonight for some reason.

"Haven't got a clue." Was the answer to both the questions of why Mr. Great Dragon couldn't keep the shrine warm, and also why he felt it necessary to keep both silver-tongued adventurer and now-fugitive of Fae law holed up in one luxuriously dragon-sized room. "But I'm coming up there, moron, so make room."


(All of my characters have full character sheets, which will be posted sometime soon. Some have more lore to them than others, but all will fit pretty well in most high fantasy plots.)

Castien Magnelis, Lord of Grimsbane (Elf): The Magnelis bloodline's magnum opus is the 48-volume series of tomes on elven magecraft. When the current lord of Grimsbane dabbled in necromancy, it was kept under wraps— but now that he's going around town parading the first (semi-)successful simulacrum, what ramnifications will it have on elven magecraft going forward?

Sir Choco Anfaera (Fairy): An ambitious fairy knight-in-training who owes to protect the Unseelie kingdom with all his might. Unbeknownst to him however, corruption and unrest within the Unseelie Kingdom may throw a wrench in his plans.

Ayida Hwedo-Neiromele (Dragon): A shipping port famous for the trafficking of magickal warheads and cursed weapons is rumored to be under the protection of not a god, but an ordinary dragon. When the merchants grow disgruntled with the paycuts they take on their sales and the ocean surrounding them growing more tempestuous, will the rule of this ordinary dragon be in peril?

Kei Zeyr-Iskayat (Dragon): All Kei has ever known was search-and-destroy, dungeon scraping, and short quests for quick cash. Such is life for an adventurer— he's seen the furthest reaches of the world and held countless artefacts, but still feels like he's missing something.

Hymn Vassethiers (Tiefling): As far as Hymn can remember, all he's been is an adventurer, born into a guild that had a reputation for taking in displaced people and supernatural beings. Although, being born into adventuring isn't the same as choosing that life— Hymn is up for one final journey, something to see if the adventurer's life is something he was always destined for, or if he is ready for the next chapter of his life's story.
Hello friend. Your "About You" appears to be about me. I am interested in this venture with you. Shall we plan?

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